F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
Abortion Rights, Supreme Wrongs, the Sexual Revolution of the 1970s & the Ammosexual Incel Revolt of 2022
We knew it was coming (so to speak), thanks to Sam Alito’s leaky dick—I mean, draft. Still, when the Supreme Guillotine came crashing down, it hurt like a Constitutional Cliterectomy—which is what it is.
On Friday, June 24, 2022, a Judicial Coup led by a Gang of Five radical, religious, right-wing Supreme Court Injustices hit “delete” on the reproductive rights of millions, directly thwarting the will of the majority of Americans, endangering women’s and other pregnant people’s lives, setting the stage for further degradations, and just generally pooping on our party (what’s left of it).
Read “Forced Breeding” on Counterpunch
Coup Anon
With their masks off and evil clown grins on display, the Gang of Five and their Judicial Coup are part of the rolling Trumpublican takeover, aka “Coup Anon.” Elements include: racist voting restrictions and gerrymandering, installing tRump-compliant election officials, harassing nonbelievers of the Big Lie, beefing up military-style policing (especially of leftist protests) and demanding zero gun control.
The colorful Coup Anon centerpiece is the Christofascist cosplay Insurrection, tRump‘s 1/6 raging Rape of the Capitol, now the focus of a Congressional show trial revealing some of the criminal machinations behind this mad carnivalesque prelude to Friday’s Supreme misruling that has given the thumbs-up for forced breeding in the bleeding Red States.
It’s all connected like a conspiracy or a fever dream, and it’s all happening faster than we can shout “U-S-A,” from the top (SCOTUS) on down to the bottom (Proud Boys, MAGAts, etc.). And this hurts all of our bottoms… nonconsensually, to say the least.
As a prelude to turning Big Roe into *just a ‘ho*… on Thursday, the sadistic Supremes struck down New York gun laws, triggering a little Wild West into the Big Apple; so, if anything happens (or doesn’t) on the subway, now we can all pull out our guns and shoot each other. That same day, they also hit “delete” on our previously precious Miranda rights (which if you’ve ever been arrested, you know come in handy), making it even easier to cuck the Constitution and convict innocent lawyer-less suspects based on coerced confessions.
Then on Friday, they did the heavy lifting, completing their vile hat trick, wiping out a woman’s right to choose an abortion, a right enshrined in the Constitution for 50 years, and giving individual states the power to make pregnant people into breeding slaves.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, though we just celebrated Juneteenth and the freeing of the slaves, slavery is back. Forced breeding is rebranding (read JoAnn Wypejewski’s “Long Hand of Slave Breeding Redux”), as America metamorphoses into a neo-Puritanical Gilead (see The Handmaid’s Tale) with no Miranda rights, but lots of guns, dead women and poor, screaming, unwanted babies. You’d think they were trying to instigate a new American Civil War…
It’s equal parts awful and absurd. Even the Russians are laughing at us. Abort this court!
Cliterectomy Culprits
So, how the hell did it happen? Let’s start with the obvious. It’s no coincidence that three of these five radical right-wing SCOTUS Gang leaders were chosen by (or for) the Trumpus. Back in the 1970s, 80s, 90s and early 2000s (when he could get it up), tRump enthusiastically supported abortion and pro-choice candidates; Stormy Daniels’ recollection of his refusal to wear a condom, even on the first date, gives us some idea why. Then the Chosen One got religion when he realized being anti-abortion would seduce the rich and powerful Religious Right, giving birth to his shoulda-been-aborted Presidential aspirations.
All three—Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett—were forced through contentious Senate confirmation hearings, each unjust in its own way, like three illegitimate forced births.
Then, shortly after shamelessly mumbo-jumbling their views of Roe v Wade as “precedent,” “settled law” or whatever gibberish they used to hide their true feelings (which everyone but Susan Collins could see through), all three joined the SCOTUS Gang of 5 to murder abortion rights. The other two hitmen, Clarence Thomas (another forced-birth confirmation) and Samuel Alito, Jr., were nominated by George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, Jr., respectively. In Alexander Cockburn’s and Jeffrey St. Clair’s Holy Alito, we learn that Sammy’s “90-year old mother Rose snapped at reporters the day Bush nominated him, ‘Of course he’s against abortion.'” Out of the mouths of nonagenerians…
The mysterious, equivocating sixth member of the Gang of 5 would be Chief Justice John Roberts, who voted to uphold the Mississippi anti-abortion law but not to overturn Roe V. Wade, claiming to desire a “more measured course” to stripping Americans of reproductive rights (because he’s “a man with a slooow hand”). But that quick and ruthless Gang of Five just overwhelmed poor Chief Johnny’s resistance in what appears to have been a black-robed judicial gangbang.
Speaking of which, two gangbangers, Thomas and Kavanaugh, have been charged with sexual harassment and attempted rape respectively. Let that sink in: Two men credibly accused of sexual abuse during their Supreme Court confirmation hearings have just sexually abused the entire country.
Thomas’ wife Ginni Thomas was (is?) one of the more enthusiastic ringleaders of Coup Anon. To be fair, with such a rightwing activist wife, Thomas should recuse himself from everything. However, this bitter man who has confessed that his deepest desire is to make liberals “miserable,” is far too busy taking revenge on those of us who believed Anita Hill to even consider being “fair.”
The one woman in the Gang of Five, Amy Coney Barrett, was raised in “People of Praise,” a Church more draconian than the Vatican and more cultish than Heaven’s Gate with Gorean notes, where she served (wait for it) as a “Handmaid.”
Yes, it’s a slightly different kind of handmaid from the The Handmaid’s Tale, but these black-robed fundamentalists are now our American Taliban overlords and ladies overseeing our bodily functions. Less than a year ago, in Sept 2021, we were talking about the Texas Taliban, laughing off those crazy Texans. Now we find ourselves ruled by the Supreme Taliban, the Republican Brain on steroids… with a horse dewormer chaser.
Speaking of bodily functions, if American fascism were a body, the Trumpublican party would be its fleshy face, the Proud Boys its ass, and the police are the dicks on the beat, shrinking in their pants, too scared to save a school full of kids from a mass shooter, but horny and ready to use their big phallic batons and guns to beat defenseless protestors and shoot unarmed citizens.
The body politic collapses with the spineless Democrats who didn’t have the cajones to codify Roe v Wade when they had majorities in both Houses of Congress and Obama was president. Sure, Barack tweeted his chagrin over losing Roe v Wade, but he didn’t codify it when he could have. He saved the banks instead. Well, his daughters won’t suffer.
Forced Labor is Trafficking
The rich will be fine (for a while) without Roe v. Wade. Aside from a few affluent red-state girls whose parents will use the new anti-abortion laws to force grandbabies out of their reluctant uteruses, the poor will be the victims of “forced breeding,” compelled to bear children too broke not to serve in American military branches, factories, jails, schools, and dangerous, “essential,” custodial, low-income jobs that the wealthy would never take.
Talk about “forced labor.” The double meaning is double trouble. Though consenting adult sex work is not sex trafficking (delete SESTA/FOSTA!), if anything fits the definition of “trafficking,” it’s forcing someone to stay pregnant and give birth against their will.
Forced breeding is a sexual fetish (some of my sex therapy clients are into it, though just in fantasy… I hope!). However it was also a very serious, horrific, real-world component to ensuring the indefinite viability of institutionalized, home-grown slavery in, *coincidentally,* many of the same states in the South now salivating over criminalizing abortion.
The capitalist strategy is a lot more harmful than the sexual fetish (though the kinky fantasy is informed by the historic reality) and, with a little imagination, this ruling could turn it into an everyday part of the modern neo-Puritanical marketplace. Could online adoption auctions for the rich and childless be next?
While the GOP is going for blood, the disappointing Dems appear to be more concerned with providing security for these Supreme Injustices than codifying our reproductive rights. I’m sure some are sincerely disturbed by this ruling, but in general, they seem to just want to use it to fundraise and make us vote for them. So, I’m supposed to stay in a house with a passive-aggressive ass because that house is surrounded by rabid AR-15-toting elephants?
Okay, okay, I’m not crazy enough (yet) to walk into a hail of honking bullets or vote Repugnican, so I will vote for the ass, not the elephant, being a Lesser-of-Two Evils gal.
But the evil is mounting daily, and I’m started to wonder if “Lesser Evil” is really just slightly slower evil. As of this writing, these Dems haven’t even charged the Trumpus for Coup Anon, leaving it open for him to run again. Do they want that… again? It ain’t over yet, so I still have hope to see the Orange One in an orange jumpsuit, though let the loser have his Miranda rights.
Where’s Our Sexual Revolution?
Third to blame (after the Toxic Duopoly) for this mess is us, the American people, because the buck stops here, even if we don’t have a buck to our name with the top 1% constantly stealing our money. Still, it’s our country—sort of… So, it looks like our Bonobo Summer of Love will have to be a summer of protest. Out in the street, Brothers and Sisters! Speak out against this horrific Judicial Coup that is sure to result in more murders of pregnant women by can’t-handle-it boyfriends, in addition to the deaths by suicide and botched, illegal abortions.
We should also fight for our Right to Party. Seriously, we have human animal needs to experience healing, consensual, peacemaking pleasure together.
It’s the 1970s all over again! Or is it? There are a few differences… like, where are all the dudes? Women and other marginalized pregnant people’s lives are on the line. Will straight men, our husbands, lovers, fathers and brothers, support us through the long haul it’s looking to be? Some are, and kudos to them! But look at how many aren’t… where are all the straight men who love women?
