Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Charles Coffman
    07 · 6 · 15 @ 4:07 pm

    This is so much more newsworthy and valuable than most of what passes for “news”! a most worthy topic — sex and pleasure; it is what defines us as joyful living beings. And those who try to deny it are either morons or psychopaths. (They know who they are — Republicans all . . . )


  2. Gerry Laytin
    07 · 6 · 15 @ 4:06 pm

    Love Serena Anderlini and everyone involved in writing, producing, launching and promoting this amazing work. So many of my friends took part. #proud


  3. SerenaGaia
    06 · 18 · 15 @ 1:12 am

    i m reading the blog and comments from Surrender: The Ecosex Convergence, and i am moved by the remembrance of last week when we all met and connected at a very deep level about the ecosexual movement and its potential. It was a great way to lauch a book, to strengthen new friendships, to open new possibilities, and to get pampered by Dr Suzy, Captain Max, and their team. The food and hospitality were delicious. I enjoyed the show and party. And now thank you for all the wonderful things you say about me. I could not have done it without you!


  4. Robyn Vogel
    06 · 17 · 15 @ 3:33 pm

    Oh Oh Oh! I wish I were THERE with all of YOU!!!!!! <3


  5. John Howarth ·
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 10:37 pm



  6. Veronica Monet
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 10:35 pm

    This book contains a broad diversity of viewpoints and perspectives! It is a paradigm pusher!


  7. Annie Sprinkle
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 10:28 pm

    Congratulations! Glad you are spreading the good news!


  8. Michael M.
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 10:18 pm

    Beautiful women!


  9. Allan Higgins ·
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 10:14 pm

    Beautiful just beautiful x


  10. Randy
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 10:10 pm



  11. Bruce Bartlett
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 10:07 pm

    That is one well-launched book.


  12. Elizabeth Aston
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 4:56 pm

    What a wild ride it’s been so far! As the new producer for Dr Susan’s Show, I’ve witnessed a variety of subjects and muses. Our adventure continued this week by going Global :)

    SerenaGaia, thank you for being a beautiful Vedic breath of orgasmic air! Your rich community came together to paint a picture of the monumental movement you so heartily pioneer. Bruce Bartlett, Lindsay Hagamen, Goddess Maya & Reverend Teri D Ciacchi, this is a wondrous cause and we appreciate your expertise!

    Through Ecosexuality, you remind us to open up to The Earth’s bountiful gifts…and also to those around us <3 As a result, you raised our consciousness and our spirits.

    Thank you for showing us your World, and pointing out our common goal: to "Love the Earth we make love on."


  13. Jack Nice
    06 · 16 · 15 @ 3:32 am

    Ultimately we really have one black hat to blame when it comes both to most sexual and environmental problems – the system of capitalism unfettered from any kind of rules or regulation, buying the entire system. A healthy market is both sustainable and is regulated to value local employment over productivity. if the people have the courage to stop the machine we can dismantle the cia and the pentagon and take these resources to retool capitalism for a earth friendly, human friendly future, but if people are not brave enough we are facing an inevitable nuclear war and the loss of either all or almost all life on earth. The situation could not be more dire as President Obama at this moment arrays heavy weapons at the doorstep of a nuclear armed Russia. Violence will solve nothing, Mahatma Ghandi showed humanity the key to its future survival and the values that can give an earth centered, human friendly future, on earth and as we expand our population through the natural activity, even off earth as well as we take planets like Mars and terraform them into new earths with the kind of resources we save from have a peace and love centered planet.


  14. Lindsay Hagamen
    06 · 15 · 15 @ 11:53 pm

    I have so much gratitude to Dr Suzy and all the Earth lovers at Bonoboville for such an orgasmic launch for Ecosexuality! Thoughtful conversation converging with pleasure, insights with orgasms. I love it! And I am so proud to be part of a book that so many can rightfully claim as their own. And I was delighted to see my creative partner, SerenaGaia, delight and dazzle along with Dr. Suzy and the bonoboesque cadre of women.


