“She’s part philosopher, part Dionysian sex goddess”
“Dr. Block is so knowledgeable, frank and articulate that we have a really fun, easy conversation. I have not had a good intellectual discussion in a while, especially while investigating porn. She uses metaphors that will take me days to figure out. She is poetic, provocative and pornographic at the same time. She’s part philosopher, part Dionysian sex goddess, part porn pundit. Her body is as hard and lean as a twenty-four-year-old’s. She definitely takes Dr. Ruth to another level. She retains her sense of humor while fielding a call and holding open her guest’s vaginal lips at the same time. God, she has guts. Sam and I exchange a look as if to say, she might be slightly crazy, but damn is she smart. She is the only sexpert he can imagine actually having sex. I am fascinated how these two women, the hyper-intellectual academic and the seXXXpert, can live in the same body. We talk about relationships and sex for an entire hour, and I love that most of her recommendations are simple and easy to try and do not involve anything you have to buy or read. In fact, I could continue asking her questions for another hour, but I realize I should at least pretend like I have a life. Thanks to my talk with Dr. Block, I feel much better equipped now to be in a relationship.”—Ayn Carrillo-Gailey, Pornology
“Don’t let Dr. Suzy fool you with her intense sexiness, she’s equally as intelligent and witty.”
“Don't let Dr. Suzy fool you with her intense sexiness, she's equally as intelligent and witty.”
—Dr. Laurie Bennett-Cook, Clinical Sexologist
“Dr. Suzy, as she is often playfully called, is one of the world’s most intriguing and popular sex therapists today”
“Dr. Suzy, as she is often playfully called, is one of the world’s most intriguing and popular sex therapists today.”
—Richard Leonard, Chatline Guide
“You are positively the smartest, most adorable, coolest, eccentric, most genuine and informative sex doctor I know.”
“You are positively the smartest, most adorable, coolest, eccentric, most genuine and informative sex doctor I know.”
—Gerald Weaver, author of The First First Gentleman
A “Delicious Mind Meal!” | ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
“Dr. Susan’s writing is as though you were listening to her speak; she is articulate, brilliant, honest and innately funny…”—Nancy Pierce, on The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure
“A world which accepts and rejoices in the compassionate love of bonobo-ness.”
I cannot thank this Bonobo Women Susan Block enough. This book truly unlocks the secrets we are looking for to create a more balanced world. A world which accepts and rejoices in the compassionate love of bonobo-ness. This book outlines in plain Bonobo how to live better, how to love better, how to get over conflict with a little sexy time. You have a bonobo inside you who wants to read this hot book.—Jason Hall, on the The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure
“AMAZING… The Bonobo Way shines a light on humanity’s capacity for peace.”
“AMAZING… The Bonobo Way shines a light on humanity’s capacity for peace.”—Dr. Scott Barry Kaufman, author of Wired to Create
“I love every page of The Bonobo Way!”
“I love every page of The Bonobo Way!”—Christian Bruyère, producer of Champions of the Wild
“Adventure, optimism, and love is what Dr. Susan Block is all about.”
“Adventure, optimism, and love is what Dr. Susan Block is all about… Patients become fans, and fans become evangelists.”—CITIZEN LA Inside the Pleasure Compound with Dr. Susan Block
“Dr. Susan Block has a new understanding of how to enhance our intimate relationships!”
“Dr. Susan Block has a new understanding of how to enhance our intimate relationships!”—Dr. Diana Wiley, host of Love, Lust & Laughter on Progressive News Network
“Awesome book… Excellently written and transformative”
“Awesome book... Excellently written and transformative”—Dorion Sagan, science writer and author of Death & Sex
“The Bonobo Way is marvelous! A happy book for a happy life in a happier world.”
“The Bonobo Way is marvelous! A happy book for a happy life in a happier world.”—Xaviera Hollander, author of The Happy Hooker
“Brilliant… A great book about human sexuality.”
“Brilliant… A great book about human sexuality.”—Sherry Rehman, Sr. VP of Pakistan People’s Party & former Ambassador to the U.S.
“Bravo Dr. Block for paving the way to a hopefully more bonobo future.”
“Bravo Dr. Block for paving the way to a hopefully more bonobo future.”—Vanessa Woods, Duke University primatologist and author of Bonobo Handshake
“The Bonobo Way is a refreshing must-read for our times.”
“The Bonobo Way is a refreshing must-read for our times.”—Dr. Patti Britton, American Association for Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) Past President
“The Bonobo Way is sexy and fun… damn smart too.”
“The Bonobo Way is sexy and fun... damn smart too.”—Chris Ryan, Ph.D, author of Sex at Dawn: How We Mate, Why We Stray, and What it Means for Modern Relationships and host of Tangentially Speaking
“Impactful, often hilarious… wildly entertaining… The Bonobo Way just might hold the key to world peace.”
“Impactful, often hilarious… wildly entertaining… The Bonobo Way just might hold the key to world peace.”—Steve Karras, Huffington Post
“Dr. Susan Block is known as an advocate for ethical hedonism & The Bonobo Way.”
Amongst her many talents, Dr. Susan Block is known as an advocate for ethical hedonism, and in The Bonobo Way, she portrays these highly sexual animals as inspiration for her philosophy.
In her book, you will learn about the fascinating life of bonobos, how they deal with conflict by having sex, and how this coping mechanism may translate to humans as well. Their lifestyle speaks to a happy and peaceful society, something we have yet to accomplish in all the time we’ve been in existence.Of particular interest is that bonobos have a strong sense of feminine energy. The females band together and sex is used to keep the males in check. And while bonobos may experience unique feelings for one another, they don't appear possessive. They are, after all, not monogamous. The book is an illustration of a lifestyle that exists harmoniously, underscored by the relationship between sexuality and a peaceful, polyamorous society. The connection between the two cannot be underestimated.Dr. Block writes The Bonobo Way in an informative and enthusiastic voice. If you are unaware of bonobos, her book will pique your interest to learn more about this fascinating species. You may also question how we have evolved as human beings and how far we have yet to go.—Eden, on The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure
DrSusanBlock.tv is a crazy circus that you can get off to and learn from. This content will actually improve your sex life! was blown away by the diversity offered…Very nice!
DrSusanBlock.tv is a crazy circus that you can get off to and learn from. This content will actually improve your sex life!—Ruben, Free Ones
“Thank you, Dr. Suzy, for showing me that sex education can be sexy television.”
Thank you, Dr. Suzy, for showing me that sex education can be sexy television—Sheila Nevins, Executive Vice President, Original Programming, HBO
“Very hot…brain sex and fantasy fodder.”
—Ferro Ignique, Adult Video News (AVN)
“An absolutely great show”
—Robert Bentley, E! Entertainment Network
“Ripping up the airwaves, and tearing a new asshole for the orgasmically uptight!”
Ripping up the airwaves, and tearing a new asshole for the orgasmically uptight!—Marc Medoff, Cheri Magazine
The Dr. Susan Block Institute is Warhol’s Factory of the erotic world.
—Tony Horknins, Mondo Magazine
“Dr. Susan Block is a genius when it comes to sexual matters.”
—Laura Moore, Penthouse
“All those interested in human happiness should read this great and timely book.”
—Dr. James W. Prescott, neuropsychologist on The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure
“Brims with humor, personality, and great advice.”
—Polly Whittaker, founder of Kinky Salon and author of Polly: Sex Culture Revolutionary
“Block’s lifelong love affair with the bonobo leaps from its pages.”
—Lisa Barrow, The Alibi weekly.
“A delightful and insightful look at how our closest genetic cousins embrace sexual pleasure.”
—Dr. Betty Dodson, author of Sex for One, Orgasms for Two, as well as Sex By Design
Brilliant book. Enjoyed it thoroughly.
Brilliant book. Enjoyed it thoroughly.
—Sherry Rehman, Vice President of Pakistan People’s Party and former Pakistani ambassador to the U.S.
Bravo to Dr. Block for paving the way to a hopefully more bonobo future.
Bravo to Dr. Block for paving the way to a hopefully more bonobo future.—Vanessa Woods, author of 'Bonobo Handshake'
“Shame-free erotic liberation.”
“I adore this inspired and entertaining guide to shame-free erotic liberation. It is so needed, so well-written and so completely unique. Brava Dr. Suzy!”
—Barbara Carrellas, author of Urban Tantra
“I love every page of The Bonobo Way. The book is a real page turner and turn on…mandatory reading for everyone.”
“I love every page of The Bonobo Way. The book is a real page turner and turn on… vivid descriptions of bonobo sex and peaceful living through mutual sexual gratification should be mandatory reading for everyone struggling to maintain joy in their lives…”
--Christian Bruyère, TV producer, Champions of the Wild
“12 Steps to happiness.”
"I just finished reading The Bonobo Way. I love, love, love it. It is a fresh way to look at sexuality. The writing is light, informative and accurate. I made the mistake of starting to read it on Tuesday and now it's Thursday and I haven't been able to do anything else. I really appreciate how it uses the science without getting too 'scientific.' I also like these '12 steps'--they're certainly a big departure from all others!"--Darrel W. Ray, author of The God Virus & Sex and God
Boldly Original..pushing the envelope.
"Boldly Original... Dr. Susan Block isn't just pushing the envelope, she is the envelope."
—Sharon Peters, Libido Magazine
Positive & tasteful presentation of sexually oriented material
"I cannot recall ever having seen a more positive and tasteful presentation of sexually oriented material."
—Dr. Stephen B. Mason, KUCI Radio
Speaks to human sexuality with genuine power & cogency.
"Dr. Block imparts vital information with none of the clinical didacticsm so characteristic of most such programming. In a word, she is validating, while the others are sterile and cold…She alone speaks to human sexuality with genuine power and cogency."
—Dr. Arthur H. Williamson, Professor of History, California State University, Sacramento
Incredibly Entertaining
"Superb…her show and videos are an incredibly entertaining, educational, highly erotic romp through Dr. Suzy's world."
—John Keyes, Cabaret Magazine
Deliciously Provocative
"Deliciously provocative...They don't call Dr. Suzy's heels platform for nothing."
—Jenny Dallery, LA2nite
An amusingly outrageous Left-Coast cross between [Camille] Paglia and Oprah Winfrey
Nowhere is the interpenetration of art and porn more intense than at the compound of Dr. Susan Block, herself an amusingly outrageous Left-Coast cross [Camille] Paglia and Oprah Winfrey."
