Dr. Susan Block Gives “State of the Sexual Union” Address 2024 on WCAP
"I See a Future where Peace through Pleasure is Honored over War for Profit
Two days after U.S. President Joe Biden went to Congress to deliver the 2024 State of the Union address, Dr. Susan Block went on “Active Radio” with Hartley Pleshaw on WCAP-AM 980 to deliver the 2024 State of the SEXUAL Union.
“Where the State of the Sexual Union (SOTSU) is concerned, no one is better qualified than America’s leading sexologist, Dr. Susan Block,” Hartley proclaims.
Whether you loved, hated or slept through the President’s State of the Union, don’t miss Dr. Suzy’s State of the SEXUAL union address 2024.
Best-selling author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, longtime broadcaster and cultural commentator, as well as an award-winning sexologist and sex therapist, Dr. Susan Block, aka Dr. Suzy, launches her 2024 SOTSU “Sermon on the Mound” – usually inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech reimagined as “I Have a Fantasy” – with a Biden-ish spin, mirroring his SOTU 2024’s series of “I See a Future” visions for her own bonoboësque vision of a more equal, more free, make-love-not-war tomorrow.
I see a future where good clean consensual sex is not considered dirty.
I see a future where peace through pleasure is honored over war for profit.
I see a future where sex education and science are valued over ignorance, superstition and violent religious fundamentalism.
I see a future where ecosexuality is more popular than ammosexuality and war porn.
I see a future where women’s rights are respected more than faith-based forced breeding.
I see a future where we have a Ceasefire Now and Permanently in Gaza, the West Bank, Ukraine, Russia, Africa, America and around the world, where Jews and Muslims, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists and everyone else will be free and will “study war no more.”
I see a future where we practice the Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources and peace through pleasure… and stop acting like baboons!
“I’m ready to vote for you for President now, Dr. Suzy,” Hartley exclaims at the climax of her vision for the future. “You have by far the best platform of any of the candidates this year, which isn’t saying much, but you really knocked it out of the park!”
Then the SOTSU turns into a sort of Meet the Press where Hartley asks Dr. Suzy questions on a variety of topics within the “meeting ground of sex, politics and culture which,” he opines, “I believe Dr. Suzy covers and handles better than anyone in the present contemporary scene.”
Subjects include:
- Anti-Abortion Crusaders who fetishize the fetus and eroticize the embryo, but once you’re born, you’re over the hill to them – and how now that they killed Roe vs. Wade, they’re going after contraception and whatever power over our sex lives they can grab.
- The Christofascist Supremes – Since Federalist Society powerbroker-to-the-Supremes Leonard Leo owns a mansion in the WCAP broadcast range, Dr. Suzy addresses him personally: We see you, Leonard Leo, trying to take America back to a time like The Handmaid’s Tale, stripping sex of recreation for the sake of procreation – forced breeding – so that the poor can bear cannon fodder for the military and cogs in the wheels of capitalism – and the rich can have grandchildren to inherit their billions. For that perk and others, those billionaires get to bribe the reactionary Supremes that you choose – Brett “Beer Pong” Kavanaugh, Amy Coney “Handmaid” Barrett and Neil “Handman to the Billionaires” Gorsuch – ganging up with Sam “Leaky” Alito, Clarence “Uncle” Thomas and John “Citizens United” Roberts to overturn Roe V Wade, restrict our sexuality, free big business from any restrictions whatsoever, and throw the American people under the bus.
- Anti-Sex “Feminists” – Dr. Suzy and Hartley talk about the erotophobia (fear of healthy sex) on the Right and Left, from the #MeToo activists who have done great things, but could learn something from the female-empowered bonobos – that female empowerment is intrinsically connected to nurturing male well-being – to the anti-sex “feminists” paid by Rightwing thinktanks to make convoluted arguments to keep most women (excepting them, of course) knocked up and broke.
- Ammosexual War Porn – From American War Profiteers to the NRA to the young troops of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), modern death-dealers are using “Sex As a Weapon,” tapping into our frustrated, denigrated sex drives like never before, using sex to sell and promote phallic missiles, climactic explosions, mass murder and apartheid, even genocide. Warmongers have tried to “sex up” fighting and weaponry since the beginning of war but, but the IDF’s dark, depraved, dystopian, wildly ammosexual and sadistic war porn is off the charts, far more demented than George W. Bush’s P.O.W. Porn at Abu Ghraib – and that’s just what the Israelis themselves show openly on their own channels. Plus, why are so many incels – spawned by the denigration of lust and elevation of greed – so ammosexual? War porn harms (and often kills) its victims, as well as its perpetrators, and also traumatizes those of us who watch – by choice or by chance – transforming the populace into War Porn Voyeurs.
- The Burning Soldier – Can self-immolation illuminate dehumanization? Can suicide help to stop a genocide? Dr. Suzy contrasts S. Airman Aaron Bushnell tragic but sane sacrifice to “Free Palestine” from ammosexual war crimes and domestic mass murders committed by PTSD-wracked veterans of America’s many wars.
