Trauma Shrink & FemDom Kink
Length 01:32:03 Date: Nov. 16th, 2019
Audio Playerby Dr. Susan Block.
Got trauma? Join the club! And get the help you need.
Trauma runs rampant in human societies of all kinds around our world.
Whether it’s childhood trauma, domestic violence, sexual harassment, violent abuse, illness, workplace stress, being bullied, fear of flying, military psychosis, the shell shock of war and occupation, PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or Post-Trump Sex Disorder), climate change distress or post-mass shooting syndrome… whatever your trauma, help is available.
Of course, most of this so-called “help”—from can-do con-artists to opioid prescribers and prosperity preachers—will waste your time or worsen your problems.
However, real help, hope, support, information and healing are all available, and you know where to look—including on our show!
With an excellent, sapiosexual line-up, including our guest trauma therapist, Melinda Vyvyan; along with a beautiful dominatrix who heals traumatized clients through kink, Domina Mara; and our own comic (“I’m not laughing at you; I’m laughing at your expense,” explains my assistant, comedienne Sunshine McWane); plus a sex therapist (yours truly, as always), we’ve got you covered.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, we’ve got the trauma shrink and the FemDom kink!
American Incarceration Trauma
Trauma is often extremely personal, but whole communities can be traumatized by climate change, war, occupation, repression, police brutality, Trumpocalyptic economic inequality, mass shootings and other social phenomena have traumatic effects on us collectively.
How about those migrant children separated from their relatives and put in cages, made to sleep under tin foil, go without toothbrushes and drink water from toilets? Almost 70,000 infants, toddlers, kids and teens have been incarcerated just this past year by Trump’s ICE-goon-operated concentration camps, aka Trump Camps. How’s that for creating trauma?
The other day, a Tucson cop wrestled a teenage quadruple amputee to the ground. That’s trauma certainly for the kid. It’s even traumatic to watch (trigger warning!). The cop who committed this heinous act may have suffered from childhood or military trauma that turned him into a sadistic bully, although that’s no excuse.
Difficult as it can be, we have to make efforts to heal our trauma, not just for ourselves, but for sake of the people with whom we interact.
As social beings, we literally have an obligation to heal.
Bolivian Coup Trauma
Meanwhile, there’s been a Trump and U.S.-supported military coup in Bolivia, inducing country-wide trauma that has reverberated throughout the world.
What personifies this trauma are the horrifying images of Patricia Arce, the duly elected indigenous mayor of the small Bolivian town of Vinto in Cochabamb province and a member of Evo Morales’ Movement toward Socialism (MAS) party.
Mayor Arce was kidnapped, sadistically tortured and publicly humiliated by perverted thugs who forcibly cut her hair, doused her in red paint (the color of the Bolivian right-wing), then marched her barefoot through the streets in an extremely disturbing public display of brute power meant to traumatize her and terrorize the Bolivian supporters of Evo Morales. Their grotesque treatment of her was like a mock rape. They might have killed her if her fellow MAS supporters hadn’t come to her rescue. It’s horrifying, and yet a galvanizing courage seems to beam through her defiant eyes.
“The coup is promoted by the Bolivian oligarchy,” observes Noam Chomsky, “and has the full support of the United States Government, which has long been eager to expel Evo Morales and his movement.”
These thugs, including Luise Fernando Camacho, known as “Bolivia’s Bolsonaro,” and deputy Senate leader Jeanine Anez, a physically attractive but mean-spirited, far-right evangelical Christian who describes indigenous customs as “satanic,” are after the lithium. No, not the drug, but the precious mineral required in electric cars, about 70% of the world’s supply being found in Bolivia.
Photos 1, 2: Frank H. Photo 3: Selfie. Photo 4: Bianca
Here’s looking at you, Elon Musk! I appreciate your affection for bonobos, but please tell your Tesla investors to have some respect for the Bolivian people’s rights to their own resources.
On the bright side, the courageous Bolivian people, including the Native Bolivians, especially indigenous women, that Evo and MAS have helped tremendously, are already rising up and protesting the coup in the streets, while the Bolivian congress has declared that Evo (now in exile in Mexico) is still president—even after the dictatorial regime passed an order granting impunity to all soldiers now murdering protestors—so there’s hope in the midst of this extreme trauma.
There’s always hope.
Impeachment Party #7
In the name of hope, resistance to tyranny and hardy partying, we’re throwing our seventh peachy Impeachment Party on DrSuzy.Tv.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Trumpers and Resisters, Impeachment proceedings, publicly displaying the bombastic Trumposity’s rapacious, narcissistic, quid pro quo compulsion to enrich himself and the Trump Crime Family at the expense of the American people and our allies, are in full swing.