—Stephen Lemons, LA New Times
Wildly popular among both men & women
"Dr. Susan Block is ripping up the airwaves, and tearing a new asshole for the orgasmically uptight!... A scantily clad hedonistic hero...Dr. Block has been waging a one-woman war against carnal incompetence, and the results of her quest are overwhelming. Today, Dr. Susan Block rules over a vast erotic empire of sexually-oriented enterprises, making her organization a virtual international epicenter for free sexual expression and healing with an underground cult following estimated to be in the millions...wildly popular among both men and women..."
—Marc Medoff, Cheri Magazine
Cosmopolitan, quick-witted, and able to cross cultural & gender boundaries
"The old order yieldeth, changing places with the new, and Dr. Suzy is Dr. Ruth's wild child....Cosmopolitan, quick-witted, and able to cross cultural and gender boundaries, Dr. Susan Block is smart and fun and just zany enough. I've become a fan."
—Richard Pacheco, Spectator Magazine
I was told by my marketing people that if I appeared on your show, my career would be ruined
"I was told by my marketing people that if I appeared on your show, my career would be ruined"
—Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, author of Kosher Sex
Friendly & direct rather than condescending
"Dr. Susan Block's HBO specials expose inhibited Middle America to the idea that it's OK to discuss--and enjoy--sex...Dr. Block's advice is friendly and direct rather than condescending... Definitely pro-female without being anti-male."
—Cara Jepsen, Illinois Entertainer
Rush Limbaugh, move over. Dr. Ruth too.
"Rush Limbaugh, move over. Dr. Ruth too. It's time for The Dr. Susan Block Show...a way for people, especially women, to overcome sexual repression...(which) will lesson violence and chip away at a few other evils."
—Mary Wade Burnside, Charleston Gazette
The Susan Block Institute is Warhol’s Factory of the erotic world
"The Susan Block Institute is Warhol's Factory of the erotic world. The diversity of the output, Susan's Svengali-like demeanor, her ever-present entourage and that vague sense of an alternative culture growing here all collude to confirm it...Vanessa Blue and Kitten, black actresses...have nothing but praise for the good doctor. 'She's the start of a sexual revolution for Americans,' they insist--and they may be right."
—Tony Horkins, Mondo Magazine
The nation’s most erotic pop philosopher
"The fox you see wrapping her thighs around the engine of this hog is Susan Block, Ph.D. If you don't know her already, you will real soon...she's the nation's most erotic pop philosopher."
—Casey Exton, Outlaw Biker
Brilliant, sexy and deliciously intellectual.
"Brilliant, sexy and deliciously intellectual."
—Art Kunkin, The LA Free Press
Consistently witty, intelligent and decidedly non-violent.
"Consistently witty, intelligent and decidedly non-violent."
—Chuck Crisafulli, Platinum Magazine
The beginning of my new sexual definition
"It was my first time on The Doc Block show. I was more than eager; I was horny. Doc's bed was jammed with gorgeous blondes. stuffed phalluses and vibrators. Everything was erotic, including the aphrodisiacs we ate. It was a blonde hurricane. I just let go and let them have every bit of me. I came and I came inside sending ripples through my body, and I was gone. I thought I had felt everything -- but this? This was the beginning of my new sexual definition."
—Tory Ann McCabre, Eros-Zine
More Than 2 Million Viewers Watched Dr. Suzy’s Radio Sex TV
"Plenty of people are interested in Dr. Susan Block's efforts to unblock America's collective libido. Nielsen Media Research found that more than 2 million viewers watched Dr. Suzy's Radio Sex TV when it debuted on HBO."
—Russ Tarby, Syracuse New Times
America’s Hottest Sex Therapist
"Dr. Susan Block is America's hottest sex therapist."
—Rick Sandack, Chic Magazine
Frank, Funny, Thoughtful, Sensual
"Frank, funny, thoughtful, sensual...Dr. Suzy always bases her explicit patter on a foundation of academic reasoning and considerable experience. And…she makes you feel good."—Tom Quinn, Entertainment Today
Dr. Suzy, you have got a sexy voice
Dr. Suzy, you have got a sexy voice
—Bettie Page (yes, the real Bettie Page!)
One of The Great Social Satirists
"Dr. Susan Block is one of the great social satirists of our time."
—David Hirst, The Australian
Little Bo Peep on leave from a French bordello
"Little Bo Peep on leave from a French bordello."
—Matt LaBash, The Weekly Standard
Dr. Susan Block is the (21st century) Masters & Johnson
"Dr. Susan Block is the (21st century) Masters & Johnson."
—Ellen Thompson, AVN Magazine
Truly Sexy
"Dr. Susan Block lives so many sexy lives: author, television personality, social commentator, Internet Webcaster. But what I find most fascinating is that (she is) one of the only sex therapists I know whose work sounds truly sexy."
—Barbara Carrellas, Over 40 Magazine & author of Urban Tantra
Whenever I have Dr. Suzy on my show, my ratings go up!
"Whenever I have Dr. Suzy on my show, my ratings go up!"
—Bob Berkowitz, "Love Bytes" & "Real Personal" on CNBC
No Ordinary Doctor
"Dr. Suzy is no ordinary doc...I was struck by the combination of cool aplomb and sexy compassion with which she handles her callers... Unlike the great majority of degreed professionals who know something about sex, she refuses to de-eroticize herself to get respect. She refuses to follow in the footsteps of the likes of the unfuckable Dr. Ruth, and this may not get her invited to some conferences, but she knows where her real respect comes from--her listeners and viewers, many of whom call her over and over and whose stories, problems and sexual fantasies she knows so well."
—Carol Queen, Spectator Magazine
The Only Female Amongst ‘America’s Greatest Thinkers of 1998
"When Dr. Laura...branded rival TV sex educator Dr. Susan Block a 'pseudo-professional porn queen,' Dr. Susan...demanded an apology and when she didn't get one, unleashed her trademark 'Block Curse' on her. That voodoo that Sue do worked so well that now even Sleuth is under her spell! Witty and wondrous in so many ways...chosen as the only female amongst 'America's Greatest Thinkers of 1998," the magna cum laude Yale grad won the debate with her rival radio doc by publishing her notorious Dr. Laura Diaries, a web of intrigue that weaves "a memoir-in-progress dating from the author's first personal encounter with the Queen of Moralizing Mean.'"
—Chip Walker, Celebrity Sleuth
Dr. Laura Schlessinger radio & TV talk show host
"It is unpleasant to be mentioned, even in passing, by Steve Lowery in his article about (Dr. Susan Block) a pseudo-professional 'porn queen.' It was stupefying to see my work described as 'bashes and belittles women every day' and mystifying to see myself called an 'evil scientist.'"
—Dr. Laura Schlessinger, radio & TV talk show host
A Modern Day Cleopatra
"Dr. Susan Block is a modern day Cleopatra. The response to her show has been, well, orgasmic.... Her opening monologue is a ripping, riffing tribute to sex, that does for the erotic what monologist Gene Shepard used to do for the boys-night-out on New York radio in the 1960s."
—Richard Rappaport, Soma Magazine
Gorgeous, Intelligent, Talented
"The beautiful Dr. Susan Block (is) the sultry leader of the Speakeasy, and a Yale graduated infamous sex therapist. This woman is gorgeous, intelligent, talented, and is obviously the undisputed queen of everything, everywhere she goes. For these reasons and more she is my idol, and I'm going to be just like her when I grow up. Except maybe with a little less porn. Love you Suzy!"
—Sara Sioux Robertson, Melodramatic
Such an amazing woman. A true inspiration.
"Dr. Susan Block, you are such an amazing woman. A true inspiration. I'm hoping others will read about you, and not only feel the same way about you, but maybe even be motivated to try to make a difference themselves."
—Rebecca M. Ellis, Squirting Truth
Effervescent, enlightening, funny, sexy.
"Dr. Susan Block's website is just like she is: effervescent, enlightening, funny, sexy."
—Anna Mori, Online Magazine
The Hit of Talk Shows and Men’s Magazines
"Dr. Susan Block is a Ph.D. from Yale and an unflinching reverence for sex has made this woman the hit of talk shows and men's magazines."
—Titmouse, Cozy Frog
Unlike Dr. Ruth, you can actually believe that Dr. Suzy has had–and is still having–sex. Good sex.
"Unlike Dr. Ruth, you can actually believe that Dr. Suzy has had--and is still having--sex. Good sex."—Dale Brasel, Detour Magazine
Dr. Block’s Cult Status as an Educator is Enormous
"Dr. Block's cult status as an educator is enormous"
—Lucy Broadbent, British Cosmopolitan
“Best of LA.”
"Best of LA phone-in shows!"
Kevin Allman, The LA Weekly
Dr. Susan Block (is) an excellent X-rated alternative to Leno, Letterman & Nightline.
Dr. Susan Block (is) an excellent X-rated alternative to Leno, Letterman & Nightline.
Joe Editor, Playboy Magazine
Dr. Block melds entertainment, eroticism, insight and philosophy so skillfully that it’s hard to tell where one starts and the others end.
Dr. Block melds entertainment, eroticism, insight and philosophy so skillfully that it's hard to tell where one starts and the others end.
—Marc Medoff, Cheri Magazine
Dr. Susan Block is a one-woman sex information dynamo.
Dr. Susan Block is a one-woman sex information dynamo.
—Lori Selke, Yes Portal
A saucy melange of education and titillation
"In case you've been living in a cave and, therefore, have never enjoyed The Dr. Susan Block Show, a bit of introduction might be in order. Block's shows are a saucy melange of education and titillation, featuring not only what you might expect from a Sex Doctor -- sex advice. anatomical information, educational content -- but some things you might not -- a history lesson here, a masturbation session there, and plenty of porn stars frolicking amid Block's own brand of political discussion and spiritual celebration. I had the pleasure to enjoy two episodes of this excellent show, and it's safe to say that neither one is quite like anything I'd ever seen before...Block's enthusiasm for her topic is beyond infectious, and it's almost impossible to watch the show without enjoying her celebratory attitude."
Thomas S. Roche, Eros-Zine
A genius when it comes to sexual matters, and I hold her in the highest regard
"Dr. Susan Block is a genius when it comes to sexual matters, and I hold her in the highest regard...She is brilliant in front of the camera. She works her audience so well as she presses her sexual freedom beliefs and sexual healing theories...Her fans adore her. She received phone call after phone call, and she responded to each one with compassion and understanding. She added plenty of sassiness and witticism too...She has helped thousands of people become more sexually satisfied through her television show and over the Internet, her books, including The Ten Commandments of Pleasure, her newsletter, and her private consultations... She is my idol."
