DomCon 2020 Virtual
by Dr. Susan Block.
2020 is so topsy turvy, even the Tops of DomCon had to go turvy to the whims of the Interwebs as the 17th annual DomCon LA went VIRTUAL in the Coronapocalypse.
Welcome to the new DomCon-O-Sphere.
Forget the usual jet lag, hotel bills and cramping your toes in skyscraper heels.
Just apply lipstick, wiggle into a sexy top, pour a supersized goblet of your favorite beverage, relax, log-on, click “unmute” and enter the Kinky Theater of the Mind.
But where are you? In the Lounge, on Red Carpet or in a class by yourself?
Who would imagine a dungeon would be one of the safest spaces in America?
It was easy to get lost in the DomCon 2020 Virtual Theater, featuring a multiplex of movies, live chats, strange sounds, titillating stories, true confessions, group therapy, sapiosexual ideas, pro-tips, shiny latex, fiber-optic eye candy, flashes of beautiful asses, dancing boobs, adult babies, bananas in bondage and more!
No touch, though; it’s the Coronapocalypse. No hugs, no kisses, no spanks, no tickles, no rubbing shoulders with the Glitterati or the hoi poloi, no interpersonal stings of pleasurable pain.
No subtle yet powerful exchange of pheromones either. No in-person physical vibrations that make us feel so simply yet wondrously human among fellow humans.
“Waaaaah!” the adult baby in all of us cries. “No fun!”
Unfortunately, invisible killers are all around us in the very air we breathe or “can’t breathe,” as the case may be. The death count rises as the lies flow forth from our feckless leaders’ toilet mouths, like busted septic tanks. Meanwhile, businesses close, firenados rage and civil wars skirmish on the pepper-sprayed streets of our battered and diseased country.
Yes, we very much wanted to get together for DomCon.
But no, we didn’t very much want to die or inadvertently kill our loved ones… or even our lusty ones.
So, we “got together” safely from our beds, couches, closets, thrones, queening chairs and dungeons.
Who would imagine a dungeon would be one of the safest spaces in America?
Mistress of the DomCon-O-Sphere Ceremonies
In the midst of the Coronapocalyptic madness, I was crowned DomCon 2020 Mistress of Ceremonies, along with my fabulous fellow MC’s Simone Justice and Mistress Wiley Wolfe.
Crowned DomCon 2020 Virtual Mistress of Ceremonies, along with Simone Justice and Wiley Wolfe, as Goddess Phoenix interviews Madame Margherite and Mistress Cyan on the Red Carpet.
What an honor to be called upon to serve the “World’s Premiere Lifestyle and Professional Domination Convention,” especially in a time when, it’s clearer than ever that what the world needs now is beneficent FemDom power and healing.
Not that we three Princesses of Pleasure and Pain had much to do.
The bulk of a typical DomCon MC’s duties involves strutting around the stage and facilitating parties, but in this year’s artificially simulated DomCon-O-Sphere, there was no real stage to strut upon nor parties to facilitate.
Well, there were “rooms” called “Stage” and “Party,” but you accessed them on your phone or computer.
Also, I saw that some of the folks at Sanctuary LAX, the DomCon headquarters, did get up to perform on the actual DomCon stage.
Though without an audience, was it really a stage?
Besides, I was on my couch, Simone appeared to be at home in Texas and Wiley was in an undisclosed locale featuring a beautiful St. Andrew’s Cross.
Masked Up & Unmasked, in my silver frock from the Latex Store, with Mistress Cyan and some of the great Dommes of DomCon 2020 Virtual.
DomCon 2020 physical distancing was at least as conscientious as DemCon 2020, and it made Republi-Con look like a Covid Party.
Because 2020 has been such a strange year for DomCon (and everything else), Mistress Cyan has decreed that we Three Graces of the DomCon-O-Sphere shall also be Mistresses of Ceremonies for DomCon 2021 when (cross our hearts and fingers, but not our legs), we will “get together” again in real life (IRL).
Can’t wait!
Red Carpet Roleplay
Meanwhile, there we were, all dressed up with no place to go, celebrating DomCon 2020 Opening Night.
