Spring Showers, Woman Power
Length 01:56:32 Date: March 24, 2018
Audio PlayerIt’s our first show of Spring 2018, and Bonoboville blooms with art gods and love goddesses, heavenly bodies and divine minds, politics and street sculpture, natural bouncing boobs, hot slippery oral sex and squirting—it’s Holy Water, Brothers and Sisters, sparkling like diamonds and fresh as a Spring shower. What a full evening of Commedia Erotica for the body, mind and artistic soul.
Spring Showers 2018 on DrSuzy.Tv: Xavior Steele with Jesus Jackhammer, Diamond, Phoenix Dawn, Athena Rayne, Dr. Susan Block, Ron Jeremy, Stormy Daniels Doll with Drumpf Doll, Lillith Lustt, Ikkor the Wolf, Plastic Jesus. Photo: Jux Lii
A wild whacky weekend surrounds this sapiosexually stimulating show, filled with lousy news and great events.
SESTA Censors the Internet
First, the lousy news: Congress just censored the Internet in a big bad way. The Senate just passed SESTA (Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act), called FOSTA (Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act) in the House, in a vote of 98-2. The titles of these bills sound very worthy (who doesn’t want to stop unsavory pimps from forcing underage girls and boys into prostitution?), but SESTA/FOSTA doesn’t do a damn thing to stop sex trafficking and does do a whole lot to endanger the lives of adult sex workers and their clients, as well as drastically curtail the Freedom of Speech of all Internet users.
Not only is “sex work” the world’s “oldest profession,” Americans are not all that bothered by it, even when it’s been revealed that the President of the United States not only paid cash for sex, but had his lawyer pay more cash to the sex worker to keep quiet about it (more on that in a bit).
The crux of the matter—and the cross we must bear, until this terrible, stupid law makes its way into a court that has the sense to overturn it—is that SESTA/FOSTA decimates Section 230, the federal provision shielding web publishers and platforms from certain legal liabilities from things users post. Meaning, if a “sex trafficker” posts an ad, image or message of any sort on a social site, the site owners face “sex trafficking” charges. Nobody wants to be accused, let alone convicted, of sex trafficking which is tantamount to child molestation mixed with pimping. So social media sites—and any site that allows its users to post content—are scrambling to censor, delete and restrict their users.
The destruction is already underway. Twitter censored me the morning of this show, calling a set of four photos from last week’s St. Paddy’s program “sensitive material” that now must be sequestered behind a “barrier,” the Internet equivalent of a barbed wire fence. These photos show topless ladies in gasmasks, the type of mildly erotic material that Twitter has always allowed without censorship. Obviously, the passing of SESTA/FOSTA is turning Twitter into Facebook. As for Facebook itself (and it’s adopted child, Instagram), they’re censoring so much material, they might as well be burning books like they did in Weimar Berlin.
In any disaster, there are heroes, and the two Senators who had the courage and good sense to vote “no” to SESTA should be honored, even though both are men, and it’s Women’s Month. Three cheers and a bonobo beer for Senators Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) who had the courage and good sense to vote against the bill. Wyden, who has been highly proactive on measures that could actually help victims of sexual exploitation, said SESTA/FOSTA is “is not going to prevent sex trafficking [and] it’s not going to stop young people from becoming victims… (but it is) going to make it harder, not easier, to root out and prosecute sex traffickers.” Moreover, “civic organizations protecting their right to free speech could be [ruined] by their more powerful political opponents” and “there would be an enormous chilling effect on speech in America.” That’s why big companies like Facebook favor this legislation, “because it would pull up the ladder in the tech world” so new companies can’t afford to compete.
Chilling indeed. And we haven’t even lost Net Neutrality yet.
Photo 1: Ryan B. Photos 2 & 3: Jux Lii
As Big Social Media cracks down on your posts and messages, you can always join Bonoboville to express yourself freely. It’s free to join, though you can donate to help save the bonobos.