Tons of men—straight men—supported Roe v Wade, starting with the male Supreme Court Justices that made the ruling, along with their mostly male clerks, right on down to the dudes in the streets, the bars and the bedrooms. Why? One of the reasons that straight men supported a woman’s right to choose in the early 1970s was that it was the Sexual Revolution. They were getting laid. You could say they had skin in the game.
And now they don’t. In fact, it’s the opposite. To a great extent, straight men are not getting laid (for various reasons, some good and some really bad), and even if they are, it’s not usually with—to steal a word from the rainbow community—pride. All of us like to take pride in our sexuality, even privileged straight dudes, but between anti-sex religion on the Right and #MeToo political correctness on the Left, it’s tough. You may not think they have anything to complain about, and they don’t necessarily complain out loud (unless they’re hiding behind a Twitter handle or doing a podcast), but on the Right, you find rage and violent aggression against women and the marginalized; on the Left, apathy and despair.
The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and 70s was inclusive, or tried to be—straight, gay, bi, group, trans, kink. Not everyone liked it, and it was wildly imperfect, but its ideas and many of its practices were very bonoboësque. There were some US Air Force swingers and gay U.S. Marines, but most out-of-the-closet sex revolutionaries of that time were against the Vietnam war and war in general. “Make Love Not War” was the rallying cry of the Sexual Revolution, and rally we did, around sex, love, swinging, stopping the war(s) and around abortion rights.
After all, a big part of “making love” was and is focused on recreation, not procreation, as well as good relation-ship(s). The rights to legal contraception and abortion were championed by the Women’s Movement (as everybody knows), but they were also integral to the Sexual Revolution… as many people are too embarrassed or erotophobic to admit.
Too often, especially lately, abortion rights have been framed as a “women’s issue” or about “women’s health.” However, most human pregnancies involve or at least involved a straight man. Maybe we should be getting these dudes on board with abortion rights for all, because it really is for all of us.
Straight men enjoyed the Sexual Revolution of the 1970s, and even if they didn’t participate, they could hope and vote accordingly. Thus, many young, old and middle-aged dudes who identified as straight, including many not-so-feminist men, actively supported contraception and abortion rights. Call them shallow, selfish horn-dogs, if you like, and you wouldn’t be wrong, but a lot of support for Roe vs. Wade in the bedroom, the boardroom and the courtroom came from the Sexual Revolution.
The Ammosexual Incel Revolt
Unfortunately, right now, we do not have a Sexual Revolution. Quite the opposite. What we have is an Ammosexual Incel Revolution. Let’s call it a revolt, because it’s quite revolting, with the Sadistic Supremes at the top and the sexually frustrated misogynists in their parents’ basements, along with the predatory Proud Boys on the street, at the bottom.
Those men who are currently crowing, “Don’t have sex if you don’t want to get pregnant!” are the same incels who cry in their forums that women reject them sexually. Every so often (way too often), they grab an AR-15 and massacre innocents in a final deadly ejaculation. Or maybe they just joke about it, encouraging others to do the deadly deeds. It’s the Revenge of the Nerds, the awkward guys who, more than most, really need sex education (something else the Religious Right would like to delete) and, unlike Marky Z, Jeffy B and Elona Musky, they don’t have enough money to hide behind.
Sanctimonious voices on the Right and Left shame straight single guys who have trouble dating, and heaven forbid they engage in healing, consensual sex with a sex worker, or they’ll be labelled a “loser” or accused of engaging in “sex trafficking.” Viable erotic alternatives are rarely discussed, let alone provided. No wonder so many men are, or just feel like, incels.
The technical definition of “incel” is an “involuntary celibate,” and for a variety of reasons, their numbers are growing. I’m also starting to see the word used to describe men—like Alito—who may have a wife and kids, but seem to despise women who enjoy sex for pleasure or erotic power. I’m embarrassed to admit that Incel Alito attended my Alma Mater for Law School. Mother Yale really should have aborted this one.
Tellingly, while a Princeton undergrad, young Samuel joined the Concerned Alumni of Princeton, which was formed in October 1972 at least in part to oppose Princeton admitting women. He may not be a technical incel, but Alito could be the black-robed spokesman for an incel cologne; call it “MISOGYNY,” the scent of rejection.
Some incels say they are so furious that they *can’t* have the women they desire (and the married ones fear being cuckolded), that they want these women to suffer and be demeaned, “brought down a peg.” So, of course, they are attracted to the idea of “forced breeding,” in fantasy and now reality. Forced breeding is inherently anti-sex; the coerced pregnancy is *punishment* for making love, not war.
All five Injustices (and Slow-Hand Roberts makes 5 ½ ) are far more anti-sex than “pro-life,” a well-paid gang of religious fundamentalist, partisan hacks on a mission to hack off our pleasure in a judicial cliterectomy and make us into breeding slaves, all while lining the pockets of their corporate benefactors and throwing red meat to their hungry, horny (and sexually frustrated) base, now celebrating sadistically as they deprive not only women, but all Americans of erotic power, sexual pleasure and general peace of mind.
This is the opposite of what I call The Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure.
Bonobo Female Empowerment & Male Well-Being
The bonobos, our close great ape cousins, show us how important sex for pleasure is for the mental and physical health and well-being of great apes like us, as individuals and as a community. Bonobos are also known for female empowerment, solidarity and the power of sisterhood (even though most female bonobos in any given tribe aren’t blood-sisters). The #MeToo movement could learn something from bonobo communities where rape is rare and sexual harassment swiftly stopped.
The other, equally important side to bonobo female empowerment is male well-being. If the bonobo males aren’t being taken care of—given love, nurturance and some access to sex (whether with females or other males)—the whole beautiful female-empowering structure falls apart.
Same with humans, I guess. We see it happening now, in real time. On the Right, we see the guys—and their subservient-to-the-patriarchy women—playing hardball with anti-female laws, threats, guns, physical abuse, contempt for our consent, and now this, loss of our fundamental power over our own bodies, or to be very sexually specific, all fertile, child-bearing bodies. As for the frustrated straight males on the Left, most are, sad to say, not fighting back much at all.
Though some are fighting back, and they should be acknowledged. #GoBonobos for U.S. Chief Justice Stephen Breyer! Of course, he’s now retiring, but at least he’s doing it with a Dem in the White House. Bexar County, Texas Sheriff Javier Salazar says he will not “persecute” women who get abortions. Harry Styles is giving pro-Abortion Rights concerts. And there are many more. Somebody give these men a hug.
Instead, driven by nightmares of unwanted babies, some Gen Z women say they’re now swearing off sex with men altogether. This is very understandable, though LGBTQ rights could be on the Supreme Court Injustices’ chopping block next. Moreover, this is exactly what the anti-abortion set wants young people to do: “Abstinence only” is the Religious Right’s control rod, enabling them to morally beat their base into submission. Meanwhile, beneath the surface, it adds fuel to the fiery fury of the Ammosexual Incel Revolt.
On a more realistic and exciting note, many young people and a few elders are sharing tips (don’t use a period tracker app!) and organizing “underground railroads” for people in red states who need abortions. If these ammosexual incels in power are going to treat us like slaves and criminals in service of their corporate overlords and capitalist owners, we should learn from Harriet Tubman and the courageous slaves of history how to make that underground railroad roll through tunnels of love into freedom.
Our Callers Fight for Abortion Rights
Twenty-nine year old Adriana calls in to talk about the ruling and how important abortion rights are to her and so many in her generation, though she also has friends and family on the other side of this great American divide. Having been born to a teen mom who considered abortion, she’s intimately aware of the difficulties inherent in those families that “choose life,” but can barely afford it. She also gives us some tips for pregnant people considering their options to avoid the long arm of abortion “trigger” laws, now in place in some unfortunate states, such as delete your period-charting apps and don’t google “Abortions Near Me.”
Driven by nightmares of unwanted babies, some Gen Z women say they’re now swearing off sex with men altogether, though “going lesbian” gals might consider that LGBTQ rights could be on the Supreme Court Injustices’ chopping block next. In any case, this is exactly what the religious right wants young people to do: Have no sex. It is already adding fuel to the fiery Ammosexual Incel Revolt.
Don Pascal, aka Polybi, whom we’ve known for decades, also calls in and talk about the importance—and the pain—of voting for the “lesser of two evils”… in these times when one side might be consistently disappointing, but the other is dangerously destructive.
The Bible: Life Begins at Breath
Incel Alito interprets the Constitution like a fundamentalist interprets the Bible. But if these Bible thumpers actually read the Bible instead of just thumping us over the head with it, they’d see that it says life begins at “breath,” not conception and not a heartbeat.
B’reishit, “in the beginning,” God “breathed” life into the world. God is said to have formed Adam, the first human, from the dust of the earth, but Adam was like a clay sculpture, not yet alive. Then God blew into Adam’s nostrils the breath of life, and at that point, Adam began breathing on his own and became a living being.
According to the Bible, an unborn fetus is not considered a person until it has been born. The fetus is regarded as part of the mother until it separates from her body during childbirth. Exodus 21:22-23 concerns a case in which two men are fighting and one injures a pregnant woman causing her to miscarry. The culprit must pay for her miscarriage like property damage, but it is not a murder where he must pay with his life. In Numbers 5:12-31, the Bible recommends that if a husband suspects his wife is cheating on him, he take her to the priest who makes her drink bitter water that causes her to miscarry. Sounds like a Biblical abortion to me!
Not that religion should dictate our civil laws. Which reminds me: Abortion rights should not fall under “privacy.” In our current high surveillance society, there is virtually no privacy anyway. Abortion rights should be based on “freedom of religion.”
