F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
Summer Sex & Politics
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
#GoBonobos for Threesomes! Happy Bastille Day! Delta DOWN for Mile High Club! Protest Forced Breeding & Climate Change Irresponsibility! Practice the Bonobo Way.
by Dr. Susan Block.
Rolling through the heat of the night, we seek out ways to enjoy hot summer sex and maintain a healthy, pro-sex attitude in our increasingly anti-sex, war-loving, gun-slinging, Christofascist and misogynistic culture.
Trying to cope with the mounting madness without inhaling recreational carcinogens, Capt’n Max ingests edibles and “bubbly” that cause the Love Train to turn into something more akin to the Yellow Submarine—at least for him.
Breaking Bread on Hot Buns (Daniele’s & Brigitte’s) on Bastille Day in Bonoboville, 2018. Photo: Jux Lii
Me, I’m just riding along, humming a little French Revolutionary song. Ah oui, oui, oui… mes freres et mes soeurs… mes coquettes et mes baguettes… le Marquis de Sade et le Moulin Rouge… Bonne Fête Nationale du Joyeux Quatorze Juillet! Ou comme nous disons dans l’anglais… “Happy Bastille Day!” Vive la France! Sainte bonne heure!
Bastille Day commemorates the “storming of the Bastille”—which sounds kind of sexy when you say, “Give it to me good now, Babe, storm my Bastille!” But historically, it was the dramatic, opening shot of the French Revolution. Old ideas about tradition, monarchy and religious authority were overthrown by the new Enlightenment principles of Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. It’s the biggest French holiday of the year, as well as Danièle Watts and Chef Be*Live’s sixth wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary DaLove & Belive!
We compare the storming of the Bastille with the amazing people’s takeover of Sri Lanka’s Prime Minister Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s presidential palace with America’s scary clown Coup Anon. After that, we consider the folks outside Morton’s steakhouse peacefully protesting Supreme Injustice Brett Kavanaugh killing their abortion rights, causing him and his dinner companions to miss dessert, and Morton’s to whine about their “honorable” patron’s “right to eat dinner.” Aww… Poor Baby! What was it that pre-Guillotined Marie Antoinette was said to have quipped when told that her people had no bread? “Let them eat cake!”
Forced Breeding is a lot worse than being forced to forgo your crème brulee. And that’s what his Dobbs ruling amounts to. Abort the Court, and don’t be dissuaded by lying, crying elites! Considering what they’ve done and keep doing to us, our Bonobo Summer of Love must be a Summer of Protest… and kink. We must turn around the Right’s many wrongs and show them a better way, the Bonobo Way.
With kinky Goddess Phoenix lighting up our message boards, we slide into DomCon memories (with tight latex-clad mammaries), different levels of physical and emotional pleasure and pain, and why, now more than ever, we need to Make Kink NOT War. Other comments and calls stream through this show, including Chris in Huntsville, Alabama, calling back (finally) after taking my advice a few years ago, to report that he had an awesome threesome… but now he wants more. He also wants to start a new Bonoboville in Alabama! It’s a big challenge, but why not? They sure could use one.
Unfortunately, Chris has his work (and play) cut out for him as the dating environment—and that includes the swing scene—is tougher than ever. Sex is under attack from everywhere… the Religious Right, the politically correct Left, the Supreme Injustices, the environment, and yeah, watch out for that Monkeypox! It’s nasty.
That brings us to various mounting Climate Catastrophes, and why so many working people don’t seem to care, even though it spells the end of human civilization and possibly most life on Earth. Mainly, it’s because it doesn’t affect them personally… yet. Why do humans fail to understand what bonobos seem to know so well—that we are all in this together?
One reason for our seemingly willful ignorance is that capitalism teaches us to be extremely competitive at an early age, cutting off our natural feelings of compassion for people suffering from climate catastrophes now as well as in the future. Working people are generally too busy working—often taking three jobs just to pay rent and put food on the table—to concentrate on Climate Change unless it’s burning their own house down. This is one big reason why students should serve on school boards—because climate change directly affects their future, and they care.
Certainly, a lot of Americans care about the Judicial Coup that usurped our power in order to harm our pleasure, the Supreme clitorectomy that cut off our abortion rights, and we read some of the impassioned responses we received from our Forced Breeding show and my article in Counterpunch.
We also try to make sense of the avalanche of airline cancellations (such as our Delta Down nightmare), triggering tales of joining the Mile High Club, coming together at 30,000 feet. Alas with packed planes, vigilant flight attendants and tiny lavatories, joining the Mile High Club (MHC) has gotten challenging, it’s barely worth the now considerable effort, another casualty of our Capitalogenic times. Well MHC sex is the opposite of ecosexual anyway.
Lots more of the good, the bad, the awful and the eargasmic on F.D.R. Listen above or below.
“Summer Sex & Politics” Transcript
Here we are. I don’t know where you are because I had some bubbly. I’ve also been thinking all day about this, about my date tonight with Dr. Suzy. Here she is.
Well hello Capt’n Max, and all aboard FDR. I’m just in time for the train, and here you are. Have you been waiting for me long, darling?
That depends on how you look at it.
Well, yes, you could take that in a physical or metaphysical or all kinds of different which ways, or like the Supreme Injustices you could just take it in an authoritarian theocratic way, like you’ve been waiting for me to say Sieg Heil or something like that. Oops, maybe we’re going to be censored now. Sorry, YouTube, we didn’t mean that, I just was being satirical, although they say that satire is no longer fashionable. Everyone wants confessionals as entertainment. Fake “true stories.” And I’m a natural Satyricon, so anyway, something to piss off everyone. Well, at least you love me, right?
I love you. A whole bunch of people love you. I meet them wherever I go.
Well, I did get a lot of very passionate responses to my last rant on FDR, which by the way stands for Franklin Delano Roosevelt, as well as Fuck Da Rich, because we’re sexual and we’re socialist here on FDR.
And it’s Midsummer, though actually technically it’s not, according to Shakespeare, that would be in June. But if you’re just kind of modern American, it’s now Midsummer, so we’re talking about Midsummer sex and politics and the Bonobo Way, which is the only way that we can see out of this mess.
So here we are taking the train, because it’s more reliable than an airplane these days. Boy, these airlines aren’t even flying, which is actually kind of a good thing, even though it really put us out and almost killed us when our flight was cancelled. But you know, let’s fill the friendly skies with a little less dirt. Human dirt.
Yes, and imagine how many threats, how many threatening letters they’re getting.
Well, they got one from us. Delta certainly got a threatening letter from us, but I’m sure they could multiply that by about a billion, because they were canceling a lot of flight.
I have my theories about that, but certainly these planes are no longer, let’s say friendly to, for instance, joining the Mile High Club. Speaking of summer sex, the Mile High Club is where you have sex in a plane, and you used to be able to stretch out with your lover on three seats and you could get under the blanket and do a little muff dive or polishing the banister.
And the bathrooms were bigger, too, so you could actually have sex in the airplane bathroom, which you can’t do anymore. Plus, they’re all listening at the door. They’re all standing there all the time, staring as you go in or come out, like, what are you doing in there? So, the airlines are not conducive to joining the Mile High Club and many more, are they Capt’n Max?