A Couple of Old RƎVO˩utionaries started up Bonoboville for you to escape Facebook Fascism (that’s Harry Sapien in the BG). Photo: Jux Lii
#GoBonobos for the March for Our Lives
In the good news department, the March for Our Lives across the country and around the world was a triumph, with (according to organizers’ estimates) 800,000 children, teens and adults gathering in our nation’s capital which makes it the biggest single protest march in American history (and probably in world history too). Simultaneous Marches for Our Lives occurred around the world, including in LA, where our own Clemmy Cockatoo marched.
In New York, Sir Paul McCartney marched for “one of (his) best friends” who was killed by a gun almost 40 years ago.
That friend was, of course, John Lennon, co-creator of the Beatles, gunned down by a crazed “fan” who asked him to sign a record in front of his home near Central Park.
But the “kids” or teens are the ones who organized this phenomenal event, and they deserve most of the credit as being much more “woke” about school shootings than too many adults, especially the ones making laws.
What an inspirational Children’s Crusade and, unlike the original doomed Children’s Crusade of the Middle Ages, this one might just succeed, more akin to the Civil Rights Movement’s Birmingham Children’s Crusade of 1963. In fact, it is already succeeding in changing hearts, minds and gun laws, as students school their elders on the importance of reasonable gun control and the deadly power of the NRA.
This week’s Women’s Month Shout-Out goes to Samantha Fuentes, wounded in the Parkland Valentines Day Massacre and speaking out for change. This brave young lady actually PUKED onstage in the middle of her speech—MSM (mainstream media) said she was nervous about speaking before such a large crowd, but I think she was more nauseous than nervous, probably on pain meds, etc. But the amazing thing is she didn’t stop; she just paused as her friends helped clean her up, and then she continued speaking. Now that’s a Super Survivor!
Speaking of significant pauses, last Saturday’s Women’s Month DrSuzy.Tv honoree Emma Gonzalez delivered a profound speech that wasn’t so much about what she said as what she didn’t say during a “moment of silence” that lasted a full 6 minutes and 20 seconds—the time it took for the shooter to kill her 17 fellow students and teachers, as well as wound several others.
Also due for a shout-out: Our gal in LA, Edna Chavez who spoke movingly of her brother’s death in a school shooting. A special Women’s Month “girl power” shout-out goes to 11-year-old Naomi Wadler. She’s way too young to watch DrSuzy.Tv, but brave and wise enough to school the rest of us. Little Naomi led a walkout in her elementary school in memory of her classmate, Courtland Arrington, recently killed by gun violence. From the DC platform, this pint-sized girl declared, “I am here to acknowledge and represent the African-American girls whose stories don’t make the front page of every national newspaper.” Wadler for President in 2044!
Power to the students! Sorry to all your “ammosexuals” out there who fetishize firearms, but you don’t need automatic weapons for protection.
I know it’s a lot to ask from anybody, let alone a bunch of teens and kids, but there are two points I wish these amazing students would use their charisma and eloquence to address, in addition to American gun control. The first is police brutality. Not that the gun lovers are right that they need automatic weapons to defend themselves against a government crackdown, because even their AR-15’s won’t stop police tanks, helicopters and artillery. But as much as we need reasonable gun control, we also need to teach our ever more trigger-happy cops how to “protect and serve” without murdering the citizenry, especially innocent citizens of color who are killed disproportionately by racial-profiling, scared and/or stupid cops. Just the other day, an innocent, unarmed father of two, Stephon Clark, was murdered by Sacramento police who fired twenty shots into him and waited more than five minutes before administering aid because, they claim, they thought he was holding a gun (it was a cellphone). Our police need to learn the Bonobo Way of defusing violent tension, as well as use less lethal weapons in general.
The second point I hope these splendid students address is America’s Perma-Wars still raging in Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq and parts of Africa. American drones murdering foreign children is no “better” than American maniacs murdering American children. If we really care about senseless killing, we should March for Their Lives, as well as our own.
Unsurprisingly, the Trumpus motorcade took the “scenic route” from Trump International Gold Club in West Palm Beach to Mar-a-Lago, ensuring Trumplethinskin wouldn’t pass any of the hundreds of March for Our Lives demonstrators who lined his usual path.
