Dr. Susan Block Gives “State of the Sexual Union” Address on WCAP-AM 98
Following a rousing reception to her 2021 “State of the Sexual Union” address, world-renowned sex therapist and “Sexologist of the Year” Dr. Susan Block, aka Dr. Suzy, returned to Active Radio with host Hartley Pleshaw on WCAP-AM 980 in the Massachusetts Valley to deliver a new State of the Sexual Union address for 2022.
Broadcast live 2/12/22, this special Valentine’s Day weekend address and interview focused on some of the major themes and events of the past year, including
- The ongoing Coronapocalypse, and how singles and couples are navigating the difficulties and opportunities of pandemic sex
- 2022 improvement: We don’t have a grifting, sociopathic narcissist in the White House, but we do have a geriatric neoliberal corporate military industrial complex cheerleader, which is only marginally better
- The 1/6/21 Insurrection and its noxious aftermath
- The Afghan war and the monstrous American Miitary-Industrial Complex
- The Massage Parlor Massacre and the general rise in misogynistic ammosexual violence and discourse
- Andrew Cuomo, #MeToo and the backlash
- Joe Rogan, Jordan Peterson and the masculinist incel movement
- Distinguished leftist journalist Chris Hedges “plague of pornography” campaign is dangerously misguided
- Neopuritanism rising on the Right and the Left
- Toxic masculinity and toxic femininity
- The American Conservative and the misogynistic Sexual Counterrevolution
- The atrocity of Julian Assange still being imprisoned
- Small win for sex this year: Onlyfans flipped
- Stormy Daniels won her suit against Avenatti
- The ominous anti-sex, anti-Free Speech “EARN IT” act is worse than the proven-to-be-bad SESTA/FOSTA acts
- Lupercalia, the original pagan Valentine’s Day
- Happy World Bonobo Day! Help save humanity’s closest great ape cousins, the bonobo chimpanzees, from extinction – and release your inner bonobo for better sex and a better life
- The Bonobo Way of ecosexuality, female empowerment and male well-being, sharing, caring and peace through pleasure.
Click here to listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2021 State of Sexual Union address.
Listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2022 version of her “I Have a Fantasy” speech on FDR Radio’s Valentine Fantasies & Neopuritanical Nightmares.
Click the pic above to listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2022 State of the Sexual Union address and chat with Hartley Pleshaw.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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03 · 3 · 22 @ 12:19 am
Dr Suzy is right. We need to free ourselves from sexual oppression and I think that would be not only good for our country, but the whole world. #empowertheoppressed
03 · 3 · 22 @ 12:02 am
Dr. Suzy, thanks for always being the chief propagator of the most underrated of ALL freedoms; THE FREEDOM TO FUCK!!!!
I remember when you ran for president back in 1992. You should run in 2024!!!!!!!
03 · 2 · 22 @ 11:57 pm
I have been doing my radio show for seven years now, and I have NEVER received such an avalanche of compliments for any show that I have done than the one I did this past Valentine’s Day weekend with Dr. Susan Block!
And how sweet of her to put my “radio face” in this photo! Eternal love and great sex to you always, Dr. Suzy! (And I’m counting the days until V-Day, 2023! Thanks to you, it’s my Christmas, and you are my Santa Claus!)
My Twitter feed has become overwhelmed with them!
Bear in mind that those compliments are primarily for Dr. Suzy, and rightly so. I’m only as good as my guests, and Dr. Suzy is an AMAZING one! How lucky I was to have her join me!
03 · 2 · 22 @ 11:53 pm
It’s a simple refrain from the generation before mine: #makelovenotwar
03 · 2 · 22 @ 11:49 pm
Brava, Dr. Suzy. Leave it to you to do a State of the Sexual Union address – an awesome one with a great interview – just what we need in our current state of Capitalogenic Wartime: A little SEX and socialism.
03 · 2 · 22 @ 11:48 pm
In these scary war-torn times, it’s so good to hear Your Antiwar Pro-Love voice. More than ever, we need to follow the Bonobo Way of Peace through Pleasure.
03 · 2 · 22 @ 11:46 pm
Fascinating talk on toxic masculinity and toxic femininity. So many good points here, I wish our fellow #MeToo’ers could absorb the message of the Bonobo Way of “male well-being” as the almost equally important parallel to the Bonobo Way of female empowerment.
03 · 2 · 22 @ 11:43 pm
I would hope that in this modern State of Sexual Union, that “active players” both would get tested and then wait, staring into each others eyes — until they get texted their results. If you have a mask & a condom — then proceed, LoL! Remember to wash your hands afterwards.
02 · 25 · 22 @ 2:47 pm
Great interview!
02 · 24 · 22 @ 11:15 pm
This interview illustrates what has gone wrong in our country. We used to approach such things with practical, common horse sense. Now, these issues get tangled up in political correctness machinations.
02 · 24 · 22 @ 7:08 pm
The reality is if we accept restrictions on free speech for any reason, then, we didn’t get an education; but, rather, an indoctrination. That is the truth to this saga and society is plagued with this wild notion that when shit hits the fan, the Government will be there to save us. Hell no. We need to save ourselves. Period.
02 · 24 · 22 @ 6:36 pm
The ones who are supposed to be role models in our society lead us astray and into hypocritical horizons packed full of charlatans and dissimulators hiding behind propaganda and the next side-track electronic device hoping we will forget the undoing of America by instead running out to wait in line for the next biggest cell phone to hit the market. What is worse are the ones who actually do fall for that side-track and continue to live in a bubble as if nothing is wrong whatsoever and pretend censorship is just another conspiracy theory. Thank God Dr. Suzy, you bring humor to the political scene and yank off the blindfolds of society with your shrewd realistic truth behind the circus and remind us all sexuality is natural, pleasurable, and every person’s right to experience.