Most anti-abortion activists, including those Supreme Injustices, are ultra-religious. Theoretically, this shouldn’t matter, but it does… a lot.
If your religion says abortion is murder, don’t get an abortion. My religion says a microscopic group of cells is not yet a person and should not have more rights than an actual woman, or really any “rights” at all. I’m not saying I’m correct, or that strict Catholicism or Evangelism is incorrect. I’m asking: Isn’t there supposed to be a separation of Church and State? America isn’t Gilead… yet. Though ammosexual heartthrob Lauren Boebert has proclaimed that it is.
My Abortion
In closing, here’s a little confession from your Mother Confessor. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. I have had an abortion. My story isn’t as dramatic as so many out there, but it does show you can think you’re being responsible, and still get knocked up. I was having sex with a man who had a vasectomy and, unbeknownst to us, the vasectomy broke. I found out when I was less than 6 weeks along, so it was an embryo, not a fetus, and I honestly didn’t think of this clump of molecules as a human being at all—not then or now—not any more than my appendix is a human being. Fortunately, the guy agreed. My pregnancy was a mistake that would benefit no one, and my abortion corrected that mistake, harming no one. Not that I am any kind of poster child for abortion, especially nowadays. My life wasn’t at stake. I was well over 18. I wasn’t raped. I wasn’t working on my medical degree to become a life-saving oncologist. I didn’t have other children to raise. I was pretty sure I wanted to be child-free for life. I didn’t hate the guy. I just didn’t want to have his baby or any baby, and I knew I had that right, and that was enough.
And now it’s not. Suddenly, for many Americans, it’s not at all.
So, let’s protest, object, vote, abort the court (impeach these injustices!), practice the Bonobo Way of female empowerment and male well-being, and help grease the tracks of that new Underground Railroad for the refugees of forced breeding in America.
Read “Forced Breeding” on Counterpunch

“Forced Breeding” TRANSCRIPT
By the way, nice sex! This is FDR radio and we’re happy to be in your house, unlike some people in the world. Anyway, my dear friend, co-partner and sex mate, my beautiful wife, Dr. Susan Block. Here she is…
Hello Capt’n Max, our Captain of the Ship of Fools for Love, riding that Love Train, F.D.R., which stands for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, our 32nd president, and also “Fuck Da Rich,” and we are riding along, and yes, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, IT has finally happened. We knew it was coming, thanks to Sam Alito’s leaky dick—I mean, draft. But still, it shocks and shakes the heart and the soul to watch this Supreme Guillotine come down on women and other pregnant people (I say that because, of course, trans men can get pregnant). And in a sort of judicial coup that directly thwarts the will of the people, the great majority of the American people, 5 radical right wing Supreme Court justices, just hit delete and stole away our right to choose. And let’s call them Injustices, what do you say?
Sure, sure.
And let’s recognize that this judicial coup is part of the rolling Trumpublican coup.
Yeah, sure.
Coup Anon.
Yeah, that’s basically what it is.
It includes the racist voting restrictions, the harassment of election officials, the military style policing, especially of leftist protests, the guns, guns, guns for all, and of course the January 6th cosplay insurrection now on show trial, where 800 MAGATs have been charged, but not the ringleader, the Trumpus, the Coup Anon Generalissimo.
What was his name?
The former guy. But really, what we need to realize is that this clown riot, this violent carnival of MAGAts, was just a prelude to what is happening all around us right now, faster than we can say, American fascism, both from the bottom—like the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and the kooky Qanon’ers—right on up to the top— the Supremes—and back down again to us. And oh, those sadistic Supremes, they have been busy, busy, busy. On Thursday, they struck down gun laws in New York, so if something happens on the subway or if something doesn’t happen, and either way now we can all pull out our guns and shoot each other, so say The Supremes. And that same Thursday they also hit delete on our precious Miranda rights. And if you’ve ever been arrested, you know you need those, and you’re not always granted those, but you’re supposed to be. You remember Miranda rights, Capt’n Max?
Oh yes, I certainly do.
Well, now they’re gone. And they were important. Without them, it makes it much easier to convict innocent people. When you can coerce them into a confession without a lawyer present and you don’t, as they say, read them their Miranda rights, you’re in violation, or you were, because now you really don’t have to, as a cop, you’re not legally bound by Miranda.
And then Friday was the big day. That’s when they did the heavy lifting, overturning a woman’s right to choose an abortion, which has been enshrined in the Constitution for 50 years, giving the states the right to turn any pregnant person into a breeding slave. That’s right, brothers and sisters, a breeding slave. We just celebrated Juneteenth and the freeing of the slaves. But slavery is back in America.
I mean that stuff sounds like forced breeding to me.
Yes, forced breeding is another way to put it.
You’ve now become a cow.
Yes, you are a breeding slave. You are being forced to breed.
You’re all set now, yeah.
Forced breeding. I think, our friend Joann Wypijewski put it that way, and others have to. Forced breeding. It’s being put in similar terms all over America, because it is a reality. The Handmaid’s Tale is coming true, as this nation we call America, which was once a land of nature and freedom, that the.
Natives called Turtle Island, is now turning into Gilead. If you know The Handmaid’s tale, you know what I mean. A Gilead with guns and no Miranda rights and lots of poor screaming unwanted babies. Also, adults screaming like babies on all sides. Actually, we’re all screaming. And on this show, we’re trying to examine what the hell happened?
It’s very strange.
Very strange, it’s very strange how this happened.
Then any very strict sure that happened… No, that’s true.
Very strange, and yet it’s not so strange. Unfortunately, I wish this was just kind of this strange blip that you could just reboot the country, and it would be fine, but no, this has been brewing for a while. It’s been right under our noses actually. And it stinks. But hey, a lot of us hold our noses and keep going about our business.
But why? Let’s start with the obvious. It is no coincidence that three of the five radical Right Wing Supreme Court justices were chosen by Mr. Qanon, the Trumpus, who by the way supported abortion, and probably paid for a few throughout the 70s and 80s and 90s, and most of the 2000s, up until he started thinking of running for president, and then he realized he could get the Republican vote if he just went against abortion.
And all three justices that he chose, we all remember this recent history—Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett—were forced through Senate confirmation hearings like 3 forced births.
Yeah no, I get it.
The first was Gorsuch, he shouldn’t have been up for that Supreme Court seat he was filling because it should have been filled by Obama with Merrick Garland, who would have made a decent Supreme Court Justice and makes a not very exciting attorney general. No, we the Democrats had to give up on that, and so Trump got to force through Gorsuch.
Then there was Kavanaugh who was certainly forced through. Lying, crying Kavanaugh was a Yalie, I’m embarrassed to say. He was forced through, even though he was credibly accused of sexual harassment, and really problematic on so many political levels, a torturer, an incompetent and a drunk all at the same time.
Number 3 was Amy Coney Barrett. Well, she was forced through, first of all, rushed through. Barely was Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s body cold, with an election winding up, when they just pushed Amy Coney Barrett through confirmation hearings that she should have never been even going through in the middle of a pandemic and an election, and they just pushed her through.
Forced confirmations, three of them. And they all lied, saying that they considered Roe vs Wade as precedent not to be overturned, and all three then proceeded to join the SCOTUS gang to basically shiv—knife in the back—abortion rights. And the other two gang members, Alito and Thomas, were nominated by the bushes.
I should also add that two of the leaders of this judicial coup, Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh, both went to Yale, have been credibly charged with sexual harassment and attempted rape, respectively. Let’s let that sink in. Two men accused of sexual abuse during their Supreme Court confirmation hearings have just sexually abused the entire country. Don’t we learn? Guess not.
So that one woman in this deadly gang, Amy Coney Barrett, grew up in a church, more conservative and draconian than the Vatican and more cultish than Scientology. And she served—wait for it—as a handmaid.
She did what?
She was a handmaid, like The Handmaid’s Tale, except this was in her little Christian cult.
Yeah, yeah. Not that.
That’s similar in that the woman serves the man, yes. I mean you can’t make this shit up. This is the Real Handmaid’s tale. This is the American Taliban Supreme Injustice. Less than a year ago in September, we were talking about the Texas Taliban, weren’t we? And we were laughing because, after all, this was Texas, and we could laugh. Now we got the Supreme Taliban. And it’s true, we’re in California right here, so we’re kind of a little bit protected, but still, what’s to come?
Eric Carbone on Facebook says, “Yes, exactly, woman haters.” You can post your comments on our different platforms, and you can also give us a call at 213-291-9497. Although I got a few things to say if you haven’t noticed, so it might take a while to get to you.
So, the Republican Party has become the face of American Fascism and the Proud Boys are, you could say, the asshole. If you look at this emerging American Fascism as a body, the politicians are the face, the MAGAts are the butt, and the police—not every police officer, there are some good ones—but an awful lot of police are basically the dicks on the beat. These dicks are scared to save a school filled with children from a mass shooter, but ready to beat defenseless protesters with their big batons. I notice how they’re relishing beating the pro-abortion rights protesters, just like they relished beating the Black Lives Matter protesters.
Of course, the money behind the face, the dicks and the assholes comes in from the Koch brothers and many other corporate billionaires, Elon Musk, the Defense industry, the NRA.
Speaking of body parts, next to blame for this horror, are the spineless Dems who wouldn’t codify Roe versus Wade when they had majorities in both houses of Congress. I believe Clinton was president at one time, and certainly Obama was president. There were majorities in both houses of Congress, and they did not codify Roe versus Wade. Obama actually had said in his campaign that he would, and then he said, well, you know, “It’s not a priority. I’d rather bail out the banks.”