Meanwhile, the abominable Orange Thing is barreling ahead with his bigoted ban on transgenders in the military. His top personal lawyer John Dowd quit (probably overwhelmed by Stormy weather and Mueller maneuvers towards a client who won’t take his advice), his son-in-law is in a Saudi prince’s “pocket” and his son is getting divorced. He’s hired the warmongering walrus, John Bolton, as Security Chief and, in what seems like a thoroughly diabolical nod to Women’s Month, he’s pushing war criminal, POW pornographer, torturer, and cover-up queen Gina Haspel for head of the CIA.
A woman can be as good a leader as any man, but she can also be just bad.
Humping Trump: Stormy & Karen Make Confession
As I explained more fully last Saturday, the Parkland students and Stormy Daniels have some interesting things in common. Both, for very different reasons, are shameless and forthright in telling their truth. Both are beating Trump at his own social media game. But can either make a difference?
The students are already making a difference in pubic attitudes and even laws regarding gun control. As for Stormy, she’s certainly expanding on the public’s old stereotype of what it means to be a “porn star,” with her candor, great sense of humor and downright wholesome lifestyle as a caring mom, wife and equestrienne. Hopefully, it’ll open some people’s eyes to the idiocy of SESTA/FOSTA and other anti-sex legislation.
As I write this, Anderson Cooper’s long-awaited interview with Stormy is playing on 60 Minutes. Unfortunately, for those of us in the Resistance who have been hoping for a semen-stained dress, photo of Trump’s shortcomings or a Forbes Magazine with his butt print on it, there are no smoking guns in this much ballyhooed chat with Stormy, her lawyer, some CBS producers and legal experts.
Nevertheless, Stormy’s credibility is strong, and there’s little reason to doubt that she had “textbook generic” sex with the Trumpster when she was 27 and he was 60 back in 2006. As fake as her boobs might be, her tale of finding Trumpty Dumpty “perched” on the edge of his hotel bed when she came out of the restroom has the ring of truth. I also believe her when she says she spanked his bottom, pants down but undies on, with a copy of Forbes featuring his picture on the cover… maybe even the cover with “The 400 Richest People,” featuring Trump, Don Jr. and his darling daughter Ivanka, which happens to have been released in the year of their tryst, 2006.
As a sex therapist that helps many people to cope with and enjoy their fetishes, I feel compelled to state that one doesn’t have to be a racist, sexist, narcissistic nincompoop to enjoy a consensual adult spanking by hand, paddle, hairbrush, book or magazine of your choice. But it certainly rings true when Stormy says that the brief, light spanking made the big self-absorbed baby behave more like a regular, run-of-the-mill, philandering billionaire. We in Bonoboville have always known that the Cheeto-in-Chief needs to be spanked, probably at least daily, preferably early in the morning before tweeting begins. Are you listening, General Kelley?
Tellingly, Drumpf’s affair with Playboy Playmate Karen McDougal (also told to Anderson Cooper) appears to have occurred at around the same time, just a few months after Melania had given birth to their son Barron. The billionaire cure for post-partum husband blues: one brunette Playmate and one blonde porn star, both stirred and shaken.
Yes, apparently, both Stormy and Karen were “shaken up” by the Donald’s characteristically rude and crude behavior, among other things. Poor Karen seems to have really loved the big old Orange Blob of Bombastic Narcissism. Tearfully, she tells Anderson (who must have learned to look so empathetic from his visit with the bonobos at Lola ya Bonobo) about how Don the John tried to pay her for her services, to which she responded, “I’m not that kind of girl” and cried in the cab all the way home.
One takeaway here is that the President is accustomed to paying sex workers, though it’s doubtful he’ll remember that when the time comes to sign the anti-sex work SESTA/FOSTA into law.
