The Dr. Susan Block Show & FDR Radio present...
Birthday HEALING
The Dr. Susan Block Show & FDR Radio present...
Get Well Capt'n Max +Happy Birthday to Me & Group Therapy for All
Capt’n Max had a stroke. I wish it could say that’s a joke. Or the good kind of stroke – a stroke of luck, a soft caress, a pleasure stroke. But no, unfortunately, Max had a stroke of seismic – or “ischemic” – pain… which is, in a way, a very bad joke that the body plays on the brain.
The technical term is cerebrovascular accident (CVA), but everyone calls it a “stroke” – though it’s really more of a strike – less a caress than a bullet to the brain, or, in Max’s case, an unexploded bomb that forms a blood clot blocking the flow of blood as well as oxygen to the cerebrum, causing (in Max’s case) sudden and severe damage.
What a stroke of madness, immobility and immeasurable suffering for my beloved Prince Max! Though it can always be worse; he could have had a stroke in Gaza. I’m not trying to be flip; I am grateful for the life-saving medical care Max is receiving that so many other people – from bombing victims in Palestine to women in need of abortions in Texas – cannot get right now. Indeed, Max and I are *privileged* to have access to quality care.
Nevertheless, a major ischemic stroke like this takes you – body, shattered brain and soul – to what appears to be as deathly a place as you can go in life – short of death itself.
Max’s stroke almost took his life; as it is, it has rendered him almost immobile, virtually paralyzing the entire right side of his body, and splintering much of his mind. Poor Max, so strong, right-handed, with such a powerful, creative mind, broken like a spilled jigsaw puzzle missing a few key pieces.
As for me, well, since the proverbial stroke of dawn, Sunday morning, May 19th – when Max’s deep growl turning into a howl of cosmic agony shocked me awake – until now, as I write this next to his hospital bed – I’ve been by his side.
According to Max, “The goal is the journey,” and – for better or worse – this is a journey we are on together.
So, every day, all day, and into the night, I’m in the hospital, the rehab, the ambulance, holding Max’s hand(s) – both his limp, stroke-stricken right hand and his *good* rambunctious left hand – trying my imperfect best to help my lover and friend of almost 40 years to survive, recover, communicate and somehow ease his incredible agony.
There are moments of ecstasy in the agony – cute crooked smiles, big wide eyes, whispers of desire, joyous laughter, pithy phrases blurted like “spoken word” poetry, unintelligible instructions delivered with the gravity of a Mafia don, flashes of radiance, hope, healing, hugs, even eroticism, fun, flirtation, sensuous touch, precious kisses and bonobo love glowing like a fire in the darkness.
In a way, I have never felt so much love as I feel right now for Max in these awful, draining weeks –before and (now) after this show.
The Show Must Go On
Ah, this show. Yes indeed, on with the show. That’s what Max would say.
In fact, that’s what Max did say just before he had the damn stroke. Even though he wasn’t feeling well, even though I begged him not to (I myself have been cutting back on broadcasting live shows, and I thought he should too), he did a show. More than just about anything – except sex – Max loves doing the show. And I know if he could talk coherently right now, he would tell me to get on that mic and broadcast the truth. As it was, he nodded when I told him it was almost showtime. His big beautiful hazel eyes widened while a cute, crooked smile broke out across his face, before he emphatically exclaimed, “okay!”
And so, I broadcast this show about Max and his stroke – what happened, how he’s doing and what it means for all of us – for Max, for me, for our guests, for everyone in Bonoboville and for Max’s family, friends and fans all over the world. Of course, it’s just the tip of this iceberg of illness that has crashed into our Good Ship Bonoboville – not to mention our marriage! – but at least I’m (partially) facing the reality of *what happened* with Max by sharing the news.
On With the Show: Get Well Capt’n Max, Happy Birthday to Me & Group Therapy for All. Photo: Harry Sapiens
It’s also my birthday. What a lousy birthday present, huh? Though if ever there was something Max didn’t do on purpose, it’s being stricken by a stroke, and by the time my birthday rolls around, Max is unintubated (taken off the breathing tube) and seemingly out of the darkest part of the woods, meaning there’s actually something to – cautiously – celebrate and certainly support on this auspicious, musical, magical, emotional birthday show.
This is, in a way, the opposite of what our show is known for. Usually, we talk about sex, not strokes. But even stroke patients need to be stroked. Maybe especially stroke patients need to be stroked – mentally and physically – encouraged and caressed. Desire is at least as strong a motivator as fear.
Yes indeed, I always find a sex angle, even in a stroke, and after all, this stroke patient is my lover.
