Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Missy Wilde
    02 · 23 · 22 @ 12:34 pm

    Dr. Susan reminds me of the late George Carlin! What a brilliant review of 2021, a very chaotic, crazy year, not to mention a bitter end of an entire year of wtf’s and populations being gaslighted by politicians.


  2. Sheree Rose
    01 · 31 · 22 @ 6:16 pm

    You are a hero!!!


  3. Anthony
    01 · 10 · 22 @ 3:22 am

    Gotta say, I kind of missed this with all the madness, but Doc Suzy sexin’ up CounterPunch with her astute essays never makes me sad. Another great one!


  4. Sgt. Stephen J. Savage
    01 · 5 · 22 @ 11:03 am

    Doc you are a great lady and sexy AF I have really loved your posts and blogs all year and look forward to more!


  5. David Rovics
    01 · 5 · 22 @ 2:25 am

    i just wanted to say i immensely enjoyed the piece of yours in this weekend’s counterpunch. i’m a songwriter by trade, and when i saw your article i knew i’d have to bother you to share a song with you that i wrote some years ago, which i hope you enjoy.


    take care,


  6. Dr. Hugh
    01 · 5 · 22 @ 2:14 am

    Hi Dr Sue

    (from Dr.Hugh)

    The issue that everyone skirts, is the issue of the “green eyed dragon with the fourteen tails” – jealousy.

    Don’t know enough about bonobo behaviour – but do they show signs of jealousy? Is this a product of our culture, or is it part of our genetically encoded inheritance?

    Whatever – it is immensely destructive.

    interested to know your take on this.


    • drsuzy
      01 · 5 · 22 @ 2:19 am

      Aw… I guess I’m not “everyone,” because I don’t “skirt” jealousy issues – though I might pants them. The problem is that jealousy is a complex subject. Yes, bonobos get jealous – just like humans, common chimps, dogs and birds. They throw temper tantrums. They cry. They sulk. They fight. They just handle jealousy without killing each other. One way they handle it is through makeup sex. There are other workarounds. And yes, jealousy is very natural. But it’s enhanced by capitalism and feelings of ownership that bonobos don’t have. Yes, jealousy is “destructive,” as you say, for the most part. But it can also be oddly arousing, as in the exciting jealousy of the cuckold. And many people who are too “jealous” to share their lovers like to fantasize about them being with other people. Dragons can be fun to imagine or maybe roleplay or maybe real-play. The polyamorists handle it through compersion.


  7. Bob Gryszka
    01 · 4 · 22 @ 7:51 pm

    You are absolutely STUNNING!!


  8. Jeremy Wojo
    01 · 2 · 22 @ 4:18 am

    Suddenly I’m sooooooo Gawddamn thirsty. Just drooling over your picture here


  9. Bae
    01 · 2 · 22 @ 12:19 am

    Your end-of-year article is a philosophical exploration of reality. You look at the unexpected things that happened throughout the year, however shocking and bizarre, and share your awesome observations with us.

    Your year-end article reminded me of our fundamental nature. We’re attracted to weird stuff.

    Thank you so much for this thoughtful end-of-year article on our American life.

    You’ve written some compelling words throughout the year and this wrap-up shows what an incredible year it was


  10. Adriana
    01 · 1 · 22 @ 1:29 pm

    To follow the Bonobo Way is a great way to start (and continue) the New Year! More than ever, we need to look to these peaceful creates. The past 2 years have been some of the most tumultuous in modern history, but hopefully we can only go up from here. Thank you for shedding light on bonobos and educating about their lifestyle and how we can learn from them. You always speak so passionately about current events and the state of our world! Here’s to a great 2022 which will be filled with peace, love, liberation, and sex! #GoBonobos


  11. Steve K
    01 · 1 · 22 @ 1:23 pm

    Dear Dr. Suzy,

    I couldn’t stop grinning while reading your entire article!

    Still grinning. Go Bonobos in 2022!


  12. John Blake
    01 · 1 · 22 @ 11:15 am

    Dear Dr. Block,

    I have just read your essay “Go Bonoboos in 2022” on CounterPunch and am writing to tell you it is one of the best articles I have read in several years.

    Having been heavily influenced by the work of Norman O. Brown, Herbert Marcuse, and R. D. Laing, among others, I find it refreshing that someone is today addressing the issues they brought up in the 1950s and 60s.

    In case you have never read it, I will attach Félix Guattari’s essay from 1973 titled “To Have Done With the Massacre of The Body”.

    Again, my compliments on your work.


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