Stormy is not so starry-eyed about sex with Trumpty Dumpty. Apparently, this porn star doesn’t have a Daddy complex, at least not one the level of our Drumpf Daddy’s unseemly, oft-exposed infatuation with his daughter (both Stormy and Karen say he told them they reminded him of Ivanka). Nevertheless, she admits the sex between them was consensual. Just because she agreed to sex with him doesn’t mean she was attracted to him. Her lack of attraction to the Mango Manchild, but “business decision” to go along with sex anyway, makes sense, though it sounds like a pretty pathetic roll in the hay—for her anyway.
As for Stormy being “shaken,” there’s her tale of being hustled in a parking lot just after giving the In Touch interview (which has pretty much all the sexual details of the 60 minutes piece) by a strange man saying, “Leave Trump alone. Forget the story.” Then, she says, he leaned into her car, looked at her infant daughter and continued, “That’s a beautiful little girl. It’d be a shame if something happened to her mom.”
She has no proof of this threat, but her story is credible.
As it turns out, that man could have been sent by or actually been Trump’s personal lawyer and tough-talking, Mafioso-ish “fixer” Michael Cohen. As Stormy and her sharp attorney, Michael Avenatti, tell it, Cohen was the main man in Trump’s negotiations and payment of “hush money” to keep Stormy quiet about their affair. Cohen paid Stormy $130,000 to sign a non-disclosure agreement just days before the November 8, 2016 election, which could be an illegal, unreported campaign contribution far higher than the $2700 limit for individual donors, whether or not Trump paid him back. This is where things can get nasty for the Trumpster.
Though Stormy’s interview doesn’t quite trump Independent Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, as some of us had hoped it would, it could become Mueller’s key to making Michael “The Fixer” Cohen spill the beans about his beloved boss. Moreover, Stormy just amended her lawsuit alleging that Cohen defamed her and violated campaign finance law by brokering their “hush agreement.” To be continued (sigh)…
Plastic Jesus on DrSuzy.Tv
After a pretty scintillating opening (if I do say so myself) and Womb Room group discussion on the above current events, we take a look at some of the provocative and progressive “street art” of one of my featured guests (also one of the “divine minds” I allude to), renowned artist, Plastic Jesus.
Trump’s Wall around his own star…. which happens to be next to Kevin Spacey’s…. in front of Forever 21 (!) Street Art by Plastic Jesus
We’ve welcomed other incarnations of Jesus on the show before, including Chocolate Jesus, California Jesus and the Jackhammer Jesus dildo, to name a few.
But Plastic Jesus wins a special sacred place in our hearts for his politically potent “street art” installations, many of which are anti-war and anti-Trump.
Then there’s the golden sculpture of Harvey Weinstein sitting in his robe on his “Casting Couch,” which he installed on Hollywood Blvd. during the recent Oscars.
This Jesus’ body is so “heavenly,” he can’t show it. He’s all covered up and even hides his face behind a bandana. He explains that he does this because his artworks are borderline-legal, and he’s been arrested a couple of times. He was also recently censored on Instagram for showing an art piece that included a bag of white stuff that resembled cocaine but was actually crushed aspirin.
Censorship is mounting when it comes to any kind of portrayal of “street” drugs or sex. Meanwhile Big Pharma makes a fortune on the Opioid epidemic, and the Military Industrial-Complex grows larger, exporting its business of murder, mayhem and environmental destruction, as well as advertising and propagandizing on any and every platform they please.
Ogling Plastic Jesus’ exhilarating, provocative street art is a great way to kick off the first show of Spring. It makes you want to get outside, smell the flowers and check out the street art in your neighborhood, or maybe make some of your own.
Porn Stars Galore: An Icon, A Veteran, A Comeback & Two Spring Chickens
Our first show of Spring brings out a galaxy of porn stars at all levels of the adult entertainment order, including knowledgeable veterans and sensational newcomers. Though Plastic Jesus stays swaddled in fabric, many of our other guests take it all off, while others just strip teasingly until they’re half-naked.
Diamond (last seen at our Purim show) is back, dressed in purple silk and bangles like a harem girl, making her comeback in the adult industry with lively commentary in the first part of the show and hot, stripped-down sex in the second. And we thought Purim was porny!
