F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich) Kink Month Kickoff 2021
Length 01:28:54 Date: October 2, 2021, 2021
Happy Kink Month 2021! It’s our first ride of October 2021 on the Love Train, so we kick off this darkening month of shivery delights with kinky sex, kinky politics, kink-positive therapy and kinky bonobo love.
We also talk about our kangaroo court hearing before the Arcadia city inspection “politburo” and its kinky harassment and discrimination against us.
However, while those other forms of kink are good consensual fun and even healing at times, the Arcadia city inspectors’ harassment is nonconsensual and extremely harmful to all concerned.
Cougar Kink
This Kink Month kickoff isn’t a big kink-crazy bacchanal, filled with FemDoms, subbies, switches, pornstars, fetishists, strippers and kinksters, like we’ve held for so many fabulous, orgiastic Kink Months past. Times have changed, and so have we… at least for now.
That doesn’t mean we don’t get kinky. Capt’n Max and I took a break from work in the early morning hours of this show and kicked off Kink Month 2021 with a couple of kinky orgasms. How kinky? When you’re as old as us, everything’s kinky.
Kink can be physical or mental. Though Max is older than me, in some of our fantasies, I’m a Cougar having sex with younger women and men, including a younger Max. Anything is possible in fantasy!
After the orgasms, we napped for a few hours, then showered, changed clothes and went back to work. We do this a lot… which apparently wreaks havoc with the Arcadia City Inspectors’ Politburo zoning “plans” for us.
See, partly because of our advanced age (and the not-so-sexy kinks in our backs), we don’t have sex on the floor, over the desk or up against the filing cabinet like we used to do in our younger days.
We prefer to make love on a nice comfortable bed that we keep in an active-use storage room down the hall from our office.
This bed—along with several others—is at the heart of the Arcadia City Politburo’s trumped up “case” against us. Apparently, this bored board of apparatchiks into peeping tomfoolery goes into hysterics if an Arcadian worker lies down on the job!
Kinky Style
Back to consensual kink. What does it really mean? The term derives from the idea of a “bend,” aka a “kink”, in one’s sexual behavior, as opposed to “straight” or “vanilla” sexual activity. Kink can be a little—or a lot—taboo. Most fetishes could be considered kinky.
A kink is often seen as a problem, as in “we have to work the kinks out.” Sexual kinks can be problems, but usually they are the opposite. Kinks are often pleasures, and sometimes their enjoyment is a solution to problems like stress, anxiety, loneliness, not to mention horniness.
There are almost as many different kinks as there are stars in the sky, though many fit under the Big Tent of BDSM, which breaks down to Bondage & Discipline (B&D), Dominance & Submission (D/s); Sadomasochism (SM).
Bondage can be a real *bonding* experience that combines lust with trust to deepen an intimate relationship. Spanking and other forms of impact play are also very popular erotic past-times that can be therapeutic or just good clean kinky fun.
Common kinks include fetish clothing like latex, stockings, panties, lingerie, high heels, boots and the kinky fashion list goes on. Kinky Masks do double duty for fun and safety. Mel is sporting a glittery facemask that she decorated herself.
If circumstances require a little discomfort, you might as well make it cute and kinky!
These kinks and many more can be enjoyed alone (you are your own longest-term kink partner!), with one special someone, or as part of the collective ecstasy and sharing spirit of a BDSM play party or a Bonoboville bacchanal.
What if your kink or your partner’s kinks are causing you problems? You might benefit from Kink-Positive Therapy, such as the kind our Therapists Without Borders provide through the Block Institute.
Art of the Sock Job
Mid-show we take a call from “Gabe” who has a kink for “sock jobs.”
Don’t feel dumb if you don’t know a sock job from a doorknob; Max, Mel, Unscene Abe and I guess at various possibilities from pantyhose play to using condoms (put a sock on it), before Gabe reveals that a sock job is a foot job, where the giver wraps their feet, with curved arches, around the receiver’s cock, though in the case of a “sock job,” they’re wearing socks. In Gabe’s particular case, these must be tube socks.
Twenty-one-year-old Gabe is so shy at first, I think he’s mentally challenged. But he warms up as we talk about how he developed his “sock job” kink, as well as how he can explore it further with his willing but inexperienced girlfriend. Listen above or below for the kinky details.
Our First Kink Month
Even kink veterans can benefit from a few kink tips, therapy and recurring education. Kink is a constant learning experience involving both opening up and pulling back. For instance, we talk about how my little nipple-biting kink went a bit too far a few years ago when it practically gave Max three nipples, and I had to back off for a few months to let it heal. Now I much more carefully calibrate my biting kink for maximum pleasure (he likes it too) and minimum damage. Restraint is just as important as release when it comes to kink play.
