Masturbation Month Chronicles
May is National Masturbation Month, having been so declared by my mentor–whose first book taught me to have my first masturbatory orgasm at the ripe age of 19–the Godmother of Masturbation herself, Dr. Betty Dodson. Why bother to have a National Masturbation Month here in the Masturbation Nation? Since just about everybody plays sexual solitaire at least sometimes, regardless of the month, it’s America’s—and the world’s—preferred leisure past time; far more popular than playing football (Sperm Wars notwithstanding), blackjack or even the lottery.
Yet, far too few of us private Onanists are willing to “own it” and admit publicly that we indulge. Here in our Land of the Relatively Free, we have plenty of Gay Pride and Leather Pride, but not much Wanker Pride. I mean, would you wear the t-shirt? Probably not, because “sex for one,” as relatively harmless and healing as we now know it to be, is still condemned and ridiculed as an illicit, shameful act by our religious and political leaders, not to mention many of our friends and family. Thus, most of us keep our single-handed pleasures under the covers and in the closet.
National Masturbation Month is a respectful attempt to open that closet door just a crack (pun intended), letting a little Spring sunlight shine in on that which is usually hidden and forbidden.
It’s all part of your masturbation education. Yes, it may feel like playing hooky, but masturbation has a lot of mental and physical health benefits. For starter, it can teach you a lot about your own body: what kinds of touch arouse you, what positions relax you, what fantasies stimulate you, what props get you hot. Masturbation helps you to find your mental and physical rhythm and style for maximum orgasmic pleasure.
Partner sex is more romantic, of course, and usually more meaningful, but it also tends to be more stressful. Unless you’re a narcissist, you probably concentrate more on your lover’s pleasure than your own. During masturbation, you don’t have to worry about pleasing anybody but yourself. That way, you can relax and explore at your own pace, learning all kinds of stuff about your erotic responses that you can use to become not only a better lover, but a more orgasmic, relaxed, happy, peaceful and sexually satisfied person.
For instance, if you’ve never done kegels or PC (pubococcygeus) muscle exercises, the perfect time to try them is during a private session of solo sex. Just in case you don’t know, both men and women have PC muscles. To locate yours, concentrate on the area between your genitals and your anus, and squeeze it as if you’re stopping a stream of urine. Then release. Now squeeze as you breathe in and release as you breathe out. That’s it! And that’s a lot.
Since the PC muscles are the ones that contract and release, or pulsate, during sexual climax, doing your PCs, or kegels, will help you to achieve longer, stronger and more multiple orgasm experiences, as well as greater control over when you have them. Like any kind of physical exercise, kegels take practice and concentration; this is tough to muster when you’re making love with a partner. But before or during masturbation, you can easily practice squeezing and releasing your PC muscles. Lots of quick-on-the-trigger guys learn to manage their tendency toward premature ejaculation through PC training. Many young women who can’t climax with their also-young, inexperienced lovers have their first orgasms through this type of focused masturbation education exercise.
Besides being educational, experts agree that masturbation can be a relatively easy, but excellent cardiovascular workout and a very safe form of sexual release. Moreover, as Truman Capote once opined, “The good thing about masturbation is that you don’t have to get dressed up for it.” Come as you are.
Masturbation Taboos from Bible Times to Medieval
Of course, not everyone is celebrating May as Masturbation Month. In fact, many condemn the very practice of solo-sex, let alone the dedication of an entire month to honoring it. Why is such a natural, pleasurable, healthful, free, convenient, educational, ecological (population control, anyone?) and virtually harmless act so embarrassing, so unmentionable, so vilified?
After all, as the late, great George Carlin said, “If God had intended us not to masturbate, s/he would have made our arms shorter.”