As for my own sartorial efforts… for the past three years, I’ve attended DomCon in borrowed latex finery provided by the fabulous DeMask. But the Coronapocalypse is no time to borrow clothing nor get a properly close custom fitting.
Thus limited to what was already in my closet gathering dust (I haven’t had many opportunities to wear latex lately… wonder why?), I selected a simple, elegant, black Abigail Greydanus latex frock (that I wore for my first DomCon Bonobo Way talk), garnished with red accessories to match the Virtual Red Carpet.
Feeling lucky, I carefully cleaned the dress, lubed it up and pulled it on, thrilled that it still fit perfectly—except for the halter strap which suddenly snapped off, after which the whole bottom ripped spectacularly… right down the butt.
Latex is awesome—until it rips, tears, cracks, buckles or falls apart.
Hosed up in red, with time running out, I wiggled into a sturdy but slinky silver number from The Latex Store, exchanged my Red-Carpet red-bottoms for silver peep-toes and off I went… to my couch.
One of my pet theories [is] that many Dominatrixes are really nurses with whips instead of needles, or is it the other way around?
Yep, there was a bit of a disconnect from the human experience in this virtual version.
Talk about remote!
Fortunately, the first face to greet me was gorgeous Glamazon Goddess Phoenix. Nothing like the Goddess’ familiar, friendly smile to make me feel that everything was going to be awesome.
As usual, she invited me to join her on the Red Carpet. Except this time, she was on the Red Carpet—well, a surreal, hologram of a Red Carpet—and I was still on my couch.
So, the excitement of pressing each other’s sexy flesh as paparazzi flash bulbs pop around us just wasn’t happening in the DomCon-O-Sphere.
On the upside, we had a much more in-depth, quality conversation than we’d ever had on the real Red Carpet with all the music blaring, flash bulbs firing, heels clicking and photographers yelling, “Over here!”
We talked about why we love DomCon, how we’re faring in the Coronapocalypse and some of our most memorable moments at DomCons Past.
What the Virtual DomCon Red Carpet experience lacked in glamour, it made up for in nostalgia, intimacy, sapiosexual content and heart-felt connection.
Not that Goddess Phoenix herself lacked glamour. On the contrary, wearing a different stylish latex outfit or sequined gown every other interview, this fetish-fashionable winner of the “Most Dazzling Domme” SUZY award for three years in a row lit up the night.
And her 2020 Red Carpet interviews were the most illuminating ever! Watch them here, along with the rest of DomCon 2020 Virtual Opening Night (unedited) featuring DomCon founder and Head-Mistress Cyan, me and my fellow Mistresses of Ceremonies, Mistress Precious and our Guests of Honor (GOH).
I introduced two of the DomCon 2020 GOH, starting with the lovely cosmopolitan Lady Victoria of NYC, looking like she’d just flown down from Mount Olympus in a divine, toga-like, billowing, yet sensuously skimpy, white chiffon and latex get-up she created herself.
Next I awarded GOH Harley Havick, a vivacious Sanctuary switch and blonde bombshell who enjoys a good spanking (giving or receiving), but is currently focused on getting ready for much-needed neck surgery. With all the device-ogling we do nowadays, everybody—even a young 20-something like Harley—has upper vertebrae problems. Nevertheless, you might not have had “neck surgery” on your bingo card as an exciting topic for a kink convention. You should have! Many of the Dommes were extremely interested in chatting up Harley’s impending operation, getting details, offering advice, commiserating, pumping her up and giving to her GoFund Me Post-Surgery Fund.
Their enthusiasm supported one of my pet theories that many Dominatrixes are really nurses with whips instead of needles… or is it the other way around?
We also got to hear from marvelous Madame Margherite, one of my favorite humans—partly because she’s so in touch with her own and everybody else’s animal nature.
MM looked regal, like some kind of polyglot spiritual tribal chieftain in a purple hijab and glittering Moroccan Kaftan, showcasing her rather unique, creative, spiritual approach to BDSM beauty.
As usual on DomCon Opening Night, the speeches (check out my own super-cool speech!) and awards segued into entertainment. Though it wasn’t as exciting as in-person, it was more comfortable, c and better in some subtle ways. For instance, no lines at the restroom, and the bar was always open!
