Halloween 2019 KiNK Month Climax & Trumpkin Impeachment Party with GasMaskGirl
Length 01:36:16 Date: Oct. 26th, 2019
Audio PlayerA sexy Freddy Kreuger, a scary Trumpkin and his Ghouliani, two kinky angels (one in a gasmask), a fangless vampire and a wild witch come together in the Womb Room of the little Love Church of the Bonobo Way to celebrate the scary season on the last Saturday of Kink Month 2019, as foreplay for Halloween.
Haunted by goblins, impeachment fantasies and the ghosts of lust, I release my Inner Witch, flying into BOOnoBOOville on my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom.
Trumpkin Pumpkin
On my pulpit (well, desk) sits the Trumpkin, scowling at the congregation as we revel in the Donald’s impending departure from our lives—perhaps prematurely, but we never miss a chance to celebrate—at another peachy Impeachment Party.
BOOnoBOOville Trumpkin.gagged by a gourd. Yes, the Billdo the Bill Clinton dildo to his left and a can of Impeachment Peaches to his right.. Photo: Jux Lii
The distinctively disgusting Trumpkin mouth—designed by Max, carved by Miguel—forms the open oval that’s so characteristic of our Presidunce when he is loudly denigrating someone, obnoxiously whining about something, shamelessly inflating his importance or just telling another one of his many thousands of lies.
My yellow marabou boa twirled around the top represents his feathered nest of ridiculous hair.
Then there are his beady little eyes and nose hollowed out in a triangle from snorting all that Adderall.
Throughout the show, I perform perverse acts with the Trumpkin as my Trumpocalypse therapy, such as force-feeding it’s big mouth the business end of my Dildonic Broom and keeping it under gag order with various phallic gourds.
Witches, Bitches & Sexy Freddy Kreuger
The live broadcast takes flight with my epic ode to the “witches, bitches, vamps and tramps” (but not tRumps!) of Halloween and the piquant pleasures of spooky sex.
The congregation sighs, cackles and shouts, “Amen” and “AWOMEN.”
Yes indeed, there are some intriguing women in my Womb Room.
Praise the Lord and the Ladies, especially the ladies.
Check out the show above (audio) or below (video), to see (or just hear) what I mean.
So much scary sex and silly fun!
My adorable assistant, Sunshine McWane, looks kind of scary in a sexy way, all dolled up and down as Freddy Kreuger… if Freddy was a hot sexpot in red bikini panties and matching glitter lipstick.
On the scary side, she also has the sweater, the hat and the telltale Kreuger claw… which makes appearances in the oddest places, including up the twat of Violet Coxxx
Violet Coxxx Loves Scary Sex
Which brings me to our first guest, porn star Violet Coxxx, dressed for the occasion as a wingèd kinky lingerie angel.
Violet is one of our favorite recent guests who wowed us in Violet Gold and Labia Day 2019.
An erotic masochist and trauma survivor, Violet finds that experiencing pain play with a “Top” she trusts is very healing and empowering because she chooses to “bottom” and can stop the game if and whenever she wants to.
Violet loves “scary sex,” which for her, involves all kinds of kink, bondage, spanking, slapping, even “punching” and the popular and rather dangerous art of “choking.”
Do NOT try this at home, unless you’ve taken a good workshop in the subject. Then practice on a sex doll. On second thought, that might teach you the wrong lesson.
Seriously, you can easily kill—or be killed by—your partner with an inadvertent wrong move, as I’ve learned as a consultant to the Los Angeles Public Defenders’ Office on accidental death cases being tried as murder. Nevertheless many people, including a high percentage of attractive young ladies, love to be “choked” into breathless ecstasy during sex.
Just be careful!
I’m all for extreme fun, as long as it’s consensual, but better safe than, well, dead.
GasMaskGirl Vamps & Tramps
For this show, Violet comes with GasMaskGirl co-owned and operated by retired U.S. Army Major Manny Garcia.
Manny displaces his GasMaskGirl 2018-2019 award for Ron Jeremy whom he met on DrSuzy.Tv. Photo: Yoel DeJesus
In fact, Manny “discovered” Violet on DrSuzy.Tv, just as he met and started working with porn icon, Ron Jeremy, now his favorite “Gasmask Man.”
“How do you cast your Gasmask performers?” I ask, “other than just checking out who’s on my show?”
Manny seems excited by the question, but can’t come up with a more definitive answer than “it’s just a feeling.”