Other people have other ideas about God. Society’s prohibitions against “self-abuse” seem to have begun thousands of years ago as a moral code to sustain agrarian culture and tribal wars. Some say it started in Old Testament times, when the infamous Onan was struck dead by God for “spilling his seed upon the ground.” Biblically speaking, this was more of a case of coitus interruptus than masturbation, but the general tribal assumption was that masturbation was taboo. Why? Tribal leaders assumed that if folks were masturbating—that is, having sex for *fun* instead of channeling their entire sex drive into reproductive endeavors—they wouldn’t “be fruitful and multiply,” meaning they wouldn’t spawn enough children to work their harvests and man their armies. You could consider this ancient tribal taboo against masturbation and other forms of non-reproductive sex to be The Mother of All Membership Drives.
Medieval Christians went on to further denigrate the joys of sex-for-one by equating any kind of sexual pleasure with pure evil. Though Jesus himself, according to the Gospels, said nothing at all about masturbation, early Christian Fathers like Saint Paul and Saint Augustine were inflamed by what they saw as sexual degeneracy in themselves and others. They declared masturbation to be a gargantuan sin, one of the worst a human being could commit, condemning the poor wanker down to the lowest levels of eternal hell, lower than even rapists and child molesters.
Unlike a so-called “natural sin” such as rape, fornication, bigamy or adultery, masturbation was considered a “sin against nature.” What made masturbation “unnatural” is anybody’s guess, since nature shows us many creatures—dogs, cats, monkeys and, of course, bonobos, to name a few—having sex for one just for fun.
Medieval Christian Fathers were not big on fun, at least not for the common folk. Around 1300, the Archbishop of Sens wrote, regarding sins against nature, that “the first branch is when man or woman by him or herself, alone and aware of the fact and awake, falls into the filth of sin.” This proclamation encouraged the already (and still!) popular practice of feigning sleep whilst flogging the hog.
Though a natural sin like fornication was considered fairly minor, absolvable by a parish priest, masturbation, being “unnatural,” could be absolved only by bishops or their lieutenants. Thus, the Church Fathers shrewdly used the masturbation taboo to gain deep psychological power over an uneducated, frightened populace. In other words, they had ’em by the balls.
Over the centuries, frightening superstitions spread. Indulgence in self-love causes warts, blindness, insanity and hair on the palms, not to mention eternal damnation in hell. Since everybody masturbated, everybody could be made to feel masturbation phobia, guilt, shame and the profound need for expiation…but to appease whom? You’ve got it: the Church Fathers!
And yet, no one suffered more from the strict Catholic bans on masturbation than the lower-level monks, nuns and priests, sworn to celibacy and forbidden from self-love. This is probably one reason self-flagellation was so popular; at least you got to touch yourself! On the other hand, a more accepting approach to masturbation may have prevented the Church from descending into its current morass of troubles in the arena of not merely “taboo,” but illegal and very harmful forms of sexuality.
Masturbation Taboos: From the 19th-21st Centuries
Ancient and medieval religious leaders led the charge against solo sex in an attempt to keep their flock’s hands above their laps in prayer and their libidos focused on procreation, not recreation, by promising them hairy palms and hellfire just for letting their fingers do the walking below the belt. But Victorian and even modern pundits have been almost as nonsensical in their dire condemnations of “self-abuse.”
For instance, there’s the more “modern” notion that masturbation is wasteful of those “precious bodily fluids” that Dr. Strangelove‘s Jack D. Ripper is so obsessed with. This humdinger has roots in both Eastern and Western thought, which posit that men have a limited amount of sperm and that every ejaculation depletes a man’s finite allotment of precious semen, resulting in weakness and eventual impotence. Actually, the opposite is closer to the scientific truth: use it or lose it. If a man doesn’t have sex or masturbate consistently throughout his life, as he gets older, he is more likely to lose his ability to get erections and ejaculate. Studies show that he is also more likely to have prostate problems.
Of course, if you ejaculate nine times a day, you will not shoot more than a gasp and a dribble by Ejaculation #9. So if you want to maximize your semen output, keep your hands off your treasure for 72 hours—enough time to build up your maximum load. Wait much longer than that and you won’t build up anything but an unholy case of blue balls.