Everyone had the best seat in the house, so the performances were more up close and personal. The DomCon “Reverend,” a.k.a., Jordan the Comic, a.k.a., Sir Gear, made me laugh more, maybe because I could actually hear him. The burlesque performers were very good, as I’m sure they would have been in person, though seeing them close-up in her own room lent a special peep-show-quality to their dance.
DrSuzy.Tv special guest King Noire (seen spanking up a tsunamic of fun on Spanksgiving 2016) starred in a sexy music video spotlighting strong but gentle male dominance in a Bonobo Way.
Of course, we can’t wait until we can do DomCon “for real” again. But Virtual DomCon Opening Night opened a door to how we can cyber-extend future DomCons around the world, even when we’re kissing, hugging and spanking each other in person at the good old Hilton LAX.
Big thanks to Bobby Davis of VSP Hosting and KOV Kink Virtual for guiding us through the neo-Matrix of the DomCon-O-Sphere.
Click on the arrow above to watch the DomCon 2020 Virtual Red Carpet & Opening Night
If I didn’t have much to do Friday, I had even less to do Saturday!
That was just as well because it was steambath-hot in Bonoboville.
Besides the Coronapocalypse, police brutality and Drumpf-instigated Civil War, Global Warming has been breathing down our delicate necks like a blast from a broken furnace.
At least, we weren’t (and still aren’t) on fire, and for that I’m grateful.
But it was HOTTT with three T’s.
Don’t ask how, in that heat, I managed to squeeze into my custom-made skintight Mademoiselle Ilo peacock blue and black latex minidress, but I did it, and I didn’t rip it!
If we were in the Hilton, I’d have been chilling at the bar. But there I was, attempting to “lounge” in latex in the Bonoboville Garden.
Latex is great for standing, posing and strutting around.
It’s not so great for lounging or even just sitting.
But it was excellent for accessorizing with my matching peacock blue face mask and star-shaped shades.
Just as I was starting to cool off by shooting myself in the chest with a water pistol packed with ice-cold H2O, I heard Madame Margherite announce “Dr. Soooooooozzy” in her beautiful slightly Brooklyn accent as the winner of her “Best Animal Activist” award for the DomCon 2020 Virtual Animal Play Awards.
Wow! I honestly was not expecting that.
Save the bonobos, the Peace-through-Pleasure-loving FemDoms of the Wild, and they just might help us save ourselves.
Full disclosure: I’ve given Madame Margherite the “Best Animal Play Monarch” SUZY Award every year for the past four years. Of course, she’s the only “Animal Play Monarch” to appear on DrSuzy.Tv. In fact, she inspired me to create the category, and she wins it every time.
So, it’s a mutual admiration society, the sticky-sweet and solidarity-strong glue that holds together the Dommes of DomCon, and keeps us from fully releasing our “catty,” competitive side, to belabor the animal metaphor.
Whatever Madame’s motivation, I was deeply honored and thoroughly tickled to win “Best Animal Activist.” All nonhuman animals are near and dear to me (well, maybe not the mosquitoes), and I try to be active on everyone’s behalf, like Mrs. Noah without the arc.
“Best Animal Activist” includes advocating for humans, since humans are animals too, though we often forget that we are. This lack of animal nature awareness is the source of a lot of human problems, from depression to war to Anthropocene Climate Change.
Animal Play specialists like MM help us to get in touch with our inner nonhuman animal, whether it’s a pony, a puppy, a pussy, a porcupine… or a bonobo.
Bonobos are so close to human. If we’re not “animals,” then neither are they! I think all of us humans have an inner bonobo (in addition to an inner common chimp, a.k.a., Trumpanzee), and it benefits us all to release that inner bonobo, at least once in a while, and preferably as often as possible.
I talked about how to do this during my Sunday talk, but if you can’t wait to scroll down and/or if you want to see it with an in-person audience, watch The Bonobo Way at DomCon LA 2019.
Bonobos themselves are highly endangered, and therein lies my “activism.” If the award came with any winnings, I would donate them all to save the highly endangered bonobos from extinction.
Since it didn’t, I’ll just use it as a platform to ask you to donate. Save the bonobos, the Peace-through-Pleasure-loving FemDoms of the Wild, and they just might help us save ourselves.