“Sounds like the brain between your ears doesn’t make the decisions,” I venture. “It’s up to the brain between your legs. So if a lady makes Mr. Happy very happy, then you know she would make a great Gasmask girl.”
“Yes, that’s it!” Manny nods vigorously.
Why the gasmask? It’s one of Manny’s preferred fetishes, seeded during his military service in Iraq and America from 1994–2016. There Manny developed both a savvy insider’s disdain for the war-fumbling Bush administration and an erotic appreciation for the eerie and powerful gasmasks they had to don for training and other toxic situations. It wasn’t long before Manny realized that he was “into” gasmasks, and soon he was using his gregarious charm to engage many willing women to actualize his fetish.
With the Trumpocalypse heating up—quite literally—the well-fashioned gasmask may become as essential to survival as a bomb shelter. Thus, GasMaskGirl won the “Most Timely Fetish” 2018 SUZYaward. As the Trumpkin guts the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), so he and his billionaire boys club can pussy-grab Mother Earth and trashes Cali smog standards as the Golden State fires burn down forests, hillsides and homes, we all need gasmasks.
Violet models the gasmask, and I have to say, it looks sexy on her, especially in contrast to her Halloween orange hair.
Later, I try one on for size, along with my Maleficent horns.
Very rubbery!
Gasmask wear is fun for a fetishistic lark, but it would be pretty awful to be required to wear one just to breathe.
Though that’s the future we’re looking at, if folks-in-power don’t start taking Climate Change seriously.
As for Manny’s Halloween “costume,” he’s supposed to be a “vampire” (vamps and tramps), but he forgot his fangs.
The only vampiric touch to his suit is a blood red shirt.
But he looks fantastic holding the Trumpkin like a Trump Hotel Waiter from Hell!
BOOdy GHOULiani Rises Again
Actually, the Trumpkin’s lawyer looks more like a vampire than Nosferatu, and that’s without any makeup or fake fangs.
That’s why we call him BOOdy GHOULiani
The Presidunce’s personal ghoul just out-did himself in ridiculousness, butt-dialing a reporter, and speaking at length into his voicemailbox, presumably without knowing he butt-dialed.
Well, he sits on his brain, why shouldn’t he dial with it too?
The best part is when the Ghoul grunts, “The problem is we need money.”
Silence reigns for a good nine seconds, broken when Rudy-Tooty toots, “We need a few hundred thousand.”
Panhandling for Trumpkin?
Ariel Spanks Violet
The new GasMaskGirl is Ariel Mcgwire. Cute, sweet and a little shy, Ariel prefers scaring her lovers to being scared by them.
She’s also experienced trauma in her life, but while Violet finds “therapy” on the receiving end of BDSM, Ariel likes to play the FemDom.
Ariel and Violet have been enjoying their Dom-sub relationship on and off the set of GasMaskGirl.
They give us a taste as Violet gets down on all fours, and Ariel leads her like a pet on a leash.
Being leashed is a little like “choking-lite,” so I’m not surprised that Violet loves it, and even came prepared with her own collar and chain.
Whipping Violet’s naughty bottom as Ariel leads her by the leash around the Womb Room. Check out Manny watching from the couch. Photo Jux Lii
I follow Ariel and Violet around the Womb Room, whipping Violet’s luscious, tutu-framed ass with Goddess Phoenix’s fiber-optic whip.
Their Kink Month Climax is a vigorous, verging-on vicious spanking.
First, Ariel strips down to her Calvins and leads her pet to the center of the Womb Room where they indulge in a sensuous make-out session.
Then I warm up Violet’s buns with her pink-ribbon-emblazoned paddle that matches the pink ribbon tattoos on the backs of her thighs.
It also packs a wallop, especially in the hot little hands of a budding sadist like Ariel.
Ms. McGuire picks up where I leave off, smacking Violet’s pink ass until it’s red as Manny’s vampire shirt.
Sunshine/Freddy gets in on the action with her menacing Kreuger claws.
Self-described “pain slut” Violet loves it!
Magic Brooms
Later, I give each of the ladies a chance to fly around the room on one of my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Brooms (I have two).
I ride the orange broom, while Violet and Ariel take turns flying around on the with the silver dildo and golden straw.
My Original Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom is a dildo, vibrator, paddle, sweeper and Halloween costume prop all in one.