Though women don’t produce semen, the myth that female masturbation is debilitating, unfeminine or just plain wrong has also held sway over the centuries. Witch doctors and medical doctors alike, in their vain attempts to stop women from touching their clitorises, have gone so far as to chop them off, sometimes along with the labia, performing horrific “clitorectomies” or “female circumcisions” that sometimes kill their victims (usually young girls) and always deform them. Though Western doctors now rarely perform these operations, female circumcisers still actively practice their trade in various African and Asian villages.
Then there’s male circumcision, widely practiced all over the world, sometimes with elaborate religious ritual, as among Muslims and Jews, but also in hospitals where it is presented as *necessary* for hygiene. Most experts, however, now agree that it’s not only medically unnecessary, but could very possibly damage boys—both physically and psychologically. Some even say that male circumcision is nothing but a massive, brutally child-abusive, ultimately rather fruitless effort to control male masturbation.
Two major American circumcision enthusiasts were also the biggest anti-masturbation activists of the 19th century: Graham Cracker Czar Sylvester Graham and Corn Flake King John Kellogg. The consumption of either Graham’s Crackers or Kellogg’s Corn Flakes was supposed to suppress the sex drive. Did it work? Not at all, scientifically speaking. But then Kellogg and Graham weren’t very scientific, especially when it came to masturbation. Kellogg called it “the vilest, the basest and the most degrading act that a human being can commit.” These were also the times in which horrific anti-masturbation devices—trusses, penis cages and chastity belts for hapless teens with wandering hands—were all the rage. It’s ironic how many of these devices are now used for erotic stimulation; perhaps they were then, too, though no one would dare admit to it.
Far too many anti-masturbation superstitions have proliferated though history to list here, and science has disproved them all. Regardless, in many circles self-pleasuring is still unmentionable, even when its advocacy could save lives. American Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders was forced to resign when she mentioned masturbation in the context of safe sex education. Maybe if Bill Clinton had taken Dr. Elders’ advice instead of firing her, he’d have sidestepped being sideswiped by the Religious Right. Dr. J is now a patron saint of solo sex; a popular masturbation euphemism is “firing the surgeon general.”
Speaking of American presidents, the George W. Bush administration demonstrated a dark twist on the touchy subject of masturbation in the notorious Abu Ghraib pictures that show leering American soldiers forcing helpless, hooded prisoners to masturbate. What this was supposed to accomplish in terms of “national defense” is unclear. Is it a punishment? A reward? A bizarre, religiously inspired humiliation? A sick way for the guards to blow off steam? A very bad joke? A military-industrial fetish? Some kind of interrogational inducement to spill the beans along with the seed? Whatever its ostensible purpose, the infamous Abu Ghraib photos cast yet another deeply sinister shadow on the innocent pleasures of masturbation.
Bush’s Abu Ghraib Masturbation Guide Private Lynndie England Stars in “Boys in the Hoods” Photo Censored by U.S. Media
Masturbation Month: Positive Myths and Eroticizing Shame
Despite millennia of anti-masturbation mania, there exists some positive folklore on the natural wonders of whacking off. According to the Greeks, masturbation was a gift from the gods. Hermes revealed it to Pan (after his love for a nymph had gone unrequited), demonstrating how the simple act of masturbation could be an excellent rape prevention technique. Pan then taught the shepherds—for which we can only assume that the sheep must have been grateful.
The Greek philosopher Diogenes praised the extraordinary physical efficiency of masturbation: “Would to heaven that it were enough to rub one’s stomach in order to allay one’s hunger.” The people who brought the world democracy understood the powerful, positive benefits of solo sex. So did their gods.
It’s ironic that belief in One God would go hand-in-hand with antipathy towards Sex for One. But as discussed in our previous column, most of the world’s major monotheistic religions teach that masturbation is terribly wrong. This gives many people a strong sense of guilt and shame whenever they pleasure themselves. Learning the health benefits and relative harmlessness of masturbation, as well as discovering that you’re not alone and that other normal, decent and even “cool” people do it, too, can help appease your sense of shame.