Photo 1:& 2: Jux Lii. Photo 3: Ryan B
It’s almost her birthday, but we didn’t know, so we don’t have a cake, just a banana which she deep throats like the pro that she is. What a bonobo gal! A few of us go bonobos for bananas on this show. Later I give her a birthday book–spanking with The Bonobo Way.
Photos: Jux Lii
Porn icon Ron Jeremy is back again (in the same soiled green pants which he promises to change next time) with veteran porn performer Lilith Lustt (decked out in black bustier with chains). A porn star since the 1970s, Ron had a bad #MeToo dust-up which we discussed on Stormy Women, but the accusations appear to have quieted down as of late. In fact, the Saturday New York Times’ story about Stormy quotes Ron about his work on “Desert Stormy,” calling him “once perhaps the most famous porn star of all.”
As I elaborated in Stormy Women, we in Bonoboville have long known Ron is a “groper,” but it’s always been consensual when he’s on my show and around my guests. I can’t account for what happens elsewhere, but here in Bonoboville, when a woman he tries to grope says “no,” Ron stops, albeit with an extremely sorrowful look on his hound dog visage. But considering the accusations and what people might be thinking, on this show, we make extra sure Ron’s eager sexual participation with our newbies, Athena Rayne and Xavior Steele, is as explicitly consensual as can be, but I’m getting ahead of myself, and yes, “head” of the highest order is where we’re headed.
Amazing Athena & Suave Xavior
Fresh as Georgia peaches from Savannah, GA and living in a cam house as they reach for porn stardom, are absolutely adorable, quick-witted and sexy 20-year-olds, Xavior Steele and Athena Rayne, a romantic couple who have been in a quasi-open relationship for about six months.
Photos 1 & 3: Jux Lii. Photo 2: Ryan B
Vivacious Athena Rayne really lives up to her name, being wise beyond her years, like the ancient Greek Goddess of Wisdom, patron Goddess of Athens, who happens to bear a strong resemblance to the American Statue of Liberty. Though extremely different in many ways, she reminds me of the Parkland students, all of them being young, yet highly articulate and unafraid to state their views. Additionally, our Athena is unafraid to show her boobs.
The Three Athenas
The goddess Athena is also the patron of soldiers going into battle, leaning more toward military strategy as opposed to her cousin Ares, the God of War, who represents the violence and slaughter of combat. Interestingly, our Athena grew up in a military family, but she chose cocks over glocks.
Athena Rayne is no Athena Parthenos (Virgin Athena), though she did “lose” her virginity at the relatively advanced age of 17. A bit of a “late bloomer” sexually, she made up for lost time and began camming for fun and profit. She even cammed regularly from a Starbucks restroom! Eventually, sexy Xavior joined her in the stall—it must have been quite a cam show (wonder if anyone at that Starbucks knew what was going on in their restroom)—and they fell in love.
Both Athena and Xavior were brought up in strict born-again Christian households and both have rejected—at least somewhat—their religious upbringings to live a more honest life in porn.
And now here they are in Bonoboville, emerging like blooming buds of sexuality in our first show of Spring.
Ikkor’s Got a New Song!
We love our Bonoboville Anthem, She Bad but our SUZY award-winning, hiphop ambassador Ikkor the Wolf has a new jam for the Bonobo fam.
Set It Off begins with a call and response to warm up the audience and get our sexy stage members acquainted with the new, booty-shaking, control-taking anthem.
Though we don’t all get the rhyme or the rhythm (especially me), for a few exhilarating minutes, the whole Womb Room lets loose and sets it off with Ikkor. The new dance anthem is a hit!
The song feels very appropriate to our cultural climate, although the lyrics are not as political as Ikkor’s other anthem, We Are One.
However, the Parkland students, Stormy Daniels, whistleblowers the world over and everyone who marches, shares information, votes progressive and continues to love in a revolutionary way are showing the plutocracy, the NRA, Trump and his minions that we won’t back down. We will “Set It Off.”