So, after spending all day Saturday giving Max the good kind of strokes, I gather our Bonoboville crew, a few guests and friends for my birthday and Max’s healing (thus the title) in the little Love Church of The Bonobo Way at the “Speakeasy,” our ongoing, always-evolving show where we “speak easy” about things that aren’t so easy to speak about, like sex, death and Max’s stroke.
Sitting to my left, fingering the strings of her glorious harp like Max’s own Angel of Healing, is our old friend High Priestess Regan, whom we’ve known since 1996 when she was a multi-talented 19-year-old “in search of kinky role models.” Memories of Regan as Venus/Aphrodite, strumming her heavenly harp, divinely naked on Eros Day 2004, at our old Speakeasy in the Soul of Downtown LA, flood my mind with feelings of pleasures past that heal the present hurt.
What amazing times we’ve had in the studios that Max built!
Also joining the “Birthday Healing” Speakeasy: John Barrymore, Ikkor the Wolf, Tuesday Conner, Oracle, Hollywood Jake, Fawnia the Naughty Realtor, Amy Real and my fabulous hairdresser Mark Brown, along with the Bonoboville crew – Abraham (also celebrating his birthday), Harry Sapiens, Mars FX, Gideon, Christina, Dre Day, Torin, Ana, Miguel and Chico the emotional support Spitz-Pomeranian – to ring in yet another *happy* birthday to me (I won’t tell you my age, but I’ll give you a hint: it’s a double header), and send our love and most fervent wishes for Capt’n Max’s recovery.
Having gone through three harrowing, sleepless weeks since Max’s stroke struck our lives like lightning, I am still in shock, and so sad, scared, exhausted, crying through my memories and fears for Max. Yet I’m also so grateful for all the nurses, doctors and therapists who are helping Max, and for my guests on this show who sing, speak, touch and hold me in their communal embrace, as I clutch Max’s photo in one hand and our “Group Therapy” Speakeasy Bar sign in the other. It’s a funny bar sign showing hands raising drinks in good cheer, but on a very deep level, this show truly is Group Therapy – for me and everyone who cares about Max, or has a loved one struggling to recover from a stroke.
Kangaroo Court Report
We also update our FDR audience on our freedom fight against Zuck the Cuck and the fascist forces of META – an uphill David-and-Goliath battle, thanks to section 230, a law that was created almost 30 years ago to foster a free and fair internet now being used by tech moguls to protect their unchecked mega-powers at the expense of their users (that’s us!). We explain more about our Meta Battles on this show, though our legal situation has had a setback – in a nutshell, our case is so morally strong, Meta stooped to sabotage and got it kicked out of arbitration by a Meta-paid arbitrator before I could even testify! I will address in detail the freedom-crushing legalese – as well as our path forward – when Max is a bit more stabilized at a later date.
Max would be proud that, setbacks and all, we’re continuing the fight against the rich and powerful tech moguls (Zuck the Cuck being biggest and worst, but they’re all awful) who exploit the rest of us to the point that they are squeezing the life out of the Earth itself, like a bullet (the rich) to the brain (the rest of us).
I’m a lover, not a fighter. So, thank you, Capt’n Max, for giving me the strength to fight for what’s right – like love!
Different Strokes…
We also take a few moments to mourn the victims of Zionism in Palestine (Free Palestine!), shout-out “My Reply to a Zionist Troll” (now in Counterpunch), and denounce Genocide Dementia Joe – though most say Trumpty Dumpty would be even worse.
Two old white men, both with lousy “mentation,” as they say in the stroke wards. One can’t think and the other can think only of himself.
What a shit show! It’s enough to give you a stroke.
Here’s a bit of presidential stroke trivia: U.S. President Woodrow Wilson had a major ischemic stroke (like Max) in 1919, but kept it on the hush-hush, as his wife Edith ran the White House to the point that some have called her the first female U.S. President. Wonder if that’s Dr. Jill Biden’s plan…
A bit of good news since this show: Julian Assange is free! It’s great he is out of prison (where he is said to have had a small stroke!), even though he was forced to plead guilty to the espionage act. A shining moment of hope in bleak times – another story I will talk more about later.
Aren’t we all damaged goods? In a way, a stroke accelerates the madness that is always just around the bend of our brains.
Not-so-good news: Noam Chomsky had a stroke, and it was kind of like Max’s, though Noam is 96. Noam is convalescing in Brazil with his wife now, and we wish him a full recovery, though we, of all people right now, know how hard that is. It is sadly ironic that Noam Chomsky, an award-winning linguist before his political activism, is now rendered almost speechless.