Well, you have to be in private jets.
Yeah, which really dirty up the sky.
Yeah, of course.
And are more likely to crash.
I don’t like going on private jets myself.
There you go. We hung out at the TWA Restaurant when we were waiting for our plane that never came in New York a few weeks ago.
That was a hub of TWA.
Right and TWA was once a fine airline and is now just a restaurant. Also, a hotel. It’s got that old fashion 60s kind of feel to it. Very mod.
But Delta, whoa, Delta Down. One after the other, those planes were down and I kind of think it’s because they don’t want you to have sex on the plane and they don’t want you to stretch out and be comfortable because they want to fill every single seat on every single plane. And when those planes are not filled, suddenly they don’t have planes or they don’t have a captain, no pilot. All these pilots suddenly disappeared.
I don’t know.
Maybe they really did walk off the job or fly off the job or fly off the handle. They’re going crazy every five minutes, somebody goes crazy in America, and it’s going around the world too. They’re shooting people in Japan, including that Prime Minister that I wasn’t very fond of. Actually, he was too conservative for me, but I didn’t want him to be assassinated in Japan where they don’t even have guns, but this guy made his own gun crazy.
Yes, as Abe.
Yes, his name’s Abe too, right. I didn’t like him too much, but he did have your name, so I knew who he was, and he had nice hair. Brian Redfern says, “with a 40% increase in deaths overall, maybe the pilots died.” I supposed it’s possible that the pilots have died.
Yeah, my name, oh my God, that’s how I feel my God, damn.
People are dropping dead for various reasons with a lot more rapidity than I remember before. Although the media reports on every death, they just love the dead and dying. If it bleeds, it leads.
Harry says, “if you masturbate in the airplane bathroom does that count for membership in the Mile High Club?”
Everybody masturbates in the bathroom. You can do that, of course. I think if you do it in the seat of the plane under the blanket that might be impolite to your seat mates if they don’t know you, though, but yeah, I wouldn’t count masturbation. I think, to join the Mile High Club, you actually have to have sex. I think you could join the Masturbation High Club that way, which is perfectly great, and I think you should join that. Everybody should join that, except if you’re the type that likes edging, because if you like edging then you’re going to be hogging that little airplane lavatory forever, and that’s not nice. You have to remember to be polite in your public sex, and I guess that’s a form of public sex, although nobody sees you ’cause you’re in the little lavatories, so it’s kind of exciting just to know that these people are out there, if you’re into that. And I don’t see anything wrong with it. I mean, it’s relieving yourself, which is perfectly normal. Just don’t be sitting there for hours.
I see comments coming in, which is great, and we would also love to speak with you, if you want to give us a call now. This is a number you can call during the week, and it’s private and you can find telephone sex therapy. Although you’re not being recorded through this number, don’t worry, but you could call now. And if you call now during the show Saturday night, then yeah, you’d be on the show, so it’s 213-291-9497. That’s 213-291-9497, if you call Saturday night when we’re live, you can be on the show and someone named “One Sweetness” is on Instagram and says, “hello everyone, hope everyone is having an amazing evening,”
How sweet, and yeah, sure, I guess if you call talking about America collapsing is amazing, yeah, I guess we’re having an amazing evening.
Although we’re also talking about sex and taking your questions. And we’re in Twitter on spaces, and we see a few people in there, so if you would like to speak if you have a question or a story to tell, perhaps about how the Supreme Court Injustices are affecting your sex life, a question, or an opinion. It can be about summer sex or the lack of it.
Of course, we are in another hot, hot summer, and we’re coming up on Bastille Day brothers and sisters… Ah oui, oui, oui… mes freres et mes soeurs… mes coquettes et mes baguettes… le Marquis de Sade et le Moulin Rouge… Bonne Fête Nationale du Joyeux Quatorze Juillet! Ou comme nous disons dans l’anglais… “Happy Bastille Day!” Vive la France! Sainte bonne heure!
Sainte bonne heure, yeah.
You know that one.
Yes indeed.
And you spent some quality time in France.
Yeah, yeah.
Right, it can be quite nice, so hopefully it won’t become fascist like a lot of places are becoming right now.
Very nice. It’s true.
What was your favorite things about France?
Well, at that point I was I was a fugitive, so I didn’t really want people to know a lot about me.
I was like a typical American tourist.
And so, you liked France because people were very respectful of your privacy.
Right, they were nosy.
Like the Italians. It’s funny, you are Italian, and you speak Italian fluently, whereas you don’t speak that much French, so you would think you’d be more comfortable in Italy.
Right, yeah, but I like France better.
Viva la France.
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité and Go Boy says hello, and he also had something to say about our forced breeding show last week on YouTube, he said, “Forced breeding, no sex, but conversely only using sex to sell things. It is acceptable to use sex to sell things that will financially enslave us and cause us to work even more and have less energy and time for sex.”
Yes, Go Boy is very Marxist and mathematical about it, you know. And it’s true. One of the worst forces in modern times is the force of public relations AKA propaganda. And hey, I’m someone who does public relations for what I believe in which is the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure and love and to some extent sex therapy which is my profession. But the other things are more just things I believe in.
A lot of people use the power of public relations for selling war and of course things that harm the environment. I don’t think peace and sex harm the environment. I mean sex can, it just depends, but usually not so much, unless you have sex in the Mile High Club every day, then I guess you are harming the environment through your sex. But mostly your sex itself doesn’t pollute a lot.
But sex is used to sell things, and that’s usually not in the form of actual sex, but just the promise of sex or mostly just sexy people like the beautiful sexpot sprawled on the gas-guzzling SUV, or sexy troops.
Fighting for freedom. Killing – though they don’t say “killing” now – and dying – though they don’t say ‘dying’ now. They say ‘fighting’ because fighting is a sexy word but yes, Go Boy, that’s why they want forced breeding, because among other reasons—there are many reasons actually, that the right wing has come together, so to speak, to go against abortion even though conservatives actually had supported abortion back in the day, the Republican appointed justices were the ones that went for it., Harry Blackmun and other justices that were actually Republican-appointed passed Roe V. Wade, but now Republicans have all gotten behind this anti-abortion movement, I think partly because it’s authoritarian and Christofascists, and somewhat racist.
Actually, very racist—in two different ways. One way is so that the white parents can have their white grandchildren and also force these poor so-called White Trash people to have babies that they can’t take care, so they can be adopted. And the other racist angle is that they’d also like black people and other people of color to be forced to have babies, and those are a little more difficult to adopt, of course. But that’s OK, because if they survive being starved and not having good medical care and all the other ways in which the right wing does not support childcare, which is why we don’t call them “pro-life.” They are just “pro-birth.” They want people of color to be forced to give birth so that there’s troops for the military as well as for the Amazon warehouse, which is getting to be more and more like the military.
So yes, Go Boy, it’s terrible, but we are here for you on FDR talking about sex and politics and sum-sum- summertime. It’s kind of a hot summer, as the Global Warming heats up, and the protesters are out. It’s kind of impressive to see them.
Very impressive.