Mistress Photo Magic
The Pro-Domme Social was BYOB.
It wasn’t like the usual hundred-Domme champagne party crammed into an executive suite, complete with spankings, collaring, puppy-training and other kinky activities spilling out into the hallways.
Ah well… for the second day, there we were, all dressed up with no place to go…
Some of us were not so dressed up.
Just like regular DomCon, where you might catch a usually-chic Domina roaming the Hilton hallways in sweats, there was Mistress Mia Darque on DomCon Virtual chilling in her au naturel hair, no makeup and her t-shirt emblazoned with Black Lives Matter.
Actually, she looked awesome!
I tried to strike up a convo about Jerry Falwell, Jr., forced to come out as a cuckold who apparently watches his hotwife Becki have sex with band members, business associates and, of course, the pool boy.
Giggling along with MsMadyson (in a tie-dyed T), we reminisced about how the fashion-forward Mistress Mia wore a face mask back in 2019, long before they were High Coronapocalypse Couture.
Later, feeling newsy, I tried to strike up a convo about Jerry Falwell, Jr. forced to come out as a cuckold who apparently watches his hotwife Becki have sex with band members, business associates and, of course, the pool boy.
Lots of Dommes were eager to talk about cuckolding, one of the most popular fetishes of modern times, though also one of the most controversial.
However, when no one (that I could hear) picked up on the subject of Jerry Falwell, Jr.’s cuckoldry specifically, it dawned on me that he might well be one of their clients—and client anonymity protection is more sacred among Dommes than Holy Water at Liberty College—so I dropped that line of discussion and went back to talking about how the best pro-Dommes make great therapists.
The importance of kink shrinks and FemDom healers was another one of my 2020 DomCon themes. We talked about Dommes as therapists in depth on my DomCon Bound 2020 Bedside Chat, and we kept it going in the pro-Domme Social.
Between the Coronapocalypse in the air, the fully armed Trumpanzees on the streets (with apologies to real chimpanzees who aren’t so bad) and the incels on the loose, we need bonoboësque FemDom healing more than ever.
Goddess Phoenix talked about helping a military serviceman to handle pain with pleasure, so that if he ever has to take a punch or a bullet, he can better launch his immune system through the endorphins of pleasure and arousal.
The science behind the benefits of arousal is fascinating and rarely discussed due to the traditional sexual squeamishness of Western medicine, particularly as practiced in the good old Puritanical U.S.A.
Biochemically speaking, pleasure is a pain-killer. If your kinky psyche pairs arousal with the experience of pain (helped along by the erotic hypnotic suggestion of a sensitive guide like Goddess Phoenix), endorphins rush into your bloodstream, and the pleasure helps you to handle the pain… at least until the paramedics get there.
This is what I call “Pain Management, FemDom-style.”
Suddenly, it was time to yell—altogether now: “DomCon 2020 Virtual”—and snap our selfies for the Mistress Photo.
1-2-3 Snap!
It was… different from the real thing.
I love the FemDom solidarity of the in-person Mistress Photo when all those powerful beautiful women stand close together, sexy-shoulder-to-sexy-shoulder, in erotic empowering collaboration.
I especially miss the subbies bowing down in perfect bottoms-up formation, trained by the DomCon Board of Directors.
Using my most powerful sex organ (the mind), I tried to imagine the lurking subbies, sissies, adult babies and slaves bowing down as we pose for our selfies.
Meh, it just wasn’t the same.
But hey, Virtual DomCon was better than no DomCon!
A lot better.
Click on the arrow above to watch DomCon 2020 Virtual’s Saturday Festivities
Sunday Mistress Tea
Since I had to deliver my talk at the ungodly hour of 1pm PST, I figured I might as well get up even earlier to make it to the Mistress Tea.
I love the Mistress Tea at regular DomCons because almost all the Dommes wear big broad-brimmed hats… like me!
And sure enough, even at DomCon Virtual, everyone was peering out from his/her/its/their little Hollywood Square wearing some sort of chic chapeau.
It totally felt like Ascot with the Royals, and I’m pretty sure that some of the Dommes have attended the real thing on the arm of an aristocratic submissive.