I suppose it’s equally ironic that Max, a publisher and radio talk show host for over 50 years, can’t talk either. Like a bunker-buster busting its nut in the wrong Batcave, these cerebrum-bound dumb bombs wreaked a shit-ton of brain-cell-busting damage in both great men of words.
Well, aren’t we all damaged goods? In a way, a stroke accelerates the madness that is always just around the bend of our brains.
I take solace in the fact that Max is saying new words every day, in addition to his curious guttural utterances, stroke glossolalia, sound poems for our times.
There is so much more for me to say and write about Max, but I will stop for now and let you watch this amazing, heartfelt “group therapy” show broadcast live on my birthday at our beloved “Speakeasy.”
Unless something strikes me (more and more likely with each passing birthday), I figure I will be speaking (even if it’s not so “easy”) and writing about Max for a long time to come.
© June 10, 2024 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 626-461-5950.
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09 · 9 · 24 @ 5:36 pm
You have been and are an inspiration to so many. All of our thoughts and prayers are with you.
07 · 23 · 24 @ 9:54 pm
Captain Max & Dr. Susan Block were always kind to me and their love is something special something I will never know but only through them so I will continue to pray for them individually and together and sending healing and love where they are
07 · 23 · 24 @ 9:51 pm
Sending love and healing wishes for Max and to Dr Suzy too
07 · 23 · 24 @ 9:50 pm
Sorry to hear, hope Max is feeling better soon!
07 · 23 · 24 @ 9:31 pm
This is MY kind of Group Therapy.
Amazing show on multiple levels, and just the tonic for our sick society.
07 · 23 · 24 @ 7:33 pm
Get well soon Mr Max.!!
07 · 19 · 24 @ 11:02 pm
LOVE YOU GUYS! Wish I was there for you & Max during this time. He’s very strong and I believe he will heal well. Big Hugs to both of you.
07 · 19 · 24 @ 10:22 pm
You’ve always surrounded yourself with love, Susan. You and Max have been through so much, both incredible souls. I’m fortunate to have been able to be there with you guys. I feel awful that this happened and I cannot imagine what you’re going through.
The pico place was awesome. Russell got me there, I was learning computer stuff from Russell, I had no idea what went on outside of Russell’s door….until one day Max called me over to chat!
I see Max is responding and this makes me feel better, little bits at a time. I know now to keep you both in my prayers and meditations.
Such good times. Great place, great people. Lots of fun and lots of not so fun too, we were like a family there though. Sending love and hugs to both you and Max.
07 · 19 · 24 @ 10:15 pm
Prayers for Max and lots of love to Dr. Suzy. I’m happy to see that you’re pushing forward because the world still needs good people.
I’m glad that Susan is still doing the show. Somehow, I get the feeling that Max wants the show to continue,
LOL You actually gave my industry a bit of class. NOT an easy job to do !
07 · 19 · 24 @ 10:05 pm
Hi Dr Suzy. I am so sorry for you both. I will pray for Jesus to heal him. May God bless and heal you both during this time. ♥️
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:49 pm
Bravo Dr. Suzy for your strength, this show is an example of the community you build and how you bring an abundance of intelligence and thought to our lives….
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:44 pm
Dr. Suzy is a lover AND a fighter—living proof that you can in fact be both!
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:43 pm
so so sorry to hear this hope Captain Max recovers soon! dude is way too funny for that bs sending bonobo vibes

07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:41 pm
Best wishes to Capt. Max for a speedy recovery, and to you for the pain that this is causing you.
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:39 pm
Excellent show. Sending healing vibes
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:37 pm
Warm Regards to all of you from your little lady who loves you. Healing process is a process and l prayed that you, your husband, your family, your true friend and your work team work will be happy and safe. Love..
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:31 pm
All my love and thoughts with you and Max. Wish him a steady and fast recovery.
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:30 pm
Light, love and healing to Capt. Max! May he be as lucky in his recovery as he was in finding a wonderful romantic partner!
And my love goes out to you too, Dr. Suzy. I know that this is a very tough time for you. Know that I am with you, along with everyone who loves you!
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:27 pm
Oh My ! I am so sorry My love , please let Max know he is in My prayers and will be burning a candle to speed his recovery. Love n Light to My Bonobo Fam.!
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:25 pm
Sending my love to both Max and yourself
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:23 pm
Than you so much for sharing your lives with us.
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:19 pm
Max has the best care he could hope for- love and sending healing thoughts to you all!