But why Kink Month? Anytime is a good time to (consensually and responsibly) enjoy your kinks. But just as Masturbation Month is dedicated to sex-for-one, Kink Month is a time to explore, educate, celebrate, reflect upon and talk about the kinkier side of life. October is the perfect month, as the nights get longer, colder and darker, which are optimal kink conditions, and it climaxes with the kinkiest mainstream holiday on the calendar, Halloween.
It was exactly six years ago that I first heard about Kink Month via L.A. kink maven Hercules Liotard, shortly after it was invented by the Stockroom to boost handcuff, whip and paddle sales before the pre-Xmas rush. As soon as I heard about it, I began celebrating… In fact, this week’s throwback show is our very first Kink Month Kickoff featuring the adorable and very kinky Loni Legend.
Watch, learn and enjoy the kinky fun as we explore masks, bondage, spanking, splosh and more.
Combining kink and politics, the amazing Dayton Rains does a very explicit reenactment of the famous Monica Lewinsky cigar-smoking scene. This is not your Momma’s way to smoke a cigar, and no, you will not see it on “Impeachment ACS”… only on DrSuzy.Tv!
CIA Plan to Assassinate Assange
One of the most egregious cases of nonconsensual kink-in-action is the imprisonment of Wikileaks publisher Julian Assange. We have protested America’s ongoing harassment of Assange since 2011. But this latest revelation takes the saga to another level.
In an explosive story barely covered by rest of the MSM, Yahoo News has revealed that the CIA, under tRump, led by Caesar-syndrome-deluded thug Mike Pompeo, repeatedly and seriously discussed extrajudicially kidnapping and even assassinating Assange while he was living in the Ecuadoran embassy in London.
The mind boggles at the ethical depths to which the American oligarchy dives down. Hell isn’t low enough for the CIA, especially under the pompous Pompeo.
And talk about nonconcensual kink! Just a few months after the Trumpus was crooning, “I love Wikileaks!” he changed his tune, and CIA operatives under him were busily roleplaying different ways to murder Assange via shooting, poisoning, an orchestrated car crash and other cinema-worthy assassination scenarios.
Of course, assassination is a dirty word in mainstream politics. With all the targeted droning going on, most Americans don’t even realize that assassination is illegal! It’s legitimately confusing since all U.S. Presidents routinely order assassinations against so-called “enemies,” but often kill innocent people by “mistake” or collateral damage.
Ironically, we broadcast this show live on the anniversary of Saudi Arabia’s Mohammed bin Salmon’s brazen and brutal assassination of his personal enemy, Jamal Khashoggi, a U.S. resident, Washington Post columnist and mild critic of his native country’s politics.
Assange is another peaceful journalist, exposing U.S. war crimes, also targeted for assassination. Interestingly, Assange has been saying the U.S. was trying to have him killed for years, but his fellow journalists in the MSM mocked him for being paranoid. Now it’s clear he was right. Fortunately, some unidentified grown-up stopped the Pompeo Posse from carrying out their plans to murder the Wikileaks publisher in cold blood. Unfortunately, the Biden administration’s continuation of the extradition process is now silencing and essentially killing Assange slowly through forcing him to waste away in a dungeon-like prison.
We support Joe’s big infrastructure plan and, of course, his pull-out from Afghanistan. But we vehemently oppose his administration’s ongoing “over the horizon” droning and the unconscionable slow-killing of Julian Assange.
This would be ridiculous if it weren’t so horrific.
Free Assange Now!
Texas Mess
Also on the day of this live broadcast, there were Women’s Marches all over the U.S. of A., most of them standing up for Roe vs. Wades and a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion if she feels she needs one.
One sign says it all in Texas “Where Viruses have More Reproductive Rights than Women.”
We support the rights of Texas women over masses of cells that are not human beings—even according to the Bible!
Meanwhile, also in Texas, an ammosexual Bible-Thumper was “sacrificing” random people that he knew and didn’t know in his hotel room. Jason Alan Thornburg of Euless, Texas, told police that the Lord commanded him to sacrifice these people, just like in Genesis, the first book of the Bible, where the Lord commands Abraham (no relation to Unscene Abe) to “sacrifice” his only child Isaac, which he proceeds to do, his knife against his young son’s throat—traumatizing the boy for life—until an angel stops him and said, “Just kidding.”
Unfortunately, no angels stopped Jason Alan Thornburg, and he completed his sacrifices as the Lord commanded. And who thinks we ought to let fundamentalist readings of the Bible guide our lives?
