The Three Graces of Kink grace Kink Month III on DrSuzy.Tv
Length 02:07:40 Date: Oct. 19th, 2019
Audio Playerby Dr. Susan Block.
Seducing us all with their kinky charms, the Three Graces of Kink grace the Womb Room for Kink Month III, two thousand and nineteen.
With the Three Graces of Kink – Madame DeSade, Quinn Rain and Cass Roze – for Kink Month III, as well as Betty Boop and Gourdy the Gourd with Peach Balls for Our 4th ImPEACHment Party! Photo: Bianca
Between an elegant Jewish Black Domme, a very busty (34K!) porn star (who’s also a Bernie Bro!) and an adorable 20-year-old newbie, our Three Graces have a lot of the best kinks covered in just one great show.
They even have all the basic hair colors: platinum blonde, streaked brunette and vivacious va-va voom redhead.
Something for everyone to enjoy the Scary Season!
Pinktober Witch & Betty Boop haunt BOOnoBOOville
I release My Inner Witch on this show with a pink and black peaked hat trimmed with dangling shoes like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz discovers poking out from under the house of the Wicked Witch.
Pan horns sprout from my witch’s hat, inspired by Angelina Jolie in the new Malificent 2, as I ride into the Womb Room on My Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom.
It’s a dildo, vibrator, paddle and Halloween costume prop all-in-one! Plus you can use it to sweep the floor of Trick or Treat candy wrappers when the party’s over, if you’re so inclined.
My assistant Sunshine McWane is all made up and pushed up to look like Betty Boop.
She even wears special contact lenses from Japan to make her eyes look big and cartoonishly round.
Yes indeed, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners, Witches and Bitches, Vamps and Tramps: It’s almost Halloween, and Bonoboville is turning into BOOnoBOOville, celebrating the Scary Season with pumpkins, Gourdy the phallic green gourd and fresh juicy peaches for our fourth peachy Impeachment Party.
Is the Trumpocalypse Tide Turning?
Impeachment is on the Congressional agenda, and the Wicked Witch of the West, the Trumpus, is melting.
Apparently not seeing the irony, Donolf Twittler tweeted “Nervous Nancy’s unhinged meltdown!” along with a photo of her not looking the least bit “nervous” or “unhinged,” but rather magnificent like Malificent, standing like a boss over a table of naughty man-children, shaking her finger at Don the Con right across from her, mouth open, quivering like a schoolboy whose hand’s been caught in the cookie jar. A general and two other men sitting to his right are all staring down at the table as if they know they’re in big trouble.
Everyone is turning on the Trumpenstein this week, from Democrats to Republicans to the bedbugs at the Doral. Even Mitt Romney, aka Pierre Delecto the Twitter “lurker,” now a Senator (how do you go from Governor of Massachusetts to Senator from Utah?) is after the Presidunce.
It’s ironic (for me) that Trump’s clumsy anti-war moves (attempting to pull out of Syria, not bombing Iran… yet), which could be considered positive, bonoboesque features, are his worst offenses in the eyes of most Repugnicans and many Democraps. I’m inclined to support whatever reduces the deadly power and pollution of the Military Industrial Complex (MIC), even if it comes out of the mouths of douchebags. America should withdraw all our troops from the Middle East, but you’ve got to start somewhere. So Trump’s tweets sound sweet to my anti-war ears when he says that America “GOING INTO THE MIDDLE EAST IS THE WORST DECISION EVER MADE,” and that he’s “bringing our great soldiers & military home,” But tweets are cheap–you don’t even need a press secretary–it looks like Old Bone Spurs is just “redeploying” the troops from one theater to another. and that doesn’t count the 1800 more troops going to Saudi Arabia to “deter potential Iranian aggression.” But the deeper problem is that, Trumpus or no Trumpus, both parties are controlled by the notorious MIC.
Nevertheless, the Tromposity is a special affront, a constant annoyance and a serious danger for so many other reasons, I’m for almost anything that spanks this racist, sexist, narcissistic, nepotistic, corrupt, child-caging, ecocidal, emoluments-loving, billionaire-coddling, big-bully crybaby right out of the White House… and into the Big House.
Who knows what the future may bring in our topsy turvy political world? In a few months, tRump could be imprisoned, coronated King of Gilead or maybe he’ll just resign.
But at this moment, Nancy Pelosi, the first female Speaker of the House, owns his flabby, greedy, egomaniacal ass.