But it could be more impressive. Take a look if you will at Sri Lanka where they’re really protesting. And their protest succeeded. They got rid of their president. He left. Apparently, he was very corrupt. I don’t know enough about it to really comment on him, but THEY certainly got him out of there. That’s some real protesting, right?
We’ve got some kind of half=assed stuff on both sides, really. The Right Wing’s got their Cosplay Coup Anon, what a joke, though it could be that the joke’s on us, and 1/6 was the harbinger of a lot worse.
Then of course, there are our liberal protests, which aren’t all that major yet.
Yeah, how do you pronounce? How do you pronounce the president’s name?
Oh, I knew you’d challenged me like that. I have no idea, but let’s try: Gotabaya Rajapaksa.
He just stepped down.
He’s saying he’s… I mean according to this article that I found he stepped down.
We should do this kind of protest around the Supreme Court. Actually, some pro-choice people are trying to protest but our wonderful pro-choice President Biden and Congress are more concerned about our Supreme Court Injustices’ security than they are about women and pregnant people’s liberty.
And that is just wrong.
Yeah, I mean like it seems like their salaries are like… They’re almost like the elite, you know they got like, you know?
And the people that can’t afford abortions, they’re not part of the elite so they don’t really care about the average American.
Oh yes, they do. They care a lot.
Who’s that?
These Supreme Court Injustices care so much that they overturned Roe V Wade, and they risked something doing that, and they know it. They care a lot, except they care in just the wrong way, they work for the billionaires, the corporations and the Church, and they do not work for us. So, we are in for a wild ride, my fellow Americans, brothers and sisters, lovers and sinners, goddesses and worshippers.
Speaking of which, Goddess Phoenix is sending “love and light from the goddess.” Well, Hallelujah, I was just looking at Goddess Phoenix and getting love and light from her, as we are putting together a little DomCon video right now that we’re going to be releasing shortly after our Vice TV Bonoboville Reunion video that we’re releasing even sooner, and then we’ll do DomCon, and then there’s my Yale reunion. So, I’m up to my ears in “love and light,” I really am, and it sounds like such a cliché, and I hate to say it, but I am blessed. Times are tough, but we are blessed here in Bonoboville, especially when we look at what’s happening out there.
Bastille Day, by the way, commemorates the storming of the Bastille, the dramatic opening shot of the French Revolution, speaking of successful revolutions, not that I’m encouraging one. I don’t like the violence, but with the French Revolution, old ideas about tradition, monarchy and religious authority were overthrown by the new Enlightenment Principles of what?
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité. It’s the biggest French holiday of the year, and it is also Daniele Watts’ and Chef Belive’s wedding anniversary.
Well not today, but it’s this week before we do another FDR.
Oh, it’s this week. OK.
So, while we’re live, I want to say happy wedding anniversary, DaLove and BeLive! They were just here, as stars of the Bonoboville Reunion. There were a few stars, but they certainly twinkled very radiantly.
So, we’re talking about summer sex, trying to make it a Bonobo Summer of Love, but it has to be a Summer of Protests because there are so many issues to protest, thanks to the Supremes, and Don Pascal gives the U.S. Supreme Court Injustice salary as $131,765. And that’s pretty high, though it’s comparable to some of the other politicians, and they are politicians.
Well, I mean what did they get for the year?
That’s what they get: 131,765. Meanwhile, Goddess Phoenix says she can’t wait to be back on the show. Oh, and we can’t wait to have you back, Goddess Phoenix. We did one in-person show, but of course Vice was here, and they did COVID testing. And so now we’re doing these little radio shows, FDR. But we love you, Goddess Phoenix, and you are featured in our DomCon 2022 collage video that we’re going to be releasing very soon. We love you, we love DomCon and we love kink.
“Make kink, not war” is our motto really. Of course, we like Make Love, Not War. I’ve been loving “Make Love Not War” since I was a kid and used to go to the protests against the Vietnam War with my draft age older brother Steve. Hi there Steve, it was just our mom’s birthday, so RIP Mom. So, Steve and I would go to some protests and then I started going with other people and I loved this phrase, “Make Love Not War,” and I would imagine these hippies having sex and stopping the war through their sheer passion.
Well, that didn’t happen, I guess. Actually, the wars got worse. But at first, it almost seemed like it happened because even though it was extremely messy, even messier than leaving Afghanistan, we did get out of Vietnam. We left that country to itself, thank goodness, we so invaded that country against its will. The Rape of Vietnam was so much worse than any rape. But anyway, we got out, so I thought, hey, maybe making love really does stop the war.
But then we’ve had quite a few more wars. Our warmongerers knew we had to stop that antiwar Vietnam Syndrome, right? And that’s what Reagan did with that quickie little war in Grenada and then Bush Senior did it with the first Gulf War, which a lot of people got onto the War Bandwagon for, but Capt’n Max and I were both against that war and all wars, and that actually drew us together.
Don Pascal wants to know, “Did the Vice show air?” No, it didn’t air yet, and we will be talking about it a lot when it does. You know you will hear about it, unless it really sucks. If it sucks, we’re going to not talk about it.
And you’ll never know. Although we haven’t had a show suck, we’ve had an article or two suck like that. The Mel Magazine article was very snide and stupid, but they actually did a fantastic video. You can’t trust the media. And really, I feel as an anti-war activist, that the media is to a great extent to blame for the U.S. Military being so powerful because the media loves guns and death. Remember: if it bleeds it leads.
So, “Make Love, Not War” is a great phrase. I love it. Except that a lot of people make war out of love, love of country, love of religion, love of family. Love doesn’t necessarily preclude war or violence. People kill out of love. I mean, I don’t approve of that kind of love, but they call it love, and I don’t like it at all, but who am I to say that it’s not “love”? I mean, they’re very passionate and they’re jealous, or they’re angry, or they’re possessive with this raging love that they kill for. People kill for love their country, of course. After all, what do these troops feel? I suppose some feel some sort of love of their country.
I mean, some of them are just doing it for the paycheck. Those are the ones that, you know, Mom couldn’t abort them, but they need the paycheck. So yeah, that’s one big reason the rich want the poor to not have abortions for because they need warriors. And they know that people are not fighting out of love of country so much anymore, because they’re getting wise to the fact that when you join the military you are not fighting for your country anymore… if you ever were. You’re fighting for corporations. You’re fighting for the military itself, for the defense industry and for the fossil fuel industry, which is killing us all. And by the way, the American military is the worst committer of environmental sins against our mother, the Earth.
Or if you’re Annie Sprinkle, you might say our “Lover Earth.” She likes to call the Earth her lover.
Her lover.
Right. You remember Annie Sprinkle. You were one of her publishers. Her first publisher, actually.
I remember Annie very well.
Yes, Annie Sprinkle the porn star who became an artist thanks to Capt’n MAX to a great degree, as well as Willem de Ridder, and Spider Web, the tattoo artist.
Right, the tattoo artist Spider Web was very cool.
And the fact that she didn’t have anal sex because she had hemorrhoids, that helped her survive, because everybody was having anal, and that is the most likely way to spread HIV. So, Annie didn’t have it, and so she didn’t get HIV, which a lot of people were dying from then, and so she’s a survivor.