But if you can’t manage to shake all of your shame, you can always eroticize it. You might do this already. Sex is intrinsically perverse and our anti-sex society makes it more so; thus many of us need to feel bad in order to feel good. The naughtier we feel about masturbating, the better masturbation feels. Take it from a sex therapist: People who grow up tortured by religious dicta against “self-abuse” often become some of the world’s most avid masturbators.
Masturbation “Addiction”
Masturbation taboos never die; they just mutate with the times. Now, instead of fearing that masturbation will make us blind, we worry that it will brand us as a lonely, desperate, pathetic, unlovable “sex addict.” Masturbation is not an “addiction” in a scientific sense, like certain drugs can be addictive. However, like anything really good in life, masturbation can be habit-forming. Jerkin’ your gherkin can be so damn convenient that you don’t want to bother with the rigors of dating, mating, communicating with your spouse, or whatever social hurdle you’d have to jump in order to have partner sex. Physically speaking, you can get so accustomed to the rhythm of your own hand, or the megabuzz of your vibrator, that you prefer masturbation to making love. Psychologically, you might find the enjoyment of your own erotic fantasies much easier, more compelling, less invasive and more satisfying than the complexities of intimacy with another human being.
If you feel like you’re masturbating instead of having sex with your willing spouse or getting out into the dating world, if you’re OD’ing on internet porn, it might be a good idea to cut down a bit, if only so you have the time and energy to get to the source of the problem. That said, masturbation is kind of like food: you can’t completely stop; you can only reduce or modify. This is why you might benefit from talking to a sex therapist who understands the normalcy and value of masturbation, but can help you to get it under control, so it doesn’t destroy your relationship or your chances of getting into one.
On the other hand, not everyone in this world needs to be—or should be—in an intimate sexual relationship. Yet, we all need touch; we all need sex; and we all need love. And self-love is a kind of love. Maybe not the ideal love, but, more often than not, the ideal is the enemy of the real. And sometimes, especially after a bad break-up, or when you’re sick, injured, stressed, or physically separated from your lover, self-love is the best kind of love. It’s certainly a lot better than gorging on chocolate brandy cordials, stalking your ex, having sex with people you don’t really like, gambling away your kid’s college fund, mainlining any kind of drugs, or many of the other ill-advised things people do to comfort themselves.
Masturbation: Mom’s View
May also happens to be the month of Mother’s Day. Why do these apparently opposite celebrations belong in the same month? Solo sex is almost always the very first erotic activity of our lives. Even in utero, we touch ourselves for relaxation and pleasure. As babies, we play with any part of our bodies we can reach, but our genitals are especially exciting, because of the intensity of sensation. For better and for worse, our mothers often catch us at it.
Thanks to my own Dr. Spock-influenced mom, I didn’t grow up too inhibited about masturbation. Like most kids, I started playing with myself at around the time I started playing. Not that my mother approved of my masturbating, but she did, at least, put up with it. That is, she didn’t punish me; she just warned me to cool it in public–like when she caught me holding the sprinkler under my crotch on the front lawn, or sliding my hand under my skirt during the duller portions of the Passover Seder.
At least, Mom’s pragmatic attitude didn’t denigrate my sexuality. “Suzy,” she said when she caught me petal pushing, “stop that. Your hands are dirty, and it’s clean down there.” She was right about my hands being dirty—probably sticky with peanut butter and jelly or something I’d pulled out of my nose. And I will always appreciate her designation of my netherparts as “clean.” She wasn’t George Carlin, Diogenes or even Truman Capote, but at least Mom had an oddly sex-positive way of attempting to regulate my masturbatory passions.
Thank you, Mom!
It’s stories like these that make the fact that May is shared by both Mother’s Day and Masturbation Month feel less and less incongruous. And when a mainstream company like NewEgg is hyping Hitachi Magic Wands for Mother’s Day as “something for Mom’s home,” you know a new day is dawning for solo sex.
If Mom can do it, anyone can do it. Speaking of motherhood, May is also National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month. And what better safe sex method is there for pregnancy prevention than masturbation?