Seasons Beatings!
What’s next? Again, who knows? If they impeach and convict the Trumpus and man-loving Mike Pence, then “Nervous Nancy,” who is next in line for the Presidency as Speaker of the House, would become President Pelosi, who then, if she chose to run, would probably win in a landslide.
Bernie’s Cure for Affluenza
Meanwhile, there’s a platoon of Democratic candidates running for President, any one of whom would be better than tRump, which isn’t saying much. A dumpster fire would better than the Trumpster Fire burning in the White House now.
As those of you who know me know, I’m a Bernie Bro, and on the day of this broadcast, “Bernie’s Back” and flexing his political muscles with a huge rally in Queens, New York right across from the Gordon Gekkos of Wall Street.
Perhaps most significantly, he’s just been endorsed by amazing U.S. Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, known to her fans and foes as AOC.
Yes, some oppose Bernie because he is the oldest candidate, but in my opinion, he’s the best candidate. Yes, he just had a heart attack, but he has HEART. Yes, he’s loud, hunched over, crabby and Jewish—like my Uncle Bernie (if I had an Uncle Bernie)—but he has energized a movement of all religions, colors, genders and ages. Besides, like his slogan says, “Not Me. Us,” it’s not just about Bernie Sanders the individual; it’s about us, the U.S., the people. It’s about feeling that bonoboesque connection with your fellow creatures and “fighting for someone you don’t know.”
And it’s about taking Bernie’s “cure” for the American disease of affluenza (too much money in the hands of just a few billionaires and not enough for the rest of us) that led to the awful, painful symptom, the Trumpus in the White House, we’re now suffering from with everything from mass-murder and families torn apart to Post-Trump Sex Disorder.
Elizabeth Warren has picked up some of Bernie’s ideas, and now that she’s been (falsely) accused of having hot Cougar sex with a young Marine, she’s got some sex appeal. But she’s a Janey-Cum-Lately to progressive causes, having previously identified as a Reagan Republican. This doesn’t disqualify her, and if Bernie can’t run, she’s my next choice. But Bernie’s progressive authenticity is, to use a popular term these days, unimpeachable; he’s been anti-war and pro-people for decades.
I know what you’re thinking: Bernie’s not sexy, at least not in the conventional sense. But he’s very bonobo. He has a beautiful wife, Dr. Jane Sanders, who seems to be his biggest fan, and that’s saying a lot. He also has the support of AOC, the personification of sexy politics. And to me, Bernie’s sexy. I love balding old revolutionaries who can whip a crowd into a frenzy by the sheer energy of their own convictions, who believe in the power of the people, and in Health Care for All (including the health of planet Earth!), because good health is the foundation of good sex. So, I “go bonobos” for Bernie and the bonoboesque movement he has spearheaded, a movement of love, compassion and changing our destructive, uber-capitalist ways… before it’s too late.
Once I’m off my political soapbox, I’m onto my exciting guests!
Jewish Black Domme
First, I welcome back the marvelous Madame DeSade, aka Mastyr Mina DeSade Fatale, aka Mina Nietzche.
Mastyr Mina DeSade shows off her double truck page in the new Speakeasy Journal: SPANK ‘n’ ART, featuring her SUZY award-winning performance in “Sex Not Guns.” Photo: Hugh
The statuesque, voluptuous “Jewish Black Domme” was mentored by DomCon’s esteemed Mistress Cyan, anointed Miss West Coast Olympic Leather (2008-9) and is, according to “Time Out,” one of the top pro-Dommes in LA.
Now a blonde, she is as stunning and imperious as ever in a shiny black catsuit and corset that she has to be laced into by another guest’s driver.
PHOTOS 1, 2, 3, 5, 7: BIANCA. PHOTOS 4 & 6: HUGH
She’s also the winner of the 2018 SUZY award for “Best Attitude Adjustment,” honoring her spectacular performance in Sex Not Guns: Happy Year of the Dog, where she brandishes a paddle with those words emblazoned on it against the gorgeous bare butts of two subbies, one black and the other white.
Indeed, it’s such an iconic scene that it earns itself two “double truck” pages in our new Speakeasy Journal: Spank ‘n’ Art.
It’s the perfect gift for Kink Month or anytime for that special kinkster in your life… even if that kinkster is YOU. Get it now.
A Budding Roze
Next on the couch is super cute Cass Roze, aka Black Roze, just 20 years old and brand new to porn.