- Censorship by Bot: Dr. Suzy is taking META to arbitration for their wrongful deactivation and algorithmic, anti-sex, dictatorial, technocratic dehumanization. Save the Date: June 26, 2024 for the Suzy vs. Zuck the Cuck Showdown.
#GoBonobos for a Sex-Positive, Antiwar, Free Speech, Pro-Bonobo Future!
Click the pic above to listen to Dr. Suzy’s 2023 State of the Sexual Union address and “Meet the Press”-style interview with Hartley Pleshaw on Active Radio WCAP 980-AM or listen on one of your favorite platforms.
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03 · 26 · 24 @ 4:58 pm
I’m an anarchist and I can safely say that Dr. Suzy is one of the coolest people that I’ve met.
03 · 23 · 24 @ 3:26 am
You are a very brave woman like Jane Fonda.
03 · 16 · 24 @ 1:55 pm
For a delicious moment I thought I had awoken from the daily nightmare of grumpy politicians and their nutjob competitors and a stagnant pool congress populated with fervent fundamentalists into the most pleasant of realities where Dr. Suzy was a sex positive president of our many sexual unions of all kinds, wearing sexy lingerie giving us all good state of the unions we so enjoy between us as we follow the Bonobo Way in a peaceful, no war, much sex world. Listen and imagine what could be possible if the only union that mattered was that with our genitals, our minds and our hearts… be sapiosexual, not ammosexual … I’d love to write that fiction into reality
03 · 13 · 24 @ 2:07 am
Another outstanding State of the Sexual Union address, Dr. Block, that makes the important points about sex, war and free speech we need to hear in 2024. Your SOTSU should have been the rebuttal to Biden’s SOTU – much better to rebut from your bed than Katie Britt’s kitchen!
03 · 13 · 24 @ 1:59 am
Great SOTSU delivery on WCAP!
03 · 13 · 24 @ 1:53 am
Awesome sapiosexual new State of the Sexual Union address #4. In terms of #FDR’s 4 Basic Freedoms – 1) Freedom from Want 2) Freedom of Speech 3) Freedom from Fear & 4) Freedom of Religion (which includes Freedom FROM Religion) – you’ve got them all covered!
03 · 13 · 24 @ 1:46 am
Great turning Biden’s “I see a future” riff into something truly meaningful, sustainable and fun. Register me with the Block Party?
03 · 13 · 24 @ 1:41 am
With imperialist clowns to the left of me and fascist jokers to the right… I would like to support Your sexy, lefty pro-bonobo vision of the future. I’d also like to kneel before You and Your snake. Love the green mixed with red, white & blue. #FreePalestine!
03 · 12 · 24 @ 10:55 pm
Dr. Susan Block’s electrifying delivery of the 2024 State of the Sexual Union on “Active Radio” with Hartley Pleshaw pulsates with thought-provoking insights and unapologetic advocacy for a world where peace, pleasure, and sexual liberation reign supreme. Engaging, enlightening, and unabashedly bold, Dr. Susan Block’s State of the Sexual Union is a rallying cry for a more egalitarian, liberated, and compassionate world.
03 · 12 · 24 @ 5:22 pm
Dr Suzy really synopsizes the plight we all face, those people or politicians who demonstrate the need to hate someone really are revealing some kind of sexual hangup. And these know-it-alls then preach their message to the rest of us, and hate us if we don’t yield to their god, church, or doctrine. Great points!
03 · 12 · 24 @ 5:21 pm
I like Dr Suzy’s “I see a future” speech. I too look forward to a time when common men would show common sense, and common decency to their brothers AND sisters! Go bonobos!
03 · 11 · 24 @ 11:56 pm
In passion’s embrace, Dr. Susan Block,
A guide through love’s maze, wisdom unlocked.
In her words, we find solace and light,
In her care, hearts take flight. #LoveHealer
03 · 11 · 24 @ 10:52 pm
Right on Dr. Suzy for addressing Leonard Leo of the Federalist Society personally. I hope he gets it in writing too. Considering your great writing skills, he will get the message! I feel to make a change you must start by addressing your concerns or grievances to the top and go through the chain of command. I fight officials in writing whenever they give me problems. Go get ’em Dr. Suzy!
03 · 11 · 24 @ 8:30 pm
Dr Suzy is not only the Queen of all things pleasure & fun , but also she educates!! I see her future as well!!! & She should definitely be put back on FB !! Because so many would benefit from her exciting & fun & common sense dreams!! She is wonderful
03 · 11 · 24 @ 6:33 pm
I am voting for Dr. Suzy! “Adopt and adapt!” we need to be like water, flexible, for change is in the works. I like this expansive vision for our future…
03 · 11 · 24 @ 5:21 pm
YES. Can I vote for Dr. Suzy for President? What is that – the Block Party?