Speaking of swinging, running concurrently with Impeachment has been the trial of Roger Stone, Trump’s oldest living friend, Republican media hitman, nasty asshole and, as an outed swinger, cuckold and kinkster, he’s made a bad name for decent swingers, cuckolds and kinksters.
Convicted Felon and Embarrassing Cuck Roger Stone projected on DrSuzy.Tv flashing Nixon’s “V” sign. Photo: Bianca
Stone has been found guilty on all counts, facing 50 years. As I’ve described in Roger Stoned, he’s supported war criminals and scumbags from Nixon to Trump, and I’m happy to see him taken down, though I wish they’d do the same to real war criminals who are responsible for the deaths of millions, like George Dubya Bush getting to walk free and hang out with Ellen DeGeneres, Dick Cheney and Henry Kissinger never suffer anything.
I sure hope Stone’s guilty verdict will help to impeach the Trumpus. Though I’m afraid it will just cause more trouble for Julian Assange.
Free Assange! Free Chelsea Manning! Let Edward Snowden return to America!
And throw the book at the terrible Trumpus! Spank him with it!
To illustrate my message, I whip our Trump voodoo doll’s pink furry balls and mushroom peepee, keeping the Big Baby Bully under gag order with the penis pacifier.
It’s a longshot, but ideally, Congress will impeach and the Senate will remove this big kleptomaniacal, kakistocratic illiterate from office. Probably the rabidly pro-Trump syncophants in the Senate won’t convict the MF Grifter-in-Chief, but it’s important to impeach him anyway, to send a message to the world that what our Presidunce is doing is not okay with us… at least not with most of us.
Thus far, the best line of the Impeachment proceedings has been bumbling Ambassador Gordon Sondland telling the Trumpus loudly on a cell phone in a Ukrainian restaurant where everyone could hear: “President Zelensky LOVES YOUR ASS!” Now #lovesyourass is trending on twitter
Funny how a nice fresh peach looks a lot like an ass.
Unfortunately, the fresh peaches are no longer in season, so we have to make do with the canned variety.
Photos 1, 3, 8: Frank H. Photos 2, 6: Bianca. Photo 4: AV. Photos 6-7: Selfies
They don’t look as good as whole fresh peaches, nor are they organic or healthy, as they are loaded with sugary syrup and preservatives.
Nevertheless, they’re pretty tasty, very juicy and less likely to smear your lipstick.
Yum! Peaches for Impeachment!
Trauma Therapist Melinda Vyvyan
After my opening about political traumas facing our nation and the world, I open up the Womb Room floor to our special guests to talk about more personal trauma, healing and kink.
Trauma Therapist Melinda Vyvyan talks about her therapeutic techniques as Domina Mara listens. Photo: Bianca
First, I introduce Melinda Vyvyan, a trauma therapist whom we met on our Hustlers show a few weeks ago when she was accompanied by a beautiful albino king snake named Venus.
Venus is under the weather this show, but Melinda sports sleek snakeskin-patterned pants and shoes in her honor.
Photo 1: Frank H. Photos 2-5: Bianca
Herself a trauma survivor, the professional yet very personable Melinda uses an integrative approach to trauma therapy, drawing from a variety of time-tested therapeutic techniques uniquely tailored for each client, based on a relational, attachment and trauma-informed methodology that focuses on how one connects with others based on early childhood relationships—usually with caregivers—aiming to build a trusting, supportive relationship that will help prevent or treat anxiety or depression and develop secure relationships with oneself and others.
She also uses TRM (Trauma Resiliency Model) and EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) to help resolve PTSD like symptoms, as well as cognitive and mindfulness techniques to unlock the body’s power to heal.
To learn more about these methods and how they might heal your particular trauma so you are able to not *just* survive but also thrive, listen to my interview with Melinda on the show above or watch below.
Domina Mara: Healing Trauma through Kink
Now we flip the pancake from shrink to kink…
Trauma and BDSM might seem to be diametrically opposed, but they are very much related.
Many kinksters are trauma survivors, utilizing their kink to heal the pain of trauma, transforming it into erotic pleasure.
Why would someone who was beaten as a child enjoy being spanked as an adult? The bottom line is consent. A child couldn’t and wouldn’t consent to being beaten. But the consenting adult might find that a consensual spanking from someone for whom they feel both lust and trust gives them a cathartic release they can’t get from just talking about it.
My next guest is gorgeous FemDom Domina Mara. Her twitter says she is an “Artist Maven, Gifted Goddess, Lady Keyholder” skilled in various forms of domination, including spanking, cbt (cock and ball torture), whipping, foot fetish, trampling fetish, smothering, cuckold, sissy, slave-training and more.