Bonoboville Communion
Both Athena and Xavior are too young to drink Agwa, but Athena’s old enough to serve as Altar Girl for Diamond’s Bonoboville Communion. Indeed, it fits quite nicely into her new Wiccan faith.
Indeed, Diamond is so thirsty (or lusty) that she gets two Altar Girls: Athena and my gorgeous assistant Phoenix Dawn. Nice birthday present.
Bday Gal Diamond receives the First Waterboarding of Spring 2018 with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur. Photo: Hollywood Jake
Then Diamond receives the first Waterboarding, Bonobo-Style of Spring.
Between licks, a spanking ensues. Then licking the beautiful tatas of both Athena and Phoenix soon turns to licking Athena’s luscious labia which Diamond declares are nice and “fat” or maybe “phat,” but certainly the only thing plump about this slim, pint-sized, all-natural ginger bonobo gal.
I’m in Cosmo Again
Speaking of size, I’m in Cosmo again (the April 2019 issue with the awesome Cardi B on the cover, on stands now), this time, advising readers who have lost confidence in the bedroom because they’ve put on weight.
Hey Cosmo Girl or Guy: Whatever your size or shape, don’t wait! Make love to someone you love tonite, even if that someone is you. Photo: Jux Lii
It’s a short piece, but essentially says that though it’s a good idea to get fit, it’s not smart to stop having sex until you’re in shape. Sex is great exercise and orgasms tone up your pelvic floor as well as your glutes. Moreover, allowing your body and soul to experience pleasure is important, no matter what your size or shape. Learn more about body image, shame and sex here.
Girl-Girl-Girl Yum!
Back in the Womb Room, Diamond is chowing down on Athena’s phat pussy lips as Phoenix makes out with her other lips.
At one point, with her limber legs wrapped around Phoenix, Athena goes upside down and 69s with Diamond.
The three of them create a pyramid of passion; three hot beautiful ladies pleasuring each other like bonobo gals doing hoka-hoka and more.
The whole Speakeasy is transfixed by these three women in the middle of Women’s Month giving each other pleasure as they share their erotic beauty with the world.
At one point, I ask handsome Xavior if he’d like to join in, but he politely declines, saying he prefers to watch. We totally understand, and if you watch this sexy scene on DrSuzy.Tv, you will too. The moans alone might make you lose it!
Ron Jeremy Makes Athena Squirt
In the midst of this spectacular all-girl threesome sprawled upon my broadcast bed, Ron crosses the stage to engage in a short but serious tête-à-tête with Xavior.
Nosy talk show host that I am, I insist on holding up a mic to their “private” conversation.
“You’re on a show right now,” I remind Ron.
He looks slightly annoyed (or maybe confused), but then cordially explains that they were discussing what erotic activities Athena might engage in with men. Xavior is pretty open to his girlfriend doing whatever she wants to do.
But does she want to have sex with Ron? Would this twenty-year-old beauty like to get down with this notorious sexagenarian… or not? We are always clear about consent on DrSuzy.Tv, but in the #MeToo era, we’re bending over backwards to show it, both for our protection and your edification.
Athena says she’s up for anything and everything “except penetration.” As Ron proceeds to use his highly experienced tongue and wild moustache to lick and lightly tickle her succulent vulva, he fingers her shallowly and I ask her if that’s okay. Yes, she says, nodding enthusiastically, and his finger wiggles in deeper. Apparently, “no penetration” in this case means no penile penetration, but digital penetration, eg., fingering, is welcome.
Very welcome! Athena spreads her legs into a Chinese split across my bed, writhing and moaning happily under the influence of this cunning linguist’s mouth. As she goes for a “moustache ride,” I can’t help but think of the resemblance between Ron and the heavily mustachioed John Bolton, but that being a total mood-killer, I drop the subject quickly.
As Ron later points out, his fingernails are trim and manicured, perfect for digital play. Athena agrees.