—Laura Moore, Penthouse, Sex Heals
I love you, Dr. Suzy!
"I love you, Dr. Suzy!"—Marcia Clark, KFI-AM 640
The Perfect Sexual Philosophy
"Dr. Susan Block is America's hottest sex therapist, dispensing wisdom from her boudoir and taking the bonobo chimps as her model for the perfect sexual philosophy. Her extremely enjoyable, informative book (The 10 Commandments of Pleasure) tells us how we can find the same person horny for the rest of our lives."—Jan Birks, Forum
Thank you, Dr. Suzy, for showing me that sex education can be sexy television.
"Thank you, Dr. Suzy, for showing me that sex education can be sexy television."—Sheila Nevins, Executive Vice President, Original Programming, HBO
Dr. Block is one of the nation’s leading sexologists
"Thank God there's still the world of sexpert Dr. Susan Block, who has the courage to continuously affirm her deeply-held faith in fishnet stockings and other family values...Dr. Block is one of the nation's leading sexologists, and a very bright and funny woman to boot."—Robert Scheer, The Los Angeles Times, Editor of Truthdig
“Yes, she has a freak flag and she’s not afraid to let it fly…”
"[Dr. Block] writes in an extremely engaging, reassuring style, full of cute metaphors and alliteration. Yes, she has a freak flag and she’s not afraid to let it fly, but she keeps the tone very safe for bonobo beginners. She’s a REAL sex therapist who employs non-traditional methods for treating couples and individuals dealing with sex and relationship issues."
Kendra Holiday, Sex Therapy, Sex Surrogate, St Louis MO
“She’s part philosopher, part Dionysian sex goddess”
“Dr. Block is so knowledgeable, frank and articulate that we have a really fun, easy conversation. I have not had a good intellectual discussion in a while, especially while investigating porn. She uses metaphors that will take me days to figure out. She is poetic, provocative and pornographic at the same time. She’s part philosopher, part Dionysian sex goddess, part porn pundit. Her body is as hard and lean as a twenty-four-year-old’s. She definitely takes Dr. Ruth to another level. She retains her sense of humor while fielding a call and holding open her guest’s vaginal lips at the same time. God, she has guts. Sam and I exchange a look as if to say, she might be slightly crazy, but damn is she smart. She is the only sexpert he can imagine actually having sex. I am fascinated how these two women, the hyper-intellectual academic and the seXXXpert, can live in the same body. We talk about relationships and sex for an entire hour, and I love that most of her recommendations are simple and easy to try and do not involve anything you have to buy or read. In fact, I could continue asking her questions for another hour, but I realize I should at least pretend like I have a life. Thanks to my talk with Dr. Block, I feel much better equipped now to be in a relationship.”—Ayn Carrillo-Gailey, Pornology
“Don’t let Dr. Suzy fool you with her intense sexiness, she’s equally as intelligent and witty.”
“Don't let Dr. Suzy fool you with her intense sexiness, she's equally as intelligent and witty.”
—Dr. Laurie Bennett-Cook, Clinical Sexologist
Reviews & Interviews
Dr. Suzy vs. META: Round II
Los Angeles, CA. – November 3, 2024 – Dr. Susan Block, aka “Dr. Suzy,” award-winning sex therapist, best-selling author, HBO personality and bonobo conservationist, is stepping up her legal fight with META, parent company of Facebook and Instagram, owned by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
To recap: Block contends that when META’s AI “content moderation” bots censored and deactivated her Facebook profile and IG account – unfairly, arbitrarily and without warning – META breached its own contracts.
META contends that Block is nothing but a wanton wh0re unworthy of any protection from harm or even being treated like a human being.
Read “Free Speech Woman vs. Zuck the Cuck” on Counterpunch
Section 230: The Internet’s Iron Dome
Meanwhile Mark Zuckerberg, the Billionaire Boy in the Bubble, is shielded from his own massively destructive mistakes and power-drunk misdeeds by a protective “bubble” – a virtual Iron Dome – enabled by an algorithmic army of bots and fortified by highly paid attorneys, complicit arbitrators and an obscure portion of the Communications Decency Act, 47 USC 230, known simply and ominously as “Section 230.”
In the legal world, Silicon Valley-friendly interpretations of Section 230 have given social media moguls like Zuckerberg that Iron Dome-like protection, letting them groom and doom, exploit, censor, ban and deny many users their right to free speech, access to the “digital town square,” even their right to communicate with loved ones in times of need.
Block’s own Facebook profile was deactivated shortly before her beloved husband of 32 years, Maximillian R. Lobkowicz di Filangieri, had a major ischemic stroke. Meta may not have caused the stroke, but it certainly didn’t help that besides deactivating Blocks Facebook profile and IG account, it also removed her Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, making it all the more difficult for her to get in touch with loved ones in this cataclysmic crisis.
“That’s Zuckerberg Family Values for you,” remarks Block. “Since 2008, Meta had groomed me and my relatives to communicate via Facebook, then doomed me to deactivation and the rest of us to zero communication.”
When Block asked META to restore her wrongfully deactivated accounts, she was greeted with stony silence, followed by a barrage of defamatory lies. On the advice of counsel, Block took META to arbitration. However, thanks to Section 230’s protective bubble around Boy-Lord Zuckerberg, buoyed by a paid-by-META arbitrator’s unsubtle coaching of META’s Mayer Brown lawyers, Block’s case was unceremoniously and erroneously awarded to META without allowing her – the plaintiff – to utter a word.
Algorithmic Ignorance & Sexual Services
In attempting to defend their indefensible actions and to keep Block’s mouth gagged shut with fabricated scandal, META falsely accused Block of being a sex worker (i.e., prostitute) providing “sexual services” via META sites. Just to set the record straight: Block is not now, nor has she ever been a sex worker, nor did she ever provide “sexual services” through META sites or anywhere else. She is a therapist providing sex therapy, as she was prepared to prove if she had been permitted to present her case. Though she has expressed her political views that consenting adult sex work should be decriminalized, and sex workers have been guests on her show, she herself is not one. Nevertheless, META’s lawyers and the paid-by-META arbitrator colluded to defame Block with the Scarlet Letter of “sex work” – on top of depriving her of her rights – to punish her for blowing the whistle on META’s fraudulent “contracts of adhesion” and its destructive, AI (Artificial Ignorance)-based censorship.
“Like so many other innocent Meta users posting about sex, politics, health and other debatable topics, I am the victim of an algorithm that identified buzz words on my profiles and incorrectly labeled me as being in violation of platform policies,” asserts Block. “Rather than bothering to even try to be fair, Facebook and Instagram just adopted the algorithm’s conclusion as gospel. No human beings even looked at my profiles until I requested arbitration, and then it was the lawyers for META, who simply sought to ratify the algorithm to avoid a cascade of claims against the two platforms for relying solely on these faulty algorithms to police content from people’s profiles. Because the fact of the matter is, as many studies have shown, these powerful algorithms are notoriously faulty.”
Next Legal Move – Motion to Vacate
Bullied but not beaten, Block is now taking META’s “bull” by the horns, filing a Motion to Vacate their deeply flawed Arbitration Award, in pro per.
Block’s motion maintains that not only was the Arbitrator biased, prejudicially squeamish about basic sex education, ignorant of algorithmic error rates and disingenuous about Facebook’s vast and unique social media power, he was also “without legal authority” to rule on Block’s case based on Facebook’s and Instagram’s contracts.
Therefore, Block asserts, “the Arbitration Award must be vacated.”
Free Speech Woman vs. Zuck the META Cuck
“One of our most valuable rights as Americans is Freedom of Speech,” Block proclaims as “Free Speech Woman” (her Halloween 2024 costume). “Most nations don’t grant Free Speech to their citizens, but we Americans (supposedly) do. It’s as close as our secular government gets to sacred. In 1789, We the American People received the Bill of Rights’10 Amendments, rather like Moses receiving the 10 Commandments. Our First Amendment right to Freedom of Speech has been revered by the world, but it has long been under attack from both the Right and the so-called Left – now on a Meta-scale.
“Whether you’re talking about sex, politics, equality, health or Palestine, power-drunk social media moguls like Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk pervert the very phrase ‘free speech,’ twisting it into its Orwellian opposite, literally getting away with digital murder every day.”
Groom & Doom
“But enough is enough,” Block continues. “This past Halloween, I summoned the spirit of “Free Speech Woman” within me to hold – or at least try to hold – Mark ‘Zuck the Jiu-Jitsu Cuck’ Zuckerberg down on the Mat of Truth, holding him accountable for censoring our speech, exploiting our desires, stoking our divisions, flattening our relationships and banning us from our own communities and the Internet’s public square.”
Mark the META-Megalopolist knows this better than anyone, referring to his Facebook “fiefdom” (so-called by others) as “the digital equivalent of the town square,” and boasting meta-magnanimously that “our platforms are for everyone.”
“Really – ‘for everyone’?” wonders Block. “More for every paying advertiser and useful government power broker. But what about Meta users? What about ‘We the People’ who make Meta great? What about me? What right does Mark Zuckerberg have to ban me from the ‘digital equivalent of the town square’ – to banish me from my own communities, even my own family during a time of need – just because his faulty algorithms ascertain that my politics, religion or sex-positive values might offend a Meta advertiser or the head of the House Commerce Committee?”
While Block venerates the creators of the Bill of Rights – including Max’s 18th century Italian ancestor, Gaetano Filangieri – who was freedom-loving pen pals with Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson (though Filangieri didn’t own slaves) – Zuckerberg exalts a different kind of role model (who owned lots of slaves): the first emperor of the Roman Empire, Augustus Caesar, aka Gaius Octavius, “known for making the world safe for ruthless dictators,” Block points out. “Now Mark ‘Silicon Caesar’ Zuckerberg has more unchecked power over our everyday lives than any single human on earth.”
The Greek prefix “META” means “beyond,” and Zuck the Cuck’s META has gone beyond the pale, metamorphosing into a Meta-menace to democracy.
The Pro-Bonobo Way
“Zuck the Cuck needs to be clocked!” declares Block, brandishing her cherry red boxing gloves as Free Speech Woman, fighting to win her Motion to Vacate the Award with a knock-out punch, taking down Zuck-the-Cuck (actually, just a blow-up doll effigy appropriately attired in a snappy “Meta Über Alles” white T) to the Mat of Truth.