I designed this very special adult toy, inspired by Mattel’s “Nimbus 2000” Harry Potter Vibrating Broom scandal that had parents throughout the Western world freaking out when they realized that the cute battery-operated “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” spin-off toy their kids loved “riding” right between their legs for hours on end was actually a masturbatory device.
When parents complained, Mattel immediately discontinued the kiddie vibrators.
That’s probably for the best.
However, I feel there’s no reason that consenting adults shouldn’t enjoy our own vibrating brooms; so, I created the Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom.
Not only does my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom vibrate so you feel like you are flying (at least in the sexual sense), thanks to a Pocket Rocket secured to the middle of the broom.
It is also outfitted with a nine-inch dildo on the front end of the broomstick.
Moreover, the sweeper end has the perfect bristles for a good spanking, or sweeping, if that’s what you need—though I don’t recommend spanking after sweeping a dirty floor.
Right now, we’re making all Magic Dildonic Vibrating Brooms by hand, so this item is a little on the high-end side.
However, we’re going to find a factory in China to mass-produce these things, so soon there will be millions of happy Sexy Witches flying around the world without ever leaving the ground.
ImPEACHment Party Politics, Kellyann Conjob
We’re all flying pretty high on the ImPEACHment Party vibe.
When the Trumpkin first pulled out of Syria, I thought maybe he was really anti-war, which I’d support, despite his other obscenities. However, he’s not bringing the troops “home” at all; he’s re-invading Syria to steal it’s oil, as well as sending additional troops into Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
Meanwhile, Wicked Witch Kellyann Conjob is berating, mocking and threatening a young reporter who wrote that her husband said her boss should be impeached—which is true—and then berates another reporter for asking her about it.
Is Ms Conjob a frustrated FemDom… or just trying to act like tRump? Or does her insane anger at these poor journalists reveal cracks in the veneer of her domestic bliss?
The Sad Story of Katie Hill
Speaking of politics and domestic difficulties, I take a few moments on this show to shout-out support for California’s new “rising star” Congresswoman, Katie Hill, a proud bisexual woman and the first Democrat to represent the Antelope Valley in 50 years, facing a House Ethics investigation due to her admitted consensual threesome with her ex-husband and a campaign staffer.
The threesome has been put on display via “revenge porn” posted by her disgruntled ex and weaponized against her by misogynistic Congressional Republicans, and accusations of an affair with a Congressional aid which she denies. It’s pretty complex as poly relationships often are. However, assuming she’s telling the truth, I support Katie Hill and her right to have complex consensual sexual relationship without damaging her ability to work for California and the nation.
Sadly, as I write this, Katie Hill has just resigned.
Why do serial rapists like the Trumpkin, Republican Congressman Duncan Hunter and Lying Crying Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh ride out their sex scandals and still remain in office, while decent politicians accused of far lesser offenses—and what Katie Hill did isn’t even offensive—are slut-shamed and forced out?
I think I just answered my own question.
Remember Al Franken? Sure would be nice to have him in the Senate for the Impeachment Party.
Hopefully, this fine, caring Congresswoman will rise again. #GoBonobos for Katie Hill!
Bernie, the People & King Kanye
Well, at least, Bernie’s alive and thriving. FEEL the BERN! Since AOC gave him her support last week, Bernie’s had an uptick in his polls. From Noam Chomsky to Cardi B, the people want Bernie in 2020.
The people need Bernie. But what do we get? King Kanye, from now until Christmas, at least. Ugh. With “Jesus is King,” an uninspired gospel derivative with a patriarchal title and religious themes, Yeezy Yeezus is moving to cash in on the mega-church biz.
As if Mr. Kardashian doesn’t already have a bad case of egomaniacal affluenza, compounding the Trump-daddy/Jesus-daddy martyr complex.
Now excuse me while I toss my Christmas cookies in a MAGA cap.
Kolton Calls In: What Do Women Like?
Mid-show, we take a call from an 18-year-old virgin named Kolton from Dothan, Alabama who wants to know “What do women like?”
Before we can answer, Kolton gets down to specifics, “Do women like to suck my cock?”
Aww…. It sounds crass, but he asks in such a sweet, innocent, Deep Southern-accented voice that Ariel wants to suck his cock.
Violet just wants to suck cock, or cocks. After all, that’s her last name.
Kolton also wonders if we like roleplay, and of course, we all do. We’re kinksters!
If you’re not used to actualizing your or your partner’s kinks, Halloween is an opportune time to put on a scary-sex costume and roleplay a fantasy or fetish that you might feel embarrassed to act out during the rest of the year.