Domina Mara helps many of her clients to cope with and overcome childhood abuse, relationship humiliation and other forms of trauma.
Photos 1, 2, 4: Bianca. Photo 3: Frank H.
For instance, one of her clients came to her with a tickling fetish; though he didn’t call it a fetish, but just this “weird thing (he) liked.” He’d tried to share a little tickle play with his girlfriend, but when he found the courage to bring it up to her, she not only rejected it; she shamed him for it.
As Domina Mara explored tickling with him—both giving and receiving—he not only enjoyed himself thoroughly, but he lost his sexual shame and developed a healthy confidence in his tickle-loving sexuality as long as he acted it out with consenting adults.
She also plays what I call “Domme-y Mommy” with her “adult babies” whom she actually helps to “grow up” in a kinky way by giving them they “punishments” and “rewards” that reflect their fetishes.
Domina Mara’s been through her own trauma; who hasn’t? In her case, going to an expat high school in Argentina as an Asian-American teen where the only fellow English-speaking students were a bunch of racist white European bullies, was the trauma trigger. One obnoxious girl ordered her to clean the mud off her shoe.
Photos: Bianca
Of course, that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, and the trauma of being bullied like that seems to have helped make Domina Mara a stronger FemDom, more capable of empathizing with, dominating and helping her traumatized clients.
Not having children of her own, she feels she can better mother and nurture her clients.
With a quick survey, I realize that all four of us on this show are child-free. Perhaps not having children of our own enables us all to shower our clients and viewers with the motherly nurturance that they so desperately need, a contextual two-way street where female power meets male neediness.
By not breeding our own offspring, we four ladies have also given a little break in the devastating human population explosion to our collective Great Mother Earth!
As we’re talking about the therapeutic wonders of sex work, Capt’n Max lets us know that PayPal is no longer supporting payments for Pornhub—a decision that hurts thousands of performers using the site as a source of income.
Of course, we’ve known that PayPal is run by anti-sex hypocrites for a long time.
When PayPal froze our account several years ago, we sued them in small claims court and won, forcing them to pay us what they owed us.
Unfortunately, most sex workers who have use PayPal aren’t so lucky, and many are now scrambling to find new payment platforms after this most recent slut-shaming, livelihood-damaging slap in the face from a paymaster who was never really a “pal.”
Sunshine in Sensuous Bondage
After all that deep discussion, we’re ready to turn off the PG Facebook cameras, so we can break out and play.
Photos 1, 4, 5: Master Scorpio. Photos 2, 3: Bianca
I give Domina Mara a JuxLeather riding crop and soft yellow rope to get the ball rolling.
Now all we need is our “victim.”
Sunshine volunteers!
Of course, she has her hard limits: No serious pain, especially to her sensitive nipples.
Photo 1: Bianca. Photos 2-4: Master Scorpio. Photo 5: Frank H
But sensuous domination is all A-Okay.
So Sunshine doffs her top, turning it into a skirt (it actually is a skirt that she wears as a top).
Photos 1-6: Bianca. Photos 7-10: Master Scorpio
Then Domina Mara ties the slightly apprehensive but willing Sunshine’s arms behind her back in Kinbaku rope bondage.
She also makes Sunshine hold the riding crop between her teeth as she ties up her boobs like a holiday gift.
The riding crop gag is a very appropriate form of discipline for a kinky comic who loves to clown around.
I don’t know if she heals Sunshine’s trauma—maybe a bit—but they both certainly put on a great little bondage show for the rest of us.
Watch this sexy, very sensuous, kind of comical and potentially trauma-healing scene, uncensored, below!
Bonobo Way, Steroids & Orgasmic Healing
At this point, it’s time to wind up the show with a final thank you to my guests and a plea to my audience to “follow the Bonobo Way… make like bonobos, not baboons, make love not war, make love to someone you love tonight, even if that someone is you.”
Last Saturday, along with Capt’n Max’s birthday, we celebrated the 5th anniversary of The Bonobo Way.
With more than forty-five 5-star reviews on Amazon, it makes a great holiday gift, and a portion of all proceeds going to help save the highly endangered real bonobos in the wild.
In the age of the Pussy Grabbing Nazi-Loving Climate-Change-Denying, Clown-King Cheetolini, the Military Industrial Complex, Children in Cages, abusive police, Mass Murderers Gone Wild and the Ecocidal Trumpocalypse, the message of the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure, female empowerment, male well-being (heal those incels before they mass-murder more of us!), sharing resources as we do in Bonoboville and ecosexual engagement with our environment is more important than ever.
