Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Bae
    07 · 27 · 22 @ 1:25 pm

    What a fantastic show! I like how you speak from the courage of your human and moral convictions on the subjects of sex, fascisim and the Bonobo Way


  2. Harry
    07 · 25 · 22 @ 5:37 pm

    It is scary how fascist this country is becoming as if we have completely forgotten all of the lessons of the past. Thankfully we have Max and Dr. Suzy to keep sane in this crazy post Trump Apocalypse


  3. Deward Emerson
    07 · 22 · 22 @ 9:41 pm

    Intense show, and why shouldn’t you be intense about the imminent dangers of American Fascism? Also, fascinating comparison of the evils of Elon Musk with dad Errol Musk. 1) They should stop procreating so much and 2) give their money to save the bonobos – and the people!


  4. Dalton Jack
    07 · 22 · 22 @ 9:39 pm

    Excellent podcast. Your description of the different levels of the Christofascist or neofascist army from the shooters and Proud Boys at the bottom to the corrupt politicians in the middle to the sick sadistic Supremes at the top is spot-on. Beautiful slideshow and great Wehrmacht hat. Yeah, those fascist uniforms have that masculinist sex appeal is okay for kink play, but we really need to follow the Bonobo Way.


  5. Truck Stop Burrito
    07 · 22 · 22 @ 9:34 pm

    Thank You for using the F-word, telling it like it is, and for being so vulnerable about Your feelings. We can all relate. Well, anyone with a heart and a brain can relate. And thank You even more for helping us find solutions to the madness in our sex lives and in the world.


  6. MarsFX
    07 · 20 · 22 @ 4:23 pm

    …and now Nancy Pelosi says this SCOTUS interruptus might prove to be a nightmare for GOP candidates this term. Then we’ll turn the Senate around and fix it!


  7. Adriana
    07 · 19 · 22 @ 1:11 pm

    It is depressing to feel as if your voice isn’t being heard, and that you aren’t making an impact! Dr. Suzy, you have made a difference, and you continue to make a difference! You’re absolutely right. The US is slowly or more quickly become a fascist country. People need to hear it and speak out more! Great show!


  8. Gideon Grayson
    07 · 19 · 22 @ 2:01 am

    Great show!!!


  9. Rich Biggly
    07 · 19 · 22 @ 1:38 am

    The increasing frequency of natural disasters are enough to make us depressed. We need to unite to save ourselves instead of dividing further. It’s hard with our differences, but there are issues that are not only bipartisan but also affect us all globally. We will not have the luxury of enforcing different ideologies when our mean to live is no longer available. If the Bonobos can be peaceful, we should be able to!


  10. MissWilde
    07 · 18 · 22 @ 9:14 pm

    I couldn’t agree with you, more, Dr. Suzy. Yes, the fascist, puritanical, diabolical, Christo-satanist bandwagon needs to crash off the Grand Canyon of life and get the hell of earth, actually. These non-peace-loving, fanatical non-humans, whatever they are, are ruining things and dammit, we can’t let them. We are power in numbers and are we not tired of getting run over by these bottom-feeding creatures? What is most depressing is not doing anything about it. That is what is depressing!


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