Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Raouf Halaby
    01 · 11 · 25 @ 8:18 pm

    On target, as always. While watching the Carter funeral, I thought of your fine article on him.


  2. William Patrick Haines
    01 · 5 · 25 @ 10:49 am

    Dear Dr Block
    Carter pardoning’s of draft resisters was not a bad idea ! Since the wealthy routinely evaded military service anyway the younger Dr Phil McGraw and Bill o Riley were examples of rich kids evading military service!
    Now we have a volunteer military . Whose main mission is the frivolous and trivial corrupt errands !
    The fact we able to withdraw from Vietnam and survive as a nation really boiled down we should have never been in there in the first place ! Although Carter was not as imaginative as FDR but was actually better than Reagan in a lot of ways!
    It was good you had a government job from the Carter administration! The Reagan administration’s idea of Block grants to states for social programs turned out to be a complete disaster!One of the reasons I do not believe in the tenth amendment states can not trusted to administer social programs !
    New Jersey job training was a mixed bag ! I had a basic computer programming course ! The state however had a nonsensical conservative mysticism based on positive thinking called the ace program which thought charm school was more important than trade school ! Dressing for success has some value but valuing charm over actual marketable skills is utter nonsense!
    Sincerely yours
    William Patrick Haines


  3. Paul Bentley
    12 · 31 · 24 @ 9:33 am

    Thanks for the great piece in CounterPunch today about JC. I never understood why he kept his lips pursed while he spoke. In disapproval of his own actions? But this gave him away …

    Thanks again for a great model of how to write about yourself and the world,


  4. Rich Biggly
    12 · 30 · 24 @ 8:05 pm

    As always, you’ve got a magnificent way with words, Dr. Suzy. You easily sit us down on the literary clouds of your memories and strap us in for anecdotes and recollections that always hold a deeper meaning behind your humor and goodwill. I don’t know much about Jimmy Carter (honestly, I’ve never had a great interest in politics), but thanks to you, I’ll definitely make a point to learn more about him, if only a little bit.


  5. Bob Gryszka
    12 · 30 · 24 @ 9:08 am

    Wow!!! Thank You Dr. Susan for a more detailed look into your life thru this wonderful tribute to JC…as you say all predidents have their good & not so good moments, but he in my opinion became a great humanitarian …& truly cared about pepole,,,RIP!!


  6. Gideon Grayson
    12 · 30 · 24 @ 2:06 am

    R.I.P. President Carter.


  7. Truck Stop Burrito
    12 · 29 · 24 @ 10:56 pm

    Dr. Suzy really puts me under her spell in this piece, taking me “back” to a time before I was even born.


  8. Persia
    12 · 29 · 24 @ 10:52 pm

    Glad to know we have had a personable, relatable, and sincere president who believed in hope. I’m sure Mr. Carter would have appreciated the Bonobo Way!


  9. Christopher Gagliardi
    12 · 29 · 24 @ 8:32 pm


    Perhaps no one in the history of our nation, probably in the history of humanity and the world, has ever done so much to change the world and make a massive impact upon humanity as that of former president Jimmy Carter. Jimmy Carter represented the best of what humanity had to offer and showed us all how to be champions of public service. He served his country in the military with such Noble dignity until he had to leave due to the death of his father. He sacrificed his military career to work on the peanut farm that his parents owed in Georgia, from there, he used his voice to speak up for the voiceless in political work first being governor of georgia, and then for the highest office in the nation, president. Although he served one term, his cause and his actions were just and noble, using dialogue as a means to promote the true everlasting aspect of peace throughout the world. The world is a much better place because of this champion of change. He started the movement of the habitat for humanity cause to help bring home for those who could not afford a home and to have a better life all around the world.

    During his speech in the 1970s, he told us that we were facing “a crisis of consciousness” at that time, we were facing several crises on different fronts. Today, those words have never been so more poignant than now because of what we are about to deal with. But we are a resilient Nation because of people like Jimmy Carter who believed in Hope.

    In taking him to his rest to be reunited with Rosalyn, his beloved of nearly 80 years, and laying him to his eternal rest among the Stars and among the angels, our country is a better place today because of him and for this, we especially wish to extend the highest praise and gratitude to him, his family, and the people of plains Georgia and other places of his life that made him the man who he is. Yes, we will grieve, this is a time of great sadness, but also a time of great spiritual celebration, for today is his graduation from his earthly realm, and now has received his wings.


  10. CC
    12 · 29 · 24 @ 6:49 pm

    Wow, you are a walking encyclopedia, Dr. Suzy. It is interesting to read about your experiences and points of view. We have a lot to learn from you.


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