So…make love to someone you love tonight, even if that someone is you.
And don’t forget to wash your hands before you do! Remember what my mama said! Then you can lick your fingers…
New Private Galleries: Broken Door Fetish Launch, Tantric Tranny Snakes, Hookers & Persians, Oh My!
In honor of Masturbation Month, we have some fabulous solo sex photos, as well as even more awesome, explicit images of partner sex, orgy sex, BDSM sex and you-name-it sex, in our newest private galleries, featuring some of the world’s greatest erotic photographers as well as a few of our friends with cameras who happened to be in the right place at the wildest time.
“Tantric Tranny Snakes” features hot TS Christina and voluptuous Tantric Corynna, while the Broken Door Fetish Launch Party (from the old Speakeasy), presents such BDSM luminaries as Master D and Bunny, Goddess Soma and her boi, Cadence St. John, Regan Reese, Carina Crash, Sula and a host of other amazing Dommes, Doms, subs, porn stars and exhibitionists. We’ve also just posted a new gallery from the first radioSUZY1 show to have taken place in the new Speakeasy, “Hookers & Persians,” featuring “Hooker” author Mae Victoria and porn star/golfer Persia Monir, both riding the Monkey Rocker. The fantastic XXX photos of their wild rides are a rollicking erotic tribute to Masturbation Month. Enjoy them in all their explicit, stroke-inducing glory when you join the bloggamy.
Related Links
Experience Guided Masturbation
Discover 8 Great Benefits of Masturbation
Visit Shopping Heaven for All Your Masturbation Month Needs & Desires
Ride the SYBIAN or Motorbunny
Drop Pocket Rockets, Not Patriot Missiles!
Enjoy a Pyrexions Curved Glass G-spot or P-spot Stimulating Dildo
You Got the Power: The Hitachi Magic Wand (plus the Vibrators & Other Lovers DVD)
Join The Speakeasy (Block Studios)
Come to a radioSUZY1 Saturday night live broadcast & after-party
Find Out About The Dr. Susan Block Institute for the Erotic Arts & Sciences
Read The 10 Commandments of Pleasure
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05 · 16 · 14 @ 5:43 am
Nothing like experiencing & celebrating masturbation month with the beautiful & amazing Dr Suzy!!!There is no one else like her on the planet!!!Thank You Susan!!!
06 · 12 · 12 @ 1:43 pm
Masturbation is great, I love doing it! Love using toys aswell.
05 · 2 · 12 @ 7:06 pm
My favorite month, for sure. The best gift you can give yoursefl everyday for no reason. To smile, to giggle or just to breathe – it is truly a way to breathe life into your routine. If everyone were satfisfied from orgasm before they left their house there would be no animosity, no road rage and plenty of love and community in our world. I encourage you to give love to yourself and others. Cum one and cum all, love to everyone.
05 · 1 · 12 @ 1:58 am
happy masturbation month and you are a great inspiration. I love looking at your photos they well really help masturbation month!! :-)<3
05 · 1 · 12 @ 1:57 am
I just want to say “merry masturbation month” repeatedly
02 · 23 · 12 @ 11:32 am
Folks it is not about pro-masturbation or not but atleast do not make it look grand. It is definitely not bringing anything good into our lives. The only thing it does is that cures the itch for the day. But remember if you are gonna scratch the itch than bear it, you are going to keep scratching for a loooong time. Those wise enough to stop will get the power to stop any other addiction. I cannot say much about the medical benefits, but any religion for that matter would only reprimand the practice and not all religions are foolish. Forget religion, even if you have read any spiritual book you would have enough discrimination to find what is right and what is not. Not every culture is superstition and not every old practice is just an outdated set of rules. Think people….