I’m not saying you shouldn’t have anal sex. It can be a beautiful thing. A lot of people have the most fabulous analgasms. But it is a tricky thing to do safely, and you have to practice very safe sex when you have it.
So, Andromeda Decker says, “You always hurt the one you love.” Well, no Andromeda, you don’t ALWAYS. I hope I don’t hurt you Max.
No, no, no. You make me feel good.
Andromeda probably has been hurt or has hurt, and yes, a lot of people do that, yes, that’s a big problem. That’s why “Make Love Not War” is not necessarily the most logical phrase, even though it comes trippingly off the tongue, and I love it. It has so much history and it’s a beautiful thing.
But “Make Kink Not War” makes more sense in a way, partly because you don’t do kink out of passion necessarily. It is a way to channel passion, but channeling is the key. It involves protocol. There are rules to kink, and as somebody famous whose name nobody remembers once said, “there are no rules in love,” and that is true. You can’t make rules for love. People just feel love. It’s a feeling.
Kink is not just a feeling. Kink is a practice. You have to be responsible if you’re going to practice kink. Therefore, you can’t make war, which is the ultimate act of irresponsibility. So “make kink not war” just makes sense.
If you’re practicing violence without the protocol, the rules and the consent that kink requires, then it isn’t kink, it’s abuse or some sort of violence. Kink is about channeling that violent energy that we all feel that obviously you see on display these days in these horrible mass shootings. All these boys – and they are boys, they’re young, they’re like 18 or 19, just the age when they can get a gun, or maybe somebody gets it for them. But they have a lot of sexual violent energy, and there are ways to channel that safely that they’re not learning. You think they learn about masturbation or kink protocols? You gotta be kidding. They can’t even get a sex education class. No, they don’t learn anything like that, but they do learn how to carry a gun.
They don’t learn the proper way to secure it safely or they don’t bother to worry about that, but they learn to carry it and they learn to use it and they are using it, sometimes on people they love, and sometimes on people they don’t even know. They get a sexual, ammosexual thrill from shooting. This is why we need to make kink, not war.
The wars that we wage, we Americans and Russians, everyone is doing it now all over the world. Americans are no longer at the top, except of course, we still have by far the most gun violence, and we have the biggest military and we do pollute the most. We still are at the top, which is really the bottom, but other countries are imitating us, invading smaller nations, as Russia is doing, and citizens shooting each other within their nation, happened in Denmark and Japan, and the two things go together.
When America invades another nation, then all the young boys, whether they join the military or not, learned that that’s cool to carry a gun and to use it just like a soldier. And some of these mass murderers dress up like their soldiers, either like they’re really in the military with the body armor and the military uniform, or like they’re in a comic book army with a cape or something like that. They dress all different ways depending on their fantasies. But almost all their fantasies involve fame, and almost all their realities involve guns. If we had less guns, they would do it a lot less.
Regardless, it is spreading around the world and people can make guns like the guy did who shot the former Prime Minister. He made his own gun to assassinate Abe. I hate to say that name, Abe, but I feel like it’s personal.
Right, I feel personally attacked.
Hey, it’s terrible. I didn’t like the guy when he was alive, but I feel bad that he was murdered.
Who was?
You know, the former Prime Minister of Japan.
Oh, the Japanese guy, OK yeah.
And now life is going to change in Japan because of that.
They’re going to get much more security conscious, which is really sad.
And yes, we are really becoming the security state here in America, not just our Supreme Court Injustices, but also all these so-called important people need beefed up security. Meanwhile, the rest of us who can’t afford guards have to worry that we’re going to get shot.
And we are worried, and it does show, and it hurts us a lot emotionally, at least, and one way to relieve that tension is through sex, which is becoming more and more difficult to have. This is not just because of politics, but also indirectly because of climate change and these diseases that have sprouted up amongst us because we are just messing with the environment. So now we are becoming toxic to each other, which is terrible because we need to be close to each other, like bonobos, like all social primates like us, but we have to be careful, and watch out for the monkeypox, brothers and sisters. I hate that they call it that, but it does remind us that we are primates. Yes, that is a sexually transmitted disease actually and you can get it just from touching, not just sex, but any kind of intimate touching. So, watch out! More and more reason to have lots of phone sex. And masturbate! As my patron saint, George Carlin, said, “If God – or the Goddess and that includes Goddess Phoenix, of course – had intended us not to masturbate, she would have made our arms shorter.” So there.
Sarah Ann says, “What up Doc, had to drop a line.” Well thank you Sarah! She says, “I went to my first protest, and thought what would Dr. Suzy do because of this Supreme Court bullshit? So, I got the girls together and we hit the streets.”
Alright Sarah! That’s very bonobo of you. I’m incredibly proud of you. I think that’s great you’re protesting for our rights, and that is very bonobo. How? First of all, the bonobo gals stick together. There’s a lot of female solidarity, a lot of sisterhood, and they’re not even sisters, but they stick together. And that’s one reason that rape is rare, and murder is nonexistent among bonobos. Keep in mind that they are the only great apes that are like that, and they would not put up with any bullshit like this from their Supreme Court, if they had one, and Sarah Ann is exactly right. And yes, this is forced breeding. These Supreme Court Injustices are our authoritarian theocrats, mostly Catholic actually, although certainly supported in a big way by the evangelicals. So, they are pushing for religious ruling of America, which is becoming Gilead in The Handmaid’s Tale.
Andromeda Decker says, “I think you can hurt the people you love, but any relationship should have a pain threshold.” Yes, there you go, and Andromeda, I think, is now circling around the whole idea of kink, and yet I don’t know if she’s really meaning to do that.
What I mean is, there are two different types of pain thresholds. One is in terms of kink, where pain is a form of eroticism that is directly connected to pleasure, and that kind of pain is consenting adult physical pain, like a spanking or slapping or pinching or bondage. And this is all in the kink family and of course you need to know what each other’s limits are. You might be able to push the limits sometimes but be very careful about that now. Know your partner’s pain threshold for good kink!
Then there’s another type of pain threshold in a relationship, and that would be where it’s kind of nonconsensual, which already is asking for trouble, but that’s conflict for you. I would say there should be no physical pain that is nonconsensual. None. Zero. If there’s any physical pain that is deliberately caused, like hitting, get out of there because it’s only going to get worse. Obviously. if it’s non-deliberate like stepping on your toe, I would say forgiveness is in order, but if it’s deliberate – hitting, punching, that kind of thing – then no, no, no, you need to slip out the back, Jack… or Jacqueline, because it more often happens to Jacqueline. That’s right, Johnny Depp notwithstanding, whatever happened there, it more often happens to the pregnant person, and it’s going to happen more to pregnant people now that pregnant people are not in charge of their own bodies. So, there should be zero tolerance of nonconsenting physical pain.
But then there’s the emotional pain, and yeah, we’re always causing each other emotional pain that we don’t mean to cause. And so, on a certain level, we always hurt the one we love because we’re always hurting everyone we know and even people we don’t know, by what we say, what we do, how we look and just who we are. In a way, that’s just that’s the human condition.