I sported a mint green straw hat to match my mint green, a.k.a., “Tiffany Blue,” Blacklikorish latex dress.
Accessorized with leopard and cheetah prints, I felt like I was releasing my inner wildcat while talking about releasing your inner bonobo.
I confess to mixing and matching my inner animals for different purposes.
As for the “tea” in the Mistress Tea, it was BYOT, so I opted for cappucino
DomCon is always a kind of FemDom Group Therapy, but with physical-distancing, lurkers had the chance to listen in on the details without seeming nosy.
It being the Mistress Tea, I was curious as to who likes to be called “Mistress,” “Goddess,” “Madame,” or “Lady” and why.
Their answers were quite revealing of their personalities, domination styles and approaches to BDSM.
We also spilled that tea. To find out what we say, watch this unedited tape of the Mistress Tea and other Sunday festivities
The Bonobo Way at DomCon LA 2020 Virtual
Then it was time for my Big Moment—when I got to yap non-stop about whatever I wanted for 60 minutes—my Bonobo Way class!
This was my fifth time delivering the Bonobo Way at DomCon LA, so at this point, I could do it in my sleep. But it was different, definitely different.
I confess it wasn’t as much of an ego-stroke to give a talk from my couch as it was to do it for an enthusiastic in-person audience.
Of course, if even one person in your enthusiastic audience is not so enthusiastic or if they cough, yawn or get up to go to the restroom when they *should* be laughing at one of my jokes, I can get mentally derailed.
With an audience I couldn’t see or hear, I felt disassociated but also unencumbered by their reactions, freeing my mind to fully concentrate on the material.
It worked kind of like erotic sensory deprivation, a type of bondage that restrains the senses.
Just as a blindfold enables the submissive to focus on what she hears and feels via touch since she can’t see, the lack of an in-person audience deprived me of their support but also liberated me from their pressure, so I could focus on the message of the Bonobo Way.
I missed my peanut gallery! It’s funny how you don’t really appreciate something until you’re deprived of it. But towards the end, my crew handed me a print-out of a bunch of comments from people in the class, including Mistress Cyan, Goddess Phoenix and my fellow MC, Simone Justice. What a blessing to feel the DomCon love from my bonoboësque FemDom sisters—who, like real bonobos, aren’t blood sisters, but “chosen family.”
So DomCon 2020 Virtual was the springboard to my most content-rich talk on the Bonobo Way of BDSM: FemDoms of the Wild. Watch it here.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, Pro-Dommes and Lifestylers, like everything else in 2020, our beloved convention was forced to evolve, and the classes are a great example of that.
I’ve long called DomCon “the Comicon of Kink” and “the Met Gala of Fetish.”
Now, in the Coronapocalypse, it’s also the TED Talks of BDSM.
The Bonobo Way doesn’t teach you how to tie someone up, worship their toes or spank them OTK (over-the-knee); there are plenty of other great DomCon classes for that.
What it does explain is how natural it is to enjoy doing those and other kinky things, to empower the females, keep the males happy and make peace through pleasure.
FemDoms need physical skills, but we also need a philosophy, a female empowerment Great Ape paradigm to knock the antiquated, competitive, murderous, ecocidal “Killer Ape” paradigm off its filthy rotten pedestal, along with those patriarchal, racist, old Confederate statues, to be swept into the trash bins of history… hopefully soon, before it’s too late.
You may notice that I took off my latex and just wore leopard and turquoise lingerie. Sorry, Mistresses, no excuses! I just wanted to be comfortable…
I closed out the talk as I usually do, exhorting people to “go forth and go bonobos,” but this time, I added that they should also go vote.
Of course, they’ll vote for whoever they want to vote for, or they simply won’t vote; even the greatest Domme can’t control that. But I announced that I’m voting BLUE straight down the ticket.
I figure you’d have to be one self-hating kinkster to vote any other way right now, as anti-sex, very unbonobo fascistic forces roll ominously down American streets and death-dealing lies pour into our ears.
FemDom Dance & Denouement
After the intensity of the class, we took a break, got some R&R, then came back for the after-party.