05 · 4 · 11 @ 12:40 am
interesting informations about Kellogs n others fools attemptin 2 mass tame others libido. I was born in May, juste like DALI who said of himself to be the greatest masturbator, but my paintings r not as good as him hahaha
05 · 24 · 10 @ 4:17 pm
Masturbation is the Gift That I Give Myself, Always and Without Fail. Men will come and they will go…and boy do I love them…but whether they’re around or not there’s always a chance to indulge in my favorite pastime. Delivering delicious waves of pleasure to my very special spot that never leaves me wanting & always surprises me with its strength of contractions. Morning and night I’m at it…delivering quivering vibrations to my little pink and glistening mound of itty bitty flesh. Doc Johnson Pocket Rocket has given me so much pleasure. This is the best button rubbing and loving vibrator ……my before work every day and my get ready for bed routine. It relaxes me and makes me tingle all the way to my toes..what a wonderful feeling to feel myself getting warm and wet and juicy…so, folks, don’t leave home without your orgasm, don’t go to bed without your orgasm. Thanks Dr. Suzy for all of your delicious advice…you’re the best!!!
05 · 19 · 10 @ 4:23 pm
Great write up on masturbation… so many taboos! It’s a wonder anyone comes out of the closet! Jane and I were raised in religious families and felt all the guilt and shame we were supposed to. No more, we’re out of the closet (at least with each other ;o).
We’re pro-masturbation, honoring Masturbation Month in a unique way, and chronicalling our experience on our shared blog. We do not miss the shame.
– Dick of
05 · 17 · 10 @ 7:16 pm
Maturbation is good. In the sense that it reduces the number of rapes,
05 · 11 · 10 @ 4:33 am
I must admit, after that Foot Fetish Night at Dr Suzy’s Speakeasy last week, I had to masturbate after seeing all those long & leggy examples of the divine feminine. Yes, I find masturbation an excellent way to relax your body in prep for sleep! Especially if you don’t have a favorite friend at hand…
If it’s just you? Masturbate with might, and sleep with sight!
05 · 10 · 10 @ 1:31 pm
And to think that so many people (especially women) don’t acknowledge the gift we were given. I’m certainly glad to take full advantage of the 8-12,000 nerve endings in my clitoris :)
05 · 9 · 10 @ 4:16 pm
I love making love with my lover but we are not always with each other and I venture in masturbation and have multiple orgasms
05 · 9 · 10 @ 1:54 pm
Happy Mothers Day and Happy Masturbation Month, Dr. Susan, thank you for sharing your wisdom, you are the Mother of Masturbation :)
05 · 7 · 10 @ 8:51 pm
Thank you for the beautiful story about your mom, Dr. Block. There are so few sex-positive stories about people’s mothers out there. This is one for the Masturbation Books! And such a nice Mother’s Day gift for your mom, wherever she is.
05 · 7 · 10 @ 8:40 pm
I wish my Mom had been so nice and understanding when she caught me “petal pushing” when I was in my early teens. Mine told me that if I kept that up, I’d be the laughing stock of the school and no boy would ever want me. I was horrified. Didn’t stop me from touching myself though…Love my Mom though, RIP, she was a great lady in other ways, just ignorant about sex.
05 · 6 · 10 @ 5:26 pm
I am a lifelong sufferer of depression. So I would masturbate sometimes 3 times a day, just so that I could feel something. I could even have sex with a woman and later need to masturbate again. Mental illness, yes. Sex addict, I don’t think so. However, since I’ve realized that I am transexual and have started to transition, the depression has left and I no longer have a need to masturbate; especially considering the organ I use to do that with, is one I want to remove from my body. Thanks for letting me comment. I love your work.
05 · 6 · 10 @ 3:04 pm
i LOVE IT!!!
05 · 5 · 10 @ 9:32 pm
Male masturbation is so much easier and more pleasurable with a WHOLE penis. Do your kid a favor and leave his foreskin alone.
A happy Masturbation Month to all!
