Int’l Sex Workers Day, the Bonobo Way
Length 01:45:40 Date: June 2, 2018
Audio PlayerHappy International Whores Day! The more politically correct term is Int’l Sex Workers Day (though there’s something satisfyingly blunt and naughty about the word “whore”), and on this special holiday show, we celebrate and defend the human rights of sex workers of all kinds. Yes, indeed Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, Porn Stars and Presidunces, Crusaders and Cam Girls, Hookers and Johns, it’s Pride Season, and it’s time for Sex Worker Pride.
Stop the War on Whores!
Our new Speakeasy Journal’s “BACKPAGE” section is now accepting classified and display ads from Sex Workers of all kinds. No Traffickers Allowed!! Just Good Old-Fashioned Honest Adult Whores, Happy Hookers, FemDoms & Healers. Photo: Capture It Photography
As I wrote over 20 years ago when I first visited my old buddy Dennis Hof’s Moonlight Bunnyranch Bordello:
“We all know prostitution is the “oldest profession,” probably one of history’s earliest forms of human commerce. I’d say that it’s older than humanity, since plenty of other animals practice their own versions of prostitution. When a male chimp goes up to a female chimp with a banana and an erection, and she takes both, but insists on getting the banana up front, what is that? Okay, so I’m anthropomorphizing a bit, but not much.
“Back to human history. Though some say prostitution is the epitome of sacrilege, it wasn’t always so. There was a time when prostitution was a vital aspect of religion. The ancient Hebrew word for “prostitute” is k’deshah, which means “sacred” or “holy.” Organized prostitution was first practiced by temple priestesses in Mesopotamia, ancient Greece, Crete and Canaan, and the money they made was used to support the temple. To be a sacred temple prostitute was to be a powerful, respected woman. To have sex with the temple prostitute was to commune with the Goddess, to have a religious experience. Some were career prostitutes, others were placed into the “service” for a few months or years by their families, rather like a family might send a son into the military.
Temple prostitution, along with the general sexual freedom of women, was crushed with the rise of various patriarchal tribes, such as the Hebrews who called it an “abomination,” and was virtually wiped out with the spread of Christianity and Islam. Over time, all prostitution became synonymous with illegal, immoral, sacrilegious sexuality, but it never disappeared. And it never will. Why? Because good sex is very valuable. Hey, even bad sex has value to some people. And some people will always be willing to pay for it.”
Since I wrote those words, it seems like society has become more and more accepting of prostitution and other forms of sex work. However, with the recent passage of SESTA/FOSTA (passed by a disgustingly overwhelming Congressional majority and signed into effect by America’s most famous John, the uber-Hypocrite-in-Chief, “David Dennison” tRUMP), we have taken a giant step backwards into a new Sexual Dark Ages.
We keep the Hypocrite-in-Chief, the Trumpus John who signed the evil SESTA , under gag order with a penis pacifier on DrSuzy.Tv. Photo: Capture It Photography
It’s all very disturbing, but on this special day, we take courage from the Whores of Yore, especially the hundred or so sex workers who occupied the Saint-Nizier Church in Lyon, France, 30 years ago, on June 2, 1975, to protest the criminalization and exploitation of their profession. Eight days later, police forces brutally raided the Church; the action sparked a Sex Workers Rights movement and a holiday to commemorate those brave French whores who stood up for sex work long before it was even dignified with that name.
Many whores throughout history inspire us. Some have been very political, like Cleopatra who saved Egypt from being demolished by Rome by seducing of Julius Caesar. Of course, she picked the wrong john when she hooked up with Marc Antony, and both lost badly to Octavius Caesar, but even whores make mistakes, like everyone else.
Sex workers are human!
That’s one of the major points of #InternationalWhoresDay or, even more gangsta: #InternationalHeauxDay.
Times are tough for sex workers, but I’m optimistic about our chances for progress. It’s true that many “johns” (including the whores for the NRA and Defense Industry in Congress) don’t feel that decriminalization is necessary or even beneficial because they think they can keep their dirty little secrets about their infidelity, their fetishes, their taboo predilections and pecadilloes, etc, hidden under a cloak of anti-sex work politics. In other words, they’re hypocrites. But in the Internet age, secrets, including sexual secrets, are becoming more and more difficult to keep. This is problematic in many ways regarding our privacy and personal security, but may prove advantageous for the Sex Workers rights movement.
Speak Up, Speakeasy & Spanking
Our cast of guests and staff include people who marched in the great LA Sex Workers March earlier that day.