Not wishing to offend the fashion sensibilities of the Dommy Mommies with my comfy classroom lingerie, I wiggled back into my punishingly sexy Blacklikorish “Tiffany Blue” latex dress.
Oh latex, how I love/hate you!
I also traded in my BOSS mask for a green and yellow turtle mask that released my inner tortoise (time to slow things down) and sort of matched the dress.
Double-masking with a pink glitter mask that, on its own, had too many holes to protect anybody from anything, I topped it all off with my silliest pair of pineapple shades.
Though after a bit, I took off the sunglasses and all the masks because, for better and worse, nobody gets within spitting distance of me these days, except Capt’n Max.
After coffee and water all day, I was ready for cocktails, which are tough to drink through a mask, even if it has holes and you’re sipping through a tiny little penis straw.
Upon entering the After-Party, I found Goddess Phoenix and Lady Victoria dancing with their fiber-optic whips, so of course, I had to join them, lights ricocheting from each of our Hollywood Squares.
I then whipped our Presidunce, under gag order with a water pistol, smacking his furry pink balls and pretty much castrating him. That tiny Mario Kart mushroom peepee wasn’t screwed on too tight, apparently, and I had no desire to fix it.
Maybe it was the cocktails or the mute buttons, but I got lost again, not that I knew what I was looking for exactly. Finally, I found myself face-to-pacifier with a big adult baby who called himself “Bound Sissy.” Sissy didn’t appear to be bound, though he was gagged on the pacifier and also seemed intent on me reading his T-shirt which said “Dadda’s Little Boy.”
“Little?” I teased, surveying this sissy baby’s rather sizeable frame. “You don’t look very little… So whatever is ‘little’ must be something we can’t see.”
Sissy blushed and fumbled with his pacifier. Later, I saw that he tagged me on Twitter, saying he “almost died of wonderful embarrassment when @DrSuzy thought I might have smol [sic] parts… What a great domcom – love to everyone <3 “
Sounds like I made that Sissy Baby’s weekend. Always happy to conjure “wonderful embarrassment” for those who enjoy it.
Later, I had an extended chat with Harley Havick, the cute Sanctuary switch/Guest of Honor with neck problems.
As soon as I said, “Hey Harley,” she took a moment to refill her wineglass, the rich burgundy hue exactly matching her wine-colored cut-out dress.
FemDoms love it when things match.
Besides being therapists, pro-Dommes are also stylists, helping you to style your sexuality.
I don’t know if anyone was listening, but we had a great convo (almost a whole Bedside Chat) about sex, growing up devout Christian, getting into kink, spanking, how to handle adult babies (Bound Sissy was listening), as a young Dommy Mommy, pain management and Harley’s impending neck surgery. Check it out here.
Click on the arrow above to watch the DomCon 2020 Virtual Mistress Tea, “The Bonobo Way of BDSM: FemDoms of the Wild” & the Afterparty
Happy Birthday Ana & Miguel
At that point, I had to disconnect from the DomCon-O-Sphere to celebrate Ana and Miguel’s birthday.
What a fun-filled weekend!
It was almost like coming home from a real-life DomCon. At least, we didn’t have to unpack. Nevertheless, my dressing area was a royal mess.
Celebrating anything in the Coronapocalypse is not easy, but for Ana and Miguel’s birthday(s), we managed to have a great time, eating, drinking and singing Feliz Cumpleaños to the Birthday Couple.
Though Harry Sapien kept singing “Feliz Navidad.”
Is that why the cupcakes were green and red?
We had a lot to celebrate, especially Ana recovering beautifully from serious surgery.
For some mystical reason, “surgery” kept coming up throughout the weekend. Talk about kinky…
[We] just celebrated our 28th, symbolized by that quintessential symbol of human bondage, the wedding band.
Then Ana and Miguel got the best gift: an adorable little Pomeranian/Chihuahua puppy named Peggles, who looks like a ball of fluff with paws.
Actually, everyone got a gift because each of the cupcakes had a plastic ring. Ah yes, the valuable things in life!
Here’s what’s really of value: Ana and Miguel. We love them, and we have ever since we met them over a decade ago (feels like another lifetime) back in 2009.
And yes, Ana and Miguel’s Virgo birthdays really fall just a couple of days apart from each other.
