Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Rich Biggly
    11 · 15 · 23 @ 10:39 pm

    Amazing evening. Happy birthday Max! The taquitos were *Chef’s kiss* fantastic.
    Magat Mike….. wow. Now we know that government officials monitor their families outside of work like they do to regular civilians during business hours.


  2. Harry
    11 · 15 · 23 @ 11:01 am

    Happy Birthday Max. You quite literally have a life that Hollywood should make a movie about. Talk about a wild 80s years! Thanks for all that you have done and continue to do for free speech and peace.

    May you have many many more


  3. Lynn Frields
    11 · 14 · 23 @ 4:21 pm

    Great show. Dr. Suzy and caller Maria talk about Abby Martin who’s done some eye opening documentaries on Gaza. What a dynamic artist/activist Abby is. Sure wish the warmongers on both sides could listen to their hearts and not kill each other. Cease Fire now!

    Looks like Dr. Suzy had a great party for Max’s 80th Birthday. These pictures look like so much fun. A great celebration of a long life of publishing and sexual revolution!


  4. Stormy Rayne
    11 · 14 · 23 @ 10:42 am

    What a Happy Birthday Max had. 80 spanks for your 80th Birthday. woohoo. I’ll hop on Board of that love train. Sounds like a wild ride. Tits, spanking, and a shirtless guy, Sounds better than a partridge and a pear tree.
    Speaking of Naughty in November, the Naughty Speaker of the Hourse and his son is quite scandalous if I may say so. Good luck to them and explaining that to the wife/mother.


  5. Persia Rae
    11 · 14 · 23 @ 10:30 am

    Happy Birthday Captain Maximillian! You are loved by so many bonobos and people. Looks like an amazing time.Sending good vibes to you and yours. It definitely is Naughty November in 2023. Naughty congress leaders and their sons apparently are trying their version of Bonobo-ish living, but they’re really going too far. Someone should teach them. They should just call Dr. Suzy, she could give them a few lessons on The Bonobo Way for humans.


  6. Gideon Grayson
    11 · 14 · 23 @ 2:52 am

    Great show. Happy 80th Birthday Max!


  7. bae
    11 · 13 · 23 @ 11:05 pm

    From wishing a Happy 80th Birthday Max, Naughty November and the 9th anniversary of The Bonobo Way to wishing everyone to Be Bonobo, this is a beautiful show that speaks poignantly to the power of play and camaraderie! It’s always very fulfilling to hear you speak up for the right thing on your show. This show is a wonderful tool for digging into emotions and themes that matter to you and the lifelong bonds you’ve made with people. And it looks like you had fun party for Max!


  8. Ruby Aruba
    11 · 13 · 23 @ 8:08 pm

    loved this episode! happy birthday Max, and Happy Armistice Day! love that you pointed that out … much rather celebrate and honor peace than death. the party looked so amazing <33 loved the 80 spankings for Max.

    especially taken aback by the news about Mike Johnson… yikes is right.


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