F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
SOTSU After Dark
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
State of the Sexual Union, Circumcision Blues, Sperm Donor Issues, Asexuality, Perma War, Ammosexual Incels, Block Magic, Secret Love Affairs, Hot Senior Sex & The Bonobo Way
by Dr. Susan Block.
From my MLK-inspired “I Have a Fantasy” State of the Sexual Union (SOTSU) address (After Dark edition) to erotophobic Perma Wars and circumcision trauma to hot senior sex and The Bonobo Way, this Peace Train roars through the Tunnel of Love.
I delivered my full SOTSU 2023 address on the morning of this FDR, broadcasting live on WCAP 980 AM in Massachusetts with genial “Active Radio” host Hartley Pleshaw. “We had Joe Biden’s State of the Union last week. We had Vladimir Putin’s address. Well, those were just amateurs,” opined Hartley. “Today you’re going to get what we consider to be the most important state of the union—the State of the Sexual Union, I should say—address of 2023, from the one and only Dr. Susan Block… sexologist supreme.”
There were many facets to this past year-in-sex, but first and unfortunately foremost, just days after my 2022 SOTSU address, Russia bombed Ukraine, and since then, America and most of Europe have been at war with Russia, putting much of the world on a warpath, which is the opposite of the Bonobo Way, El Camino Del Bonobo, the path of peace through pleasure, the Yellow Brick Road of my fantasies.
But before I launch into my “I Have a Fantasy” 2023 reprise, Brady calls in from Texas to confess his fantasies, as well as realities which include having recently had sex with the gal who had said she was “asexual” (which just shows that “asexuality” can take on different meanings). We also talk about his primal circumcision scream, procreation fetish, sperm donor issues and how less LGBTQ stigma might help to reduce ammosexual incel violence.
I have a fantasy that one day the Capitalocene will give way to the Bonobocene, and we will practice the Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources and peace through pleasure – instead of acting like baboons.
That segues into my Sermon on the Mound, inspired by Dr. Martin Luther King’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech from 1963. Part of MLK’s dream was that one day we would “judge each other not by the color of our skin, but by the content of our character.” Unfortunately, that dream has been corrupted into a Rightwing meme that’s misused to justify repealing Affirmative Action.
Nevertheless, Dr. King’s dream inspired many people, including me. So, with deep apologies—though I understand Dr. King was not a Puritan in his private life—I’d like to say, “I have a dream.” Then again, considering I am a sexologist, I should say (once again): I have a fantasy (some of these fantasies are oldies but goodies from last year, but some are new)…
I have a fantasy that one day good clean consensual sex will not be considered dirty.
I have a fantasy that one day We the People will be able to speak freely—Free Speech!—about our sexuality and our politics without censorship of our voices or termination of our channels in the public squares of social media.
I have a fantasy that one day we will value LUST over GREED.
I have a fantasy that one day we will value PEACE through PLEASURE over WAR for PROFIT.
I have a fantasy that one day we will value sex education and science over ignorance, superstition and violent so-called patriotism.
I have a fantasy that one day a woman’s genitals—open or closed—and her nipples—hard or soft–will not be considered obscene.
I have a fantasy that one day a man’s genitals—soft or hard–will not be considered indecent.
I have a fantasy that one day we’ll value dildos and vibrators and condoms more than guns and ammo and bump stocks.
I have a fantasy that one day we’ll value women’s reproductive rights more than faith-based forced breeding.
I have a fantasy that one day sexual orientation or gender identification won’t be a reason for discrimination against our fellow humans.
I have a fantasy that one day the #MeToo movement—and all of us—will see that male well-being is essential to female empowerment, and both are essential to peace through pleasure—the Bonobo Way.
I have a fantasy that one day we’ll value erotic recreation as much or more than sexual procreation in our world of human overpopulation.
I have a fantasy that one day we’ll value sustainable ecosexual alternatives over superficially sexy, fossil-fueled corporate con-jobs.
