A Nina Hartley Summer Solstice Eve ♥
Biz Bonobo with The Master of O & Dirty Tequila, Dr. Susan Block with Bill Clinton dildo, Nina Hartley with The Bonobo Way, Danny O’Neill for Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, Chelsea Raw with The Bonobo Way. Photo: Jux Lii
Length 1:27:49 Date: June 20, 2015
by Dr. Susan Block
It’s Summer Solstice Eve, the night before the longest day of the year, when the golden sun shines longest upon the Northern Hemisphere, and my featured guest is one of the sunniest personalities in porn: Nina Hartley. From her golden halo of blonde hair to her signature, round, bouncy butt, not to mention her beaming smile, bright repartee and radiant sex-positivity, Nina shines like the summer sun, so it’s no wonder she lights up this show with fun and sexual wisdom.
On a mission to promote the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance, which is on a mission to “affirm sexual freedom as a fundamental human right” Nina is accompanied by fellow Woodhull board member (and former Young Republican), Danny O’Neill. They’re excited about Woodhull’s upcoming “Summit,” to be held August 14-17, 2015 in Alexandria, Virginia, a long, lusty, sapiosexual weekend of discussions, seminars, networking events, trainings, parties and, of course, orgies (what’s sexual freedom without orgies?)—like last year, only bigger, better and more orgiastic, right by our nation’s capital.
The Alliance takes its name from Victoria Woodhull, a 19th century sexual freedom fighter, radical suffragist, spiritual visionary, “Free Love” advocate and newspaper publisher—bonoboësque long before humans discovered bonobos—as well as the first woman to own a Wall Street investment firm, and run for President of the United States.
Which brings us to the current woman running for U.S. President who also sports a golden halo of hair like the sun, and no, I don’t mean Donald Trump. It’s no surprise that Nina is already playing U.S. Presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton in a timely new porn parody, “Hillary Gets the Black Vote,” also featuring our friend Moe “The Monster” Johnson.
Though I respect Hillary for standing up for Bill when he was pilloried by a gang of Puritanical hypocrites, I don’t appreciate her bed being filled by lobbyists and reps for the Defense Industry and Monsanto, to name a few of her lovers. The best thing about a Hillary Clinton presidency (aside from the fact that her last name is not Bush) would be that Nina Hartley will play her in what’s sure to be a winning Presidential Sex parody series. And who knows, Hillary might like Nina’s portrayal of her as “very in-charge and a tad bossy without being emasculating…bisexual and deeply passionate”. Certainly, Bill will. It could even increase Woodhull’s clout in Washington.
The “Hillary” promo is sexy and funny, and there’s no doubt that “interracial” is one of the hottest current porn genres, perhaps partly because of the racism that flows through this country like poison. But even if we’re turned on by that black/white contrast, it’s important to acknowledge the scientific reality: race doesn’t exist. There’s really only one race: the human race.
In its more benign form, the human emphasis on skin color produces hot sensuous “interracial” porn. More often, it just fosters racist, white male anxiety about black male sexuality and, at its worst, the recent tragedy of the Emmanuel AME Church massacre, still fresh in our minds. We take a moment to remember the victims and talk about the kind of culture that produces a 21-year-old mass murderer who excuses his evil by saying “I had to do it… you rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.” I’ll blog about this separately when I get a chance, but let’s just say that a warped black penis fetish, a Confederate flag waving proudly above his state capital and his dad giving him a gun on his 21st birthday all have something to do with it.
And sexual freedom has something to do with turning this terrible cult of violence around. In a culture that denigrates sex and denies sexual freedom, violence is seen as a problem solver. We’ve gone that way for a long time, but maybe it’s time for another way, the way of peace through pleasure and sexual freedom. I call it “The Bonobo Way,” and it brings us back to that most bonoboësque of political lobbying groups, the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance, and their upcoming Summer Summit, featuring Nina Hartley.
We come back from the break with just a few more minutes until Summer Solstice which is, of course, a heathen holiday, as all the best holidays are (Valentine’s Day, Spring Equinox, etc.), at least originally. In the pagan tradition, the Summer Solstice moon is called the “Honey Moon” because it’s slightly golden, and everybody drinks mead made of fermented honey during the many weddings held at Summer Solstice time. We don’t have any mead on this show, but we do have Dirty Tequila, a deliciously intoxicating aphrodisiac that makes any occasion a Honeymoon, especially when downed with the erotic boobie-licking ritual we call Bonoboville Communion, which we perform with show producer Elizabeth Aston and Chelsea Raw (both therapists with the Institute). Despite having been my guest several times over the years since her first appearance in 1994, this is Nina’s first Bonoboville Communion, and she sucks Elizabeth’s hard nipples with relish (actually, salt) and provides her own luscious boobage as a Communion Altar for the rest of us, as she squeals like a blissful bonobo.
More Weapons of Mass Discussion include pleasure (“We’re designed for it,” says Nina with a hat tip to Sex at Dawn co-author Dr. Chris Ryan); BDSM (“Doormat is a noun. Submit is a verb.”); how to handle feet (“When the feet feel good, the knees fall open,” says Nina); consent (“It’s sexy”); hat tip to Ricci Levy and Woodhull’s work helping pregnant prison inmates and Capt’n Max’s experience as a sexual freedom fighter on the inside and out. We also take a couple fan calls, including Speakeasy member Dr. Mars, and tweets, including an endorsement for Nina’s sex educator skills from Panty Boy.
As we get closer to the “end” of the show and the year’s longest day, I’m reminded of another Summer Solstice revelry, Shakespeare’s play ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” in which one of the recurring themes is that of the “ass” (a.k.a., Bottom). This, of course, brings me back to Nina and her amazing bum, whereupon she turns around on my bed, giggling, wiggling and presenting her famous derriere for a spanking.
