Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. John Andrews, London
    05 · 30 · 23 @ 12:42 pm

    Thank you for the excellent article: Kinsey Defunded, Perma Wars Mega-Funded, Humanities up in Smoke which I read on Couunterpunch.

    What a completely messed up world we live in!

    Your philosophy will eventually win through, Dr Suzy, but it might take a long time.

    I admire and respect you for your great work. I also think that you are absolutely gorgeous. A beautiful person, body and soul.


  2. Norman Trabulsy Jr., Mangrove Cay, Andros
    05 · 28 · 23 @ 11:00 am

    Kudos for your article I read in counterpunch, Kinsey defunded……..
    I have followed your work for some time.
    All good. And I particularly like your bonobo comparisons and references.
    It really is beyond belief. I grew up in Florida. I left 20 years ago.
    My sister-in-law is a twice elected Republican House Representative.
    I only keep in contact with a handful of family and friends.
    Life is too short. I just can’t do it.
    I was called a American basher from high school, when I openly questioned which side of history the US is actually on.
    Seems clear to me now, after my high school graduation in 1976.
    I lived in Key West from the late 80s till 2000. I got a taste of the good life. All of it. Only to show what is possible, though that possibility seems nearly extinguished.
    Anyway, thanks for your article. It was very well done. Sad, true, but very well done.


  3. Lynn Frields
    05 · 26 · 23 @ 6:37 pm

    Dr Suzy brings up a lot of good points, and her comments on the ChristoFascist conspiracy to remove our free speech rights through censorship and defunding sounds just like what the Nazis did to “clean up” Hirschfeld’s Institute in Weimar Berlin before WW2. Book banning, burning, and beyond!


  4. Rich Biggly
    05 · 26 · 23 @ 2:29 pm

    Although I am glad that the Kinsey Institute is still around and getting funding *of sorts* it is a shame that India legislators don’t see it as a bastion of sex positivity. Now, I would really love to see the pregnancy and abortion stats of the state. Poignant article, and one again, bravo on educating and stimulating the masses!


  5. Adriana
    05 · 26 · 23 @ 2:24 pm

    Incredible article! I wish more people would talk about how devastating this that such an important place as the Kinsey Institute has been defunded. So much research has been conducted there. A huge reason that there is so much anti-sex sentiments going on is that there is not enough sex education. I applaud your bravery for constantly speaking out!


  6. Harry
    05 · 26 · 23 @ 11:10 am

    There is definitely a pattern to the censorship and campaign against free speech and sex positivity. Thanks Dr. Suzy for bringing these issues to light.


  7. Persia
    05 · 26 · 23 @ 3:23 am

    Great read, but that is really unfortunate that the government would cut funding from such a prominent Institute. With all the misinformation about sex and gender nowadays, we need that kind of Institute around now more than ever, especially if it helped spark the sexual revolution. I can tell now that the government is out to sabotage the human experience. At least some of us are aware of what going on.


  8. Bae
    05 · 26 · 23 @ 12:30 am

    Dr. Suzy’s article is clearly a labor of love and great detail, unspooling the complexity of the Kinsey Institute attack, banned books, and social media censorship. Thank goodness this article recognizes the single thread of a story that needs to be told, revealing how tragic our society is becoming.


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