“Dr. Susan Block is known as an advocate for ethical hedonism & The Bonobo Way.”
Amongst her many talents, Dr. Susan Block is known as an advocate for ethical hedonism, and in The Bonobo Way, she portrays these highly sexual animals as inspiration for her philosophy.
In her book, you will learn about the fascinating life of bonobos, how they deal with conflict by having sex, and how this coping mechanism may translate to humans as well. Their lifestyle speaks to a happy and peaceful society, something we have yet to accomplish in all the time we’ve been in existence.
Of particular interest is that bonobos have a strong sense of feminine energy. The females band together and sex is used to keep the males in check. And while bonobos may experience unique feelings for one another, they don’t appear possessive. They are, after all, not monogamous. The book is an illustration of a lifestyle that exists harmoniously, underscored by the relationship between sexuality and a peaceful, polyamorous society. The connection between the two cannot be underestimated.
Dr. Block writes The Bonobo Way in an informative and enthusiastic voice. If you are unaware of bonobos, her book will pique your interest to learn more about this fascinating species. You may also question how we have evolved as human beings and how far we have yet to go.
—Eden, on The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace Through Pleasure
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