Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Rich Biggly
    11 · 1 · 23 @ 4:13 pm

    Very Spooky Season indeed! And what an engrossing show. Truly horrifying to see communications being cut off while there are bombings going on. Abby Martin, and her team at Empire Files are doing an amazing job covering the conflict. San Diego sounded like it was a blast (No pun intended).


  2. Harry
    11 · 1 · 23 @ 9:56 am

    Wow, absolutely AMAZING pics, looks like you guys had a great time. I love the recreation of that iconic WWII kiss. I also love the guy in the restaurant in the background giving you the peace sign :-)


  3. MarsFX
    10 · 31 · 23 @ 4:29 pm

    I’m glad Dr Suzy visited that restaurant Fairouz. It sounds really great. I love how real middle-eastern food tastes. Now Fairouz has made it to my bucket-list for my next visit to San Diego.


  4. Lynn Frields
    10 · 31 · 23 @ 4:27 pm

    Dr Suzy’s pictures of the Bonobos in San Diego are great!
    Sounds like Dr. Suzy went on a great trip to see the bonobos at the San Diego Zoo. I loved the story of the bonobo who caught the nut thrown to her by Dr Suzy. The amazing thing is that the female bonobos rule the roost in their societies by the peace through pleasure principle. This keeps the males from becoming thugs, like many common chimp males do. Glad they can do the Hoka-Hoka at the zoo as well, LoL!


  5. Persia Rae
    10 · 31 · 23 @ 12:46 pm

    The Bonobo Apes are a great example of love not war, and the peer nature of their species’ philosophy is love. If more human apes took this into account, it would be so romantic! I see the human potential for romantic peace in Seward Johnson’s giant “Embracing Peace” sculpture that you visited in San Diego, based on Albert Eisenstaedt’s “V-J Day in Times Square,” the famous photo of the sailor kissing a nurse at the end of WWII. What a classic romantic moment!


  6. Stan Kent
    10 · 31 · 23 @ 12:20 pm

    Make Kink Not War … excellent advice from sexpert extraordinaire & Halloween Queen Dr. Suzy. If we fucked more all over the world then the planet would be a happier place and add a healthy dose of kink in there to satisfy those cravings – in other words – follow the Bonobo Way.


  7. Gideon Grayson
    10 · 31 · 23 @ 1:54 am

    Great show!


  8. Bae
    10 · 30 · 23 @ 10:55 pm

    Your Ode to Halloween, Bonobo Peace Summit and Embracing Peace make for a wonderful discussion. This is a really beautiful and heartbreaking show. It moved me to tears. You remind us, that not all humans have a penchant for violence and highlight our humanity. Thanks for your dedication to peace.


  9. Ruby Aruba
    10 · 30 · 23 @ 6:34 pm

    Your input on the tragedy unfolding between Israel and Palestine is powerful. It is imperative that we continue to stand up against these forces.

    So glad you got to escape the sad news for a bit with your trip to the zoo! Love the pictures of the bonobos, at the restaurant, and in front of the statue. <3

    Go Bonobo, and Ceasefire.


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