“Tell the truth,” commands Block. “You’re a censor.”
Then, like a true bonobo matriarch, she spanks his sorry rubber butt with The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and the Motion to Vacate, gently but firmly holding him responsible as she holds him down on the Mat of Truth between the Bill of Rights and her pointy-toed, high-heeled, cowgirl boot, as a couple of bonobo apes make peace through pleasure nearby.
“Like the bonobos, I’m a lover not a fighter, and I prefer negotiation,” says Block, “but Meta refuses to negotiate. So, Free Speech Woman to the rescue! Cage match!
Zuck the Cuck vs. Elon the Chicken
Elon the Chicken won’t fight Zuck the Cuck, but Block will.
Musk talks big, thanks to his own almost limitless Free Speech, but Block is willing to fight for love.
Zuck may be a more experienced fighter than Block, with his own personal team of high-priced Jiu-Jitsu trainers and Mayer-Brown lawyers. But Block has fighter role models too, like Muhammad Ali (whom she met at a 1996 wrap party after one of my HBO specials); the ‘People’s Champ’ could ‘float like a butterfly, sting like a bee,’ and had the courage not to fight in the Vietnam War.
Block also picked up some fancy fight moves from actor Dave Bautista, when he was a guest on her show in his WWE Champ “Batista” days, demonstrating the ”Batista Bomb.”
“Drop Batista Bombs – not real bombs! Let’s make peace like bonobos (not baboons),” says Block, “and put the brakes on this runaway train of corporate censorship running roughshod over Free Speech.”
Ironically and most unfortunately, Block is getting some real-life wrestling training by taking care of her beloved husband Max (whose stroke occurred in the middle of the “META Arbitration That Wasn’t”), involves practicing the “Caretaking Jiu Jitsu” martial art of gently but firmly wrestling Max’s one good, remarkably strong, sometimes rambunctious left hand away from yanking out his life-saving – but oh-so-yankable – G-Tube.
Even if META/Zuck wins this round (justice is not always blind), Free Speech Woman will not give up the fight, and Block will continue to press her case, mounting a new lawsuit against META in pro per, chasing Zuck the Über Cuck, like the cartoon villain he is, through the Halls of Justice.
A Trial of Human Being vs. Machine
“It’s a long shot, but putting my case in front of a jury of human beings could have long-reaching effects on how humans and our increasingly powerful machines interact. One day those machines may well have the equivalent of human emotions and judgment. But today they do not, and we cannot (or at least should not) permit them, at this time, to rule over our constitutional rights – no matter how many Zuckerbucks AI saves Meta stockholders.
“Sure, Meta has the legal right to control content on its platforms, but that control must not be left exclusively to error-riddled AI. There must be checks and balances. My day in court is just such a check and offers a reasonable and absolutely necessary balance between human being and machine on this sensitive issue of censorship. If we do not strike that balance now, the thought of what future publications might be censored, or not censored, is chilling.”
This is not Block’s first round in the Free Speech Ring, nor her first “pro-bonobo” lawsuit in pro per, punching up (never down) against an overly powerful authority stomping on her First Amendment Rights. Block successfully sued the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) back in 2002 when they unjustly raided her studio, for which she won a large enough settlement from the City of Los Angeles for her to create Bonoboville in real life and on the web.
Zuck’s a different kind of fight, of course, but, in a way, he’s already crying uncle…
True Confession: Zucky Feels Guilty
Some will call it a pure coincidence, but shortly after Block’s case against META was being tossed out of the Kangaroo Court of Arbitration, META CEO Mark Zuckerberg released a letter to the U.S. Congressional Judiciary Committee on the subject of META’s overly zealous, government-coerced censorship, aka “content moderation on online platforms.”
“Senior officials from the… White House repeatedly pressured our team for months to censor [content]… I believe the government pressure was wrong, and I regret that we were not more outspoken about it…”
“Sounds like Zuck the Cuck feels guilty for censoring us,” observes Block the Therapist. “As well he should! But don’t get me wrong. There’s nothing bad about cuckolding, as long as it’s between consenting adults, and Zuck’s cuck guilt (if he has any) is a private matter between him, Priscilla, their bull and their therapist. But Zuck the Cuck doesn’t feel guilty for cuckolding. He feels guilty for censoring us! And considering Meta’s beyond-the-pale power, poor little Billionaire Bubble Boy Zuck’s problems wind up hurting us all.”
“Meta is censoring us per Mark Zuckerberg’s obeisance to certain government officials, advertisers and the power of his own Meta-Bot AI Army,” Block continues. “These bots are so powerful, they even subjugate Zuck himself – rather like Victor Frankenstein conquered by his own Monster – as they stealthily and relentlessly obliterate all of our rights to speaking freely.”
Markie Z’s Meta-Megalopoly
“We’re about promoting speech and helping people to connect in a safe and secure way,” Zuck prattles on in his usual robot-programmed-to-sound-human style.
“But what about promoting my speech?” asks Block. “What about helping me to connect in a safe and secure way? I was not safe or secure when Mark Zuckerberg groomed me for over 15 years of participation, and then doomed me in a nano-second to deactivation – all duly exploited by Markie Z’s Meta-megalopoly.”
Block is fighting in the Meta Ring for her rights as well as the rights of all users on Meta and “beyond.”
“Sure, I’m slugging it out in the Meta Ring in hopes of having my accounts restored, though this isn’t just about my rights, but the rights of all Meta users and ‘beyond’,” Block explains. “It’s also about honoring my beloved Max’s pre-stroke wish that no single corporation, person or amateur Jiu-Jitsu-fighting Augustus-Caesar-wannabe have the unchecked power to banish us – with zero accountability – from the ‘digital town square’… and beyond.”
For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact:
About Dr. Susan Block
Dr. Susan Block is a renowned sex therapist, award-winning cultural commentator, bonobo conservationist, best-selling author of several books, including The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure, and the host of The Dr. Susan Block Show, a pioneering talk show exploring sexuality, psychology, politics, art and society. Block has been married for over 32 years to publisher Maximillian R. Lobkowicz. She is a Philly native, Yale graduate, star of HBO specials, originator of “phone sex therapy,” and the founder/director of the Dr. Susan Block Institute (since 1991). She has been interviewed by many talk show hosts around the world. But she’ll never quit her “day job” as a therapist in private practice, helping people all over the globe to better handle and enjoy their personal lives.
The Mirror interviews Dr. Susan Block about Stormy spanking Trump
May 9, 2024 – International sexologist and spanking expert Dr. Susan Block gives an “exclusive” interview to The MIRROR’s Yelena Mandenberg on “the spank heard round the world” – Stormy Daniels spanking Donald Trump with a rolled-up Forbes featuring his picture on the cover – just as the world’s most politically influential porn star wraps up her “bombshell testimony” at Trump’s hush money trial.
Here are a few of Dr. Block’s observations about Stormy, Trump, spanking, kink, fetishes and humiliation quoted in The Mirror story:
- “When somebody spanks somebody else, they’re turning the tables. [Stormy Daniels] is a younger person, she’s smaller in height, less powerful in status, so she’s turning the tables on Trump… and it’s very satisfying for us as an audience, and for him, it might be a turn-on because he’s so used to people kissing his a– and now here’s someone spanking his a–.”
- Block referred to the incident as a ‘sex game’ – one that they’re continuing to play. “They’re still playing this sex game. They’re just playing it in court and the realm of public opinion. He wanted to keep it private, but he didn’t succeed in that. The game is right in front of us, and it’s very titillating.”
- “Humans are always titillated by hearing about sex stories from the powerful, from Clinton to Gary Hart, whether we find it appalling or [feel] ‘go for it.’ Usually it’s been consensual, though not always, but, usually, it is something we can laugh about without guilt and enjoy ourselves.”
- “Because it seems he was a little tyrant since he was a kid – his mother was ill and his father was gone – so my guess is he wasn’t spanked or even punished very much so there might be a part of him that liked it, that found it exciting that the tables are turned.”
- “She spanked the obnoxiousness out of him for at least 10 minutes, then she went to the bathroom, and he went right back to his old way; that’s probably when the spell was broken.”
- “A lot of times people in positions of power do get turned on by having the tables turned sexually, want to keep it private… Often we get excited and, even if we don’t like it, or feel it’s bad, or humiliating, we may be turned on by it. Because [this incident] was private, he wouldn’t feel humiliated [in a hotel bedroom], but in the courtroom, I’m sure he did feel humiliated to hear all of this.”
- “For him, it was foreplay. For her, it was a joke.”
- “I’m kinda impressed by the idea that this person from the sexuality field, the ‘porn star,’ can bring down the past president,”
To read or listen to the entire Mirror article, go to https://www.themirror.com/news/us-news/donald-trump-stormy-daniels-kinky-476856
Partial interview in The Irish Star
For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact Christina or Max.
Phone: 626.461.5950 I Email: BlockMediaDesk@Gmail.com
Dr. Susan Block featured in Hustler Magazine’s “Building a Better Orgasm” by Marcy Diamond
Hustler Magazine interviewed Dr. Susan Block, aka Dr. Suzy, for its article on “Building a Better Orgasm” by Marcy Diamond.
“Practice may not make ‘perfect,’ but it does intensify your orgasms!” Dr. Block says in the Hustler article. “Practice on your own or with a partner. Get to know your erogenous zones and how to manipulate them externally and internally for the optimal climax.”
The article goes on to quote Dr. Block, “America’s leading sexologist” and one of the world’s foremost experts in orgasmic pleasure, on how men, women and couples can “build a better orgasm” for themselves and their partners.
Dr. Block gives tips on “edging” – delaying or controlling ejaculation – for men, how to find and effectively stimulate the G-spot for women, as well as better communication and Tantric sex techniques for couples.
“Male, female, trans or nonbinary, if you want to give the best orgasms, ask your partner what they like and listen carefully to what they say and/or watch what they do!” Hustler quotes Dr. Block. “Pay attention to the details of their desire, and you’ll be a master orgasm-giver!”
For more, click https://hustlermagazine.com/articles/building-a-better-orgasm/?PUB2222
Note: Marcy Diamond was a special guest on DrSuzy.Tv’s Orgasmic Halloween 2015 Kink Month Climax in BooNoBooVille +Dr. Susan Block and her husband Max were guests of the late great Larry Flynt.
Dr. Susan Block Gives “State of the Sexual Union” Address 2024 on WCAP
Two days after U.S. President Joe Biden went to Congress to deliver the 2024 State of the Union address, Dr. Susan Block went on “Active Radio” with Hartley Pleshaw on WCAP-AM 980 to deliver the 2024 State of the SEXUAL Union.