I mean, he didn’t say it in one sentence, but basically, that’s what he did. And now he’s bemoaning the loss of Roe V. Wade on Twitter and OK., thank you for siding with us, Barack, but you didn’t codify it when you could have. You saved the banks.
They didn’t save the rights.
They didn’t save the rights, they saved the banks, they didn’t save the poor people either from that Great Recession that Dubya caused.
Of course, Obama’s daughters won’t suffer. The rich will be fine on this. It’s the poor that will be the forced breeders. Why the poor? you might wonder. Well, the American military needs troops. And of course, American business needs some workers. Of course, most of it is going to automation AI, but some is always needed from human bodies, especially dangerous work that they want poor people for. So, America needs poor breeders. Plus, America’s rich people want to kind of hold it over their children that they’re not allowed to get an abortion now, it’s not legal, so you better give me grandchildren. It’s a combination of sick, selfish, greedy, anti-sex motivations.
Forced breeding is also a fetish. Actually, some of my clients are into this fetish. They see it as a fantasy. I don’t think they want to see it as a reality, though who knows? I mean, I haven’t really questioned them about that. I think they don’t for the most part. I think it’s a fantasy that often intersects with cuckolding, that a guy fantasizes about being married to a woman who has sex with another guy, often an African American guy, and there’s some sort of forced breeding going on.
Oh yeah, no, no, no.
That’s a fetish, but honestly, the fetish is a lot less harmful than the capitalist strategy.
You’re right, right, right?
It’s a real strategy, forced breeding, and maybe those heads of companies do have the fetish too, maybe they don’t, it doesn’t really matter, they just see it as money making, and they also wanted to throw some red meat, so to speak, to the base. That’s the Republican attitude towards this.
And spineless Democrats, the current batch of Biden Democrats, could have maybe codified Roe versus Wade. It would have been difficult, but they didn’t even try, they are really more concerned about providing security for these Justices, or Injustices than codifying our right to choose, than protecting any of our rights. They want to protect these justices in their houses from protesters who aren’t even armed, and the one armed guy turned himself in to the police before he even got near Kavanaugh.
That’s kind of funny.
Yeah, and I’m going to vote for these almost useless Democrats, and that’s what they’re using. I feel so exploited. They just want to use this to make us vote for them as the lesser of two evils. And I will and I do. And I feel sick because the evil is mounting daily anyway, and I don’t think you should vote for the evil and I don’t think you should throw away your vote. I just wish these Democrats have got to develop a spine to deal with the face of fascism that is the Republican Party as well as the dicks that are our militarized police serving only the rich as well as the assholes, yeah, the Proud Boys. They do kinda
deal with some of the assholes if they break the law because the assholes, the Proud Boys, the Oath keepers, they’re expendable and so some of them are in jail is true. But the big ones? The face of fascism? Trump, for instance? Why isn’t he in jail? Giuliani? Just ’cause he’s a clown, doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous. Look what this clown unleashed on these innocent poll workers, all this frightening harassment and deadly racist threats.
But they’re not charging Trump, these spineless Democrats, for this Coup Anon, even though they’re having this show hearing, giving him publicity, leaving it open for him to run again and it makes me wonder, do you want that, dems Dems? Do you want Trump to run again? I heard Hillary said she had wanted Trump to be the candidate in 2016 because she thought he’d be an easy one to run against, and I’m not blaming her for that. I also thought he was eminently beatable. But he wasn’t. We were wrong Hill and you guys, you Dems, are wrong if you think he’s an easy one to win against. None of them are easy to win against, especially now. So, you have to fight, not just for your own political careers, but for us.
I don’t feel like you will.
I mean the least you could do is charge SCOTUS Gang Injustice Clarence Thomas’ wife Ginni Thomas who was one of the ringleaders of Coup Anon. We’ve been talking about her since January 6th. She was one of the ringleaders. Why isn’t she charged? We know why. She’s one of you, right? You don’t want to charge each other because you’re all part of the the “elites” (I hate that word, but it works here).
Anyway, David D on Youtube says, “Gotta love that GOP brain.”
Actually, I interviewed a guy who wrote a book called the Republican Brain, which is very authoritarian. But David D has some other interesting things to say. “They’re anti-vaccine when millions of people are dying, anti-gun control as schools get shot up, but heaven forbid a woman makes a choice concerning her own body.”
Very eloquent and very true, and I must say it is quite the conundrum. And yet most of the Republican Brain people are in line with this, anti-vaccine when millions of people are dying, anti-gun control as schools get shot up as well as supermarkets and shopping malls.
And churches.
Yes, churches and massage parlors.
Yeah, parking lots and garages.
And homes, mostly people are getting shot in homes.
At home.
“And heaven forbid a woman make a choice concerning her own body,” says David D.
Exactly, David D. Thank you so much. Harry says, “How do GOP women support this shit?”
Well, Harry, men are not from Mars and women are not from Venus. We’re all from this beautiful wild sexual crazy planet earth, and we’re far more alike than we are different, although there are some differences, and there are some reasons that women support this shit. And some of them just want a baby, so why not?
Well, that’s the thing.
At any age, a lot of women these days want babies. It’s more fashionable, I think, than it was when Roe V Wade was passed.
I mean, with all due respect, we already can tell you struggling to breathe.
Exactly. There is a population problem, but do you think that the Republican women care about the population problem? I do not.
No, of course not.
I think a lot of the older ones want to try to make sure their daughters have babies. And I think that the other ones want to be sure that their maids have babies.
Did you see that all the big sort of companies? Like the you know, the coffee joint Starbucks and other companies are going, “No worries, we’ll take care of the abortion.
Yes, which I have mixed feelings about. I think it’s good, they should take care of abortions. They should take care of all health care, and that’s health care, and they should take care of plane fare, if necessary, as well.
They should do all that. They shouldn’t have to, and we shouldn’t have to be so beholden to these corporate structures. It’s kind of sick, but in the short term, it’s good that they swoop in, just like it was good they supported Black Lives Matter. It’s kind of creepy, in terms of more and more corporate control in all of these situations, but good at the same time. So, it’s the lesser of two evils. Better that these corporations support the cause then oppose it, even though it kind of makes you feel creepy to be in bed with some of these corporations
Alright, I’m gonna go get a job over there just so I could get an abortion.
Yeah, well, why not?
No, no, yeah of course.
Hey, some people get jobs in places because they offer health care.
It’s a right? It’s a benefit.
They offer this as a benefit, and I might if I was young.
But I’m still figuring out who’s to blame for this horrendous occurrence that we have to live with now for who knows how long. So, the primary ones to blame, as David D agrees, as we all, I think, can agree. are the Republicans. I think the Republicans themselves would even agree because they’re saying, hey, this is great, and we are going to celebrate, and they are celebrating.
But let me tell you something, you Republicans, and I don’t know if you care, but this does not in any way stop abortion. All this does is make abortion more unsafe. That’s what it does. Making it illegal doesn’t make it go away. It just makes it very dangerous.
Well, I always liked what you say about when does life begin?
Yes, well, according to the Bible, it begins with breath.
Thank God.
God breathed life into Adam. Life began with breath, and that’s why I do say abortion all the way up to the end isn’t killing anyone. But I understand, you know, if you want an abortion, you’re usually going to have one before a few months. You’re not going to wait till the end unless you find out that it’s going to kill you or that it has a problem, but if it’s a question of lifestyle or you were raped or incest or just a bad time to have a baby, you’re going to want to get it done before a few months.
Next to blame! Let’s talk about who’s next to blame for this wiping out of abortion rights. In some states, it’s not going to be a question of months or anything. It’s going to be a question of never.
On Malta very recently, there was an American woman who was pregnant, wanted to have a baby Speaking of late term, she was celebrating her pregnancy with her husband on Malta, having a nice vacation when she developed complications to the pregnancy that threatened to kill her. And because Malta had the anti-abortion law, and even though she was very pregnant and the baby was going to kill her, she couldn’t get an abortion there.
She was pregnant. OK.
Malta would not perform a lifesaving abortion on this woman because the baby had a heartbeat.
Oh yeah.
The baby I say well and almost a baby because this was a late term. But it was not alive, and it was not an actual baby.
It hadn’t moved into the world yet.
It had not moved into the world yet, but it had a heartbeat.
Right, yeah, that’s in.
But it was going to die if it moved into the world through killing her, which would be how it would move into the world. She was going to die, so they had to fly her out of there, even though the doctors said it would be dangerous to fly her out of there, but they did.
They flew out. Right, right, right.
Even though some of the doctors on Malta said, you know, we should be doing this.
And who stepped in?
They just had to fly her out to Spain and they performed the abortion in Spain where it is legal.
That’s what they had to do.
OK, I can.
I mean, it wasn’t illegal to fly her out of Malta, it was just illegal to perform an abortion in Malta.
And that’s what our future looks like right now. That’s the way. It is not the Bonobo way.
So, we’re still talking about who’s to blame. And I would say that yeah, the blame primarily lies with the Republicans and secondarily lies with the Democrats. And thirdly, the blame lies with us. The buck stops here. That’s right, it’s our country. Well, sort of. I mean like George Carlin says, we have owners. We actually don’t own anything. But we live in this country, some of us are citizens, and we are supposed to abide by its laws. So, it is imperative upon us—even though I believe we only share a minuscule part of the blame—to get out there and make our voices heard. So, it looks like our Bonobo Summer of Love will have to be a Summer of Protest. And some of us, those of us who don’t get foot cramps will have to go out into the street.
Right, right yeah nobody told me about that when I was younger.
The foot cramps. Right, they’re terrible, but they get you out of having to go to street protests anyway.