Bryan and Lexi Lore, holding the “Sex Work Is Real Work” sign, march for International Whores Day. Photo: Jux Lii
DrSuzy.Tv Associate Producer, Phoenix Dawn‘s arms are covered with the slogans of the movement, “Let Us Live” and “#SWOP #APAC,” (Sex Workers Outreach Project and Adult Performer Advocacy Committee).
As naughty as she is fabulous, Phoenix gets a series of spankings throughout the show for various infractions such as talking off-mic, wandering off-set, etc
Also, of course, because she is my Ass. Producer.
Full disclosure: Phoenix’s spankings also serve as “product placement opps” for our new SPEAKEASY Journal, as well as The Bonobo Way, my Jux Leather finger flogger and my bare hands.
Phoenix and our lead photographer, Jux Lii, joined our friends from Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump, including Mistress Tara Indiana and Goddess Soma Snakeoil, plus XXX’s cutest young couple, Lexi Lore and Bryan Jameson, as well as the brilliant “Whore Next Door,” Siouxsie Q. James, along with Bella Bathory, Michael Vegas, Wry Mantione and many more in LA’s great 100-strong March for sex workers, whores and working girls.
Phoenix with Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump (D.A.D.), aka “Women Who Pee Standing” director Mistress Tara and Goddess Soma leading two tRUMPs by the tie at the International Sex Workers Day March in LA
Now, just in case you don’t know, I am not a “working girl.” Nor am I a pimp or panderer, although I have had my broadcast studios invaded (once in 1997 and again in 2000) by over a dozen armed and dangerous LAPD officers who figured that anyone that dresses like me, talks like me and acts like me must be a prostitute. But no, I’m not. Sorry to disappoint you, officers! Actually, I’m not sorry at all; in the second raid, one of them put a gun to my head and almost killed me, claiming that my glittering rings looked like a gun. For their egregious error, I sued the LAPD (see my briefs), fought them in Federal Court and was lucky and plucky enough to win a nice settlement from them. Though I’m not at liberty to disclose the amount, let’s just say it really helped us build Bonoboville.
Though it’s not my “thing,” I do have great respect for in-person prostitutes. Hookers are the foot-soldiers in the field of sexual freedom. They’re the infantrywomen and men fighting for all of our sexual rights in the trenches, putting their bodies on the line.
Jux Lii, in “Rentboy” shirt and kilt, talks about being at the March as Phoenix fondles her own boobs (you like that, don’t you?). Photo: Capture It Photography
I myself am not so brave. I’m just a simple sex therapist, sexologist, pop philosopher, mistress of the airwaves and your designated driver through the intoxicating world of human sexuality.
And yet, I’m the first to acknowledge that all forms of sex work can be very therapeutic, which is why, in my fashion, I join the fight for the rights of all sex workers.
Cougar and Camtern Communion
We’ve got a relatively small group gathered in the Womb Room for this show, as some of our scheduled guests are too exhausted from the March (or whatever) to make it.
First on the mic is Kacy TGirl , a sex worker in various aspects of the field, from producing adult films to seeing clients privately, a trans/MILF/cougar and an activist in the sex workers’ rights movement. We talk about how much of the private sex work she does isn’t “sex,” at least not physically, as she often talks with johns, like a therapist, about their innermost erotic feelings that they can’t share with anyone else.
Kacy Tgirl is Bonoboville Communion Altar Girl as Phoenix chats with Violet. Photo: Capture It Photography
Later in the show, Kacy doffs her top to be an Altar Girl for Bonoboville Communion. Having taken many traditional Catholic Communions as a youngster, our eroticized version of the ritual holds a special meaning for her.
For talking off-mic, Kacy also gets a spanking. So much naughtiness in the Womb Room!
Next to Kacy as we start the show is our new intern, Violet Myers, a college psychology major who is helping out with various aspects of the show in conjunction with her career interest in sex therapy, as well as her sociology “Sex & Gender” class. Last Saturday was Violet’s first show with us, and we were down a crew member, so she ran camera (and did an excellent job, according to Capt’n Max, the connoisseur of cam work).
Bonoboville Communion Altar Girl Violet Myers unveils her beautiful natural 34DDD’s. Also, did you notice her cute sneakers? . Photo: Slick Rick
This show, since we had a few guest no-shows, Violet fills in as a guest. This actually makes me a little nervous at first, since the show can get pretty raunchy, and I see her as a very bright, knowledgeable but “innocent” college gal. Besides, she’s my “intern,” and I don’t want to be that kind of boss lady…
Then she spills that she’s also a Cam Girl! My nerves thus soothed, we talk about how nowadays many college students do cam work to support themselves and their (often rather expensive) educations. Cam work is a very popular modern form of sex work (we offer Webcam Sex Therapy here at the Institute) and, unlike in-person prostitution, is perfectly legal. However, it is stigmatized, as so many forms of human sexual expression (besides married, monogamous procreation under the covers with the lights off) are denigrated in our society.