“Where the State of the Sexual Union (SOTSU) is concerned, no one is better qualified than America’s leading sexologist, Dr. Susan Block,” Hartley proclaims.
Whether you loved, hated or slept through the President’s State of the Union, don’t miss Dr. Suzy’s State of the SEXUAL union address 2024.
Best-selling author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, longtime broadcaster and cultural commentator, as well as an award-winning sexologist and sex therapist, Dr. Susan Block, aka Dr. Suzy, launches her 2024 SOTSU “Sermon on the Mound” – usually inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech reimagined as “I Have a Fantasy” – with a Biden-ish spin, mirroring his SOTU 2024’s series of “I See a Future” visions for her own bonoboësque vision of a more equal, more free, make-love-not-war tomorrow.
I see a future where good clean consensual sex is not considered dirty.
I see a future where peace through pleasure is honored over war for profit.
I see a future where sex education and science are valued over ignorance, superstition and violent religious fundamentalism.
I see a future where ecosexuality is more popular than ammosexuality and war porn.
I see a future where women’s rights are respected more than faith-based forced breeding.
I see a future where we have a Ceasefire Now and Permanently in Gaza, the West Bank, Ukraine, Russia, Africa, America and around the world, where Jews and Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and everyone else will be free and will “study war no more.”
I see a future where we practice the Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources and peace through pleasure… and stop acting like baboons!
“I’m ready to vote for you for President now, Dr. Suzy,” Hartley exclaims at the climax of her vision for the future. “You have by far the best platform of any of the candidates this year, which isn’t saying much, but you really knocked it out of the park!”
Then the SOTSU turns into a sort of Meet the Press where Hartley asks Dr. Suzy questions on a variety of topics within the “meeting ground of sex, politics and culture which,” he opines, “I believe Dr. Suzy covers and handles better than anyone in the present contemporary scene.”
Subjects include:
- Anti-Abortion Crusaders who fetishize the fetus and eroticize the embryo, but once you’re born, you’re over the hill to them – and how now that they killed Roe vs. Wade, they’re going after contraception and whatever power over our sex lives they can grab.
- The Christofascist Supremes – Since Federalist Society powerbroker-to-the-Supremes Leonard Leo owns a mansion in the WCAP broadcast range, Dr. Suzy addresses him personally: We see you, Leonard Leo, trying to take America back to a time like The Handmaid’s Tale, stripping sex of recreation for the sake of procreation – forced breeding – so that the poor can bear cannon fodder for the military and cogs in the wheels of capitalism – and the rich can have grandchildren to inherit their billions. For that perk and others, those billionaires get to bribe the reactionary Supremes that you choose – Brett “Beer Pong” Kavanaugh, Amy Coney “Handmaid” Barrett and Neil “Handman to the Billionaires” Gorsuch – ganging up with Sam “Leaky” Alito, Clarence “Uncle” Thomas and John “Citizens United” Roberts to overturn Roe V Wade, restrict our sexuality, free big business from any restrictions whatsoever, and throw the American people under the bus.
- Anti-Sex “Feminists” – Dr. Suzy and Hartley talk about the erotophobia (fear of healthy sex) on the Right and Left, from the #MeToo activists who have done great things, but could learn something from the female-empowered bonobos – that female empowerment is intrinsically connected to nurturing male well-being – to the anti-sex “feminists” paid by Rightwing thinktanks to make convoluted arguments to keep most women (excepting them, of course) knocked up and broke.
- Ammosexual War Porn – From American War Profiteers to the NRA to the young troops of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), modern death-dealers are using “Sex As a Weapon,” tapping into our frustrated, denigrated sex drives like never before, using sex to sell and promote phallic missiles, climactic explosions, mass murder and apartheid, even genocide. Warmongers have tried to “sex up” fighting and weaponry since the beginning of war but, but the IDF’s dark, depraved, dystopian, wildly ammosexual and sadistic war porn is off the charts, far more demented than George W. Bush’s P.O.W. Porn at Abu Ghraib – and that’s just what the Israelis themselves show openly on their own channels. Plus, why are so many incels – spawned by the denigration of lust and elevation of greed – so ammosexual? War porn harms (and often kills) its victims, as well as its perpetrators, and also traumatizes those of us who watch – by choice or by chance – transforming the populace into War Porn Voyeurs.
- The Burning Soldier – Can self-immolation illuminate dehumanization? Can suicide help to stop a genocide? Dr. Suzy contrasts S. Airman Aaron Bushnell tragic but sane sacrifice to “Free Palestine” from ammosexual war crimes and domestic mass murders committed by PTSD-wracked veterans of America’s many wars.
- Censorship by Bot: Dr. Suzy is taking META to arbitration for their wrongful deactivation and algorithmic, anti-sex, dictatorial, technocratic dehumanization. Save the Date: June 26, 2024 for the Suzy vs. Zuck the Cuck Showdown.
#GoBonobos for a Sex-Positive, Antiwar, Free Speech, Pro-Bonobo Future!
Click the pic above to listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2023 State of the Sexual Union address and “Meet the Press”-style interview with Hartley Pleshaw on Active Radio WCAP 980-AM or listen on one of your favorite platforms.
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Coralyn Jewel interviews Dr. Susan Block on “Embrace”
Sex-positive alternative relationships expert Coralyn Jewel interviewed renowned sexologist Dr. Susan Block, aka “Dr. Suzy,” on her award-nominated podcast “Embrace” about human sexuality, censorship and the state of the world. The interview kicks off Season 4 of Embrace, “Open Up,” and is now available for your listening and viewing pleasure and knowledge on multiple platforms.
Subjects of discussion include:
- Dr. Suzy’s Philadelphia upbringing, family, Yale University education and other early influences on her life, loves and work as a sexologist and sex therapist in private practice.
- Phone Sex Therapy and video therapy with the Dr. Susan Block Institute (where Coralyn is a therapist).
- Bonobo apes, Dr. Suzy’s book and her philosophy of the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure (bonobos don’t kill each other!), female empowerment, male well-being, sharing, caring and lots of great sex!
- Dr. Suzy’s relationship with Pr. Maximillian R. Lobkowicz, aka “Capt’n Max,” her husband of 31 years, executive producer of The Dr. Susan Block Show, publisher of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, Dr. Block’s Speakeasy Journal and many other publications, and co-host with Dr. Suzy of F.D.R. radio.
- Dr. Suzy’s definitions of “Sexual Fetishes,” “Phone Sex,” “Striptease,” “Spanking” and “Cuckolding” published in the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality.
- Censorship in America, YouTube’s termination and META’s deactivation of Dr. Suzy’s various accounts and channels, and how she is taking META to arbitration—and YouTube will be next!
- Vice TV’s new documentary on Dr. Suzy and Bonoboville (including an appearance from Coralyn at the Bonoboville Reunion) which is “salacious, suspicious and rather sanctimonious,” inciting anti-sex comments, especially compared to the shameless sex-positivity of the #1 Nielsen-rated documentaries Dr. Suzy did with HBO.
- How to balance your personal sexual needs with respect for the so-called *morals* of your more prudish family—especially if you live with them!
- Dr. Suzy‘s world-famous bacchanalian orgy shows.
- How to prevent our erotic humanity from being destroyed by the billionaires and their bots.
- Other topics include the power of kink, masturbation, sexual fantasies, cuckolding, relationship counseling, religion, fantasy roleplay, virginity, erotophobia, taboo thoughts, mother issues, Yale thongs, Bedtime Stories for Adults, The 10 Commandments of Pleasure, embracing your sexuality and more!
Watch it on YouTube
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Screenshots from “Embrace”
+Photos from the Day in Bonoboville
New Vice TV Documentary, “Phone Sex Therapy” featuring Dr. Susan Block generates Great Love & Virulent Hate
Dr. Susan Marilyn Block, a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy”—her remarkable life, pro-bonobo world and “controversial” sex therapy system, clients and techniques—is the subject of the new Vice TV documentary, “Dr. Suzy’s Controversial Phone Sex Therapy.” The piece premiered in August, 2023, shot past 100,000 views within its first week and is edging towards 200,000.
“The practice of sex therapy is changing,” says Dr. Susan Block about her groundbreaking approach. “30 years ago, when I was just starting to conduct therapy sessions over the phone, no one else was doing it, and some of my colleagues were appalled. Gradually, they realized it’s safer, more convenient, intimate, private, better for the environment and available to anyone with a phone worldwide, and started doing it themselves. Nowadays, tele-therapy or phone therapy and phone sex therapy are as common as in-person sessions. However, my unique brand of therapy allows clients to talk about ANYTHING. We are not the ‘thought police,’ and we believe in the value of talking about what’s on your mind with someone who can help you handle it. Most find this unconventional approach liberating and effective, but some—like Vice—see it as ‘controversial’.”
With unfettered access, Vice TV ventured deep inside the Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences and Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy in Bonoboville. Filmmakers documented two days in the life of Dr. Suzy, her husband Max and their merry band of bonoboësque collaborators and volunteers. Vice even takes viewers into the lives and homes of real phone sex therapy clients of the Institute who discuss how phone sex therapy has helped them.
Dr. Suzy’s playful, mindful techniques come to life in the invisible, intimate and often very healing realms of the telephone, as well as in the extended “capitalist socialist” community she calls “Bonoboville,” which exists in virtual reality as well as regular reality.
Part of the “Vice Guide to Sex” series, the episode climaxes with a bacchanalian “Bonoboville Reunion” of artists, kinksters, actors, comedians, political activists, friends and lovers in the “Womb Room” sanctuary of the “Irreverend” Dr. Susan Block’s very special “Church” of the Bonobo Way in the “Eco Village” of Bonoboville centered around her philosophy of peace through pleasure, female empowerment, male well-being, ecosexuality, friendliness, inclusivity and sharing resources.
Though the Vice piece touches upon Block’s philosophy, it focuses on the “controversies” as well as the erotic action, packing into the 17-and-a-half-minute piece much nude cavorting, while just managing to stay within YouTube’s vague but unforgiving “community guidelines.”
Taboo body parts are revealed but concealed by a whitish film. “If you squint, it looks like the editors must have ejaculated all over everyone’s nipples and genitals, and some butt crack, depending on the angle,” quips Block. “It’s funny because the Vice cameramen really focused on the nudity in Bonoboville, almost like they were trying to shoot porn, only to hand the footage over to editors who then censored it in this eerie, dehumanizing but still provocative way. It’s digital ejaculation censorship. They do seem to love that white stuff. It’s all over a painting of Marilyn Monroe, her breasts and even her face.”
