Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Dewie E
    08 · 21 · 22 @ 10:49 pm

    For me, this is the ultimate in Men’s Entertainment – 7 ridiculously hot women stripping, doing wild sex acts, and Dave Bautista the real-life Superman. And the nerdy comic book artist who also gets women. Totally for men, but it seems some women love it too reading the comments, though perhaps for different reasons. Guess there’s something for everyone – except the religiofascists and neo-Puritans


  2. Truck Stop Burrito
    08 · 21 · 22 @ 10:42 pm

    Wow Just Wow! Thank You for (finally) posting this incredible bacchanalian show featuring one of Hollywood’s biggest stars, Dave Bautista! He’s a little shy, but You get him to open up about sex, women, addictions, hotties of wrestling, lunchbox love, everything! Hearing it on YT is cool, but it’s so fantastic orgiastic uncensored, yes. The ladies are soo gorgeous – worship-worthy! – and Bautista’s rippling muscles -wow. Bonoboville Communion -wow. And You are the Reverend “Irreverend” bringing the worlds of porn and wrestling together.


  3. Dalton Jack
    08 · 21 · 22 @ 10:31 pm

    You are the modern Mae West seducing us into your Womb Room where delights await, from the great Dave Bautista to a tag team of hot blondes. Your conversations with Dave are great. He’s very witty – comparing the “Batista Bomb” to teabagging made me laugh out loud. Bravo Brava Bravissima!


  4. Rich Biggly
    08 · 21 · 22 @ 8:43 pm

    Brilliantly riveting and fascinating timeless show with the beauties and David Bautista!


  5. MarsFX
    08 · 21 · 22 @ 3:57 pm

    I remember running Camera 1 that night. There was a plethora of very attractive women on stage. It was hard to concentrate on camera framing because there were so many fascinating angles of different things going on. Dave Bautista admirably held himself in check, in spite of being subject to so much beauty in one sitting, LoL! His agent would be proud. This was truly an incredible show!


  6. Adriana
    08 · 21 · 22 @ 6:52 am

    Great uncensored experience! I enjoyed every minute of it! Beauties and Bautista is a wonderful celebration of art, sex, and the human form! I’m currently wrestling with my feelings of desire!


  7. The Rizin
    08 · 21 · 22 @ 2:04 am

    Man Dr. Susan Block’s voice is hot


  8. Bae
    08 · 20 · 22 @ 11:33 pm

    What an absolutely alluring show with a bevy of stunning sirens, the Stripperella artist, and the marvelously muscled Dave Bautista.

    A charming comic book-themed show as your guests have the type of bodies drawn in those four color wonders. And Dave went on to be a comic book character in a Marvel movie.


  9. Gideon Grayson
    08 · 20 · 22 @ 7:23 pm

    Angela Sommers!!!


    12 · 26 · 11 @ 2:55 pm

    YUMMYyyyyy http://is.gd/Cvh8G1 I”ll do Z ham slice between this club sandwich anytime or btw this 1 http://is.gd/JnTdEg gd/kFh6yj Dr Suzy them finally got u tied up is.gd/cM6Zfs Max exchange 2 4 z price of 1 is.gd/25x2aC


  11. Angela Sommers
    12 · 24 · 11 @ 3:40 pm

    Dr. Suzy, you r one of the most amazingly beautiful and smart women I have ever met:-) Happy Holidays to u and your AWEOSME team!!♥


  12. Justine
    12 · 14 · 11 @ 6:24 pm

    This show was the bomb — the Batista Bomb!