05 · 5 · 10 @ 7:35 pm
The negativity in re stroking the cock or palming the pussy is entirely attributable to Heterosexual Patriarchy which is a perverse condition imposed upon humanity for the sole purposes of procreation – to win by numbers – e.g., to people the Nation of Israel; to overpower the barbarians who aren’t afraid of our big stone statue of Baal – the generic big ‘guy’ god. My input in this regard is that men do abuse themselves with masturbation because of the false imperative of breeding imposed by HP – e.g., you must get hard and produce, Gay or not otherwise or else you’re not a man. So it goes beyond religion and so much so that the false imperative of breeding has infected the natural state of human sexuality – e.g., no one gets pregnant every time they have Heterosexual intercourse. Incidentally censorship is the cause of this and as long as that continues so does this
05 · 5 · 10 @ 7:29 pm
Love that pic of you, Dr. Susan, you look like the Holy Archangel of Orgasmic Bliss
05 · 5 · 10 @ 7:20 pm
You might recall a statement made a few years ago by our “medical professionals” that said, in order to have a healthy prostate, a man should have sex often, with or without a partner. The thought/study behind this statement was that our “plumbing” should be flushed, and flushed often. MY how times and thinking has changed from the 1860’s when society (the Victorian era) felt that masturbation was evil and in order to suppress these evil urges, society started circumcising our boys as punishment for masturbation. Then we took it one step further and began circumcising our infant males. By the way, we also used to put carbolic acid on the clitoris on our young girls in an insane attempt to stop them from touching themselves.
05 · 5 · 10 @ 5:18 pm
Don’t know who invented it, but I think I am perfecting it. haha
05 · 5 · 10 @ 3:16 pm
Thanks, Dr. Block, for all the valuable, insightful and often hilarious info here. I for one have always been grateful for “Sex for One”, but I had no idea that “sheep” would be grateful too! Keep up the excellent work. I am also grateful for you.
05 · 5 · 10 @ 12:45 pm
Susan, congratulations on your continued efforts to eliminate the genital mutilation of children and that masturbation is Mother Natures way of teaching sexual harmony. A better stress reduction strategy could not be invented. Masturbation Not Drugs could be our slogan.
My letter to Pediatrics “Genital Mutilation of Children is Torture” (April 29,2010) is posted at concerning the American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement-Ritual Genital Cutting of Female Minors COMMITTEE ON BIOETHICS. Pediatrics 2010; 0: peds.2010-0187v1-20100187 [Abstract] The AAP refuses to acknowledge that genital mutilation of children is TORTURE.
We need to mount a national campaign opposing the Genital Mutilation of Children as TORTURE.
Attorney General Holder, Jr. was petitioned to enforce this law to extend the criminal sanctions under PL 104-208 and to assure this protection to male children, under the 14th Amendment. This reality has yet to be acknowledged by the Congress.
Please write DHHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius and Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr. calling for an immediate end to this practice of TORTURE of Children. Documentation is provided in the letter.
Their addresses are:
DHHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Ave
Washington, DC 20201
Attorney General Eric Holder, Jr.
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
For the Children
James W. Prescott, Ph.D.
Institute of Humanistic Science
05 · 5 · 10 @ 6:41 am
Thank you! I LOVE to masturbate! It’s a damned shame it’s only actually CELEBRATED one month out of the year. Also, it’s a damned shame to have to do it alone….ah, well.
05 · 5 · 10 @ 1:13 am
The world would be so much more peaceful if there were no genital mutilation, i.e. jews, muslims, & americans. All genital mutilators. All killing each other.
Come to DC and help raise hell and awareness concerning this insanity.
National Men’s Health Week
Men’s Health Begins At Birth
7th Annual Demonstration/March Against Circumcision
June 14th – 19th 2010
West side of US Capitol
June 19th (saturday) —- march to the White House 2pm
05 · 5 · 10 @ 1:03 am
I think I can manage to fire off a round or two (or three or four) sometime during the month!
05 · 4 · 10 @ 3:13 pm
i gave up catholicism for masterbation. could not stand the rules of sex period. i’d commit violent acts if i didnt masterbate. must relieve the tension before it overwhelms. lets make this masterbation millenium…together.
05 · 4 · 10 @ 9:09 am
I fantasize about being put into a chastity belt by a beautiful but stern mistress (someone who looks like you, Dr. Block) while I masturbate. Wonder what Mr. Korn Flakes would think about that.