Try it; you—and your lover—might like it.
And if you or they don’t like it, well, it was just a Halloween costume, so no big deal.
Kink Month Climax
We wind up the show putting the Trumpkin under gag order with my orange red-bottom Louboutin high heel (see photo below) and some #FreetheNipple fun.
No time for Bonoboville Communion, and neither Violet nor Ariel drink anyway.
Nevertheless, they show off their very nice, natural chichis that Fredericka Kreuger really appreciates.
And did I mention Fredericka/Freddy/Sunshine’s awesome homemade Halloween cards and funny, punny Horror Film Fan?
After the show, we have a Harry Sapien home-cooked late-night BOOnoBOOville supper, champagne and sparkling something-or-other for the non-drinkers.
Halloween Supper with Pirate Jux Lii, GasMaskGirl Manny, Unscene Abe, Harry Sapien, Yoel DeJesus (no relation to Kanye), Sunshine Freddy Kreuger McWane, Violet Coxxx, Capt’n Max and a bunch of boxes. Photo: Selfie
I regale our company with tales of Max’s Filangieri family lineage that he traces back to Jesus, kind of like the story of what may have happened to the descendants of Jesus and Mary Magdalene in The Da Vinci Code.
But please, Kanye, no Crusades!
Then, in the wee-wee hours, with all the guests gone, my Captain and I haunt each other’s wet dreams, flying our Magic Broom for Two into orgasmic heaven—our own Kink Month climax—flying high in the sky to that wild domain where the witches reign…
Happy Halloween 2019!
© October 26, 2019. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
Halloween 2019 KiNK Month Climax with GasMaskGirl
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11 · 2 · 19 @ 1:25 pm
Awesome show with the smart and beautifully talented Dr. Suzy.
11 · 1 · 19 @ 7:16 pm
Love your pendant, Dr. Suzy! Go Bonobo!
10 · 31 · 19 @ 6:05 pm
Happy Halloween to my favorite doctor!
10 · 31 · 19 @ 5:45 pm
You are the gorgeous Halloween Queen!!
10 · 31 · 19 @ 1:22 pm
Always so sexy Dr. Susan
10 · 31 · 19 @ 1:07 pm
I love the Dr. Susan Block Show because it takes the Punk movement of The Adult entertainment world and interviews them, and the famous. It reminds me of when Jello Biafra was running for mayor of San Francisco in 1979 to disturb the powers to be.
10 · 30 · 19 @ 9:18 pm
So sad about Katie Hill. I almost wanna say should she not be honest? Should she NOT admit to having a threesome? But if the ex husband is doing his revenge porn it kinda doesn’t matter; the proof is in the revenge porn. Still so sad she had a consenual encounter and had to resign because if it. :(
Miguel carved an amazing Trump pumpkin!
Most importantly!!! Harry made an excellent meal!! I live for his mashed potatoes!
The gas mask girls were great! We will see you again sometime! Now that I know Manny’s gas mask fetish comes from his past in the military it’s all the more fascinating! You can ALWAYS call the Dr Block institute with whatever your fetish is!!!!
10 · 30 · 19 @ 2:31 pm
What’s amazing is the combination of words and pictures as they all come together on Dr. Suzy’s blog.– the show is one thing — the blog is another — but when they all come together, well, the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Excellent presentation and interesting reading.
10 · 30 · 19 @ 1:30 pm
Awesome show, the Freddy Kreuger look was great. Cool blog post love the Kanye rants he truely is a Gay Fish lol (South Park episode about him)
10 · 29 · 19 @ 11:57 pm
Wow, Nosferatu or Ghouliani? the resemblance is pretty crazy! BOOnoBOOville Trumpkin is so spot on from the orange skin to the oval mouth and feathery hair. There should be a violent smashing at some point. 2nd Voodoo Doll ritual for the conclusion and then boil it in peach juice. At this point, he must go by any means necessary.
10 · 29 · 19 @ 7:06 pm
Very sexy radio and TV show
10 · 29 · 19 @ 2:38 pm
It was an awesome night on the show!
10 · 29 · 19 @ 9:08 am
Wonder if anyone has ever had sex dreams about Freddy Krueger… well, not until after watching this show…
Leave it to Dr. Suzy to figure out a way to combine sex and Halloween making for a frightful fun time…
10 · 29 · 19 @ 5:55 am
Welcome back GasMaskGirls!
10 · 29 · 19 @ 4:59 am
Dr. Susan for President!