Her Twitter bio says, “I bet I can fulfill all of your fantasies in one night. New to this who wants to show me the ropes?”
No bondage on this broadcast, but later we show sweet, slim and very sexy Roze “the ropes” of Bonoboville Communion.
Though she hasn’t had much experience doing porn, Roze has been an extra in a few Disney films.
From one former Disney princess to another, she gives a shout-out to her idol, Miley Cyrus, now a sex icon, living a bonoboesque life, going from guy to guy to girl and back to another guy.
She lets Miley know she’d love to get together, and I suggest they do it on DrSuzy.Tv. After all, we’ve loved Miley since her twerking days on the VMAs, and judging by her choice of lovers, I think Roze is just her “type.”
Thank you, Violet Coxx, for suggesting Roze for the show!
Boobalicious Bernie Bro Quinn
Last but not at all least is petite, voluptuous and very vivacious Quinn Rain who calls herself “the tits” on Twitter, and for good reason.
She’s a 34K!
Quinn keeps her giant gazangas discreetly tucked into her dark green velvet dress during the first part of the show, when she discusses her ideas about modern porn being rooted in burlesque.
That leads to striptease talk and a great segue for me to shout-out my latest Counterpunch article (based on last Saturday’s show), “How Hustlers Hustles Us.”
Later Quinn talks about voting for Bernie at the 2016 Nevada caucus and vows to vote Bernie again in 2020.
Anyone who thinks Bernie supporters are a bunch of bro-y dudes should check out Quinn the Bernie Babe!
Also a good friend of fellow Yalie, porn performer and artist, Zak Sabbath Smith (last seen on DrSuzy.Tv in La Porno Boheme avec Burlesque), Quinn really gets around.
Quinn’s “twins” make their first appearance during Bonoboville Communion, which is next on the DrSuzy.Tv agenda.
Four-Way Bonoboville Communion
With all these beautiful guests, we simply have to do Bonoboville Communion and Waterboarding Bonobo-Style with Agwa de Bolivia Herbal Coca Leaf Liqueur.
Since none of them have ever experienced such a Communion before, Sunshine—I mean Betty Boop—and I show them how it’s done.
Betty is one of my favorite cartoon characters, so I really enjoy taking Communion from her cartoon titties.
Taking Bonoboville Communion from one of my favorite cartoons as DeSade and Quinn watch hungrily. Photo: Hugh
I explain Bonoboville Communion to my guests by comparing it to the kind of Communion they might have taken in Church, Mosque or Temple; if not recently, then perhaps in the religious rituals of their youth.
Madame DeSade is Jewish, and Jews don’t do “Communion” per se, though we drink a lot of sacred wine and eat Matzah, which is somewhat similar to a Communion wafer, on Passover, all of which is performed with a prayer, sometimes mumbled, sometimes sung like an angel.
Perhaps that’s why Madame DeSade sings like an angel, holding the Jackhammer Jesus dildo in the Wondrous Vulva Puppet like a sacramental relic, as we go through the ritual of Bonoboville Communion.
Quinn the Altar Girl
Quinn was raised and even home-schooled by two Christian pastors.
So she’s all-in for Communion.
While her parents don’t know about her porn career, her mother did attend one of her burlesque performances.
I’m often amazed at how some porn performers like Quinn are able to juggle so many identities, including a flourishing career in porn, without their loved ones getting a clue. It’s like having an affair, but even more complicated because you’re all over the Internet.
Identities aside, Quinn can certainly juggle her titties.
Or, as they are referred to in Bonoboville Communion terms: her Altar.
And wow, what an Altar our double Pastor’s Daughter has.
Quinn’s a 34K. For those of you unfamiliar with the bra-measuring system, I’m a 34B. That’s a full nine letters bigger!
And they look even larger because Quinn is just five feet tall.
Little Quinn’s jugs could feed a football team.
And they’re all-natural. No silicone needed. They are big as Mother Nature made them.
Feeling very “High Priestess,” I sprinkle the sacred Himalayan pink salt, the “body” of the Goddess, on Quinn’s Altar, which she presents to Betty and me as if she’s serving us bowls of creamy pudding.
Yum, yum, yum!
Then I change the rules of the Bonoboville Communion game which would have her Waterboarding me.
So I Waterboard Quinn, Bonobo-Style.
Speaking of waterboarding, Mastyr DeSade is an expert in the real deal, BDSM-style.
At least, we don’t do it CIA-style.