And so, of course we’re going to hurt the one we love sometimes by not always being what they want us to be, not always doing what they want us to do, and sometimes the opposite, when we do things they don’t want us to do or we don’t do what they want us to do, and sometimes it’s deliberate, and sometimes it isn’t. It’s conflict. And yes, there should be a threshold we understand and sort of tacitly agree upon. Say, like yelling might be kinda OK, but hitting below the belt, so to speak, that would be calling certain names, that would not be not OK.
Anyway, yes, you’re right, Andromeda, there is a pain threshold in the relationship when it comes to emotional pain, so that disagreeing is possible, conflict is possible and can be resolved, though the process is painful, and there has to be some pain that is permissible in any relationship.
But when the battlefield turns into a war zone, then you need to go to a couple’s counselor or maybe get a divorce, it depends, but it’s true, there are levels to what’s acceptable. And I know that people are trying to stay together more, and I respect that in this day and age. And yet there’s more and more reasons that we’re being pushed apart by the pressures of life in the 21st century… and death. They go together. And sex is life, which is why we should never forget our sexual value. And we should value sex. And that includes so-called recreational sex.
Robert B on Facebook says, “we should all unite as citizens of Earth to solve the many problems in the world we are facing together.”
I agree with that Robert B., but unfortunately, we have different ideas about how to solve the many problems in the world that we are facing together. For instance, some of my brothers and sisters that I disagree with think that one of the big problems facing the world is abortion, and that if we criminalize abortion everywhere, that THAT is solving the biggest problem of the Earth. I happen to strongly disagree with that. I think it’s creating a lot of terrible problems. It’s making problems we already have a lot worse. I happen to think that climate change is a huge problem, and some people don’t think it’s a problem at all. Some of those people are on the Supreme Court. And This is why I say: Abort the court.
Anyway, yes, we should all unite as citizens of the earth, and you know, I wish we were all like ants in an Ant farm, and then maybe if we could do what I think we should do, which is have lots of recreational sex that doesn’t make a lot of babies and enjoy ourselves in ways that don’t pollute the earth and really cut down on the pollution, folks. Of course, just existing as we do is polluting, let’s face it. But we could cut down so much. I admit I do things that I shouldn’t do, such as flying in airplanes I shouldn’t have done that, but I wanted to go to my Yale reunion. I got put in my place a little bit by my plane being cancelled. I’ve never had a plane, just cancelled. I’ve had them postponed but never just cancelled. But now they’re doing that, and maybe they should, because we shouldn’t be flying around in these gas guzzling planes so much.
And one thing, Capt’n Max, that you brought up, that I almost didn’t want to talk about because I usually don’t like to talk about kids, but I do want to say I think it’s great that this high schooler is running for school board, and I hope he wins. And I think these young people should be running for office more, partly because they are more concerned about climate change, and they feel the impact.
They care about climate change in a way that we can’t fathom. I mean, I care about it, but only theoretically. I have to admit that I also figure, in my own mind, I always think that I’ll be dead when that happens. Well, these kids they won’t be dead. At least, they should live long enough to see more climate catastrophies unfold, and they know it.
And that is why more people don’t care about climate change. I see all these articles written by these so-called pundits saying, “why don’t people care more about climate change?” I see this in mainstream media and in articles by leftists in Counterpunch even. I’m amazed at seeing this.
Because here’s why they—or we—don’t care, why people of my generation don’t care, why I have to force myself to care: Because it doesn’t affect us personally… so far. It will.
And we don’t care because capitalism teaches us not to care. Capitalism teaches us to be competitive and to cut off our natural feelings of compassion and caring for people that are suffering right now from climate catastrophes as well as from people in the future. We cut off our feelings, our human nature that does care and have compassion for our fellow human beings of the future, whether there are children or grandchildren or just people from the human race that we’re in. Deep down, we do care about them, but capitalism forces us to cut off those feelings, because we got to make a buck.
Our minds are preoccupied with right now, what we can do to get that food on the table or get that new dress or whatever we think is going to save our lives from going down the drain right now. So, we can’t think about climate change. And that’s why my fellow pundits who are ignorant enough to be asking that question, “Why don’t we care?” that’s why we don’t care, because capitalism encourages not to care.
But the young people, even though they’re living in capitalism too, well they having been brainwashed by it, maybe it’s partly because usually their parents are taking care of things, and if they’re lucky so they don’t have to worry so much, they can care about climate catastrophes of the future, and of right now, and we need people with power to care, so they should be on the school board and they should be helping to make those decisions about their education, right, Capt’n Max?
Wow, that was great, really great. I couldn’t believe it. And I always thought I should do that.
You should do what?
Yeah, get on the board of something.
Well, you could get on the Arcadia City Council.
Oh yeah.
You want to give us an update?
What’s going on?
Time grinds away. And it’ll be OK.
Time grinds away and it’ll be OK. That’s what’s happening. Well, one thing we know is we’re not doing anything wrong. They are harassing us at the Arcadia City Council, and they are especially harassing Captain MAX, who is just trying to go through his archives in his retirement in peace and do his little radio show with his wife in peace through pleasure, brothers and sisters.
That’s right.
So, Andromeda Decker agrees that that it is good for this guy up there, and I think it’s in Idaho, trying to join the school board.
MJ Napoli on Instagram says, “Yes, I love pain from women. I get aroused when I give them money. Interesting, well I’m not sure about that. I thought he was talking about physical pain at first, but it sounds like he’s a little bit of a “money slave.” He says, “I get aroused when I give them money.” Sounds good, but I’m always a little nervous about the guys who are money slaves in terms of working with them as money slaves because they tend to pay for sexual pleasure or sex therapy to be painful. And they get aroused by that pain in paying, and I get it, and I think it’s OK, although I will say this, there’s a little misogyny there. There’s an anti-sex work attitude in being a “money slave,” because when you feel that the money that you give to the sex worker causes you pain, it’s like you’re saying you shouldn’t be giving them money. Really, giving them money should cause you pleasure. But yeah, society says it’s wrong, and so it causes you pain, but you still want sexual help, which makes you a money slave. And as long as you’re channeling it through kink, not war then we’re taking your misogyny and turning it into something positive. Just don’t mess around with the sex worker’s livelihood, you money slaves! That is almost as wrong as physical violence.
MJ Napoli also says, “I like emotional pain and mind games love it.”
Oh yes, MJ Napoli and you are getting sleepy, hahaha, and you know you belong to me… under my foot… in my high stiletto heel… stepping down on your helpless body.
Ryan says, “I agree, sex is becoming more difficult to have, especially for men.”
I’m not sure what you mean by “especially for men,” but maybe it’s always more difficult for men to have consenting-adult sex. Women almost always can have sex when we want it. If we put ourselves out there and we admit that we’re horny, we can get laid very easily. Now can we get laid by someone we like? Someone we respect? Someone we might want to have sex with again? Well, that becomes a little more difficult. But guys are often very jealous of the female, because they say females can have sex easily. After all, when you look at the dating sites, for instance, there’s always a lot more men that are horny and looking usually for just sex, maybe a relationship nowadays ’cause it is so difficult to get sex.
But there’s always more men than women, so women can be choosy. But still the pain evens out because women so often get involved with men who are no good for them, and that can be very painful.