They told you about your pulmonary stuff here.
Out into the street! It’s the 1970s all over again.
Or is it? Is it the 1970s all over again? One of the reasons that so many people supported Roe versus Wade in the 1970s, one of the reasons that straight men supported a woman’s right to choose abortion in the 1960s and the early 70s. What was it? It was the Sexual Revolution. They were getting laid.
Remember the Sexual Revolution, Max?
I remember indeed, I remember indeed, and I do remember that men certainly supported that, especially when there was this new openness about sexuality, you know, and the opportunity is a guy to get laid.
Yes, you could say they had skin in the game. And now they don’t. In fact, it’s the opposite. And to a great extent. A lot of people are not getting laid these days, so I hear, but straight dudes are really not getting laid. I mean, some of them are getting laid and some of them are getting laid a lot, but a lot of them are not getting laid, and even more of them are getting laid not well, or with the message being told to them that it’s not a good thing for various reasons. This is happening right now. And we are not acknowledging its connection to the overturn of Roe V. Wade. Because straight men, the men who overturned Roe V. Wade, who all identify as straight, and the one woman, of course, who is a Handmaid to her straight husband and all other straight men in her conservative Church, these are the leaders of our religious judicial coup in America. And straight men are also the foot soldiers, the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers, and they are in a rage on the Right. And on the Left, they are kind of confused., for the most part, trying so hard to be politically correct, and they’re horny too. They’re all horny. Everybody’s horny, as usual, but with an edge.
Now, in the 1960s and 70s that horniness was channeled into something we called the Sexual Revolution. It was kind of inclusive, or tried to be, maybe not really, maybe not enough, but ideologically, as I recall, as I know from the history books and some experience, the straight, the gay, the by, the group, the BDSM, the kink.
Maybe people say it was too straight, although gay was also included. But straight was leading the way of the Sexual Revolution because, hey, there are more straight people, and this Sexual Revolution was for everyone, not just the marginalized, but everyone. And lots of straight people were exploring their gay or bi side, or even trans. And not everybody liked it. Of course, not everybody liked it. A lot of conservative people were terrorized by it. Some Lefties didn’t go for it. And it was totally imperfect. But as I always say, you know, there’s nothing perfect, and as you always say, the ideal is the enemy of the real and the sexual revolution was real. But it had ideals. And so, its ideals and many of its real practices, when I look at them, in retrospect, they were very bonobo. I mean, there was a lot of sex. You could say women were exploited to some degree, but there was a lot of female empowerment. And there were some US Air Force swingers like Bob McGinley. Dr. Bob. He was a military guy.
The Key Club.
The Key Clubs, right, they were before the 60s.
Right, what about those Marines? You know you’re on a boat for, like what is it, a couple months or a year?
Yeah, yeah. Well, those are the gay ones, right, ’cause they didn’t have ladies in the Marines then.
And all of them, all those penises.
There was a lot of that in terms of the Sexual Revolution on the Right. On the left, the sexual revolutionaries I hung out with, and that were kind of famous for being sexual revolutionaries, were against the Vietnam War.
That’s right.
That was part of it. In fact, “Make Love, Not War” was the rallying cry. It was such a great rallying cry. So great, it became a cliché, such a great cliché that I changed it to “Make Kink, Not War.” But the original, Make Love Not War, is great. It rallied us around sex, around love, around stopping the war and the nuclear arms race. And around abortion rights.
Make love, not war. After all, a big part of making love was and still is focused on recreation, not procreation, as well as relationships. Love. And I’m not just talking about romantic love, although that’s important, but just like the sexual revolution was about, you know, making love with your friends and strangers. And it’s not all about penises and vaginas, not at all, but sometimes that penis does slide into that vagina, and what do you know? Somebody gets pregnant who doesn’t want to be.
Ha ha.
The Sexual Revolution was all about that. The Pill, and other forms of contraception, and a pregnant person’s right to have a legal abortion were all important, and they were spearheaded by the Women’s Movement of the same period, and everybody knows that everybody talks about that. The Women’s Movement started this right. But so did the Sexual Revolution. And a big big part of it all, and especially support for abortion rights, was the Sexual Revolution which was enjoyed by rather let’s say not-so-feminist guys too.
Oh correct.
Not all the guys that supported a woman’s right to choose were feminists, as I recall.
Correct, but they had a dream because now they didn’t have to worry if they had sex.
Yeah, they understood the benefit to all of this.
That is correct.
The benefit was to them and to the society, sexual freedom, pleasure, fun and they don’t get that now, unfortunately.
Now we do not have a Sexual Revolution. Quite the opposite. What we have now is an Ammosexual Incel Revolution with the sadistic Supremes at the top and the sexually frustrated misogynists in their parents’ basement or out on the street like the Proud Boys at the bottom. The Ammosexual Incel Revolution. Those men who are currently telling women, well don’t have sex if you don’t want to get pregnant are the very same incels who cry in their forums or maybe they grab an AR15 when women don’t want to have sex with them.
Now the technical definition of incel is an involuntary celibate. I’ve written a few articles about them. I have a few incel clients. I’ve been watching these guys for a while. And I’ve been very wary about them because they’re very cagey and they put a lot of energy into their misogyny. They are generally misogynists. They are also horny. They are not easy to love, but love is what they need. And they are just treated with such disdain by feminists and by the whole society – and I understand why – but they just rage and rage even more. And they are infiltrating the mentalities of our leaders. And I’m starting to see the word “incel” used to describe dudes like Alito and his leaky draft. And he might have a wife and kids, but he does seem to despise sex for pleasure and women who enjoy it. And I’m starting to see all five injustices as anti sex, not pro-life, as resentful, raging, religious, partisan hacks on a mission to sadistically deprive women and all Americans of power and pleasure.
And so, we’re in the opposite of a sexual revolution, and the bonobos show us how important sex for pleasure is for mental and physical health. So, we know this is hurting us in many ways, which we’re going to talk about in a few minutes, but we have a call here on FDR and our number is 213-291-9497 and we’re going to talk with Adriana.
Hello, hello, hi, welcome to FDR. Hi Adriana, how are?
I’m OK, I guess.
So how do you feel about the news?
I’m pretty furious actually. It’s been a very trying time. I guess as a young woman, I’m 29, so it’s been very frustrating few days… week in regard to that.
So, like you mentioned, Roe versus Wade has been around for 50 years, and to think that it would be overturned in my lifetime as I’m in… I guess childbearing age, like in an age where you know I’m an adult like that is very, very disheartening to see. I’m also just realizing that other things are in danger of being taken away like contraception, possibly like same sex marriage and all those things that we thought we would be able to enjoy in this lifetime are in danger right now.
They’re gonna try this and that not only endanger they are right now involved in in a really a war technological war between us and them.
And so, they did a coup, a little judicial coup.
No problem. No problem, it was no problem.
It was just five people. Four sexually frustrated men and one woman.
So Adriana, I know you are exploring your sexuality and feeling very good about it. And I have been very encouraging, and I continue to encourage you, but oh boy, does this throw a wrench into the birthday cake, huh?
Oh yes!
And to go back to your question about if it’s the same in the 70s, I think it is slightly different because I did see an article that it is different because we have more surveillance by the government and also big data.
So, I saw on Twitter they were saying delete period tracker apps because they can track your data and see if you miss your period, or you decide to skip, or something happens, or you become pregnant.
So, there are things… Delete that and then don’t Google anything like where to find an abortion in this state, or anything like that so they can track your data and ultimately find you.
So that’s a very scary thing that wasn’t quite around in the 70s, I don’t think. It is like we’re in very scary times right now.
You’re absolutely right about that and me being more of a Cougar kind of female, I’m looking at this in terms of history and ideology. You’re looking at the practical side, and that’s a very good tip to delete all your period trackers. And don’t be searching for abortion online. And that’s such a terrible thing to advise. But yet I guess it’s practical advice for people, especially who live in states that are outlawing abortion right now.
When did we first meet, 1984?
Yes, or that’s when you first wrote to me, right?
We didn’t actually meet.
Right, but you already started your show.
We sort of knew each other but didn’t meet you saw me when I sold an ad to your client.
Correct, right.
Why are you asking this now?
Oh, nothing is just something that came up in my head as I was looking across the Council console.
Are you trying to imagine how long I have known you? A long, long time, since back in 1984 when Roe V Wade was only 11 years old.
And we kind of took it for granted. I just thought people were making some sort of progress, although I did already have a sense of foreboding from the fact that Ronald Reagan had been elected President. That might have been one thing that helped to set me off on my path of exploring sexuality and relationships more than politics. I had been interested in politics, but I got discouraged by Reagan becoming president. I feel that was really the beginning of the anti-abortion movement was right as soon as they passed it really. And then Reagan became president, and he was an anti-abortion president. That really put the brakes on the enthusiasm for a lot of people, but there was so much enthusiasm in the Sexual Revolution, but it was taken for granted in the 80s and 90s. And then in the 2000s it started to be demonized really badly in the mainstream, although the mainstream never accepted the Sexual Revolution as the good thing that it really was.
ADRIANA, you grew up in a religious family, I guess in your religious family, what was the word on contraception and abortion and all of that, Adriana?
They were against it, so I guess I’ll be honest… My mom was a teen mother and she had me when she was 19 years old.
She ended up becoming more religious later on, so she was very against the idea of abortion and thinking it’s wrong, but I guess based on my experiences growing up, I became very pro-abortion because dealing with a teen mother and the fallback of that, I guess you would say having a largely absentee father, I wouldn’t want that for a child of mine or anybody for that matter.