Was it worth it?
“It’s a great honor and privilege to be the focus of a Vice TV documentary, reaching their huge viewership of millions,” says Block. “Their spin, however, is pretty salacious, suspicious and a little sanctimonious. After all, they call themselves ‘Vice,” and present my work as a kind of ‘vice.’ They’re more sex-positive than most major media, but with a dash of disapproval. And it’s not just the sex. Much of our art is censored, as is our politics. They also keep changing the title, making it sleazier with each alteration. I’ve complained to the producer, but he says there’s nothing I can do, as all the Vice marketing team is looking for are ‘views’… and not getting sued.”
Besides garnering over 180,000 views, the new Vice documentary has inspired hundreds of passionate comments, ranging from great praise, support, tributes and testimonials to thundering rage, outrage, disgust, condemnation, denigration, slut-shaming, elder abuse, misogyny, thought-policing, prayer-reciting and even violent threats.
The ongoing, name-calling debate between lovers and haters of Dr. Suzy’s “controversial” phone sex therapy, kink-positive Bonoboville community and Bonobo Way philosophy is a sign of the times, elucidating a views-driven cultural divide in America and around the world that questions the very nature of sexual health and mental well-being.
Bonoboville Reunion guests include Daniele Watts (aka DaLove), Chef Belive, Amor Hilton, Sally Mullins, Man-Pet, Shannon Coronado, Mistress Mina Nietsche de Sade, Nova, Kacy T-Girl, Onyx Muse, Rhiannon Aarons, Coralyn Jewel, Erikka Rijks, Ikkor the Wolf, Luzer Twersky, Abby Martin, Mike Prysner, Stan Kent, Cyn Yen, and John Barrymore.
Other segments show flashbacks of Dr. Suzy’s shows with Too $hort, Dr. Christopher Ryan, Nancy Friday and Dave Bautista.
Susan M Block, Ph.D., aka “Dr. Suzy,” is an internationally renowned sexologist best-known for her groundbreaking HBO specials. She has hosted The Dr. Susan Block Show for almost 35 years, and is the best-selling author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure. A magna cum laude Yale graduate, Counterpunch columnist, DomCon and AASECT lecturer, and champion of sex education, bonobo conservation and freedom of speech, recently featured in Vice TV’s Sex Before the Internet, interviewed on Abby Martin’s Dosed and nominated for the “Most Popular Sex Educator” Urban X Award, Dr. Block hosts F.D.R. Radio every Saturday night with her husband of 31 years, publisher and producer Maximillian Lobkowicz di Filangieri. She’s also been featured on NPR, Oprah, Health, The Doctors, and many others. But she’ll never quit her “day job” as director and chief therapist with the Dr. Susan Block Institute, helping couples, singles and groups to explore, enjoy, take responsibility for and live their best sexual lives.
“I just hope that, despite—or because of—its flaws, this Vice piece inspires some viewers to check out our own shows and books and join us in Bonoboville, as well as encouraging people who need help to call the Institute for private therapy whenever they need to talk.”
For information or to arrange an interview with Dr. Susan Block, email drsusanblock@gmail.com or call (626) 461-5950.
Dr. Suzy’s Vice TV Documentary
Urban X Awards nominates Dr. Susan Block for “Most Popular Sex Educator” 2023
The Urban X Awards has nominated renowned sexologist Dr. Susan Block, a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” for its “Most Popular Sex Educator” award. Originally called the Urban Spice Awards, established in 2008, the Urban X Awards recognize achievements by performers and others in adult media, with a focus on Black, Latin and Asian achievers. The winners are voted for by fans. Besides Dr. Susan Block, other nominees for the “Sex Educator” 2023 award include Tyomi Morgan, ACS, Jetsetting Jasmine, Sinnamon Love, Pegstress (Peggin tha Stallion), Madame Carmen, Jessica Drake and Ericka Hart.
“Education is power, and sex education is sexual power,” says Dr. Suzy. “So I’m thrilled to be among such illustrious fellow sex educator nominees. In this erotophobic era of sex education suppression, banning books, anti-sex social media censorship, repression of sexual expression, defunding the Kinsey Institute, firing sex educators and rendering The Handmaid’s Tale all too real, it’s great to be honored for our work… and play. Thank you, Urban X Awards, for your courage and great taste.”
Susan M Block, Ph.D., aka “Dr. Suzy,” is an internationally acclaimed sexologist best-known for her groundbreaking HBO specials. She is currently featured in the new Vice TV documentary, “Dr. Suzy’s Controversial Phone Sex Therapy.” She has hosted The Dr. Susan Block Show for almost 35 years, and is the best-selling author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure. A magna cum laude Yale graduate, Counterpunch columnist, DomCon and AASECT lecturer, and champion of sex education, bonobo conservation and freedom of speech, recently featured in Vice TV’s Sex Before the Internet and Abby Martin’s Dosed. Dr. Block hosts F.D.R. Radio every Saturday night with her husband of 31 years, publisher and producer Maximillian Lobkowicz di Filangieri. She’s also been featured on NPR, Oprah, Health, The Doctors, and many other media outlets. But she’ll never quit her “day job” as director and chief therapist with the Dr. Susan Block Institute, helping couples, singles and groups to explore, enjoy, take responsibility for and live their best sexual lives.
The Urban X Awards will be held on Sunday, August 20, 2023 at the Globe Theater in Downtown Los Angeles. Red carpet will be at 6 – 7:30 PM and the Awards Show will be from 8:00 – 11:00 PM.
For information or to arrange an interview with Dr. Susan Block, email drsusanblock@gmail.com or call (626) 461-5950.
VICE TV’S Sex Before the Internet features DR. SUSAN BLOCK in “SEX on TV” (ep. 5) about HBO’s REAL SEX
World renowned sexologist, best-selling author of The Bonobo Way, and host of the Dr. Susan Block Show, Dr. Susan Block, a.k.a. Dr. Suzy, recently appeared on episode 5 of VICE TV’s Sex Before the Internet series, produced by former ABC News President James Goldstone. In the episode titled “Sex on TV,” which first aired on Feb. 7, 2023, Dr. Suzy discusses both her experiences and the impact of HBO’s groundbreaking cult favorite reality show, Real Sex.
“HBO was the place to go for adult entertainment that was as smart as it was sexy in those spicy, sex-exploratory years surrounding the turn of the 21st century,” explains Dr. Suzy. “In many ways, HBO’s Real Sex was unprecedented in television history and unsurpassed ever since. It also happened to be open-minded, informative, educational, empathetic, relatively nonjudgmental, funny and a lot of fun.”
The feeling was mutual. HBO called Dr. Suzy “radio’s sexiest, funniest, most outrageous sex therapist… if conversation is a sex act, then this Yale graduate has a very talented tongue.”
Vice’s “Sex on TV” opens with footage of Dr. Suzy’s signature “Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners…” which leads into her monologue on ethical hedonism that also kicks off Real Sex 25. The moment is followed by a present-day interview with Dr. Suzy, where she states that Real Sex was “a sexual revolution—for television.”
After making cameo appearances on a few of the very first Real Sex shows, Dr. Suzy was first featured on Real Sex 11 in 1995, then again on Real Sex 25 in 1999. In between her Real Sex segments, HBO launched two half-hour spin-offs hosted by Dr. Suzy, Radio Sex TV (1997) and Radio Sex TV 2: Off the Dial (1998), all about “Sex. Fun. Wisdom.” Both were #1-rated Nielsen specials.
“Sex on TV” also shows a Real Sex 11 clip of Dr. Suzy broadcasting her live syndicated radio show from bed 28 years ago, juxtaposed with her present-day studio as she broadcasts alongside her husband of over 30 years (also appearing in Radio Sex TV and her Real Sex segments), Max Lobkowicz, on F.D.R. Radio, where she still helps callers with their love lives, still educating, exploring and sharing “sex… fun… wisdom.”
The episode also includes interviews with former head of HBO Documentary Films and Real Sex executive producer Sheila Nevins, former HBO President Michael Fuchs, Real Sex lead producer Patti Kaplan, producer/director Deb Wasser, and other members of the female-led Real Sex production team, along with appearances by sex educator Tristan Taormino (another Real Sex featured guest), as well as comedians Nikki Glaser, Lunell, Joanna Briley, Zach Noe Towers, and adult performer Silvia Saige, all of whom say they *grew up on* Real Sex when it aired on HBO, and a few of whom would love to *bring it back* in some form.
In her Vice interview, Dr. Suzy talks about how Real Sex greatly expanded her audience, enabling her to reach people all over the world, as it helped so many others to share their sexual experience, insight and joy via this unique and remarkable TV show.
- For Dr. Suzy’s appearance on Sex Before the Internet, click the arrow above, and for more info, visit com/hbo#Vice.
- To watch Dr. Suzy on Real Sex, as well as her Real Sex spinoff specials, Radio Sex TV and Radio Sex TV: Off the Dial, on HBO, visit com/hbo.
- To see the full episode of Sex Before the Internet episode 5, “Sex on TV,” click here.
“Sex on the Internet” Aquitania Films Shoot Photo Gallery
Bonoboville Photos: Harry Sapien & Susan Block. Frames from Vice TV’s “Sex on the Internet”: Aquitania Films
Dr. Susan Block Gives “State of the Sexual Union” Address 2023 on WCAP-AM 980
Back by popular demand after her 2021 and 2022 “State of the Sexual Union” (SOTSU) addresses, world-renowned sexologist Dr. Susan Block, aka Dr. Suzy, returned to Active Radio with host Hartley Pleshaw on WCAP-AM 980 in the Massachusetts Valley on 2/25/23 to deliver a new SOTSU address for 2023.
“We had Joe Biden’s State of the Union last week. We had Vladimir Putin’s address. Well, those were just amateurs,” opined Hartley Pleshaw by way of introduction. “Today you’re going to get what we consider to be the most important state of the union – State of the Sexual Union, I should say – address of 2023, the one and only Dr. Susan Block… sexologist supreme.”
The two then discussed a variety of topics within the “meeting ground of sex, politics and culture which” Hartley says, “I believe [Dr. Susan Block] covers and handles better than anyone in the present contemporary scene.”