Ryan also says, “Love you, Dr. Suzy.” Well, I love you too, Ryan. Also, Ran says people should be having more sex now than ever. OK, well theoretically I agree with you Ryan, but there’s a lot of impediments, so to speak, to our Sexual Revolution in 2022. ou see, like I was saying in my piece on abortion, forced breeding, we should be having a sexual revolution right now. We certainly need an Ecosexual Revolution that channels our sex drive into sex instead of war, instead of harming the environment, instead of harming each other.
But rather than having this new sexual revolution that we really need, we are having an Ammosexual Incel Revolution from the street with the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers, and in the basement of these incels’ parents’ houses where they’re making up nasty misogynistic memes, all the way up to the top of the elites with the Supreme Court. And yes, you can be married and still be an incel. It’s a mentality, like Sam Alito, the one who authored the Dobbs ruling, has against women, against pregnant people, against sex that is not for procreation-only. All he wants is babies, babies, babies, and anybody that has sex without the baby, that’s the devil MJ.
Napoli says, “Abortion is powerful, Mommy”
Well, that’s what you get when you’re child-free. You get these guys on the Internet calling you “Mommy.” Well, that’s cool. Better than being a real mommy, for me anyway. Actually, it’s a sexy thing. I know he means a sexy mommy, and I got a lot of great responses to that abortion piece, which you can listen to on all the platforms or read on DrSusanBlock.com or in Counterpunch.
Let’s see, here’s one from a guy with Planned Parenthood, Dean Guthrie in Kansas City MO, writes, “Fabulous. I have been reading your Counterpunch commentaries for years and would never miss one. This one is special. Your insights are amazing. As a decade long activist with Planned Parenthood, I thank you for your vision and acuity.”
RGC Anthony writes, “This essay by Dr. Susan Block on the New Fascist War on Sex is an absolute must read for indie leftists and sex radicals alike.”
He’s a regular reader and I love the way he combines the sexy and the lefty like I do, because so many of my listeners that appreciate our sex education and information and erotica, maybe they don’t like the politics so much, or they’re bored by it. And then my political readers often think I’m too sexual. So, it’s great to connect with people that appreciate both, and I think both are important. I never want to give up either one. I kind of can’t imagine giving up either one and it’s not as though I came from one to the other. I kinda got into both at the same time. Like I said, “Make Love, Not War” kind of brought being pro-lovemaking and anti-warmaking together for me long before I was making love, except with myself.
Anyway, yes, we have some great responses to this “Forced Breeding” piece. By the way, forced breeding is a fetish that some of my clients are into and I don’t like it. I kinda think it’s a red flag, so to speak, but I would say that if you have it, if “forced breeding” is your fetish, you should call us or call somebody and just keep it in the realm of fantasy. Don’t be trying to set up some sort of Forced Breeding Ranch.
I mean they do have BDSM ranches, which I think are kind of cool. They have slave auctions, all consensual of course. I think that’s OK, but what bothers me is the idea of the forced breeding is not just kink, we’re getting beyond that when we talk about real pregnancy. Now the fantasy is kink – which is a red flag, but okay – but the reality, which is what our Supreme Injustices have handed us up the ass… well, actually the other hole.
So that is not kink. That is abuse, brothers and sisters, that is a form of rape, forced breeding, especially when they insist that states be allowed to legislate, that women that are raped have to give birth, can’t get abortions. And did you hear about that 10-year-old that had to be flown out of Ohio because she didn’t know she was pregnant until it was a couple days too late for the Ohio legislature, so she had to be flown to Indianapolis where she could get an abortion. A 10-year-old! We were talking about this a little bit with Abe on the last show
Yeah, I was wondering about the forced breeding, actually speaking about 14 – 15, and then you said that you could get pregnant as far as 9.
Yeah, I did say that last time, and now look what’s happened with this 10-year-old.
I mean, you’re right this 10-year-old rape victim traveled from Ohio to Indiana because she was a few days late of the cutoff date of when it’s allowed.
Yes, that is just horrific and abusive. It is child abuse for sure.
That’s stupid.
Oh no.
So, you guys, this is what’s happening in America right now. This is the meaning of that euphemistic phrase “States Rights.” That sounds so nice. So yes, the states should have rights, right? That sounds very nice. But this is what the states do. This is what the state of Ohio is doing right now. What if that 10-year-old couldn’t afford to fly out to Indiana to get her abortion.
Yeah, no, they want you to start a GoFundMe, that’s what. They want you to do…
Oh yeah, the GoFundMe’s. That’s how we survive nowadays.
So, Hartley Pleshaw, who had me on his show, writes, “Goddess bless, Dr. Susan Block. She tells it like it is about the way things are in our land, sexually and otherwise. Although no one, but no one explains the symbiosis between sexual and political issues better than she. As we somehow struggle to celebrate our nation’s freedom and independence this weekend that we lost last week…”
Well, he’s very eloquent.
“…To not to another country, but to our own domestic tyrants. She also states to the letter exactly how I feel about those matters from being totally pro-sex to being totally against any form of sexual violence and coercion. In fact, were it within my power, I would make Dr. Suzy the combined POTUS and SCOTUS…”
“…and delight in my country becoming healthier, happier, smarter, more humane and yes, sexier.”
Well, I am just so honored to be both POTUS and SCOTUS, according to Hartley. And he’s right, we would be all those things. Healthier, happier, smarter, and more humane and, yes, sexier. However, I would have to turn it down because then I’d be a dictator, and even a good person shouldn’t be a dictator. Even a sexy person shouldn’t be a dictator, because power corrupts and absolute power, which is what Hartley wants to give me, Goddess bless him, corrupts absolutely. So, I would absolutely be corrupted by that. I wouldn’t be able to make any decision clearly because I’d be affected by all these sync events.
Who is this man who told you that? Did you see it on screen?
Who told me that I should be POTUS and SCOTUS at the same time? That was Hartley.
Hartley, right.
The one who always asked me to deliver the Sexual State of the Union address on his show, so he knows my views. He even used the term pro-sex which I use as opposed to sex-positive.
Although I use that term “sex-positive” because it’s more common. But I like the term pro-sex better, because sex-positive sounds a little like a disease, so it’s good to be pro-sex.
So, Hartley thinks I should be POTUS and SCOTUS combined. But you know the situation, such as it is, is so bad, that anything would be better, almost anything, but not really, because what we’re headed for is a kind of authoritarianism, but not with a benevolent Bonobo Sapien like me in both jobs. But more likely someone like Ron DeSantis.
And MJ Napoli is calling me a “naughty mommy,” and Don Pascal says bless you, Max.
Thank you very, very, very much.
Yes, fellow Counterpunch writer David Rovics writes, “You’re a fantastic writer. Great analysis of reality in your latest piece and your incentive phrases. Wonderful constitutional clitorectomy indeed.”
Yes, that is what the Dobbs decision is, a constitutional clitorectomy. I think I made that up now. The thing is, I look so much at social media, I’m not sure if I got that from somewhere, so if I got that from somewhere, and you made it up, or you know who did, let me know and I will give you or them proper credit. Meantime, I want to give credit to the newlyweds, no, they’re not newlyweds, they’re just celebrating their wedding anniversary this week and that would be DeLove and BeLive. Daniele Watts and Chef BeLive!