I don’t think Max (Scorpio) and I (Gemini) could handle sharing a birthday in addition to everything else we share.
Of course, we share a wedding anniversary, having just celebrated our 28th, symbolized by that quintessential symbol of human bondage, the wedding band.
With visions of Goddesses, FemDoms and FunDoms (yes, fun Dommes) dancing and whipping up a fiber-optic light show in our heads, we tumbled into bed, bringing another fabulous DomCon to a grand climactic finale.
Bless us, O Lord and Lady, for we have come!
Amen and AWOMEN.
August 31, 2020 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
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08 · 3 · 21 @ 3:16 pm
Dr. Susan, I love this FemDom of the Wild video. Really amazing. The way explained was really so easy to understand, and so right. Also, may I say you are looking very beautiful
10 · 3 · 20 @ 2:42 pm
My Queen Dr. Susan you make me feel very happy, and I hope that all women are strong like you. And I wish to be a servant under your feet forever and ever.
09 · 24 · 20 @ 10:27 pm
Congrats on the “Best Animal Activist” award, Dr. Suzy! Considering your involvement in the Bonobo community… I can’t think of anyone else as deserving.
09 · 24 · 20 @ 6:43 pm
You’re gorgeous and genius as always
09 · 21 · 20 @ 11:53 pm
Great bonobo talk. I’m in medibation mode myself these days. I didn’t realize there was a word for it until you said it but the shoe fits
09 · 21 · 20 @ 10:29 pm
sexy legs dr. susan
09 · 21 · 20 @ 4:29 pm
Sexy blue Latex… mmm… so blue, so true, so beautiful on you… Best Animal Activist Award!
09 · 21 · 20 @ 1:00 pm
I sure did give you the “Best Animal Activist” award because You hold it down for Bonobos!
09 · 21 · 20 @ 12:58 pm
You’re my favorite Femdom Dr. Suzy
09 · 19 · 20 @ 4:29 pm
I will always be grateful to Dr. Suzy and Bonoboville for their kindness and warmth. What positive, supportive, and non judgemental people.
09 · 19 · 20 @ 3:06 pm
Dr. Susan is the stunning Queen of Domcon
09 · 19 · 20 @ 2:22 pm
Dr. Suzy is the greatest of all sex therapists indeed! She is a legend! She would be great to help in any aspect of sexuality!
09 · 19 · 20 @ 2:01 am
Go DomCon!!!
09 · 18 · 20 @ 7:03 pm
My first DomCon and if this was just a taste, I eagerly anticipate the full meal.
Red Carpet was instrumental in introducing me to who’s who?
There seems to be a great love for DomCon and the doms will surely put everything that was missing this year into next year.
09 · 18 · 20 @ 6:53 pm
I almost died of wonderful embarrassment when You said I might have small parts :-) … What a great Domcon .. Thank You for Mcee ing .. it was a wonderful connection in this isolation <3
09 · 18 · 20 @ 6:49 pm
You are such a sexy powerful woman Dr. Block.
09 · 18 · 20 @ 4:02 pm
I’m still processing all the great education I got at DomCon! I took so many notes on classes with You, Mistress Damiana Chi, Mistress KimAP, Eve Minax, Raven Darknight Princess Kai, Goddess Phoenix, a host of brilliant presenters. I’m going over everything and I’m still reeling. This was a content-rich weekend for sure, Thanks Dr. Suzy for a great class! So valuable!
09 · 18 · 20 @ 3:05 pm
Exciting seminar Dr. Suzy, thanks for teaching Me to channel My inner Bonobo! Your radiant wonderful spirited self inspired me and your stories were an absolute wealth of entertainment and information.
09 · 18 · 20 @ 3:00 pm
Dr. Suzy, You are stunning
09 · 18 · 20 @ 11:17 am
It was great that now people from around the world can enjoy DomCon Virtually. It’s a great way to maintain our social distancing without losing touch with our kinkster community
09 · 18 · 20 @ 10:57 am
Dom Com looked like it was a whole lot of fun! The virtual format allows people to connect from all over the world that you may not have met before. Certainly it’s not the same as the live version, but it allows for great conversations and more creative ways of enjoying kink.