Just before the end, at the climax of the show, Dr. Suzy delivered the heart of her 2023 SOTSU address, her passionate “I Have a Fantasy” speech, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s iconic 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech, updated for 2023.
Some of the subjects discussed include:
- War: Right after Dr. Suzy’s 2022 SOTSU address, Russia bombed Ukraine, and now America and most of Europe are at war with Russia, putting much of the world on a warpath which is the opposite of the Bonobo Way, the path of peace through pleasure. This warpath, mapped out for us by the war profiteers within the Miltary-Industrial Complex, dominates our budget, our hearts and minds and some of our bodies. During this year of war, Dr. Suzy responded with “Make Kink Not War” at her Yale Reunion, DomCon and on FDR, one of her key “fantasies” being to replace the Capitalocene, which values war for profit, with the Bonobocene, valuing female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources, good sex and peace through pleasure. That’s one reason the theme of Dr. Suzy’s annual presentation at DomCon 2022 was Make Kink Not War: Be Bonobo.
- Censorship by Bot: The “Artificial Intelligence” (AI)—or as Dr. Suzy calls it, “Artificial Ignorance”—that terminated The Dr. Susan Block Show channel (and many other great shows and channels) on YouTube, and her remarkably effective “Block Curse” on YouTube CEO and Censor-in-Chief Susan Wojcicki who subsequently resigned. Nevertheless, despite the power of “Block Magic,” she says that Free Speech—in terms of noncorporate sex education and political expression—is still being unfairly censored in our more and more corporate, and less and less human (let alone humane) social media.
- Real Sex: Hartley dubs Dr. Suzy the “Official Sexologist of Active Radio” and commends her recent appearance in Vice TV’s Sex before the Internet episode 5, explores how HBO’s Real Sex revolutionized the portrayal of sex on television.
- DeSantis: Prompted by Hartley’s questions about the book-burning Florida Governor’s “Don’t Say Gay” programs, coupled with his 2024 U.S. Presidential ambitions, Dr. Suzy delves into the fascism-lite “phony cafone” populism and sadistic personality traits of her fellow Yale grad (Class of 2001, also a member in the infamous Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity, like G.W. Bush), Ron DeSantis and his personal record of torture and deception when he was a CIA lawyer stationed at Guantanamo prison as described in an interview conducted by Mike Prysner (the marvelous Abby Martin’s awesome husband) with one of his former prisoners.
- Trump: Hartley asks Dr. Suzy to address sexual conservatives’ support for Trump, a sexual libertine, to which she replies, “In a word, it’s hypocrisy,” then talks about how a libertine created a S. Supreme Court of the Religious Right to rule a citizenry that’s less religious than ever.
- Drag: When Hartley asks Dr. Suzy her views on the “Republican jihad about drag queens,” she discusses the history of ”drag” from prehistoric times to Shakespeare to now, and how closeted crossdressing, bisexual desires, erotophobia and shame mix with Rightwing politicians’ cynical and divisive approach to this “culture wedge” issue, creating a ridiculous yet very dangerous anti-Drag Queen/anti-trans crusade that has triggered mass shootings and other violence.
- “I Have a Fantasy”: Dr. Suzy delivers her latest rendition of “I Have a Fantasy,” inspired by MLK’s “I Have a Dream.”
Click here for a list of her 2023 fantasies as reprised on FDR.
Click the pic above to listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2023 State of the Sexual Union address and chat with Hartley Pleshaw on Active Radio WCAP 980-AM or listen on one of your favorite platforms.
Listen on Facebook.
Listen on Instagram.
Listen on FDR Radio.
Abby Martin & Mike Prysner Interview Dr. Susan Block on “DOSED”
Esteemed and intrepid investigative journalist (Breaking the Set, The Empire Files, Media Roots), artist, activist and commentator, Abby Martin, along with her partner, political activist Mike Prysner, interviewed Dr. Susan Block on episode #22 of their live Callin show, “DOSED With Abby Martin.” For each episode, Martin invites different public figures and freethinkers to offer their insights on what’s happening in the world today.
On this broadcast, Martin and Prysner ask Block for her unique sexological perspective of current events, especially violence, war and politics—which is tied to Martin’s opening question, “Would you say that America has a healthy relationship to sex and our bodies?”
Martin begins with a riveting reading from Block’s acclaimed 2001 essay, “Sex Not Bombs” in which she compares the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Centers to a “castration” of America’s great phallic towers of power. Then Martin and Prysner ask Block for her views on sexuality and violence in America, and the discussion delves into the relatively liberated Native American tribes vs. the strict, punishing Puritans who invaded this land and the Neo-Puritans on the Supreme Court now controlling it. As Block sees it, the American denigration of natural diverse sexuality—sex for recreation, not just procreation—has played a significant part in our high levels of violence, misogyny, mass murder, ammosexual incels on the march, perma wars, “forced breeding” and “forced feeding,” along with the increasing mechanization, militarization and polarization that is engineering the economic and ecological collapse of America and perhaps human civilization. A bleak horizon, but Block sees a glimmer of hope in our kissing cousins, the “Make Love Not War” bonobos, and believes that following a “Bonobo Way” of peace through pleasure, female empowerment, male well-being and sharing resources, could go a long way toward solving some of these problems.
The discussion, which includes calls from the audience, runs over two hours. This marks the first time that Martin has interviewed Block, though Block interviewed Martin on “The Dr. Susan Block Show” in 2015, and Martin’s brother (who makes a quick appearance on this show) Robbie Martin interviewed Block on Media Roots about two years ago. Abby and Mike both make a brief appearance on Block’s Bonoboville Reunion show released in the Spring of 2022.
Episode #22 of “Dosed” is now available on all major streaming platforms.
Listen on Google Podcasts.
Listen on Podbean.
Listen on Spotify.
Listen on Apple Podcasts.
Listen on Callin.
For all other listening platforms, visit linktr.ee/dosedshow.
Dr. Susan Block Gives “State of the Sexual Union” Address on WCAP-AM 98
Following a rousing reception to her 2021 “State of the Sexual Union” address, world-renowned sex therapist and “Sexologist of the Year” Dr. Susan Block, aka Dr. Suzy, returned to Active Radio with host Hartley Pleshaw on WCAP-AM 980 in the Massachusetts Valley to deliver a new State of the Sexual Union address for 2022.
Broadcast live 2/12/22, this special Valentine’s Day weekend address and interview focused on some of the major themes and events of the past year, including
- The ongoing Coronapocalypse, and how singles and couples are navigating the difficulties and opportunities of pandemic sex
- 2022 improvement: We don’t have a grifting, sociopathic narcissist in the White House, but we do have a geriatric neoliberal corporate military industrial complex cheerleader, which is only marginally better
- The 1/6/21 Insurrection and its noxious aftermath
- The Afghan war and the monstrous American Miitary-Industrial Complex
- The Massage Parlor Massacre and the general rise in misogynistic ammosexual violence and discourse
- Andrew Cuomo, #MeToo and the backlash
- Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson and the masculinist incel movement
- Distinguished leftist journalist Chris Hedges “plague of pornography” campaign is dangerously misguided
- Neopuritanism rising on the Right and the Left
- Toxic masculinity and toxic femininity
- The American Conservative and the misogynistic Sexual Counterrevolution
- The atrocity of Julian Assange still being imprisoned
- Small win for sex this year: Onlyfans flipped
- Stormy Daniels won her suit against Avenatti
- The ominous anti-sex, anti-Free Speech “EARN IT” act is worse than the proven-to-be-bad SESTA/FOSTA acts
- Lupercalia, the original pagan Valentine’s Day
- Happy World Bonobo Day! Help save humanity’s closest great ape cousins, the bonobo chimpanzees, from extinction – and release your inner bonobo for better sex and a better life
- The Bonobo Way of ecosexuality, female empowerment and male well-being, sharing, caring and peace through pleasure.
Click here to listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2021 State of Sexual Union address.
Listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2022 version of her “I Have a Fantasy” speech on FDR Radio’s Valentine Fantasies & Neopuritanical Nightmares.
Click the pic above to listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2022 State of the Sexual Union address and chat with Hartley Pleshaw.
Dr. Susan Block wins “Sexologist of the Year” (2021) for her third Glenny Award
The Glenny Awards have announced that Dr. Susan Block is the winner of the “Sexologist of the Year” award 2021. Announced at the cusp of 2022, the Glennys are produced by Sex in the Pews and Glenn Klein Online host Glenn Klein.
Dr. Susan Block, a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” has been a sexologist and sex therapist in private practice for 30 years. Perhaps best-known for her HBO specials, she hosts The Dr. Susan Block Show and co-hosts F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich), along with her husband and collaborator, Pr. Maximillian R. Lobkowicz. She is also a bestselling author of several books, including her latest, The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, and an advocate for the highly endangered “Make Love Not War” bonobo apes. A longtime journalist and commentator, her columns on sexuality, politics, art and culture appear in Counterpunch and other publications, including her own Speakeasy Journal.
This is Dr. Suzy’s third “Sexologist of the Year” Glenny award in a row! She won her first in 2019 for her premier “Sex in the Pews” interview (episode #58) based upon her bonoboësque philosophy of “Ethical Hedonism.” The interview went “viral,” according to Coach Glenn, scoring the most hits that year. In episode 270 of Sex in the Pews, “Sex is the Essence of Life,” her illuminating answer to the question, “What happens when life gets in the way of sex?” garnered her second Glenny award.
Now three’s the charm. “The great Greek philosopher Pythagoras considered ‘three’ to be the perfect number of harmony, wisdom and understanding,” says Dr. Suzy. “Plus it’s a hat trick, an honor and a pleasure. The Glennys are better and sexier than the Grammys or the Emmys, and not just because the Grammys and the Emmys don’t give “Sexologist of the Year” awards, but because with Neo-Puritan fervor rising on the Right and the Left, it’s important to acknowledge good sex. So, I will continue to use my platform as ‘Sexologist of the Year’ to speak out for love not war, freedom of speech, sexological research and sexual healing, as well as advocating for our highly endangered bonobo great ape cousins who show us the way to consensual sex-positivity, female empowerment, male well-being, sharing, caring, ecosexuality and peace through pleasure. There are so much to do this year, but I’ll never quit my day job helping people privately with that most sensitive of subjects, human sexuality.”
Find out more about Dr. Suzy’s other “Sexologist of the Year” Glenny awards here and here.
To arrange an interview, call 213-291-9497 or email DrSusanBlock@gmail.com. For private telephone sex therapy sessions with Dr. Susan Block or one of her Therapists Without Borders, call 213-291-9497.