We talk about the stigma, as well as the fact that much of Violet’s Cam Work/Sex Work is a lot like sex therapy. Also she loves roleplaying “Catgirl.”
Saying the “Prayer” over the Altar before sprinkling the Sacred Salt… much to the Altar Girl’s amusement. Amen & Awomen! Photo: Slick Rick
In the second half of the show, Violet volunteers to serve as Altar Girl for Bonoboville Communion.
Sprinkling the Sacred Salt on Violet’s Communion Altar. Amen and Awomen! Photo: Capture It Photography
Though her grandmother is a strict Catholic, her mom is more of a “spiritual” person, and Violet herself is, as we discover on this show, a very open, adventurous young woman.
The top of her elegant burgundy dress is a bit difficult to pull down, but the results are more than worth the effort. All eyes in the Womb Room widen as “Camtern” Violet unveils her beautiful, bountiful “altar,” measuring an all-natural 34DDD.
Phoenix and I take one boob each for a very yummy Bonoboville Communion. Though I know Violet’s an experienced cam girl and has volunteered to be Altar Girl with more than “enthusiastic consent,” I still feel a tad naughty for so lasciviously licking the sacred salt from her luscious, hardening nipples, since she’s also our intern… uh, “camtern.”
Our in-studio audience certainly “laps it up” visually, and a sense of communal ecstasy pervades the Womb Room, another example of real “breast therapy” in action.
Next: Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur. Unlike new CIA director “Bloody” Gina Haspel, our waterboarding is consensual and fun for all.
This time I get waterboarded (one of the benefits of not having most of your scheduled guests show up), “imprisoned” by the hot legs of three sexy sex workers!
Sex-Work is Pro-Choice
Joining us again is Anne Hunter, masseuse, singer, bon vivant, self-described “Christian,” sometime phone and webcam sex therapist with the Institute and sometime (other times) escort/courtesan/sex worker.
An opinionated MILF/cougar with mischievous charm, Anne makes some excellent points about Roe vs. Wade having acknowledged women’s rights to control our own bodies, including our genitalia, thus essentially giving us the right to use our bodies for sex work. With that in mind, it’s about time the Pro-Choice Movement lend some support to sex workers.
It’s also time for the #MeToo movement to support sex workers. As I’ve said many times since Harvey Weinstein was first outed, the decriminalization and destigmatization of sex work will help to prevent at least some sexual harassment in the workplace.
Anne frees the nipple, providing a little free Breast Therapy to our Bonoboville viewers, incel or active, as do Phoenix and I. Photo: Capture It Photography
It would also help to stem the Incel Epidemic, currently on the rise, and at its worst, massacring innocents.
Ann also gives us some lovely Breast Therapy.
But like so many naughty DrSuzy.Tv guests, she talks off-mic a couple times too many, earning herself a good OTK (over-the-knee) spanking, much to the delight of the Womb Room.
Happy Bday Abe!
It’s also our technical director Abe Bonobo’s birthday.
Abe started working with us when he was just under 21, and much of what Bonoboville is today is thanks to his technical direction and web mastery. We won’t say how many years ago that was because he appears to have reached the age when he no longer wants to tell how old he is.
He emerges from his control room duties to sit through the Womb Room warbling a very off-key (well, I’m off-key) rendition of “Happy Birthday.”
Then he puts his lips together and blows… out his candles.
This engenders a bit of birthday splosh. I lick up a couple of super-sweet globs of icing from Kaci Tgirl’s and my Ass. Producer’s nipples.
Anne offers the birthday boy a lick of frosting from her nip. When he demurs, she offers him a taste from her shoulder, whereupon the Womb Room goes wild and, somewhat succumbing to peer pressure (after all, it’s his birthday), Abe takes a lick.
Coincidentally, the June 2018 issue of Cosmo features an article about food, sex and sploshing, with a couple of quotes from yours truly.
I’m in Cosmo again, in the June issue talking sexy Chocolate & Pineapple Splosh. Photo: Capture It Photography
For much messier splosh, including “Sploshing Trump,” check out the first edition of our new SPEAKEASY Journal.
Happy Bday Marilyn
It’s also Marilyn Monroe’s birthday, so I wear a Marilyn halter top given to me by Squirting Queen and one of our favorite guests of all time, Annie Body, many birthdays ago.
