Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Michael Donnelly
    10 · 28 · 20 @ 10:59 pm

    Great piece. Granda was young. But, at least he and the Falwells are all adults, unlike so many religious real sex scandals. It’s the hypocrisy that matters in this case. Excellent takedown. Kinda odd how it disappeared overnight in the mainstream media, unlike say Gary Hart or John Edwards more vanilla consensual activities.


  2. Deward Emerson
    10 · 28 · 20 @ 10:53 pm

    Brilliant and yes, very deep, interview with David Steinberg about legendary sex explorer Marco Vassi whose Metasex Manifesto I devoured even before I discovered you, Dr. Suzy. Now I must read these letters with Eve Diana. As for the comely Crystal, I’d definitely join the Mile High Club with her. What a beauty with such talent! Love your commentary on the oversized power of the Religious Right, Bill Barr, Falwell, Amy Coney Barrett & the irreligious Trump who sucks up to the Evangelicals, Proud Boys and White Supremacists just for the votes, applause and the closest thing this clown gets to love.


  3. Bob Gryszka
    10 · 28 · 20 @ 10:51 pm

    Looking gorgeous in blue the amazing Dr Susan….& as always a very interesting & educational show…Thank You Dr Susan !!!


  4. Gil Pleebus
    10 · 9 · 20 @ 8:54 pm

    It’s such a great show.


  5. Gerald Weaver
    10 · 3 · 20 @ 5:49 pm

    If Falwell had not been exploitative, I would be clamoring for the videos. Becki gives the #HotWife vibe even from the pictures and Jerry likes to pose with his pants down. Those other #KinkyChristians need to come out of their closets and spank some ass for Jesus. Oh, baby. Crown of Thorns. “I will be your Lord and savior.”


  6. Max Hardcore
    10 · 1 · 20 @ 3:17 pm

    Great show, Dr. Suzy is the best. Go Bonobopocalypse!


  7. Crystal Taylor
    09 · 30 · 20 @ 8:11 am

    Thank you to all the lovely people leaving kind comments for me here I deeply appreciate you. Dr Suzy you are an absolute inspiration and I’m so grateful I was able to be a guest on your show. I would love to come back again and perform more erotic aerial whenever you would like. Thank you again and all the love and light in the universe to you Goddess


  8. Diana
    09 · 30 · 20 @ 12:28 am

    I enjoyed the show. Marco Vassi’s love letters are depicting a flawed yet fiery passion for his muse, Eve Diana.
    Crystal can perform erotic arts while gracefully doing acrobatics, proving she is multi-talented.


  9. Adriana
    09 · 29 · 20 @ 11:13 pm

    This was an excellent talk. I loved hearing David discuss Marco Vassi and Eve Diana. I’d love to check out the book and “bone up” on my sexual revolutionaries. Crystal was amazing! There’s no way she’s 39!


  10. Bae
    09 · 29 · 20 @ 7:04 pm

    The last show with an author David Steinberg was quite fascinating.

    The high -flying erotic aerialist Crystal Taylor stunned with her fluid performance on the show.

    Nice variety of guests on this show talking sex and uplifting sew to new heights I didn’t think possible.


  11. Harry
    09 · 29 · 20 @ 1:14 pm

    Looks Like Crystal found the fountain of Youth. WOW!!!! Simply gorgeous.


  12. Gideon Grayson
    09 · 29 · 20 @ 7:11 am

    Welcome to the show Crystal!!!


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