  13. Tasia Sutor
    12 · 14 · 11 @ 1:50 pm

    Thank you SO FOKKEN MUCH , Dave Bautista for coming on the show and for being so wonderful! You are the most magnificent specimen of man that has and ever will grace this planet with his power and perfection. And I really owe Johnny Ryan Jr. big time for making this dream a reality. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! Johnny Ryan Jr.!! You are pure good. You are my iridescent guardian angel who grants wishes. I am forever in your debt, Buddy.
    This Saturday was, hands down, the happiest, most amazing day of my life. I am SO thankful to have had this opportunity to meet my favorite, living thing, Dave Bautista. I never thought that the day would come where I would get to meet him, much less get BATISTA BOMBED! or be held in his big, strong, solid arms and peacefully wrap my frail, girl arms around him and rest my head against his bowling ball shoulders. (Ahha ~ I just creamed my panties~)…
    If I had just one wish in the whole world it would have been exactly what I experienced this Saturday night at Dr. Suzy’s Speakeasy. I have always believed in creating my own reality, doing crazy shit to get it and that I am good enough to pursue and even capture my wildest dreams. And, by dreams, I literally mean dreams. I have PTSD so I have nightmares near every night. The most blissfully, delicious and profoundly, happy dreams I have ever had are just being held in Batista’s arms, as I was.
    Funny thing is that I have made several attempts to get Batista’s attention before, but I was never successful. He was always just out of my reach. I am devoted to him. Loyally, I followed him through his entire career in the WWE as the World Heavyweight Champion. I religiously dedicated 2 hours to watching the WWE twice a week for nearly 6 years. Watching him rip those fuckers to bits with his Animal, and Unleashing his BEAST and his unstoppable and debilitating BATISTA BOMBS was the most exciting, awe-inspiring, courage building, bad ass superhero flexing, deeply satisfying feats of justice triumphing over evil and just an all-over wash of tingling, throbbing, red-blooded, pumping, popping pleasure that I have ever known.
    We are all well aware of the quick wit and sexual innuendos that Dr. Suzy’s expert sexology mind can concoct. So, watching her genius synapses of sexual psychology fly over the heads of men as large as Batista was highly entertaining, my favorite little surprise look into the sexually psychological mind of Batista was when Dr. Suzy suggested that his lunchbox collection was a projection of his obsession with women because pussy is also called a lunchbox. We all cracked up. I also love how Dr. Susan Block was able to pin-point so beautifully how Batista Bombs make me feel: “he gave his biggest, little fan, Tasia, the thrill of her life by Batista Bombing her into ecstasy!” Yes!!! That is SO true. Thank you Dr. Suzy! I LOVE YOU!!!! My life has been SO AMAZING since I have been working here! All my dreams have come true! I am so happy. Now I just have to dream some more!


  14. Buck Williamson
    12 · 13 · 11 @ 11:10 pm

    That was a fantastic show!


  15. Ivy Thornton
    12 · 12 · 11 @ 8:54 pm

    Loved seeing so many beautiful and sexy women on the show last Saturday!


  16. Destiny Dixon
    12 · 12 · 11 @ 2:42 pm

    I had such a great time on your show!


  17. Dan Chaos
    12 · 12 · 11 @ 2:37 pm

    Your show was amazing, especially Destiny Dixon and Daisy Delight


    12 · 12 · 11 @ 2:34 pm

    Hope everyone enjoyed the part where I fell victim to beautiful women molesting me !!!


    • Buck
      12 · 13 · 11 @ 6:32 pm

      That was fantastic!


  19. Angela Sommers
    12 · 12 · 11 @ 1:07 pm

    thank u so much for having me:-)! had a blast as always:-) give Eve a big kiss from me! ♥


  20. Dave Batista Fan
    12 · 12 · 11 @ 1:05 pm

    Thanks so much for the good infomacion and pics :)


  21. sgtfalconca
    12 · 12 · 11 @ 5:12 am

    I really loved the show,you do have a lot of HOT women on your show,I can’t wait to save up the money to get to LA just to meet you


  22. Kira Lansing
    12 · 12 · 11 @ 4:56 am

    Very tittillating show! ;)


  23. Panty Boy
    12 · 12 · 11 @ 4:14 am

    It was an Extraordinary Show, Phenomenal, Dr. Suzy, Full of Beautiful women, Thank You very much for this great show to Everybody and for this Special Gift, this Gift is gonna be remembered 4 ever n ever ;) Absolutely Fantastic :) XOXO


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