Aith abortion, I believe it, you know, prevents financial hardship, generational trauma… It prevents all these other things if you choose not, you know to have a child and I think a lot of my family is very pro… I guess they would say pro-life.
I even saw one of my cousins recently celebrating this, and it took a lot not to like cuss her out on social media, but it’s been very difficult.
Does she have kids already?
I can’t hear you.
Abe wanted to know if she has kids.
No, but she works in the medical field, and I just want to say, “You have no business being in medical field.”
She’s a nurse, I think.
Yes, I feel it is very mature of you, in my opinion, to form this view. After all, as a child you could have been aborted, and you weren’t. And let me say I’m glad you’re alive. I’m very glad you are alive.
Oh, thank you.
Well, but when it’s just a clutch of cells, I just don’t see it the same way. I don’t see it as a person, and I do believe that life begins at breath, and I do believe we have to cherish the lives we have now and that our society really treats single mothers or just parents who aren’t wealthy so badly. It’s all part of the game and abortion should be part of the game too.
Yeah, yeah.
Just like contraception.
I’m just astonished at that one part of it.
The forced breeding. Yeah, that way of putting it is very disturbing, but that’s what it is.
That’s what it is.
That is what it is. I guess it helps to frame it in the right way for people to understand what it is, and we have to do that right now since we don’t have the fun of a Sexual Revolution to float us all along into supporting abortion rights.
Do you know what it is?
Harry says, “I wonder what will be the next Republican crusade?”
Right, Trump even said it’s too bad that they deleted Roe V Wade because that was a good election point campaigning strategy.
Right, right?
Now they can’t use that, although they’re going to try taking it to the limit, that’s what they’re going to use.
They always use immigration I guess, maybe.
It’s different, as Harry says, abortion has been their white whale for a long time. It has, you know, people have different views about everything, and abortion has certainly been one of their big crusades.
Oh yes, forever.
Radio Don Network, oh Don, that’s right Polybi says “we need a new revolution.”
Thank you Polybi.
“Yesterday we just saw the tip of the iceberg.”
Polybi and Don, you’re the same person, I know, but we have loved you for many years, since wow, 1990s when we first were on KFox. Maybe you’ve even known me as long as Max has known me.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, because right, you were when you were on Kfox.
And he was your friend or some-
Thank you.
I never met him in person, but we love each other from afar. One day we will meet, I hope yes, indeed.
So, Adriana, what are your plans for yourself and your friends and family? People have different points of view. One family member is celebrating you say and others I’m sure are mourning, some protesting, some planning to move to California.
I’m not sure, I’m from North Carolina. Right… So as of now they haven’t-
They don’t have trigger laws that I read that they’re going to probably try to instigate or… Right, what’s the word? Instigate or start a ban in 2023, so that seemed very unlikely I’d be able to go back home to move in that event, especially with other laws that might be coming, and I still have my sisters there actually called my 19-year-old sister today and she’s very upset, very pissed off. Rightfully so.
Ah, I can imagine.
And I have a 23-year-old sister, so they’re both very upset. She’s very active, she’s very vocal about social justice, so she’s very unhappy and just trying to figure out ways to be an activist with social media and other ways that she can.
And so, like of course, if they need to come out here you know I would-
How are young men reacting to it that you know?
The men that I know… I haven’t heard too much. Honestly, I wish more men would be upset, you know, because it affects them as well.
We need a Sexual Revolution.
Yeah, yeah.
A lot of women really have to bear the brunt of this. Women have to worry about birth control, you know our hormones can change.
You can gain weight from birth control and there’s the great tampon shortage…
Right, and they’re talking about male birth control, which is great that men should take a pill, and I agree that they should. However, it’s not so simple. A woman has to trust that her man took his pill and how can she trust that? How can she be sure that he remembered? It might not even be his fault. He might have forgotten, and yet they’re all horny so they do it, and hey, stuff happens in life. It’s really important to acknowledge that.
And in that spirit, I want to just confess, as your Mother Confessor to my own abortion. I’ve said it before, but I want to say it again at this time, and I’ll say it with Adriana on the line.
I just feel like this needs to be heard by women especially, but really everyone. So yes, I have had an abortion. I got pregnant when I was young. Not that young. I was over 18. But I was having sex with a man who had a vasectomy.
So the vasectomy broke.
Wow, that happens?
Yeah, that happens. Abe is looking like he doesn’t believe it. Well, it does happen. We checked it out, and it did happen to us.
No, no. I mean I-
I believe it, I mean-
It did happen.
The doctor was lying, or he did a crappy job.
Well, I had had sex with this guy before, and everything was fine and he had a vasectomy, and it worked. He said it worked for him for years. But then it broke. Anyway, who knows, I’m not going to try to pinpoint why it happened. This was years ago.
You got pregnant.
Yes, I got pregnant.
Yeah, yeah.
And I got an abortion. I was less than six weeks along. I missed a period, so I wondered, “What happened?”
So, I got checked and I found out that I was pregnant. It was an embryo, not a fetus. I didn’t think of it as a human being. Sorry to all you people that think of an embryo, a clump of cells, as a human being. I did not and I do not.
Speaking of which, I want to just jump aside to say those liberals that say this is a matter of privacy, no, it’s not. It’s a matter of religion, actually, it’s a matter of freedom of religion, and the separation of Church and State.
Right so.
It’s a matter of the Right wing believing that a fetus or even an embryo is a person with rights. And my religion, which is basically science, says it’s not.
So that’s all there is to it. It’s not a matter of privacy, that’s ridiculous because there is no privacy anymore in our surveillance state, and that’s one way that we screwed it up, saying it’s just a matter of privacy. It’s a matter of freedom of religion.
Anyway, I did not think of this embryo as a human being. I thought of this as a problem like needing to get my appendix out. I had to get this out of me, and I got it out of me, and I felt better, and so did everyone around me. My pregnancy was a mistake that would benefit no one, and my abortion corrected that mistake, harming no one.
And not that I’m trying to be any kind of poster child for abortion, especially nowadays, because hey, I can’t say that my life was at stake. It was not. I can’t say that I was raped. I was not. I was well over 18. I wasn’t working on my medical degree to become a life-saving oncologist. I didn’t have other children to deal with. I wasn’t super poor, though I wasn’t rich. I didn’t hate the guy; I just didn’t want to have his baby. And I actually didn’t want to have any baby. And I knew I had that right. I was pretty sure, at the time, I wanted to be child free for life. I wasn’t totally sure, but I just knew I wanted to be child free at that time and that was enough. And so, I had the abortion, and I went about my wonderful life. That’s it. Sorry, but it’s not even a great story. It doesn’t have much suspense. It just happened with no drama. But now it’s a drama for every young person who can become pregnant.
I’m sad. I apologize for my generation dropping the ball.
But we have been warning about this event for many, many years.
We have, personally. I didn’t apologize for us personally, but for my generation who had this right and then lost it for the next generation.
Yeah, no, no, I’m just saying.
I apologize for my generation.
Which event… What do you explain what you’re-
Oh, what I’m saying… We’re great. In other words, is that we’ve been telling people about what’s coming for many, many years in our little broadcast on pirate radio on this radio station.
Which is nothing more than a on a train, not a ship, so that we’re on a train now. One’s right running a little fast.
David D says, “I feel that Republicans think, “What would really fuck over the poor? and that is their policy.”
Yeah, no, that sounds really obvious.
I know. I think they think, “What would make me money?” but it consequently fucks over the poor.
But he’s right the Roe V Wade decision really fucks the poor. How many women are going to die from back-alley abortions? How many women are going to die from other things, like suicide? How many women are going to die from their boyfriends killing them because they’re pregnant?
I get it, it’s-
This is a horror.
Oh, horrific.
It’s just one horror among many, I grant you, but I guess being a woman, it hits close to home.
What have you got going there?
Don Polybi is on the line. Did you have a closing comment, Adriana? We have another caller on the line.
We could put him on the line too.
Oh, want to have a four way? Maybe not for this…
Well, I don’t really have much else to say, but I just hope that more people help share proper resources, especially in this age of the Internet. Share correct resources. Share the right information before and just speak out for women more ’cause it affects everyone. It ultimately affects women, but you know men who are with women, partnered, or even if you love anyone with a uterus, you should care too.
Exactly I love people with uteruses.
Good one, although they took out my uterus, but I had one before.
So, you had one.
But then it became a pain.
But it’s fun to play with the other surrounding parts.
Yes, it’s the surrounding parts really that experience most of the pleasure, but the uterus is the part that has the baby.
You know, that’s the issue. You can’t have the baby without the uterus, at least that’s the natural way.
But let’s just say this: Guys, we understand. We’re sorry we don’t have a Sexual Revolution right now. We tried. We’re still trying, but you still have to step up to the plate and help us. You have to understand that this helps all of us to give women the same freedoms you have. If we can’t have access to reproductive rights, we don’t have the same freedoms you have, and we become breeding slaves.
Adriana, keep the faith! Solidarity and go bonobos. And be Bonobo.
Be Bonobo.
Yeah, if you go bonobos, you could get pregnant, right? But even if you just try to “be Bonobo” you could also get pregnant, so be careful too. But I just want to remind everybody the bonobos show us how important sex is for pleasure.
Yeah, right.
As well as the physical health and well-being of great apes like us, as individuals and as a community.
Bonobos are known for female empowerment, in addition to being very sexual. They’re the Make Love Not War chimpanzee. And they are the original #MeToo tribe actually, speaking of female empowerment. But let me tell you the other equally important side to bonobo female empowerment is male well-being, male nurturance. If the male isn’t being taken care of, including sexually, then the female empowerment gets attacked and often, sadly, falls apart. It’s harder to keep going, I guess.