  15. Del Rey
    06 · 15 · 15 @ 11:45 am

    This was an ecosexy extravaganza, and one extraordinary way to launch a book. The conversation was delicious and was as insightful as when Abby Martin visited Bonoboville– but with more nipples.

    I’m so glad that SerenaGaia visited Bonoboville and shared the message of ecosexuality. I look forward to completing my reading of Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love.


  16. Chelsea Demoiselle (Raw)
    06 · 15 · 15 @ 1:49 am

    I do feel deeply excited and honored to be involved at the forefront of the ecosexual movement today … though, like many of the co-founders and authors in the exciting book by that name (Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love) we’ve been organically going at it for quite some time now … in our gardens, in the woods, on the beaches, in our art and music, our politics, as well as in what could be termed unusually open sex lives I’d say from the 60s and 70s …

    At last the free spirit meets academia meets the naturalist meets the sexologist and not unlike a Reese’s peanut butter cup–(I understand it was an accidental collision between peanut butter and chocolate.) … we seem to all have hit upon something the mainstream can sink their everlovin’ teeth into…

    … and which the likes of Rachel Carson “Silent Spring” and others pointing to the sure destruction of our earthhome by our own activities, couldn’t seem to attract flies with–maybe not enough honey…

    This book by your guest of honor last night–Dr SerenaGaia Anderlini has honey galore, so again that’s what makes meeting her and the collaborators such as Gabriella Cordova and Veronica Monet over the past few years, so dear to my heart.

    It’s one more much needed way to bring awareness to our interdependency upon nature…that we ourselves are nature, as indeed is our sexuality: Nature.

    I got to spend some time with SerenaGaia over dinner and around Bonoboville before the show and could see that her care and attention to the purity of what she puts into her body via diet, her energy field’s lightness, her lover :) (!!) and the sparkle in her countenance gave me great hope and a happiness because I feel the ecosexual movement is a holistic and wellness movement at its core.

    Thank you dear SerenaGaia for the lifestyle you are modeling with both your actions and your voice. Thank you for bringing together diverse factions within the ecosexual movement itself and in that process strengthening the good fight…

    Thank you dear DrSuzy for the way in which you consistently honor nature, environmental stewardship, saving the bonobos and their habitat … and have seen fit to broadcast the community message in such a sex positive way thus honoring and propelling our aims forward …

    With that said, it was a juicy night, a set which had the feel of a cafe in Paris juxtaposed along a winding garden path amongst vines and fountains in the European countryside… each of the guests being lively, bubbly, sensual, colorful and INSPIRED by SerenaGaia’s PRESENCE and her new book!!! AND the CALLERS (I’ve become accustomed to looking forward to their posts and comments on social media ) Veronica Monet, Bruce Bartlett, and now Lindsay Hageman–who called in were also quite adamant, full of warm conviction and astute thoughts on ecosexual meaning … a rich, ripe June evening (yes ripe could also be referring to fun friends Zoey Portland and Krystle Green not to mention Maya!) But seriously, this book and the day which it appeared on the Dr Susan Block Show, will mark, I’m sure, a leap forward for the whole ecosexual community in the world and the juicy dispersement of the much-needed mindset… This lady really did marry the beach!!! So read her book and let’s get back to our earth roots! :)


  17. Max
    06 · 15 · 15 @ 1:20 am

    Great show…Serena’s openness was a wonderful bit of fresh air compared to some in the sex-positive community that are so stuck in their own “right way to do things”, compared to the open, participatory, non-judgmental sexuality on the The Dr. Susan Block Show. It was a real pleasure to have Dr. Serena on the show to further educate us on the beauty and diversity of sex, love and relationships.


  18. Nikki Knight
    06 · 15 · 15 @ 12:28 am

    Serena has a lovely spirit and I can’t wait to read her new book with Dr. Suzy’s foreward!

    So great to have Dark Phoenix AND Maya back in the studio for the eco-sexual festivities, adding to the fun of the night along with all the other great guests who were on the show either in person or via call-in!

    Never a dull moment here in Bonoboville!


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