TikTok SPLOSH with Dr. Susan Block on Screen Shot Media
Sploshing is the latest TikTok food trend with thousands of sexy chefs and gourmets preparing sensuous “food hacks,” spilling cream or suggestively eating sausages. Splosh isn’t a new concept though; it’s been around for ages. Just ask Dr. Suzy! Journalist Malavika Pradeep did just that for “Inside the wet and messy world of sploshing, the latest food festish on TikTok” (10/16/21) on UK-based Screen Shot Media, conducting an in-depth interview with internationally renowned sexologist and sploshologist, Dr. Susan Block, about the deliciously messy ins and outs of erotic food play. In the article, Dr. Block gives an extensive overview of splosh, why it’s so appealing, how to enjoy splosh properly, and the roots of this fun and messy fetish in human history. Quoted along with several TikTokers and splosh enthusiasts, Dr. Block is the main authoritative source for the piece. The article also includes many delicious excerpts and photos from Dr. Block’s Splosh ‘n’ Art Speakeasy Journal, featuring Daniele Watts, Rawkstar Chef BeLive, Gypsy Bonobo and Jiin Christou.
MEL Magazine interviews Dr. Susan Block for “The Private Lives of Straight Men with Sugar Daddies”
You’ve heard of “gay-for-pay” in porn, but how about sugar dating? Mel Magazine’s Mark Hay interviewed Dr. Susan Block for his article about the rising phenomenon of heterosexual male sugar babies who are paid to have sex with men entitled “The Private Lives of Straight Men with Sugar Daddies” (9/21). Dr. Block, whose book The Bonobo Way was the basis for the Mel-produced video, “3 Ways to Live Like a Bonobo,” shares her sexologist‘s perspective throughout Hay’s article, along with other experts, and why this seemingly incongruous arrangement remains a “pretty secretive” yet increasingly popular topic. The article can be found here.
Block also discussed the Mel article on F.D.R. radio and fleshed out her thoughts on straight male Sugar Babies seeking Sugar Daddies in her journal here.
Mattress Madness: Dr. Susan Block’s dispute with Arcadia Zoning Board covered in LA Daily News & Pasadena Star News
Annekai Geshlider’s article on Dr. Susan Block and her husband and business partner Maximillian R. Lobkowicz’s ongoing battle with the city of Arcadia’s zoning department was published in the Pasadena Star News, L.A. Daily News, San Gabriel Valley Tribune and other associated newspapers on 9/27/21. The report investigates the city of Arcadia’s constantly changing claims, a “surprise” inspection ordered by the department, and the discrimination and harassment that Block, Lobkowicz and their company, Saybrook Media, have endured since they moved into the building in March 2019. The article also includes quotes from Arcadia building licensing officer Amber Abeyta, the ringleader in the city inspection office’s efforts to discredit and displace Block, Lobkowicz and their volunteers. “It’s mostly a good article, thanks to Kai Geshlider’s in-depth reporting. Still, a lot of critical facts are missing,” says Block. “So, it’s important to set the record straight about some of the issues, injustices and downright ‘Mattress Madness’ currently gripping the Arcadia Zoning Board.” Therefore, Block has provided some facts and commentary in between passages of the original article which can be read here.
WASHINGTON BABYLON features Ken Silverstein’s “11 Minutes” with Dr. Susan Block
Eminent investigative journalist (Vice, LA Times, NY Observer, Harper’s & more) and co-founder of Counterpunch, Ken Silverstein interviewed Dr. Susan Block for his podcast, Washington Babylon, an incisive and satirical approach to politics as usual—and unusual. Episode 26 is entitled “11 Minutes With Sexologist Susan Block on Sex Therapy, The Bonobo Way, and Billionaire Penis Size,” though time flies, and it winds up going twice that long—though it feels like half!
Topics include sexology and sex therapy at the Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts and Sciences; The Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being and peace through pleasure; Sperm Wars and the insufferable “Billionaire Dicks in Space Race”; the legendary Dr. Susan Block Show; the founding of Counterpunch and the late great Alexander Cockburn; prurient police raids on Block Studios (including one on the day of this interview!) and more.
Listen to the Washington Babylon interview with Dr. Susan Block here:
“The Bonobo Way’ is a pleasure on all counts… and especially significant at this time.”
The Bonobo Way' is a pleasure on all counts… and especially significant at this time.—Dr. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Ecosexuality movement leader and author of 'Gaia'
I’ve never seen America look so good!
“I’ve never seen America look so good! God bless mistresses, goddesses, Motorbunny rides and The Dr.Susan Block Show!!”— Gypsy B.
Dr.Suzy I have never seen a baguette
“Dr.Suzy I have never seen a baguette look so sexy & appealing. You’re so sexy I love it!!”— Bambi Leigh
The sparkling Susan Block, doctor extraordinaire
“The sparkling Susan Block, doctor extraordinaire.”— Danièle Watts
Just finished reading The Bonobo Way
“Just finished reading The Bonobo Way and I am feeling so inspired!!! Thanks, Dr. Suzy and Bonoboville, for blowing my mind.”— Riley Reyes, Porn
Wowwww. So awesome.
“Wowwww. So awesome. Thank you Susan. You’re quite a powerful force of good in the universe. Honored to lend light to your mission.”— Keef Ward - Art With Teeth, Curator
The sparkling Susan Block, doctor extraordinaire.
“The sparkling Susan Block, doctor extraordinaire.”— Danièle Watts
I LOVE your spirit
“I LOVE your spirit and your sexy ways! “— Gerry Laytin, WRHU. 88.7 FM
Learn something new from, Dr. Susan’s show
“Learn something new from Dr. Susan’s show! There ain’t no substitute for real life!”— Clemmy Cockatoo
I got to perform something I could never do at the Magic Castle
“I got to perform something I could never do at the Magic Castle, but in Bonoboville anything is possible. We all witnessed history!!!”— Jack Murdock - Magician
Dr. Suzy repping Yale
“Dr. Suzy repping Yale is one of my favorite things right now.”— Renee Asher Pickup - Dirge Magazine, Editor
You have a message that can change the world
“You have a message that can change the world.”— Harry Sapien
When I pass my counselor licensing test
“When I pass my counselor licensing test, I want to work and learn from someone like you, Dr. Suzy. You inspire me!”— Erica Anderson
I was immediately taken with “The best laid plans may not get you laid the way you planned.”
“I was immediately taken with "The best laid plans may not get you laid the way you planned." From this point on during the hour plus program there are an array of positive insights without denying that negativity exists. I also was taken by narrowing the word "addiction" away from sexuality in that sex is a necessary part of living. It meant a lot to me to hear that it is wise to ask for help before one desperately needs help. Please consider listening to the many playfully Bonobo offerings and intelligent availability of Dr. Susan Block.Susan M. Block, Ph.D.”—Parisianne Modert, on The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure
“This book is packed with information, suggestions in addition to resources on how to actually help the Bonobo, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★”
I must say this is an incredibly belated review. Dr. Block graciously allowed me to review her book last year. I will say it took me a while to read it; although just over 200 pages, Dr. Block has loaded her book with footnotes and observations and I am one who can't resist reading and researching each one. If you're like me - it may take some time; if you can ignore this; however, it is an entertaining read that weaves the comparisons between the Bonobo and Human Sexuality & Socialization.
In this book, she covers a wide range of concepts, interests and thoroughly outlines her paradigm (some of my favorite sections being: 50 Shades of Bonobo, Ethical Hedonism in addition to Mix Food & Sex. The beauty is each chapter is truncated into easily digestible sections. This book is packed with information,suggestions in addition to resources on how to actually help the Bonobo - which in itself is pretty amazing.--Desiree Robinson, on The Bonobo Way of Peace Through Pleasure
Brilliant, absolutely brilliant…
A crazy circus
“The Bonobo Way’ is a pleasure on all counts… and especially significant at this time.”
The Bonobo Way' is a pleasure on all counts… and especially significant at this time.—Dr. Serena Anderlini-D’Onofrio, Ecosexuality movement leader and author of 'Gaia'
I’ve never seen America look so good!
“I’ve never seen America look so good! God bless mistresses, goddesses, Motorbunny rides and The Dr.Susan Block Show!!”— Gypsy B.
Articles by Dr. Susan Block
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1000s of pages!
Contact Information
(310) 568 – 0066
Vivian Hammer
Business Manager
Mailing Address
Dr. Susan Block
8306 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 1047
Beverly Hills, California 90211
About Dr. Susan Block
Susan M. Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” world-renowned sexologist and leading champion of sex education, erotic freedom and the highly endangered bonobo apes, is perhaps best-known for her groundbreaking specials on HBO. Host of the famous—and slightly infamous—Dr. Susan Block Show, broadcasting on radio, cable TV and the Internet for over 30 years, Dr. Block is a magna cum laude graduate of Yale University with a Ph.D. in sexology from the Institute for the Advanced Study of Human Sexuality, and a co-founder of Sex Week at Yale, inspiring similar college-student-based sex education conferences around the world. A best-selling, award-winning author, Dr. Block’s latest book, The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, has been acclaimed for its paradigm-shifting vision, humor and sound advice by journalists, sexperts, statesmen, primatologists and porn stars.
Director of the Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences, she is a top contributor to the Wiley-Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, authoring “extended explorations” on “Sexual Fetishes,” “Phone Sex” and “Striptease,” as well as definitive articles on “Spanking” and “Cuckolding.” Recently, she wrote the foreword to the award-winning Ecosexuality collection, and her writings on sex, politics and culture have been published in a variety of publications from Counterpunch to Cosmo to her own Journal. But she’ll never quit her “day job” as a therapist in private practice, helping thousands of individuals, couples and groups, from California to Saudi Arabia, to explore, understand, discipline, enhance, share and enjoy their sexuality.
Married for over 23 years to Pr. Maximillian R. Lobkowicz, pioneering publisher of the first “reader-written” media such as the LA Star, Love, Hate, Finger, The Brentwood Bla Bla and Beverly Hills, the Magazine, the two founded and direct Bonoboville, both a new social-media and a real “socialist/capitalist,” pro-sex community in Los Angeles, known for producing the first reality-based sexuality programs, convivial “Speakeasies,” bonoboësque gatherings, erotic art exhibitions, bacchanalian soirées, life-changing lectures, sex-educational seminars, and priceless moments of communal ecstasy, with a portion of all proceeds going to help save the highly endangered real bonobos in the wild.