Then suddenly, a great geyser of Holy Water shoots forth from the Goddess Athena. Yes indeed, brothers and sisters, she squirts! It’s a veritable fountain of female ejaculation. And then she squirts again and again. Athena Rayne rains down on the Womb Room, and it smells fresh as a Spring shower (even though, as Ron’s bloody forefinger reveals, she’s menstruating!). Praise be to the Goddess Athena! Ron does a great job too. Considering Porny Purim 2017, when he parted Rhiannon’s Red Sea, we’re beginning to think he’s a menstruation whisperer.
Happy Ending
Climaxing with Athena’s exquisite sparkling wet climaxes, we bring another sensational, sapiosexual and politically illuminating show to a close.
But not before we make a quick reference to the big paleontology study that reveals that the big heavy (and probably colorful) plates and horns on some dinosaurs most likely evolved not for battle or even protection, but for sex. If dinosaurs could “make love not war,” why can’t we?
The pleasures keep going and flowing on into the after-party. I’m still recovering from this awful flu and taking antibiotics so I can’t drink champagne. Nor can I, in good conscience, smooch with anyone except my beloved partner-in-germs (and everything else), Capt’n Max.
After most of our guests are gone, off we go to enjoy our own squirting climax, falling into each other’s arms once again.
Photos 1 and 3-5: Jux Lii. Photo 2: Max
Thanks to Our Volunteers: Videographers— Bishop, Kris A; Photographers – Slick Rick, Ryan, Jux Lii, Hollywod Jake; On-Campus Bonobos – Phoenix Dawn, Abe Perez, Camille Rosebud, Mita Altair, Harry Sapien, Gideon Grayson, MarsFX, Clemmy Cockatoo, Ana & Miguel.
© March 24, ,2018. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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04 · 4 · 18 @ 6:25 pm
Dr. Susan is So damn HOT
03 · 30 · 18 @ 1:13 pm
This show was action on top of action with a side of action. Holy mother of holes. Speaking of… it was amazing watching the man, the myth, the legend Ron Jeremy pleasure a newbie up-in-cuming porn star Athena Rayne. How is it Dr. Suzy’s show manages to get better and better… Every show she does the impossible and every show is an amazing time. Can’t wait for the next show.
03 · 29 · 18 @ 9:25 pm
Better then any reality show I’ve ever seen. Watch, listen and really learn.
03 · 29 · 18 @ 5:42 pm
Really great channel
03 · 29 · 18 @ 5:15 pm
Despite high ratings…I still will NOT watch Roseanne. I’d rather watch Dr. Suzy instead.
03 · 28 · 18 @ 10:34 pm
Social activism and sex–this is what being alive is all about and why I love this show!!
03 · 28 · 18 @ 9:57 pm
I think this was the first show to actually make me blush. But, aside from the sexy vixens three-waying on stage, it was also a profound show full of very important topics. We are dealing with an idiot in the white house, students trying to teach our adults that maybe we don’t need as many guns as we think we do, still don’t have a handle on police brutality, on the brink of both civil and world war it seems, censorship, a war on sex-workers and so much it’s making my headspin. But I found it hopeful to listen to Athena Rayne talk about her body like an empowered woman, and to watch a humbled Ron Jeremy find some well being while giving pleasure, and to watch three empowered women have a great time. That’s what it’s all about!
03 · 28 · 18 @ 4:05 pm
Now that was a wild time! Legends, porn stars, goddesses, waterfalls and delicious bananas is always welcomed with gratitude in the Womb Room. Hail to Stormy Women!!! Thank you Dr. Suzy for continuing to show me The Bonobo Way.
03 · 28 · 18 @ 3:16 pm
Fabulous heavenly show!
Cosmically stimulating at all levels— political, intellectual, visual, & sexual!
Great substance & commentary by Dr. Susan on scary developments in the Nation! Remarkable artwork by Plastic Jesus! On a lighter note, Thank goodness for Phoenix Dawn with her amazing outfit … heavenly! Great first appearance by Athena & Xavier. Smart, sexy, funny, wild…
03 · 28 · 18 @ 2:41 am
The legendary Ron Jeremy and Athena Rayne – an incredible show of skill and beauty!!!