Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Hartley Pleshaw
    07 · 6 · 22 @ 5:53 pm

    God(dess) bless Dr. Susan Block! She tells it like it is about the way things are in Our Land, sexually and otherwise (although NO ONE, but NO ONE, explains the symbiosis between sexual and political issues better than she), as we somehow struggle to celebrate our nation’s freedom and independence this weekend that we lost last week. (Not to another country, but to our own domestic tyrants.)

    She also states, to the letter, exactly how I feel about these matters, from being totally pro-sex to being totally against any form of sexual violence and coercion.

    In fact, were it within my power, I’d make Dr. Suzy the combined POTUS and SCOTUS, and delight in my country becoming healthier, happier, smarter, more humane and, yes, sexier.


  2. David Rovics
    07 · 6 · 22 @ 4:05 pm

    You’re a fantastic writer. Great analysis of reality in your latest piece, and your incentive phrases, wonderful. Constitutional cliterectomy indeed.


  3. John Beaver
    07 · 3 · 22 @ 9:29 pm

    Hi Dr. Suzy, I read your recent CP article, and just wanted to say that you are one of the several authors I make a bee line towards when they (all too infrequently) appear. I usually mostly grok what you say, but even on the occasion that I’m not sure whether I agree with you, I am always learning something from what you write (and I very much love the elegance and to-the-point-ness of your prose). You are an amazing educator, in the best sense of that word.
    Cheers to you!


  4. Go Boy
    07 · 3 · 22 @ 4:30 pm

    Forced breeding, no sex, but conversely only using sex to sell things. It is Acceptable to use sex to sell things that will financially enslave us and cause us to work even more, and have less energy and time for sex .


  5. Dean Guthrie
    07 · 3 · 22 @ 4:26 pm

    Fabulous! I have been reading your CP commentaries for years and would never miss one. This one is special. Your insights are amazing. As a decades long member of Planned Parenthood, I thank you for your vision and acuity. From Kansas City, MO…Dean Guthrie


  6. RGC Anthony
    07 · 3 · 22 @ 4:21 pm

    This essay by Dr. Susan Block on the New Fascist War On Sex is an absolute MUST read for Indy Leftists AND sex radicals alike.


  7. Dalton Jack
    07 · 1 · 22 @ 10:58 pm

    Really fantastic show. Your monologues, the dialogues, the calls with Adriana and Polybi. The Bible quotes, your personal confession. And yes, we need a new Sexual Revolution, not this Ammosexual Incel Revolt from a bunch of black-robed gun-loving woman-hating imposters that are really just privileged Proud Boys. We really should go bonobos, but it looks like we’re going bonkers. Thank goodness for the Love Train! Please keep that train running, Dr. Block, Max, Abe and everybody!


  8. Truck Stop Burrito
    07 · 1 · 22 @ 10:46 pm

    Wow, amazing show. And yeah, “Forced Breeding” A co-worker once told me he had a dream we were tied up together by some evil comic book villain and forced to “breed”. Fortunately, he got laid off, so I never saw him again, but whoa – I do NOT want that to be real for anyone. Thank You for standing up for abortion rights. Abort this stupid court!


  9. Deward Emerson
    07 · 1 · 22 @ 9:59 pm

    Excellent show and great to see you back in Counterpunch. Yes, abortion should be about the Separation of Church and State, not privacy. We have no privacy anymore. Actually it’s looking more and more like we have no separation of church and state anymore either. We should go bonobos, but it looks like we’re going bonkers. Keep that Love Train running.


  10. Raouf J. Halaby
    07 · 1 · 22 @ 7:48 pm

    Thank you Susan for penning a brilliant article on the sorry state of this United States of repression, bigotry, racism, misogeny, gun mongering, and predatory “Unjustices,” especially the two predators who snuck in with lies, bawling, and false accusations of “lynching.”

    And it seems as though it was only yesterday that Anita Hill was shamed and nailed to Biden’s cross, a cross he will have to carry for the rest of his life.

    After a very long absence, it was so good to read your powerful article.


    Raouf J. Halaby


  11. Susan D Chase
    07 · 1 · 22 @ 7:44 pm

    Dead on article!


  12. Rich B
    07 · 1 · 22 @ 6:58 pm

    How about being practical when looking at this situation. Childrens who grew up without the proper love and care from their parents could develop some of kind of psycohological handicap depending on the environment. And the chance of this happening with parents who went through forced labor is higher. It may create more serious problems in the society down the road. The parents need to desire and ready to welcome their child, and they need the freedom to choose.


  13. MarsFX
    07 · 1 · 22 @ 6:03 pm

    Hey Boys & Girls, perhaps a constructive word of personal advice might be appropriate at this time. Condoms can be purchased for $1.99 at most 99cents stores. All the best with your hormonal rages! Personal awareness might be the thing to be learned as a by-product of these new rules.


  14. Gideon Grayson
    06 · 30 · 22 @ 3:16 am

    Great show!!!


  15. Harry
    06 · 29 · 22 @ 9:31 am

    This ruling is a complete and utter betrayal of America, the supposed land of Freedom and Liberty. How can you claim to be a free country when you are forced to have your rapist’s baby or risk death if your pregnancy runs into medical complications. Dr. Suzy is right, this was a Supreme Court Coup of our Rights and Freedoms.

    Shame on the GOP and even the Dems for allowing this. Dems need to stop expecting Republicans to be reasonable. Like Dr. Suzy says, they should have codified Roe v Wade when they had the chance.


  16. Adriana
    06 · 28 · 22 @ 10:58 pm

    This has been an infuriating time for women. I can’t, but I can believe that this has happened. I am wondering of the long term effects of the Supreme Court’s overturning. It’s going to be like a domino effect. Once again, thank you for speaking truth to power and for allowing others the space to speak. Wonderful show.


  17. Bae
    06 · 28 · 22 @ 7:38 pm

    What a clusterF*** this past week has been. As usual we can expect you to stand to stand for justice on your show. Losing Roe vs. Wade is not an easy pill to swallow. Morniing After pill sales have surged overnight. See what you’ve done Subpreme Clowns? I applaud you for presenting a thorough, fair and complex profile of this abortion rights issue on your show.


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