My middle name is “Marilyn” (Dad adored MM, but Mom refused to name me after the world’s most famous sexpot, so they settled on it being my middle name), and her legacy has followed me around—for good and bad—all my life. MM is both my guardian angel and naughty little devil.
I’ve been thinking lately of Marilyn as a type of sex worker. Her work as a Hollywood actress was perfectly legal, of course, though she almost certainly did some sex work in her early Great Depression days, rolled through many a “casting couch,” and often played real-life sex workers, such as in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Marry a Millionaire and Some Like It Hot.
In front of the original Mark Christian painting of Marilyn that Max gave me before we got married. Photo: Selfie
Whatever she portrayed, MM always stimulated the sexuality of her fans. She was greatly beloved for that talent, but also denigrated. Even though she held her own with intellectuals like her ex-hubby Arthur Miller and political leaders like the Kennedy Brothers, the sexpot/sex worker stigma clung to this great comedic actress, perhaps contributing to her tragic ending and her iconic tragi-comic-erotic status in our hearts.
Sex Workers of the World: We Bad!
After the sploshing, it’s time to dance it off.
Bonoboville Rapmaster Ikkor the Wolf takes the mic and serenades the sex workers with “She Bad.”
Let this be our rallying call.
As Mae West, who played sex workers before Marilyn’s time, said, “When I’m good, I’m very good, but when I’m bad, I’m better.”
Gardner & Daughters Publishers is BUSY with The Bonobo Way & Splosh ‘n ‘ Art. Photo: Capture It Photography
Post-Show Play
After the show, the fiesta continues, as Abe’s friends celebrate his birthday and Max’s friend, Jonathan Straus, one of his oldest pals from the 1970s, joins the fun.
Sex is always in the air in Bonoboville, and sometimes on the beds and couches, but it’s sapiosexual conversation that continually plays through the night.
All that fun takes the Captain and myself upstairs on a nice wave communal ecstasy, mixed with (legal!) cannabis and champagne, where we release our inner bonobos with orgasmic love.
Before he goes to the potty, he tells me to “leave the money on the dresser.”
Just kidding, but there’d be nothing wrong with it, if it were true!
For more fun, latex and bonobo philosophy, check out my freshly posted DomCon LA 2018 Blog.
Then join us again this Saturday June 9th, when we’ll hold a Magazine Launch Party right before the show at 8-10pm for our new SPEAKEASY Journal, then celebrate my B-day, which is technically on June 10th, but the show always goes past midnight, and probably at that point, someone will slide into my cake.
Support Your Local—and International—Sex Workers!
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers/FB Cam— Kris A, Gideon Grayson, Danny; Photographers – Patrick Photography, Slick Rick, Jux Lii; On-Campus Bonobos – Phoenix Dawn, Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Mita Altair, Harry Sapien, Gideon Grayson, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel
© June 2, 2018. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Need to talk? Sext? Webcam? Do it here. Have you watched the show? No? Feel the sex. Don’t miss the Forbidden Photographs—Hot Stuff, look at them closely here. Join our private social media Society. Join us live in studio . Go shopping. Gift shop or The Market Place., real sex TV at your toe tips. Sex Clips Anyone? FASHION, we have fashion! We also have politics. Politics? Have you Read the book? No? How about the Speakeasy Journal? Click here. Ok, how about some free sex advice?
06 · 6 · 18 @ 12:30 pm
Great show Dr. Suzy! Thank you very the nice hard spankings. More please. I am so happy I got to see Kacy:)
And Harry I think you right. I don’t think the internet is ready for that boob off. lol :)
Welcome Violet !
06 · 5 · 18 @ 6:15 pm
Nobody celebrates B-Days like Bonoboville! Can’t wait to see Dr. Suzy’s on Saturday!!
06 · 5 · 18 @ 10:21 am
Kacy Tgirl looked awesome in that sexy black dress!
06 · 5 · 18 @ 8:08 am
I think Violet Myers should have a “boob off” with Rhiannon Aarons ;-) Can you imagine that? That just might break the internet!!! Stay tuned, I’m sure it will happen one day and only on The Dr. Susan Block Show.
07 · 10 · 18 @ 2:23 pm
I’m totally down for this idea.
06 · 5 · 18 @ 3:46 am
Welcome to Violet Myers and Happy B-day to Abe!!!
06 · 4 · 18 @ 10:35 pm
Another show full of “sapiosexual surprises” LITERALLY! Dr. Suzy’s face of shock for Violet’s triple d’s…hilarious. Happy Birthday, Abe!