Later in the after-show that becomes part of the show, Quinn tells us the story of how she got into porn because she couldn’t get laid at art school.
So, we make sure Quinn gets lei’ed… with an Agwa lei.
And she puts her titties on my head (that’s also later).
That’s a heavier hat than I’m used to!
But I like it. Someone should design a hat for me in the shape of giant boobs.
Roze Water
Back to the broadcast, which is almost at an end, but we have time for one more Altar Girl, and that would be lovely Roze.
Roze was raised Catholic, but she’d never been an Altar Girl… until now.
Her velvet dress is very demure, but she pulls it off, upon request, pretty quickly, and soon she’s just sitting there in her black panties ready to serve her sacred role.
For Roze, I really change the rules.
First Rule Change: Even though she’s the Altar Girl, Betty and I waterboard her.
This seems more efficient, since we have so many guests.
Though it winds up feeling more like a sorority induction challenge than a religious ritual.
Second Rule Change: Since Roze is only 20, I waterboard her with water, not the sweet green “blood” of the Goddess, Agwa, Liqueur of the Gods.
But waterboarding with water is fun. Of course, that’s the CIA’s liquid of choice, but they tend to stick your head under it until you feel like you’re drowning. We just pour a little down your throat while we ogle your prone body.
Post Show Playtime
After all that ogling on the show, it’s time to ogle each other some more in the after-party, without the cameras.
In the commissary, where Capt’n Max cooks up some of his legendary pasta, we encounter “Funniest Fundamentalist Refugee” SUZY award winner Luzer Twersky.
Luzer’s also a winner of “Best Actor” at the Toronto Film Festival, but his SUZY is the prestigious one.
All that ogling is definitely an aphrodisiac. If you ogle in just the right way (for you), copping the occasional consensual feel, lick or naughty phrase, it can satisfy that bonoboesque urge to have sex with numerous people.
And so, with “numerous people” dancing, juggling and licking up the sacred salt of our imaginations, my Captain of 27 years and I ride our magic brooms into the orgasmic skies of fantasy, intimacy and sleep.
© October 21, 2019. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
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02 · 3 · 20 @ 10:52 am
What a Show! Quinn was such an amazing talent. Great Eye Candy :-)
10 · 24 · 19 @ 3:50 pm
Dr. Suzy is my sexy mom
10 · 24 · 19 @ 3:47 pm
A room full of beautiful women!! Couldn’t get any better.
10 · 23 · 19 @ 1:57 pm
I luv your show my sexy woman keep up the great work I’m really in need of your luv guidance cause I’m so sexually active but cannot find what I need ….I would luv to climb aboard your show sometime …maybe I will find something that works for me…I also want to see future events where I can be me love
10 · 23 · 19 @ 1:55 pm
I love you Dr. Susan
10 · 23 · 19 @ 8:48 am
Man this was such a fun show! Madame DeSade has such a great personality. She had something to funny to say about everything. And I’m in awe of her “attitude adjustment” paddle and award! Quinn Rain had some great stories. Cass Rose was so cute. I can’t wait to have them all back on the show! They all had interesting things to talk about.
10 · 22 · 19 @ 11:28 pm
“Halloween Witches and Baad Baad B!tches!”. Has to be one of the best intros ever. I love all the looks on this show! Quin does Jessica rabbit so well and those 34K bbs…wow. Mastyr Mina DeSade`s jumpsuit was killer! 20″ waist sheesh. I’m ready to loosen my pants after a burger IDK if I can stay tied up in a corset that tiny.
10 · 22 · 19 @ 4:59 pm
Had so much fun on the show, With such amazing ladies
10 · 22 · 19 @ 2:18 pm
Love the part about Affluenza, great article with some really interesting and refreshing perspectives on politics.
10 · 22 · 19 @ 9:53 am
What a blast! Thank you for having me on! It was a wonderful experience and I’m so happy to share my altar with everyone.
10 · 22 · 19 @ 5:59 am
Black Roze and Quinn Rain!!!
10 · 22 · 19 @ 1:29 am
Outstanding show and blog this week Dr. Suzy. Looking forward to a big Halloween coming up. Thanks for keeping us entertained with so many gorgeous and interesting guests.
10 · 20 · 19 @ 4:55 pm
I had so much fun last night. Thank You Dr. Suzy and Bonoboville for a great night and for My ‘Best Attitude Adjustment” 2018 award. I will try to return for the Holidays.