Just as we’re dishing Texas anti-abortion laws, Bible-sanctioned human sacrifice and its now most famous anti-vaxxer-in-residence Joe Rogaine, what do we get but a call from an old friend in Texas, our favorite Elvis tribute artist, Smokey Binion Jr., who swears (though not on a Bible) that he has nothing to do with any Texas Taliban, human sacrifices or Rogaine-users. Those Texas lips stay tight as tumbleweed, and anyway, his purpose for calling isn’t political.
Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners, LiVE from Bonoboville on the Dr. Susan Block Show, it’s Smokey Binion, Jr! Photo: Daniel Irving
As is his Southern gentlemanly custom, Smokey just wants to introduce himself to the newest lady on the show, who happens to be Mel. He also says hi to Abe and advises Max to “keep Dr. Suzy lined out.”
Like “sock job,” this Southern gentlemanly expression requires a little explication which translates to “keep Dr. Suzy in line.” Wow, that’s some super-patriarchal kink! Which is no surprise, as super-patriarchal kink (some with consenting females who get off on their own helplessness, but mostly it’s been pretty nonconsensual) has long been a cornerstone of Southern gentlemanly custom.
Trying to make it better—or maybe worse—Smokey says he’s really asking Max to “keep Dr. Suzy out of trouble.” At that point, I guess he’s looking to get spanked and/or tickled to within an inch of his life while shackled to a cross like Jesus (not that we’re saying Jesus was tickled, but we know he was kinky when he let Magdalene wash his feet with her hair). But I forgive his trespasses when he grants my request for a closing song, warbling a capella, Johnny B. Goode.
As for trouble, I guess I’m always in a bit of it, and so is Max. In our own socialistic, sex-positive way, it’s “good trouble,” in the words of the late great Civil Rights leader John Lewis.
Or “Goode” trouble, as Chuck Berry might say.
Crisis or Crazy?
#GoBonobos for the Sandy Hook families who recently won their lawsuit against Alex Jones for calling them “crisis actors,” libeling and deeply hurting these folks who were already ravaged by grief. In a wider sense, Jones’ gambit contributed greatly to screwing with our synapses—much more than 9/11 conspiracy theories. These quasi-hypnotic efforts have morphed into a variety of kooky political kinks, many of which are fascist, even Third Reichian; after all the Nazis were, and in a sick way still are, the Kings of Nonconsensual Kink. Those spiffy, power-projecting Hugo Boss uniforms are still considered by many to be the ultimate in kinky fashion.

Every once in a while, the MSM is so wildly ruthless in their capitalistic pursuit of our eyeballs, even crazy Q almost makes sense.
Angry old white dudes doing their damnedest to reject reality (like Jones), along with a smattering of lost souls of every gender, race and religion (though mostly white Evangelicals), have spawned the mad MAGAt/QAnon movement(s) spreading faster than Covid into our elections, democracy, health and daily lives.
Usually, I can disregard the QAnonsense for what it is (nonsense), but every once in a while, the MSM is so wildly ruthless in their capitalistic pursuit of our eyeballs, even crazy Q almost makes sense.
Take America’s favorite real-life soap opera of the moment: the tragic murder of Gabby Petito and her very guilty-acting boyfriend Brian “Dirty” Laundrie’s maddening disappearance, thanks to the shocking buffoonery of Florida’s Finest Keystone Cops. It’s very weird, disturbing, kind of erotic (though no one dare discuss that) and very compelling, especially illustrated with exciting footage from Gabby’s super-cute Travel Vlog and their weirdly foreboding police encounter. Still, the QAnon notion that Gabby, Brian and their relatives are “crisis actors” is ridiculous and offensive to the mourning family, not to mention all of us who are devoting precious minutes we don’t really have to every ounce of breaking news on this non-news story.
But now Dog the Bounty Hunter has stepped into the game and, despite his painful-to-witness need for sunscreen and consistent lack of unique information, he has more information than the cops, and the MSM treats him as a legitimate news source, commentator and investigator. Cool, cool, cool, but we like dogs, but this Dog is an “actor,” and the whole story is a “crisis,” so it’s getting harder to laugh off the “crisis actor” QAnonsense with Dog in the game. Just before this live broadcast, the colorful, sun-poisoned, bounty-hunting hound was lampooned by SNL’s Pete Davidson, with viewers divided as to whether it’s in bad taste or hilarious. The whole saga is a reality show with real reality… or not (?). It’s a tragedy that has, sadly but unavoidably, become a farce.
It’s also a sign of the times: regardless of what he knows, Dog’s wild style gets those eyeballs (even mine), like Trumpty Dumpty, and that’s all the MSM really wants, second only to the job-sustaining approval of their corporate billionaire overlords.
From Musk to Marx!
Also in Modern Billionaire News, Celebrity Division: After three years together, Elon Musk and Grimes are splitting up.
