F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
Vs. Sexual Healing, the Bonobo Way
by Dr. Susan Block.
Still reeling from being sucker-punched by Google bots removing my YouTube channel—I see the Memphis police sucker-punching and gang-beating a man to death, the LAPD suffocating another, more cops shooting more citizens in the back, and then another, another and another—adding to the hundreds of horrid deaths-by-police over the most trivial of *offenses* just this past year—and I feel pretty dumb, crying about my YouTube channel being erased.
What’s a little censorship by bots compared to murder by cops?
Then again, one leads to the other.

The bots that “terminate” our internet lives are the digital version of cops that exterminate people’s real lives.
It’s all about control.
The bots that “terminate” our internet lives are the digital version of cops that exterminate people’s real lives. The cops are trained to be inhumane, while the bots aren’t even human. Ironically, bots don’t stop disinformation, and cops don’t stop crime. Both cops and bots are the attack dogs of capitalism and “Da Rich.” It’s the nature of fascism, it’s getting worse, and it’s one reason why I still cry.
Bots just zap those of us who don’t toe the corporate line, and cops just attack protesters, sex workers, the homeless and the marginalized. Easy targets are the name of the game, as the obscene Capitalocene constantly pits us against each other. Tyre Nichols was murdered by fellow black men in a police gang, while my channel was terminated by a fellow liberal woman named Susan who runs YouTube (though bots did Susan Wojcicki’s dirty work). Oh, how the laws of the market turn us cold to our own brothers and sisters. Moreover, Wall Street billionaires would much prefer we fight against each other than unite against them.
Repression turns into depression which can turn into lethal expression
Can the damage of the obscene Capitalocene be undone before Climate Catastrophes flood, freeze, burn and dry up our world? Before the religiofascists silence us all? Before the militarists blow us up? Who knows? All we know is that we can’t give up, as citizens or as sexologists.
Traumatized by current events—in cyberspace and in-the-flesh—humanity is in need of sexual healing, The Bonobo Way, the way of female empowerment, male well-being, and peace through sharing ecosexual pleasures—and not enough of us are getting what we need.
Repression turns into depression which can turn into lethal expression when some of these needy people, armed with AR-15s, *release* their inner angst and anger via mass shootings, making war zones out of our streets, supermarkets, schools, massage parlors, parade routes and dance halls.
The recent Monterey Park Dance Hall mass-murder hits close-to-home for us geographically, as well as emotionally. I consider how often I’ve recommended ballroom dancing to older, single men who want to meet and get close to mature women in an erotic yet respectful way. What a shame that one old ammosexual’s frustration turned a haven for romance, music and dance into a death chamber.

One thing I do know: Baal worshipers did not flag my YouTube channel.
Bonobo Sapiens of the World Unite! Let us overthrow the common chimps of capitalism, censorship and terrible, lethal violence, and with the help of a little sexual healing, let us overcome the loneliness and hate that divides us so together we can share and enjoy the sustainable pleasures of life and love.
So goes the convos with my darling Pr. Max, along with Unscene Abe, callers and commenters as we ride the Love Train. On this ride, we also pick up Brady Crow who, being a sensitive musician, feels my pain over losing my YouTube channel of 15 years, which was bombed by bots, perhaps in response to flags from Christofascists raging against sex education, or Judeofascists opposed to our support for Palestine (YouTube just censored a video made by my Counterpunch colleague Ramzy Baroud about media censorship of Palestine), or maybe Islamofascists against Salman Rushdie. Who knows? One thing I do know: Baal worshipers did not flag my YouTube channel.

What does it mean when someone you’re attracted to says they identify as “asexual”?
In dating news, Brady asks how best to assess a woman’s sexual interest. It’s a good question in these days of mixed signals, erotophobia, assaults and allegations, and I try my best to give Brady (and you!) some practical answers. Another intriguing sex question we address on his ride: What does it mean when someone you’re attracted to says they identify as “asexual” but they *seem* very sexual to you?
We also wish Bonobo Adriana a very happy flirty 30th birthday; we (once again) ask Joe to FREE ASSANGE (being censored and slowly killed simultaneously); we rhapsodize over the sexual-healing power of bare boobs (free the nipple!); we gag over gay Nazi Nick Fuentes desiring women in burkas; we continue mourning the Cop City murder of environmental activist Tortuguito; and we celebrate the new release of an old Sex Calls video, “Bisexual Monogamy.”
So, cuddle up to your favorite sexual healer in the Sleeper Car (even if that sexual healer is you—heal yourself! Love yourself…) or just pour yourself a tall one in the Bar Car, and listen.
© January 28, 2023 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 626-461-5950.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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02 · 2 · 23 @ 12:58 pm
This picture is terrific! So is this show. However, I find it disappointing that your YouTube channel was shut down. The YouTube censorship of free speech is unjust, and your channel was excellent! From current events to sex education, I found all of your topics to be interesting. I think thousands of listeners and watchers have benefited from your broadcast. It’s an awful loss!
02 · 2 · 23 @ 10:48 am
U people ROCK, hard! ✌
02 · 2 · 23 @ 10:42 am
Crazy Stupid Bots
02 · 2 · 23 @ 1:28 am
02 · 2 · 23 @ 1:27 am
Always a crazy world thank you for keeping it real Dr. Suzy!!
02 · 2 · 23 @ 12:30 am
I really enjoyed this show! Thank you Dr. Suzy, for enlightening us to the devastation of Tyre Nichols and the massacre in Monterey Park, et al. I enjoy your show on Callin just as I enjoyed you on YouTube. The bots that “terminate” our internet lives are the digital version of cops that exterminate people’s real lives. The Bots that handle important human decisions should leave important decision-making to live humans.
02 · 1 · 23 @ 10:46 am
It is scary how we seem to be living through the creation of the 1984 Orwellian State. Censorship and overzealous State sanctioned thugs working hand in hand to control the populace. Thanks Dr. Suzy for shining a bright spotlight on this for the world to see so we can do something about it.
01 · 31 · 23 @ 12:55 pm
So true Dr. Suzy, I can’t think of anything better for the world right now than mass sexual healing. Bring pleasure to the forefront and leave the killing and hate in the dust… with the bots! ‘The Bonobo Way’ of peace through pleasure just like you talk about in your book. What’s interesting is when a listener commented that she can be self-conscious of her breasts because they are shaped or sized differently it made me think about times I was a bit self-conscious, but we quickly realize we are not the only ones when we are open and have these discussions… and really there is nothing to be embarrassed about because the other listeners clearly expressed that ‘boobs are magical and seeing them never gets old’ Lol. I am sure they don’t even notice things like that so here’s to flaunting those lady lumps of all shapes and sizes! ❤
01 · 31 · 23 @ 2:08 am
Great show!
01 · 30 · 23 @ 11:50 pm
Callers on this show came with some good questions about sexual interest and asexuality and you dropped some good knowledge in each case
Sexual salve, cop cruelty, and bot bans are topics on your show that I appreciate you sharing the uplifting encouragement to be better.
01 · 30 · 23 @ 7:55 pm
Great show. Thanks for discussing the horrors that go on in American society. I am devastated about what happened to Tyre Nichols, and I am also saddened by the massacre in Monterey Park. There is so much violence that only seems to be getting worse.
01 · 30 · 23 @ 7:54 pm
This was a great and wild ride! More and more, there are little differences between bots and real-life cops. Bots are policing our lives in every way possible… and they can end our online existence with the push of a button… or whatever they do.