Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. RickyHusainni
    07 · 24 · 15 @ 10:06 pm

    Hell yeah’ I wish I have experience this orgy thing.


  2. kat
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 2:15 am

    suzy,you look amazing after your very frightening experience. so good to see you back. we had a nice time, as always. thank you for your appreciation, and you really look great!x kat


  3. ~J.J.~
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 2:06 am

    Dear Suzy,Thank you so much for inviting my friend Kiyomi and me to attend your very fun Eros Day party! I’m still recovering. Ughhhhh. Take care and I hope to see you some time soon!Muahhhhhh,p.s. You are such a beautiful kisser. I could do that for hours with you. Mmmmm!


  4. scott
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 2:03 am

    thank you, last night was very interesting. what a unique group and surrounding,i was a little too quiet (social anxiety), but still very much enjoyed the company.


  5. arbi
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 1:49 am

    we had a great time. Thank you again. You are very sexy :) and loved your show.arbi


  6. pavel sfera
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 1:45 am

    Hi Dr. Susan,So nice to have spent some time in your world there. It’s a first for me and it was very very colorful…haha. Everyone there was very gracious and I thank you for your hospitality and warm embrace. Would love to see you again. Wishing you love and peace….pavel


  7. Sheila
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 1:44 am

    I was out of town over the weekend. I have been a fan of yours for a very long time. Please keep my last name and email address confidential, but let me know when you have another show.


  8. lucca b
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 1:43 am

    i can’t f’n believe i missed it! long, long story… did i blow my chance to meet you???lucca b


  9. Teka-Lark Lo
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 1:42 am

    Dr Suzy Block,That was great fun. I was happy just to be a part. I’m the Princess of L.A. Poetry, so it was good you knew how to handle me…lol…I got to be part of something very rad, so the time I got was very cool. How many poets can say, “I read at Susan Block’s Eros Day,” that makes me extra rad. There was a poetry reading at some silly restaurant where big breasted girls wear shorts with flesh covered TIGHTS and they thought… “oh we have a reading at a chain restaurant known for girls with big boobies, isn’t that sexy….” and then I sent them the link of me with my bobby socks as one of Susan Blocks Eros Poetry Angels and at a party where people showed their boobies for REAL there. My partner Ran told me to tell you that he enjoyed Eros Day as much as I did. He was bathed in the squirting orgasm, now that’s a hell of a story. Hope I get a chance to witness more stories in the making. I just actually recovered from Eros Day. My back is still in pain. Ran had a bit too much eros fun in your bathroom ;) oh and too much libations, we left at like 4am and then we wandered the streets. You’re the real deal, you rock. That was completey the most crazy (in a good way) thing I have ever been a part of in my life. Teka-Lark Lo


  10. Gregory Beylerian
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 1:31 am

    Hi Dr. Suzy,Gregory here, the artist who body painted at your amazing EROS celebration. I wanted to thank you for inviting me to an extra – ordinary experience. I thought I had an open mind before, now I am wider!If you are ever interested, I could be very inspired to bring my pro photo gear and do beautiful pix at an other event. It seems there is so much potential with all the creative life force energy flowing around what you have created….I am watching the video of the night on your site!!!! So much fun and liberating.HugsGregory


  11. michelle s.
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 1:30 am

    i cannot believe how amazing you are. congratulations on creating magic!


  12. Jim & Jodie
    01 · 27 · 07 @ 1:29 am

    Hi Dr. Suzy, I wanted to get back to you after attending your Eros Day celebration last Saturday with my wife. It was our first experience with Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy. While I was a bit more familiar with Dr. Suzy’s range of celebratory embodiments, my sweet wife didn’t quite know what to expect given some things she had read about prior Eros Day celebrations (see wikipedia). Add to that the fact that we had both been facing down significant colds for the last few days and were still not quite up to speed. The short story … we had a great time. We both greatly enjoyed the well orchestrated revelry. The people watching was wonderful and the relaxed, sexually charged atmosphere that your speakeasy provides does wonders for the Eros embedded in each of us. It was particularly pleasing to experience Eros day as a celebration driven by women’s sense of sexuality. Your orchestration of Eros relished the softer, gentler, kinder side of love and lust and we are all better for it. We both hope you continue your ministry of greater sexual awareness. Someday before too long, you will be preaching and teaching in a sanctuary every bit as big and powerful as the giant evangelistic halls found today throughout the south. When that day comes, everyone will know that Eros is just as great a god as any other in the universe and that the power of sexuality is the greatest power that we can experience. We look forward to our next adventure with you, sweet Doctor. All our love – Hail Eros! Amen & Awomen! J & J


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