Sarah Ann says, “It feels like the Republicans want to make it a crime to have sex.”
Oh yeah, Sarah Ann. That is true. “I can’t get the shit out of my head. I’m scared to have sex now.”
OK, so Sarah Ann who is listening on YouTube is correct. First of all, they want to throw out that decision from 2003. That made me just love these Supremes. I did a whole article The Supremes giving us our right to have sex because of the Lawrence Decision, which gave people the right to have sex in their homes without fear of being interrupted by the police handcuffing them and that is what the Lawrence Decision granted us. And it was specifically about anal sex but it’s all kinds of sex that could be criminalized.
They would arrest you when you’re having sex in Texas?
They were arresting people for having sex, gay people.
Very birth.
I mean they used it because the neighbors had a gripe against this gay couple. And they told the police they’re having gay sex over there.
They just moved in.
It wasn’t even about noise or anything like that. They were just angry with the couple for something that wasn’t illegal and because gay sex – sodomy – was illegal in Texas then. That’s why they could interrupt this couple and basically cart them off to jail and so the Supreme Court decision, Lawrence vs. Texas, went pro-sex!
And it was a beautiful thing, but that was in 2003. And Clarence Thomas would like to overthrow that.
So, Sarah Ann is right that these Republicans are after her sexuality, and Clarence Thomas does not make a secret of the fact that he hates liberals. He has said that he wants to make liberals suffer the way that he feels liberals made him suffer.
Who is this guy?
This is Clarence Thomas.
Ah yeah…
Clarence Thomas was Nominated to the Supreme Court by Bush the elder and your buddy Joe Biden just allowed this Christofascist creep to sail through the nomination process even though he was accused of sexual harassment very credibly accused by Anita Hill. And I remember watching that trial and it was like a trial. It was a hearing, but he should never have been confirmed and neither should Kavanaugh. But back to Clarence Thomas because he does want to overthrow Lawrence versus Texas. He is married, of course, to Ginni Thomas, who supported the Coup Anon and still supports it. Both of them big Trump supporters, yet he does not recuse himself from any of the decisions that involve politics, and his wife and he, whether it’s Trump or not, they support that right wing authoritarian theocratic mentality.
And they have been all working on it for a long time with lots of conservative support right now.
Yes, once the Conservatives that are into stealing all of the poor people’s money and putting it in the pockets of the rich and the corporations and the billionaire CEOs, once they figured out that they could get support of certain religious groups of people if they supported this anti-abortion position, they went whole hog so to speak against.
Ha yeah.
And that’s why it’s very cynical. They don’t give a damn about religion or anything like that, they are just in this movement to ban abortion in order to get those votes so that they can continue stealing money from social programs and just giving it to billionaires in the form of tax cuts. That’s really what they want to do. And that’s what these Supreme Court Injustices were put on that Court by Trump to do. And that’s what they’re doing. And that’s why people have been protesting Brett Kavanaugh. It is just so disingenuous when they complain about him. He couldn’t finish dinner at Morton’s? Somebody should have given him the line that started Bastille Day, even if Marie Antoinette didn’t say it,”Let him eat cake”… at home—if he wants to take away women’s liberty and pregnant people freedom. Then no, he shouldn’t eat in peace. No, he should get protesters yelling at him at Morton’s. Sorry, Morton’s and sorry to all the other people that eat there. But this is important for people’s lives and Ken Silverstein, who interviewed me a few weeks ago, he shows a picture of that huge protest outside of the president’s mansion in Sri Lanka that caused the president to leave, and he writes, of course, satirically, “protesters surround Bethesda IHOP, where Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh had breakfast this morning Kavanaugh finished his fluffy buttermilk pancakes, full stack and New York Cheesecake Pancakes, but had to flee before his third course of pigs in the blanket.” Pigs in the blanket indeed.
Anyway, brothers and sisters, I think we’re out of time, right? Or did you have something you I saw notes being passed around?
Yeah, no.
I was speaking with the other staff, and we might have a phone caller that it wants to have wants to chime in on a certain topic.
OK, we got the phone caller. He’s calling right now.
Well, very quickly.
OK, alright, so let’s see…
Back there we are again.
The phone call that says…
All right phone call.
Are you there?
Yes, and what is your name?
CHRIStopher, welcome to FDR. What would you like to talk about?
Well, I wanted to say, Dr. Susan, I’ve been a fan of yours for years, and I appreciate all the work you’re doing.
Thank you.
And I don’t know if you remember me, but we spoke a few years ago about bonobos and this Bonoboville I was trying to start.
Oh, I sort of remember you from Alabama.
Yes, ma’am.
So, how’s the Bonoboville in Alabama going? I’m afraid to ask.
Uh, not good. It’s gone dead. Oh, but I’ve had some good times.
It’s one moment I want to talk to you about.
OK, I’m glad you’ve had some good, hopefully bonoboësque times, even if you haven’t been able to start a full on Bonoboville. So, let’s go with that moment. What happened? We don’t have a lot of time.
Well back in 20. Back in 2020 I had my first threeway with some couple, and it was amazing. It was. It was my first my first threeway.
Wow, well congratulations, that’s great.
You had sex.
Yeah, and I-
With the people from the other car-
I’m sorry what?
Never mind, never mind, go ahead. Continue on.
So, you had a threesome with a couple, and it was amazing. I’m guessing with a husband and wife, a man and a woman.
Yep, they were.
Yes, and you’re bisexual, I guess.
I’m sorry what?
You are bisexual? pansexual?
You’re heterosexual. So, you only had sex with the woman.
Yeah, we both enjoyed the woman.
OK, so you and the man had sex with the woman, and you consider yourself heterosexual straight, ok. Although you’re open enough to do it with a man there, so there’s a little bit of openness which is good. It’s Bonobo. So, what was your favorite moment?
Uhm, well uhm when I well at first it was when we were making, I was making out with a woman she just immediately came to me, and that really, that rarely happens to me.
What do you mean she came to you?
She mainly just came to me and embraced me with the first kiss.
Oh, OK.
And she was, the whole time she was just drawn to me.
Yeah, well that was what she was there for.
Say again?
Well, let’s just say this: When you’re having sex with a couple, usually the woman is very into it. Unless she’s being forced, which is no fun for anybody. But if she’s into it, she’s really into it. So good, that’s good you got to experience that, that feels really good for a guy to have a woman so excited and lusty and wanting you. Beautiful. So, the kissing the first few moments were really special for you. And did you have full-on sex or just kind of other stuff?
It was full-on sex, no question.
Did you practice safe sex?
I’m sorry what?
Did you use condoms?
Yes, of course.
OK good. When you were inside of her, where was her husband?
He was in front. She was going down on him.
Oh, so she was like the “spit.”
Ah yeah, I figured from behind. He figured from the front.
Right, right?
It was amazing.
It’s just like the rotisserie sex.
We’re just going at it, and it was like this-
So, you see that this all is right there on the ocean. Right here. Are you in a ship?
We’re not on a ship, Max, no, we’re on a train.
Nobody says, hi, that’s great. I just had to clarify that.
