Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Zeus Scepter
    01 · 11 · 16 @ 4:18 pm

    There are people and then there are places which should be considered a heritage site. Dr Susan is an exceptional person whose perceptions about human psychosexual dimensions are extraordinary, and cannot be appreciated without meeting her in person.


  2. Zuzana Cox
    01 · 9 · 16 @ 1:10 pm

    doctor susan, i totally love your work, you are great professional, you produce such quality products! could i ask you?have you ever thought about to also work with teenagers?helping young teenage girls wit sexuality?


  3. Trevaughn Sumrall
    01 · 9 · 16 @ 1:07 pm

    #TheBonoboWay #HailDrSuzy


  4. Dayton Rains
    01 · 4 · 16 @ 4:17 am

    Dr Suzy’s Kindness & passion speak more than words can say… You truley need to experience the Bonoboway to understand. We can all do this by just opening our minds to other things & not just what is put in our face every day!!
    Take my word for it &check out the book. Bonoboway.com


  5. Michael Donnelly
    12 · 29 · 15 @ 7:47 pm

    Very nice to see such honor/respect given for such dedicated, crucial work. I know (and love) Chelsea quite well. She and the other “evangelists of no borders” are true, good-hearted pioneers. And, I love the choice all these wonderful Bonobo women made.


  6. Cosmic Hawk
    12 · 29 · 15 @ 6:33 pm

    Omg. I’m all for female empowerment. Always have been, but uh…don’t you think you all have all the power already?


  7. Dr. Mars
    12 · 28 · 15 @ 7:15 pm

    There is no woman like the incomparable Dr. Suzy! A giver of knowledge, freedom, desire & understanding!


  8. Ono Bo
    12 · 27 · 15 @ 6:20 pm

    The collaboration of Malcolm Jones and Dr. Susan Block is right on point – it is not only empowering to the recipients, but to all the lovely ladies who are constantly striving for change. It is wonderful to see the Bonobo women’s work validated, encouraged and appreciated.


  9. Abe
    12 · 27 · 15 @ 2:14 pm

    It’s a shame that the screenwriters of “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” portrayed the only bonobo in the movie as the main villain. As if to hide the fact that bonobos are the most peaceful chimps in the ape family. It’s subtle messages like these that make their way to the mainstream only to further misinform the public about how we humans can relate to bonobos, not only because of we share limbs, hands and feet, but because we humans can also be tamed to become non-violent, if we only learned to be more sexual like the bonobos. Excited for future #YearsofTheBonobos . Keep up the great work Dr. Suzy & Mal !


  10. Max Bonoboville, Ca.
    12 · 27 · 15 @ 12:57 am

    Wonderful article, as always, my beautiful Dr. Suzy. We are all very grateful for Mal’s contribution and the vision behind it. Most folks don’t know this but we are a self-contained community that uses media to educate people in a new and more fun manner about sex. No borders, we are like sex evangelists but unlike the preachers, we are not rich, not any of us. Not yet, that is, and Mal’s contribution helps to make the road smoother. We are a new kind of sex therapist and educators that reach around the world. We have no borders, and we dress to express. But until we get rich, we remain very poor, and we give as much as we can each month to our inspiration, the bonobos, as well as to Greenpeace and, this holiday season, to the hungry by donating to Sprout’s hunger drive. The goal for us is peace, a new vision that the bonobos have shown us, a different system than bombing people we don’t agree with. See you in Puerto Rico at first Symposium of Ecosexuality in the Caribbean at the University of Puerto Rico where Dr. Suzy will be the Keynote Speaker, giving a talk on the Bonobo Way and helping people to “release their inner bonobo”. Anyone care to help fund the trip? Call us, email us. We’re always here for you… Or just join us in Puerto Rico for an ecosexual adventure.


  11. Del Rey
    12 · 27 · 15 @ 12:49 am

    Thank you Malcolm Jones, I can see the joy in the faces of the awardees. They represent the many facets of empowered womanhood– from pornstars to professors, therapists to ecosexual revolutionaries. It has been such a pleasure and joy to watch as Dr. Susan Block has presented the awards to these bonoboësque ladies. | #YearOfTheBonobo


  12. Tom
    12 · 27 · 15 @ 12:41 am

    As a result of seeing your meetup, I purchased your book & I love it! Is there any way I could get you to autograph it? Either way, thanks to you and the bonobos for pointing out that there is a saner way to live!


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