Now the Soon-to-be Ex of the World’s Richest Man (or is it Bezos now?) is walking around LA reading Karl Marx’ Communist Manifesto.
Is it just “performative,” like many have said of AOC’s Tax the Rich ballgown at the Met Gala? Or, even worse, is the sassy billionairess teasingly trolling us? Opinions vary, and Grimes herself has said that she’s “still living with E and not a Communist,” but there’s no doubt Grimes looks awesome with her adorable nose in a good book, and it’s a far better message than if she did a photoshoot reading the Wall Street Journal.
Hopefully, she’s actually reading Marx’s masterpiece (she says, ” and will soon move on to The Bonobo Way.
Pasadena-Star & LA Daily News cover City’s Harassment
We speak about all of that and more in the Speakeasy bar car, as the Love Train winds its way through the Obscene Anthropocene into the spooky darkness of Kink Month 2021.
There’s a lot to speak about in this Speakeasy, but we keep coming back to our experience being harassed, demeaned and discriminated against by the heavy hand of the Arcadia City Zoning Board, its members falling in line to circle the wagons around its officers’ wrongdoing, trying to make it all “right.”
But it isn’t right at all.
For more about our ongoing fight for our First and Fourth Amendment Rights (and yours), read the article in the LA Daily News/Pasadena Star News along with our commentary (and post-hearing; this commentary is still in-progress). The articles are actually very good, but they leave out a lot and a few points need more details, so we have provided that (without changing their words) to set the record straight about what’s really going on.
Now, after you’re done reading… if you haven’t already…
Kick off your Kink Month 2021 with your favorite consenting-adult kinky fun!
© October 2, 2021 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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01 · 28 · 22 @ 6:12 pm
I love these live shows that Dr. Suzy does. She tells it like it is! Always bringing up important points about our modern ammo-sexual culture.
10 · 8 · 21 @ 4:19 am
I checked out that show shown on this page that Dr Suzy did with Loni Legend and other guests. Loni rides the Max-X bike. What a scene! What a lively example of Asian Girl Beauty – Gorgeous!
10 · 8 · 21 @ 1:37 am
Great show!
10 · 8 · 21 @ 1:36 am
Fuck Alex Jones!
10 · 8 · 21 @ 1:32 am
Excellent Kink Month 101 with sapiosexual definitions, vivid examples and spicy samples. A must-listen for the Aspiring Kinkster. You’ve certainly given me the courage to fly my kink flag higher. So true that kink can be therapeutic. I’ve probably saved thousands of dollars in therapy by engaging in kinky roleplay and power exchange. That and listening to your show!
10 · 8 · 21 @ 1:30 am
Great advice to the dude who wants his GF to give him a better #SockJob. At first I thought he was a nutjob, but You drew him out into being almost human and got me rooting for his quest for the best sock job (tube socks only)!
10 · 8 · 21 @ 1:29 am
Those Arcadia City Inspectors sound like very shady operators. But then so does our CIA. #FreeAssangeNow! What a travesty of justice. Your bumbling Inspectors are also a travesty, on a smaller scale. Sounds stressful for you, but it’s good you’re exposing them. Stay the course!
10 · 8 · 21 @ 1:23 am
Happy Kink Month! Sending lots of love
10 · 8 · 21 @ 1:10 am
Another great show! Happy Kink month! Sock jobs were an interesting topic, learn something new every day! Also, heard today that a federal judge blocked the abortion ban in Texas by part of the biden admin lawsuit… will be interesting to see how it plays out. Great, thought-provoking insights as always! Thank you Dr. Suzy!
10 · 7 · 21 @ 5:57 am
Happy Kink Month!!!
10 · 6 · 21 @ 1:10 pm
They say “Don’t Mess with Texas” But man is Texas a giant mess right now. I’m glad Max and Dr. Suzy continue to shine a spotlight on the Lone Star State which should be called the Looney Star State with all the madness going on with women’s rights. Keep up the pressure Dr. Suzy, don’t let those GOP Robber Barons rob women of their reproductive rights
10 · 6 · 21 @ 1:03 pm
Great Show, It really knocked my socks off! Happy Kink month!
10 · 4 · 21 @ 10:44 pm
Happy Kink Month! May you enjoy sex the way it was intended to be (sock jobs included)! What a great show this week!
I have family from Texas, and I feel for them! There is so much mess going on there. But whatever goes on in Texas, may move on to other states.
Hopefully Grimes is being genuine in her reading of Marx. Either way, it’s a bit of a good look for her…somewhat.
10 · 4 · 21 @ 8:58 pm
Kink month is here and your show has me trying to wrap my mind around Sock Job. I cab always count on learning something new here.
Another captivating show as Texas cowgirls saddle up for their rights and Dog the Bounty hunter barks for some attention.