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:17 pm
Dr. Susan, take good care of yourself as you go through this with your beloved. It is hard, I know. My beloved of 39 years had a stroke 06/01/2024 and is recovering slowly. We have been home 10 days. We are looking into scalp acupuncture, Feldenkris and I just ordered a product from Flintrehab. Also the Paul Stemets protocol seems promising.
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:14 pm
Je suis triste, dévastée, et admirative de votre amour. J’écris en français car trop dur en anglais. Les larmes pleins de sels je ne vois qu’entre celles-ci, voir daddou dans cet état me pince dans la poitrine. Un froissement dans mon cœur.
Send you prayers. Luv and good vibes. Tell him. Je le vois toujours comme un père de coeur. Nous seuls savons quelle aventure a été notre rencontre. Never forget. Never never. I am crying !
But happy you Cap’tain daddou
07 · 23 · 24 @ 7:28 pm
E-man Indy Sterning Merci beaucoup & thank you for this lovely heartfelt comment I feel your tears mingling with my own. You are very special to Max – your Daddou – as you spent some very magical time with him in France – Paris, Cannes, Toulouse – working and doing a radio show with him – and me too! I will always remember our New Years Eve 2001. I just told Max that Imanne sends him “love and good vibes” (he doesn’t particularly like prayers) and he smiled. I’m crying now. We love you Imanne. Nous t’aimons pour toujours xo Suzy
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:10 pm
My thoughts and prayers are with you both!! Positive vibes are being sent!!!
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:08 pm
Hey Max. Love you brother. Get well soon.
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:06 pm
All my love and prayers to Maximillian Lobkowicz
Also maybe not the happiest given the circumstances but Happy Birthday Dr. Suzy! Sorry I missed it
All my love to you both!!!
07 · 18 · 24 @ 11:00 pm
You guys are loved and supported ! Keeping You and Max in my prayers sending healing vibrations and love and peace to you guys and may the doctors / nurses medical team be well rested knowledgeable steady hands and caring heart
07 · 18 · 24 @ 10:34 pm
Sending love and healing to Cap’n Max, he is lucky to have you by his side, passionately, all these years.
07 · 18 · 24 @ 10:10 pm
Looking at this video has been an almost spiritual experience for me. The love you both have for each other is so raw and beautiful and has been from the beginning.
Also so proud of your speaking out about Facebook most of all Happy Birthday Cuz
07 · 18 · 24 @ 8:04 am
FIGHT LIKE HELL max, you got this, my prayers to you and our great hero Dr Suzy are being put forth!!!
07 · 15 · 24 @ 5:32 pm
It is amazing how much Max has done and continues to do for Free Speech and Freedom of Expression. This country and the entire spectrum of creatives (artists, musicians, writers, photographers , etc) and even journalists owe Max a debt of gratitude for his tireless advocacy for Free Speech.
And as the Fates will it, Max joined with Dr. Suzy who is a champion and advocate for Free Speech and Sex Positivity in her own Right. Together, they’ve done so much for so many of us.
As if often the case, their show never shies away from the tough and hard subjects and they always speak truth to power.
thanks for giving us so much and we wish you the best
07 · 14 · 24 @ 8:23 am
Group Therapy heals.
07 · 13 · 24 @ 10:37 pm
What a far out birthday celebration. You even have your own music video montages at the end! Looks like it was a Happening.
So much happening with Dr. Suzy and Max right now. Two great battles are being fought at once. And you hold yourself up so well, Dr. Suzy!
Thanks for sharing your birthday healing with us!
07 · 13 · 24 @ 9:14 pm
Capt. Max is the guy who built Bonoboville with his own mind and hands. Dr. Suzy’s companionship that we see here is going to be critical to his rehabilitation. His whole crew is wishing him a speedy recovery.
07 · 13 · 24 @ 9:12 pm
Dr. Suzy’s birthday gathering is certainly a healing event for both her and her husband Max. Good to hear of some improvement in his condition. Sending good vibes to both you and him Dr. Suzy!
07 · 13 · 24 @ 8:52 pm
Get Well Max!! I feel the emotion in this moment, it was so touching how people came together for you and Max, Dr. Suzy, it is something rare but, beautiful to behold…
07 · 13 · 24 @ 8:18 pm
Awesome Group Therapy session at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy. Particularly powerful and helpful show for anyone whose loved one has a stroke. Brava Dr. Block!
07 · 13 · 24 @ 8:01 pm
What a therapeutic way to celebrate both a good and bad time in life. It’s amazing how Dr. Suzy was able to entertain a house full of guests all while dealing with Captain’s Max’s condition with such grace.
07 · 13 · 24 @ 5:52 pm
Wow, just wow. What a flood of different feelings, and what a beautiful show about the healing power of love