Speaking of the environment, as you can hear on this show, my annoying nasal congestion continues. No it’s not a cold or even an allergy. Essentially, it’s sinus sensitivity to our filthy air. You could say I’ve been traumatized by our government’s ecocidal policies, not to mention the recent California fires (let’s socialize PG&E!). I’m not the only one; asthma is on the rise and many people are dying from respiratory disorders exacerbated by climate change.
So, when I try to say “Domina,” it comes out “Dobida.”
Photos: Selfies
My sweet Kaiser doctor—who doesn’t look old enough to have sex, let alone prescribe dangerous drugs—put me on steroids. They don’t do much clear up the congestion (though I’d probably be worse without them), but they do make me more manic than a coked-up pro-wrestler or our Adderall-snorting Presidunce.
At least I don’t have “roid rage”… not yet anyway.
I will say that a have “roid randyness.” Steroids make me horny, much to Max’s delight, and sex is very healing for this kind of environmental trauma.
The lead-up to orgasm as well as the orgasm itself clears my sinuses better than any drug or treatment thus far.
The steroids make the orgasm even deeper and longer; seriously, I was coming for several minutes before I just decided to stop out of sheer exhaustion.
The only problem with the “orgasm treatment” is that the benefits last only about a minute after climax, and then, like an unwelcome house guest, the congestion returns.
But oh, what a blissful few seconds of pleasure and relief, lying in the big strong arms of my Prince Charming, my breathing passages free, my body floating into trauma-free dreams.
Happy Naughty November, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, Shrinks and Kinksters!
With Spanksgiving coming soon, get the Speakeasy Journal: Spank ‘n’ Art, censored by Bezos, but available for you.
Give it to someone you love, even if that someone is YOU.
I love you.
© November 16, 2019. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For interviews and speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
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11 · 22 · 19 @ 3:18 am
I just want to tell you I not only do love your shows Max and my beloved Dr. Susan Block, but as Thanksgiving approaches, I want to tell you how much and how grateful I am that you are in my life for a reason and that is to inspire the world to make a difference in the peace and strength through pleasure movement and especially in the movement to fight the fundamental darkness that is going on right now.
11 · 21 · 19 @ 11:12 pm
A gorgeous group of ladies!! Dr. Susan is the best!!! The perfect queen!
11 · 20 · 19 @ 4:47 pm
Thank You Dr. Susan. Looks like you’re having so much fun!!!!
11 · 20 · 19 @ 1:20 am
It pretty crazy that we establish a sense of who we are at such a young age. It`s very interesting how huge of an impact our childhood has on us our entire life and how much we dismiss it. This is such an important and necessary kind of healing we all need. I think if people knew more about this and really practiced it, not only will it make a difference in the individuals’ life it would also benefits society as a whole. For example, no more mass shootings because people would know where that anger comes from and how to transmute it into positive expression. I would love to know some quick cognitive and mindfulness techniques that I can apply daily to keep my body healing and my mind balanced.
11 · 19 · 19 @ 11:32 pm
This show was removed from Facebook because of content violations? See for yourself at Great show!
11 · 19 · 19 @ 2:35 pm
Awesome show with great guests. The whole convo was very interesting and worth learning more about the ties between trauma and sexual tendencies.
11 · 19 · 19 @ 1:03 pm
Looks fabulous
11 · 19 · 19 @ 8:45 am
Very deep and insightful show. Who would have thought that there could be a relationship between kink and trauma. And of course, it always helps to have a panel full of gorgeous women educate you on both topics.
11 · 19 · 19 @ 7:14 am
What a fascinating show! Domina was a perfect tier upper; nothing too much for me so I guess she must listen to her clients’ needs very good. I felt bad her client was shamed before for liking tickling? It’s not like he said he wanted to do something really terrible or non-conscentual? Also very interesting when she talked about her baby clients growing up.
Melinda’s job was so fascinating. I had so many more questions and comments but before you know it the show was over.
Maybe I’m strange but I think the thing with PayPal is good? Now clients can’t tell sex workers “oh I’ll just pay you with PayPal” then as soon as the customers get the product cancel the payment. That’s what they were doing before but now they can’t right?
Dr Susan deals with truamatic sexual experiences too! If seeing someone in person like Melinda isn’t possible You can call Dr Suzy!
11 · 19 · 19 @ 5:55 am
Very informative show! Therapists really do help.
11 · 19 · 19 @ 12:41 am
Omg I love Dr. Susan Block and the bonobos :-)
11 · 19 · 19 @ 12:21 am
Hello Dr. Great show!
11 · 19 · 19 @ 12:17 am
I love you Dr. Susan
11 · 18 · 19 @ 11:51 pm
The gorgeous dominatrix is hot, the trauma conversation is relevant, and Dr. Block’s comments on terrible events in Bolivia are right on target.