05 · 4 · 10 @ 8:16 am
I love your writing on male circumcision, “child abuse”. You said it. You can’t call your self a doctor if you circumcise babies, I would say your a sick person if you would cut apart a infant or anyone’s genitals without their consent.
05 · 3 · 10 @ 2:17 pm
Fantastic history lesson! No wonder so many of our ideas about masturbation are “medieval”. They originated in Medieval Times.
05 · 3 · 10 @ 2:11 pm
Great blog, Dr. Block. What do you think about designating this month as Maysterbation? Or when using skin-nourishing lotions and oils while pleasuring oneself…moisturbation?
05 · 21 · 14 @ 3:48 pm
Good one T. Lover!
05 · 3 · 10 @ 7:07 am
okay so first of all, i just have to say, i am super in love with Sula. too bad she’s like bondagemarried to one of the coolest people ever. into the spank bank she goes… hehehe spank bank… that’s funny cause she gets spanked a lot. also i’d like to share that this month i will be masturbating without formal aids such as porn, magazines or pix i’ve taken of ladies and this month it will be purely from imagination and memory. any ladies that would like me to commit them to memory, hit me up on i’m the ninja with great hair.
05 · 3 · 10 @ 2:47 am
Dr. Suzy you look so beautiful with that pearl necklace around your neck. I’d like to give you a pearl necklace. I’m sure I won’t get that opportunity. Guess I’ll just wank myself a pearl necklace thinking about it.
05 · 2 · 10 @ 11:48 pm
Dr. Block, I don’t know what to say after reading your blog except that I know deep inside me you probably have answers to things that have puzzled me for years.
Your words flow effortlessly and are an invitation as if you were my next door neighbor bringing me seasonings to finish a finely prepared meal.
I feel out of place writing you and I don’t know why, like I don’t deserve to…you exude freedom, abandonment, and peace and it is the peace that is so appealing. My only hope is that I can continue a dialog with you…my mind is dark but my heart is kind.
Way too much to write here for the first time. Thank you Doctor if you read this. Thank you…
05 · 2 · 10 @ 9:09 pm
I’ll be doing my bit to support this worthy cause :)
05 · 1 · 10 @ 4:12 pm
Thank u for telling me it is masturbating month. I will celebrate it thinking of you while stroking myself tonight. I hope u feel the sensation. Dr Susan. Ohhh what a feeling it will beee.
05 · 1 · 10 @ 2:34 pm
hello dr.susan, how can I be a part of your group? I want to help… I want to donate… I want to volunteer….can I offer my house as a present in one of your things…. I would love some masturbating / squirting women to come visit and take advantage of my oceanfront house in rio de janeiro, brazil
05 · 1 · 10 @ 2:30 pm
We have been operating a club that promotes Masturbation for the past 21 years, with folks from all over the world “coming” to visit with us. We have a wonderful time “free-ing” the guilt that is too often associated with part of sex that is always good. I loved your article and I am a big fan of Betty’s too! I send folks to her site for more information all the time. Thanks for “being out there” with the rest of us who are trying to promote guilt free sex in a safe manner!
05 · 1 · 10 @ 7:50 am
don’t you think that masturbation also gives excercise to the ability of teh brain/mind to “fantasize” . . . and that requires creativity – mental creativity . masturbation is the pre-requsitie “mind/body” experience and interplay . . . spirit/matter encounter each other in a dynamic manner . . .
05 · 1 · 10 @ 4:15 am
Love the George Carlin quote. Love you for crediting him properly. Not everyone does for that quote.
05 · 1 · 10 @ 4:00 am
Brilliant and Horny! Thank you, Dr. Suzy
05 · 1 · 10 @ 3:49 am
I masturbate all the time when my husband is away, it keeps my temptations at bay and lets my mind run wildly free. I love this idea of a national masturbation month. Thanks Doc!
05 · 1 · 10 @ 3:44 am
Already a fan, but thanks especially for this course in Masturbation 101.