Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Dewie
    07 · 8 · 22 @ 4:38 pm

    A Sexy Summer Solstice to the World’s Sexiest Sexologist, the Courageous Captain & all the great Bonobo Sapiens in and around Bonoboville! Excellent and unsettling commentary on the ongoing “Coup-Anon” in America, and the latest pro-gun, pro-war, anti-sex, anti-peace, anti-environment waves of terror. Can we find our way to the Bonobo Way through this thicket of capitalist destruction? Good point about religion: it IS weird that as average Americans (like me) are getting less religious, so many American politicians are sounding more religious. And yes, we really need a Bonobo Summer of Love to counter all the hate, religiosity, fear and loathing. #SummerofLove


  2. MissWilde
    06 · 23 · 22 @ 10:48 pm

    A fantastic lesson about slavery and Juneteenth. I am with you Dr. Suzy, turn Summer of Fear into Summer of Bonobo Love. Your explanation of the realities of what is going on in the world is top-notch. I tune in to your FDR show and that is all I need to do to hear all I need to understand what is happening.


  3. Ruby Aruba
    06 · 23 · 22 @ 10:03 pm

    I love your show so much. Juneteenth is a new one for me. I am all for the Bonobo Summer of Love and peace. If we can find our way out of the thicket of fear and into the great wide open of sex positivity and make kink, not war, we would be much better off as a civilization. Dr. Suzy should be president! Turn this country around!


  4. Deward Emerson
    06 · 23 · 22 @ 2:21 pm

    Excellent and unsettling commentary on the ongoing “Coup-Anon” in America, and the latest pro-gun, pro-war, anti-sex, anti-peace, anti-environment waves of terror. Can we find our way to the Bonobo Way though this thicket of capitalist destruction?


  5. Gideon Grayson
    06 · 22 · 22 @ 2:09 am

    Happy Bonobo Summer Solstice!!!


  6. Adriana
    06 · 20 · 22 @ 10:54 pm

    Happy Summer! It’s officially on its way. Over here in California, it’s felt like summer for a while. Fabulous show as always. Thank you for explaining Juneteenth, and also for continuously shedding light on the brutal realities of War here in the US and abroad. I was really hoping it wouldn’t be a summer of fear…but it sadly seems to be turning that way. However, we can practice being more BONOBO! Great show as always!


  7. Bae
    06 · 20 · 22 @ 9:23 pm

    I enjoyed your fantastic show about Juneteeth, Putin’s War, Summer of Fear, and more. It was funny and instructive. The true test of a man or woman’s strenghth is the willingness to let emotion flow over them. You two let your emotions out every show. I don’t stifle a laugh or tears during your show. I’m there for the whole ride.


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