It sounds like you’re on a ship, and that’s OK, but back to you, Chris.
I can barely hear you, yeah?
Well, it sounds like you had a great time, Christopher, and I’m proud of you, that you had yourself a good threesome, that you practiced safe sex. Have you seen the couple since then?
Unfortunately, no, what?
Uhm, I don’t, apparently.
Apparently, the guy he has a high sex drive, and he just likes to move on and have many other sex partners.
Well, then it’s a definite good thing you wore a condom there because they’re having sex with lots of different people, and you can get lots of different things. So be careful. And I do agree with that person that wrote that everybody should be having sex except everybody should also be taking smart precautions. Well, I’m so happy that you had such a positive experience, CHRIS, and sorry you didn’t get to repeat it. So, did you have a question for me, or you just wanted to tell me your success story?
Uh, well, briefly.
I haven’t had much action lately, and I think it’s starting to spread, I mean well, I’ve heard that a lot of people are not having sex much lately.
That is true.
I can’t imagine why, really.
Really, you can’t imagine why? Here, I was thinking you were smart, Chris.
I mean, I know there’s been news, the virus and everything.
Well, yeah. That’s everything that’s a lot of things when people can’t feel comfortable about breathing near a stranger, it’s going to inhibit having sex with strangers.
Right, right, right?
So, I kind of advise people to get tested before they have sex. Meantime, it’s hard to have sex with a mask on and when you’re having sex, you’re heavy breathing.
Right, right.
So that’s why your couple friend who always want to go with somebody new, that’s dangerous these days. Hey, I respect that theoretically. I love it. It’s very Bonobo. Bonobos loves sex with strangers, and there’s something in humans that loves sex with strangers too. I do too. The problem is that that’s how you spread COVID real easy, so we have to kind of balance things out these days. And I have lots of ideas for how to balance things out, but I don’t know you well enough to know what you might like that might help you.
I understand.
And you seem to be such a man of few words that I don’t know if I’m going to get to what you might like that might help you right now ’cause we’re out of time. So, all I would say is to try to channel your very beautiful bonobo sex drive, which I can tell really enjoys sex with strangers, maybe into phone sex webcam sex, that kind of thing. And try to meet a couple that wants to have sex more than just once, that doesn’t want to just have a new guy all the time. It sounds like you really did enjoy the couple. There’s nothing wrong with a couple or a single woman. You say you’re straight, but whatever you like, whatever you’re looking for, I guess nowadays, there’s various good reasons to try to find someone that you can be sure of, or at least be relatively sure is not going to infect you, and pretty sure you can never be totally sure. I know that’s a downer, but if you really are asking in this sort of innocent little voice: Why do people not want to have sex that much these days?
So, I have to talk about that. I have to say it. And of course, there’s other reasons people don’t want to have sex because politically the country is very anti sex, not just the country but the world. The world is encouraging women to not get abortions to have to carry their pregnancy to term. In fact, encouraging is too soft a word they’re forcing women. Forced breeding.
I don’t know how you feel about that.
You’re gonna carry that cow.
But Alabama is certainly a state that is going to force women to carry their pregnancy to term. How do you feel about that?
Honestly, yes, I believe I believe a woman should have the right to her own body to do whatever she wants.
I’m not surprised that the government is actually doing this to women, in banning abortions, but it’s just right now.
It’s like you said earlier… People don’t care about climate change because this capitalist society is making us not to care.
Focusing on how to survive, really.
Right. That’s an important part of where we’re at, and a lot of women, perhaps in Alabama, that could be wonderful lovers for you, probably feel inhibited by the idea of having casual sex which could be fun, but could result in them getting pregnant, and then they have to have the baby and they might not feel ready to do that. So, a lot of young women don’t want to have sex right now because of that.
And it’s definitely a downer, it’s not going to stop women from having sex. Women will still have sex. Men will still have sex. There will be abortions. Some of them will result in the deaths of women, but we have this decision, and that is an inhibiting factor. Then on the Left there’s also the inhibiting factor of political correctness that believe it or not, even though it’s mostly going to inhibit men also inhibits women. There’s a lot of inhibiting factors right now, and that’s why we have FDR (Fuck Da Rich) because we believe in sex and socialism, and that’s what we try to bring you every Saturday night, usually live, but anytime you want, you can always listen to us on fdrradio.com.
I gotta go, but it’s been great talking with you.
It’s great to hear that you had such a Bonoboësque and fulfilling threesome, and I hope you get to have another one and more beautiful sex in your life, and you know to fill in the parts that you can’t have just the way you want, you can have some sex that maybe isn’t exactly what you want but is still good, like phone sex or masturbation or whatever you can have. It’s always a good idea to keep yourself in good sexual shape to continue having those orgasms or else you bottle it all up, and who knows what might happen to you. Anyway, good luck to you Chris.
Keep in touch.
And thank you so much.
Maybe one day you’ll be able to start that Bonoboville. It sounds like Alabama could use it, boy.
Although things are getting less and less conducive to Bonoboville in America, although our Bonoboville is here, and we are broadcasting live from Bonoboville here on FDR, I’m Dr. Susan Block, your Love Doctor, and this is Capt’n Max.
Great evening.
And we have enjoyed being in your home, your mansion on a hill or your cardboard box, wherever you are, happy Bastille Day! That’s kind of a sexual term… Want to storm my Bastille tonight, honey?
Darn right I do.
Although the storming of the Bastille itself was pretty violent, and we are not encouraging violence at all. We are encouraging peaceful revolution, sexual revolution, Make Kink, Not War, Brothers and Sisters. and make like bonobos, not baboons. Make love not war. Make love to someone you love tonight, even if that someone is you. I love you.
Me too.
I love you too.
And me too.
Go Bonobos!
Show Length 01:31:49 Date: July 9, 2022
© July 9, 2022 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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07 · 18 · 22 @ 7:24 pm
Maybe we could make the Mile High Club the most interesting since its inception, I mean the things I can think about that. Sex positivity and empowerment, as well as peace, are all the best messages I have come across, mix them all together and we have The Bonobo Way: Peace Through Pleasure. Dr, Suzy, your message reaches back through the centuries and across coasts and nations around the world. Never stop with such messages of hope and a direct path to a natural release to sex positivity, a right we are born with. Thank you for being the voice of getting in touch with our individual sexuality and encouraging us to explore consensual, kinky, wild, sex, of any nature one chooses, consensually! You’re awesome, Dr. Suzy!
07 · 13 · 22 @ 11:40 pm
Hoping all this will lead to better cooperation (and kink) — NOT WAR!
07 · 12 · 22 @ 9:24 pm
Happy Bastille Day!!!
07 · 12 · 22 @ 6:42 pm
Thank you for this amazing, illuminating show as always! We should always make KINK not WAR! I am glad you impacted Chris and his sex life! You’re doing so much work to spread the love (and sex)!
07 · 11 · 22 @ 8:34 pm
I applaud your uncompromising devotion to the Bonobo Way and that we should Make Kink NOT War. This show discussing Threesomes, Bastille Day, Mile High Club and students on school boards gives us many reasons to follow a higher sexual path. Your comments during this show are welcome and represent a better future that we could all enjoy.