I think it’s the same with humans. And we’re seeing it happening in real time.
The #MeToo movement has been wonderful for a lot of women and men also and others. But it demonizes straight male sexuality without providing an alternative.
So, I’m seeing Alito, Thomas, Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, and all these Proud Boys and Oathkeepers, those are the worst, but I’m seeing other straight men as well fighting us with threats and with anti-female laws and with guns and now with this loss of our fundamental right to control our own bodies.
Don’s on the line.
Hey Don.
Hi guys, I took a coffee break.
Hey how you doing?
All right, how’s it going?
How am I doing? Well, I’m just trying to not bust the wall here, yeah?
I have been pretty much on social media, on YouTube, on TikTok pretty much since 8:00 AM yesterday morning about-
You’re one of the good guys! But you’re “Polybi” – so you’re not just a straight guy, you’re poly and you’re bi.
You figured that one out.
Of course, and that’s cool, that’s one great thing about modern times is we like the bonobos are now encouraging guys to acknowledge their Bi and Poly sides, although there’s a backlash against that.
Yeah, unfortunately in American culture, you are… Men are not supposed to acknowledge that side of them and it’s wonderful. Two girls get together but not two guys. It’s amazing.
There are all kinds of ideas about that, I believe our society has trouble with it. I believe that there’s just as many bi guys as there are bi females. I hear about it all the time as a sex therapist, that guys even more intensely than females desire the same sex, but feel it is just too taboo.
Yeah, I know, I know. Well, uh, and here’s the here’s the thing, and I and I know we were talking specs and all this.
If we’re going to get this thing turned around because it can be turned around, the first thing we need to do, all of us- everyone listening to this program either live or on the replay, every single person needs to understand that they need to vote. They need to vote in November. They need to vote in whatever election that’s leading up to that, and they need to vote for people who will help to turn this around.
Well, we agree, and we vote for what we call the lesser of two evils. But what do you say to people like me who are discouraged today by the Democrats for not codifying Roe, V Wade? And sure, I’ll vote for them come November because I don’t want the Republicans who are totally against abortion rights and who are fascist on its face. But I feel that Democrats are almost like handmaids to this fascism, they’re letting it happen.
I know.
Besides voting for them, which, yes, yes, I agree we should vote for them, but at the same time, how do we make sure that they really represent us?
I know, I know, uh, first off what I tell people is we have to stop voting with our hearts and we have to start voting with our heads. We have to start voting with purpose and our purpose right now is to stop the tide. We have to stop the tide of this stupidity and ignorance. Stop that, and then once we stop that then we can work on our codifying and things like that.
Let me tell you something, I don’t know if I’m older than you Poly Bi, but I’ve been voting to stop the tide since Reagan.
I know.
And the tide keeps coming. And the Democrats kind of stop it a little bit, but then it comes some more and look what it did just now. The tide just turned into a tsunami and washed away rights that so many people felt was enshrined, even though we’ve been warned, even though we saw the tsunami coming, we’re feeling it now.
And the right to abortion is a sexual right. And I think one of our mistakes is not calling it that. It’s our right to pleasure. It’s our right to be able to have sex and to be able to say, oh, I made a mistake. I didn’t really want to have a baby, so I’m going to take this little clump of cells and get rid of it.
As a great philosopher once said, “Amen and Awomen” and thank you.
Hallelujah absolutely.
Thank you.
And A-trans, as well.
But I’ve been seeing this happen. I’ve been seeing this coming for 10 years at least. I know these people, I live amongst these people, that’s why I do a podcast that’s why I’m on YouTube when I when I feel like it.
Why is that?
Somebody’s got to say this stuff.
Right, well, you know what I’ve been saying for the past 20 years? Everybody should have their own show. And now everybody does have their own show.
But we haven’t saved the world with our shows. In fact, the world is collapsing faster and faster.
I have said that.
We’ve all got voices, you know. We thought being on the Internet, everybody having their voice, would be great. Max even published a magazine that gave everybody a voice. Now it’s more than a magazine, it’s the Internet. And yet we have less of a voice in a way, because YouTube and Facebook and Instagram control us, especially controlling our sexuality. That’s why Zane Disek writes on YouTube just now, “Do you have OnlyFans? And yes, I do an OnlyFans. I think I do.
You have all kinds of fans.
Yeah, but I think I have that too.
You know on this site do we have the OnlyFans? I know I think we’re on this site. I think we’re on the site.
Well, I don’t have that many fans.
Yeah, yeah, yes.
Well, you got one at least one.
We’re your fans, Don.
At least.
Yeah, that’s me.
Yeah, myself, I guess.
Yeah, no, I mean-
No, no, we are definitely your fans.
When you say “vote,” do you just mean vote for people that are pro-abortion rights?
Yes, not just abortion rights, but pro trans people who want to preserve… I mean there are kids right now who are thinking about committing suicide because of all this stuff and they are the low hanging fruits.
Low hanging fruits.
So, so to speak. No pun intended.
No, no, but the new serfs, the boo hoo-
So, along with the young the younger kids, I mean, I have just a question.
It’s like even with this abortion debate like should maybe abortions be OK for like people that are under 18 because they’re, you know, they’re still… Maybe they’re not ready. Well, I’m just-
They should be OK for everybody.
I’m just asking. I mean, I’m just asking everybody.
They should certainly be OK for people under 18.
Because you could have a child at 14 and 15. Right is that is that it might-
Of course.
OK yeah, so should that abortion right be reserved?… At least 14 or 15?
I think I understand what you’re saying.
I agree with you, it should be reserved for all women. All women should have the right for that, but for the young kids, it’s like-
Yes, and there are states that are saying that no abortion is allowed at all, and that would include a kid that’s under 12. You can get pregnant as soon as you get your period.
Really, really?
And some kids these days because of the hormones in the milk, etc., are developing periods at age 10, and that means they could get pregnant, unfortunately, which would definitely damage their bodies at that age.
Yeah, that’s not right.
It’s not right at all. And the fact that they’re debating this is really horrific, it’s disgusting to even think about it. It should be an unthinkable thing that of course you take a young pregnant girl of that age to get it removed, no matter how it happened. And of course, abortion should be allowed for everybody.
I guess if you’re in a religion where you gotta let it go to term, you gotta do that because it’s your religion. It’s just like being Christian scientists. Some Christian scientists believe in never going to the doctor, and you know what? They should never go to the doctor. But they shouldn’t prevent the rest of us from going to doctors.
And there are all kinds of people that believe in different things, and they should do those things. They should not foist their beliefs upon the rest of us. There is a separation of church and state in America, although as of yesterday I don’t think there is anymore. I think when they say supreme, they’re starting to think of themselves as supreme deities, the reigning gods on Mount Olympus that can take the rights away from the American people, and they are evil in that respect. And we have to stop them.
This is tragic.
It’s been great to talk to you. I love you.
Take care.
Thank you, love you too Poly Bi, Don Don.
Thanks, Poly Don!
Go Bonobos, be bonobo and be pro-bonobo.
Adriana says she had her first period when she was nine. Yeah, see? Women, that is, girls are getting their periods younger and younger and that means they are susceptible to getting pregnant.
And that’s what I really was… I mean, I wasn’t trying to create any, you know, but I understand.
Just I just realized that, like you know, sometimes it’s the right moment, sometimes it’s not the right moment when you’re at that age. It’s not the right moment, so…
Oh, not at all. For me I guess, looking back on my life, it’s never been the right moment.
For me, looking at my life… It’s been at the right moment, but the moment. And the moment that comes into your life, this other creature, you know who has hopefully survived in some way his own way, but today it can’t. God can’t breathe life into it.
And today we have Incel Alito. Even though he’s got a wife and two kids, he is being called an “incel” all over the Internet. So Incel Alito was a member of the Concerned Alumni of Princeton before he went to Yale Law School, and this organization was formed in October, 1972, in part to oppose Princeton decisions regarding admitting women. Alito did not want to admit women to Princeton in 1972.
Got it, got it.
You get to know these people and their insidious motivations.
Emita Altair on Facebook says, “Clarence Thomas is already planning to go after gay rights and contraception rights.”
Oh yeah.
He is, and you know what? I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes after even interracial marriage later and doesn’t worry about his own because he’s in the District of Columbia.
Oh shit, could be, yeah. Something horrific is happening, yes.
Very horrific, it’s an Ammosexual Incel Revolution, in part because, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, we have pushed away male sexuality from acceptance, and it has turned into ammosexuality, to a great degree. It’s not true of all men, not Max, not Abe, not a lot of guys. But let’s just look at these guys that did this to us, Oathkeepers, Qanon, Proud Boys, gun owners, the NRA. Let’s just look at these Supreme Court justices, these injustices that just says it’s OK for everybody to carry guns, who say that a state can’t regulate guns, but it can regulate a woman’s body.
Now there’s a lot of crazy people with guns, actually.
Well, some of those crazy people are on the Supreme Court.
They did it in two days.
They didn’t wait, you know, a little time in between, so it wouldn’t seem like they went together, but ammosexual and incel was right up against each other. Day one: Ammosexual ruling for New York, you can’t get away from everybody shooting you. Guess they want a civil war.
And then the next day, they take away abortion rights, mainly from women, but not just women. They took away the rights of us all, but especially poor people.
Yeah, because the poor people, they can’t have access to abortions but the rich people, all they gotta say is like, “Oh yeah, we’re going to go to the Dark Web and we’re going to find a plane ticket and you’re going to go to Guatemala… I don’t know other countries; I’m just blabbing about it.
