Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Erica Anderson
    07 · 22 · 17 @ 6:27 pm

    When I pass my counselor licensing test, I want to work and learn from someone like you, Dr. Suzy. You inspire me!


  2. Renee Asher Pickup
    07 · 3 · 17 @ 11:54 pm

    Dr. Suzy repping Yale is one of my favorite things right now.


  3. Gerry Weaver
    07 · 3 · 17 @ 11:53 pm

    Sensational (and that is the word) report from our Yale reunion. A good time was had by all, and a better by some!


  4. Mars FX
    06 · 28 · 17 @ 1:46 am

    Bringing Bonoboville to academia!


  5. Johnny
    06 · 23 · 17 @ 8:34 pm

    What a great recap of a stroll through your history lane at Yale! Sounds like it was quite an epic adventure!


  6. Gypsybonobo
    06 · 23 · 17 @ 1:12 pm

    You looked like the light of the party and the belle of the ball! I’m so happy you had such an amazing time reminiscing and having a fun yet productive getaway with your fantasy Yale loverboy <3 You ALWAYS look amazing despite what situations get thrown your way and, of course, you are a brilliant doctor as a cherry on the cake. This is why you are a Queen and an inspiration to so many! Go Dr.Suzy, Go Bonobos, and goooooo Bulldogs!!


  7. Max
    06 · 23 · 17 @ 12:06 pm

    I felt so honored as a lowly UCLA guy to be among all these distinguished Yalies at Dr. Suzy’s class reunion. Great fun and discovery among some of the most beautiful university buildings in America. It took me back in time to another era. Thank you, Dr. Suzy. You are the greatest, and boy oh boy, were you a big hit. I love you.


  8. Harry Sapien
    06 · 23 · 17 @ 11:54 am

    It is unfortunate that the insects of the world seem to be Trumpers… I can’t believe you got stung right before your event :( However, you looked fabulous in the photos so crisis averted.

    This is one of my favorite blogs, we get to live vicariously through you and boy (or girl) what a life. From the ivy league feel of a bar drinking tradition to hobknobbing with the top 1% to rubbing elbows with other best selling authors…

    My favorite thing about this blog is the thought of you in all of your bonoboness deep in the ivy league and Trump country… Man what a sight!!! The thought of you walking by all those Yalies in their suits with their stuffy wives next to them as the husbands pretend not to notice how hot you are…

    Must have been fun.

    Out of all the Yalies I guarantee you will easily be the most remembered. It’s people like you who “make” the event and are the talk of the town. Which in this case is great because you have a message that can change the world, so the more people that talk the better.

    What a fabulous time you had. Thanks so much for sharing.


  9. Clemmy
    06 · 23 · 17 @ 3:27 am

    My favourite photo is the lobster eating demo…and now I want to read Dark Money, though I don’t know if I could stomach it without getting a rage ulcer.

    All this makes me wonder what happened to my classmates.
    Actually, I know because they’re all on Facebook..and none of them as ‘accomplished’ as your old chums.

    Thanks for the look-see into your old-skool school!!!


  10. Del Rey
    06 · 22 · 17 @ 11:47 pm

    Wow! Fascinating look at New Haven, and your Alma Matter, Yale. The photos compliment the travelogue and add visually stunning elements of depth to your already marvellous narrative.

    I was especially intrigued by the mention of the Mademoiselle Ilo blue latex mini-dress, and amazed that you decided to wear it among the Yalies. I’m glad you have the photos, because it was something that I just I had to see!

    Great photos, videos and an all-around a visually stunning gallery from your trip.Glad that you made it there and back to Bonoboville. May your next trip to Yale be as fruitful.

    Cheers to an amazing author & publisher!

    Del Rey


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