Having just penned the definition of “spanking” for the new Wiley-Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Human Sexuality, I’m raring to give it to her, first with my hand, then with Danny, Biz and Chelsea’s hands, then with my JuxLeather finger-flogger. Finally, I turn Nina Hartley OTK (over the knee) for a good solid book-spanking with The Bonobo Way. I’m pleasantly surprised to hear that this is another first for this sex icon, and she agrees that a nice standard-size paperback makes the perfect paddle. I must say it feels right to be giving Hillary Clinton’s porn double a good spanking. It’s one way to get her to pay attention to The Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure.
Thanks for the spanks, Nina! And thank you, Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance, for helping to get America and the world to recognize sexual freedom as one of the most fundamental human rights of all. Here’s hoping you all have another great, activist, orgiastic, sapiosexual Summit. #SFS15
A golden Summer Solstice Eve with Nina Hartley & the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance. Photo: L’Erotique
And extra special thanks to amazing hair stylist Mark Brown, a.k.a., LaMarkeisha, for highlighting and sculpting my own sunny halo this solstice eve.
© June 21, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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07 · 25 · 15 @ 12:05 am
Two of my favs! (and the only two women I met who I was truly in awe of during my career! I couldn’t talk straight to either of you! hahaha)
07 · 12 · 15 @ 10:47 am
It’s lovely seeing both of you on the same show. Two intelligent and beautiful souls. I agree with Nina “somethings” are really worth the wait!!
07 · 2 · 15 @ 2:26 pm
WoW!!!! Dr Suzy & Hall of Famer Nina Hartley!!!
07 · 2 · 15 @ 2:25 pm
Dr Suzy and Nina are the most amazing women i have truly got to know. 2 women who have stoked the sexual movement with love&orgasms
07 · 2 · 15 @ 2:22 pm
I love u Dr Suzy and Nina Hartley you are the two most beautiful gorgeous smart women ever. u r my buds
06 · 24 · 15 @ 9:45 am
I love your entire venture, Dr. Block.
06 · 24 · 15 @ 9:45 am
Sexual freedom can also mean deciding to be free of sex.
06 · 22 · 15 @ 4:15 pm
would have love to have been there.
06 · 22 · 15 @ 12:08 pm
06 · 22 · 15 @ 8:32 am
This was a delightful show, and I’m so glad that Nina and Danny are on the front lines of Sexual Freedom. The truth is that there are so many people that are so bound by religious sexual dogma that they forget that sex is a part of nature– and as you often say “we are all children of sex.”
My highlights of the evening included Nina’s discussion and insights on sexual liberation, but particularly when she said, “fill yourself full of love, happiness is attractive.” The book spanking was an unexpected surprise.
Thanks again for another amazing show.
06 · 22 · 15 @ 1:42 am
Ending racism is important to me and a close second is sexual freedoms. For me, the sapiosexiness of this episode of The Dr. Susan Block Show is the exposition of how each oppression intersects and wreaks hellish havoc in our world today.
“Hillary Gets The Black Vote” where Hillary Clinton is played by Porn Icon Nina Hartley is brilliant; well-timed and sure to go viral. I love your point that this will give Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance that extra push and visibility in Washington!
It was great to see sunny Nina and the handsome, sweet, Danny O’Neill again; I’m so glad Mr O’Neill has converted from his involvement as a youth with the Young Republicans, although that’s a very cute photo of him back then that you link to. I think it’s cool that he gives so much time as a man to an organization named in honor of a woman and women’s rights activist! Good on ya Danny!
Nina bringing her husband’s book “The Master of O” gave me a double-take–it’s got this great big book feel, really substantial! And having lived out a very similar real life “Story of O” myself, you know I’m eager now to get my very own copy!
Speaking of Nina she enjoyed your spanking her with “relish” you say and I’ll never forget how hard she laughed after you dug into her nipples with “relish” and afterward said, “Mmm I just LOVE salt!”
She has quite the bod that’s for sure and an iron hand on the brains department on the good politics path! Love it!
You were the shining sun of the Summer Solstice as far as I was concerned… I love your hair! And the buttery silky glow of your outfit and hat did light up the evening along with your soulful smile.
I appreciate the work you did last night towards calling out racism and raising awareness of how sexual oppression and misinformation collide and in the case of Charleston, became a sickening senseless tragedy over what could have been a happy Juneteenth for many … and I do look forward to your giving airtime on how you approach glaring racism in your sex therapy practice… with the ecosexuality book launch show of last week with Serena Anderlini, and then this week the Woodhull Sexual Freedom Alliance topic and promoting their http://www.SexualFreedomSummit.org near the nation’s capitol, I feel very sapiosexual and if it were a word (let’s make it up) politico-sexual and happy. :) Thanks for all you do! It’s The Bonobo Way isn’t it … ?
06 · 22 · 15 @ 1:27 am
Great to see Nina back on the show. She’s always charming, sexy and yes very smart. I could never keep all that information at the tip of my tongue and then be able to put it all together not only in a very informative way but also fun and sexy.
06 · 21 · 15 @ 11:50 pm
Talk about a steamy summer solstice! But FIRST I must gush about your golden garb last night! You looked spectacularly, sparklingly, scintillating, as if spanked by Midas himself!
Nina is always a pleasure to have in Bonoboville! Such an inspiration, and here to talk about the amazing Victoria Woodhull, the sex positive trailblazer, shunned by her peers for having the audacity to suggest all should love one another freely!
Great show, you sure know how to kick off the summer Dr. Suzy! Much love to you and all Bonobovillians on new adventures to come, here and abroad (I said “a broad” — baddoom cha!)
Nikki g’Knight