But you’re just gonna go to like Mexico or some other country and just get an abortion, but yeah.
Yep, but right now we got Ammosexual Incel Alito and sexual harasser Clarence Thomas leading the charge as Lyin’ Cryin’ Kavanaugh drinks a beer to it, and Handmaid Amy prepares the coffins for the little children whose mothers were forced to bear them, only to be mass murdered in a school shooting, now that the Supremes have greenlighted concealed carry and open carry, all kinds of carrying guns, guns, guns.
It’s the Revenge of the Nerds, ladies, the awkward guys who need sex education more than most. And we haven’t given it to them. Instead, we’ve just laughed at them. And we’ve called them names and we put a lot of them in jail. And I’m not saying that some of them don’t belong in jail, including ones I might like, but some of them don’t, and some of their careers have been ruined. And I’m not even talking about those guys. I don’t really care about the celebrities who have been accused, mostly they have plenty of money. I’m talking about the other guys, the regular guys of the world, the guys of America who see this happening and are angry and aren’t supporting us in our fight for our rights.
We need to understand that bonobo female empowerment is very connected to bonobo male well-being and nurturance and sexual understanding. And that doesn’t mean accepting any kind of bad behavior. The Bonobo females do not accept rape ever. And they don’t accept abuse. It just means they understand that sex is important to the male, and we need to deal with that. We need to handle it one way or another, and if we don’t handle it, they will. And when they handle it, they become common chimps, or worse. Much worse. And it’s not good for them either, not for the common chimps because they kill each other and not for the human men because they kill each other much more in wars and on the street.
And so, we on the Left, we women, we need to acknowledge sexuality as an important component of this judicial tragedy. There is an ammosexual incel revolution in American now. We lost the Sexual Revolution, and we have to win it again. But no, that doesn’t mean you have to fuck guys. It just means don’t denigrate male sexuality so much we do it. I do it too sometimes. We all have to understand it is important, because look what’s male sexuality did just now. It just took away our rights with the Supreme Guillotine. And it isn’t small of us to understand that. Although I am a petite woman, it’s true. But to speak truth to power you would be wise to make power feel good.
Indeed, indeed, to make power feel good.
That’s the way to disarm power. And that’s why we say Fuck Da Rich! And this is FDR…
Radio Don Network says, “You are going to see more children wind up in dumpsters because of this.”
Oh yes, in dumpsters, yes Radio Don, so sad but true, there will be so much more death of real living creatures, real living people because of this fetus fetish.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, this is highly advanced fascism The world has ever known.
Now we’ve been saying that for at least the last 30 years.
But now it is upon us.
And yet the sun is shining, maybe a little too much because of global warming, but we still have hope and even some pleasure. But we have to talk about the climate next time. Did you see those devastating rains in Yellowstone? And even here we had huge rain, then a heatwave. And speaking of here, we are in Arcadia, and we do want to invite the Arcadia Politburo Kangaroo Court to Bonoboville.
Yeah, a long running series about a bunch of actors and players, creative people that are doing a vlog… You know vlog.
Yeah, so it’s very important that we have the freedom to do that.
One of the reasons we’re inviting them is because maybe some of them were all drunk at the City Council meeting. So, there you go.
Yeah, everybody was like “Oh yeah.”
So, this might be fun to send to them as a peacemaking effort to save them and us hundreds and hundreds of dollars.
So, you’re invited. You’re gonna get an invitation. We’d love to have you come by and see some of the artists that we protect here and the art that we archive, you know, anyway, that’s all I got to say about that.
All right! And I still want to say one more thing which is: Free Julian Assange! He is being extradited to the United States and that is wrong. We have to free this journalist!
And we have to make like bonobos, not baboons. Make Love, Not War. Make love to someone you love tonight, even if that someone is you.
And maybe that’s a better idea to do it with yourself because you will not get pregnant from that.
Regardless of who you make love to, always remember: I love you.
Whoa, what a trip!
Show Length 01:31:54 Date: June 25, 2022
© June 25, 2022 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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07 · 6 · 22 @ 5:53 pm
God(dess) bless Dr. Susan Block! She tells it like it is about the way things are in Our Land, sexually and otherwise (although NO ONE, but NO ONE, explains the symbiosis between sexual and political issues better than she), as we somehow struggle to celebrate our nation’s freedom and independence this weekend that we lost last week. (Not to another country, but to our own domestic tyrants.)
She also states, to the letter, exactly how I feel about these matters, from being totally pro-sex to being totally against any form of sexual violence and coercion.
In fact, were it within my power, I’d make Dr. Suzy the combined POTUS and SCOTUS, and delight in my country becoming healthier, happier, smarter, more humane and, yes, sexier.
07 · 6 · 22 @ 4:05 pm
You’re a fantastic writer. Great analysis of reality in your latest piece, and your incentive phrases, wonderful. Constitutional cliterectomy indeed.
07 · 3 · 22 @ 9:29 pm
Hi Dr. Suzy, I read your recent CP article, and just wanted to say that you are one of the several authors I make a bee line towards when they (all too infrequently) appear. I usually mostly grok what you say, but even on the occasion that I’m not sure whether I agree with you, I am always learning something from what you write (and I very much love the elegance and to-the-point-ness of your prose). You are an amazing educator, in the best sense of that word.
Cheers to you!
07 · 3 · 22 @ 4:30 pm
Forced breeding, no sex, but conversely only using sex to sell things. It is Acceptable to use sex to sell things that will financially enslave us and cause us to work even more, and have less energy and time for sex .
07 · 3 · 22 @ 4:26 pm
Fabulous! I have been reading your CP commentaries for years and would never miss one. This one is special. Your insights are amazing. As a decades long member of Planned Parenthood, I thank you for your vision and acuity. From Kansas City, MO…Dean Guthrie
07 · 3 · 22 @ 4:21 pm
This essay by Dr. Susan Block on the New Fascist War On Sex is an absolute MUST read for Indy Leftists AND sex radicals alike.
07 · 1 · 22 @ 10:58 pm
Really fantastic show. Your monologues, the dialogues, the calls with Adriana and Polybi. The Bible quotes, your personal confession. And yes, we need a new Sexual Revolution, not this Ammosexual Incel Revolt from a bunch of black-robed gun-loving woman-hating imposters that are really just privileged Proud Boys. We really should go bonobos, but it looks like we’re going bonkers. Thank goodness for the Love Train! Please keep that train running, Dr. Block, Max, Abe and everybody!
07 · 1 · 22 @ 10:46 pm
Wow, amazing show. And yeah, “Forced Breeding” A co-worker once told me he had a dream we were tied up together by some evil comic book villain and forced to “breed”. Fortunately, he got laid off, so I never saw him again, but whoa – I do NOT want that to be real for anyone. Thank You for standing up for abortion rights. Abort this stupid court!
07 · 1 · 22 @ 9:59 pm
Excellent show and great to see you back in Counterpunch. Yes, abortion should be about the Separation of Church and State, not privacy. We have no privacy anymore. Actually it’s looking more and more like we have no separation of church and state anymore either. We should go bonobos, but it looks like we’re going bonkers. Keep that Love Train running.
07 · 1 · 22 @ 7:48 pm
Thank you Susan for penning a brilliant article on the sorry state of this United States of repression, bigotry, racism, misogeny, gun mongering, and predatory “Unjustices,” especially the two predators who snuck in with lies, bawling, and false accusations of “lynching.”
And it seems as though it was only yesterday that Anita Hill was shamed and nailed to Biden’s cross, a cross he will have to carry for the rest of his life.
After a very long absence, it was so good to read your powerful article.
Raouf J. Halaby
07 · 1 · 22 @ 7:44 pm
Dead on article!
07 · 1 · 22 @ 6:58 pm
How about being practical when looking at this situation. Childrens who grew up without the proper love and care from their parents could develop some of kind of psycohological handicap depending on the environment. And the chance of this happening with parents who went through forced labor is higher. It may create more serious problems in the society down the road. The parents need to desire and ready to welcome their child, and they need the freedom to choose.
07 · 1 · 22 @ 6:03 pm
Hey Boys & Girls, perhaps a constructive word of personal advice might be appropriate at this time. Condoms can be purchased for $1.99 at most 99cents stores. All the best with your hormonal rages! Personal awareness might be the thing to be learned as a by-product of these new rules.
06 · 30 · 22 @ 3:16 am
Great show!!!
06 · 29 · 22 @ 9:31 am
This ruling is a complete and utter betrayal of America, the supposed land of Freedom and Liberty. How can you claim to be a free country when you are forced to have your rapist’s baby or risk death if your pregnancy runs into medical complications. Dr. Suzy is right, this was a Supreme Court Coup of our Rights and Freedoms.
Shame on the GOP and even the Dems for allowing this. Dems need to stop expecting Republicans to be reasonable. Like Dr. Suzy says, they should have codified Roe v Wade when they had the chance.
06 · 28 · 22 @ 10:58 pm
This has been an infuriating time for women. I can’t, but I can believe that this has happened. I am wondering of the long term effects of the Supreme Court’s overturning. It’s going to be like a domino effect. Once again, thank you for speaking truth to power and for allowing others the space to speak. Wonderful show.
06 · 28 · 22 @ 7:38 pm
What a clusterF*** this past week has been. As usual we can expect you to stand to stand for justice on your show. Losing Roe vs. Wade is not an easy pill to swallow. Morniing After pill sales have surged overnight. See what you’ve done Subpreme Clowns? I applaud you for presenting a thorough, fair and complex profile of this abortion rights issue on your show.