I have a fantasy that one day we’ll embrace our sexual humanity and reject the asexual inhuman megamachine that turns forced breeding into forced feeding various machines—the military, low-paying jobs, the prison system—with human beings.
I have a fantasy that one day we will not just decriminalize sex work, but destigmatize it, and subsidize it for the needy.
I have a fantasy that one day we will all really and truly love one another—body, mind and soul.
I have a fantasy that one day we will rejoice in sharing and caring instead of hating and hoarding.
I have a fantasy that one day the Capitalocene will give way to the Bonobocene, and we will practice the Bonobo Way of female empowerment, male well-being, sharing resources and peace through pleasure… instead of acting like baboons.
I could go on. I have many fantasies and dreams, as does Capt’n Max, as do we all. Just remember that the people who want to censor your dreams and fantasies tend to be the ones with something BIG to hide (and I don’t mean their genitals). How about that former YouTube CEO and Censor-in-Chief Susan Wojcicki? When she didn’t answer my calls, emails or letters, I put the Block Curse on her, and she resigned quicker than you could sing, “Ding Dong the Censor’s gone.” That’s the power of Block Magic… though it didn’t take much; thus my feeling that Ms. Wojcicki’s got something to hide. Unfortunately, Block Magic is not powerful enough to resurrect my YouTube channel. For that, I call upon new YT CEO Neal Mohan to, as Google says, “do the right thing.”
Meanwhile, we’re continuing to excavate ancient episodes from The Dr. Susan Block Show archives, now including “Secret Love Affairs” which was originally broadcast live on October 4, 1992 on over 100 radio stations across the country. If you’ve ever cheated, been cheated on, cuckolded, done the cuckolding or just fantasized about any of it, watch this classic.
Then, put your feet up and your headphones on, cuddle up to your lover if you have a lover, or your vibrator if you have a vibrator, pour yourself a drink or smoke yourself a bowl, and listen to this latest F.D.R…
© Feb. 25, 2023 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 626-461-5950.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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03 · 3 · 23 @ 11:13 pm
Love the idea of the deadly fascist Capitalocene giving way to the peace through pleasure Bonobocene. Your descriptions of “senior sex” with Max makes me actually look forward to growing older – so warm and loving.
03 · 3 · 23 @ 11:12 pm
Fantastic eargasmic show – especially when you two talk about your sex life – past and present. Senior sex never sounded so hot! I had to get my Hitachi Magic Wand for the climax… Cheers to making it to the Bonobocene!
03 · 3 · 23 @ 11:11 pm
Fabulous ride! Love your SOTSU – it gets better and more inspiring every year. And the call with Brady is so intriguing. So funny how the gal he said was “asexual” wound up having sex with him – because he took your advice!
03 · 3 · 23 @ 11:08 pm
Another enlightening erotic ride on the Love Train. Thank you for continuing to be a Voice of Peace throughout these Perma Wars, and a Voice of Sex-Positivity throughout these Anti-Sex Crusades, and for helping the people that call you have good sex lives.
03 · 3 · 23 @ 11:07 pm
Love the mischievous look in Your eye, like how You looked at YouTube CEO & Censor Susan Wojcicki as You put the Block Magic Curse on her to make her resign.
And what a great segment You did on #circumcision. Amazing that men do this to their sons & one reason so many are nuts.
02 · 28 · 23 @ 12:53 pm
I hope the fantasy of homo sapiens following the Bonobo Way becomes a reality. It is a brilliant concept–using sex and affection to solve our problems instead of violence and war. Sign me up!
02 · 28 · 23 @ 2:01 am
Great show!
02 · 28 · 23 @ 1:04 am
Your State of the Sexual Union was pure joy to me. I have a reserved spot in my heart for Circumcision Blues.
I delighted in the remarable discussion on the show about Sperm Donor Issues, Asexuality, Perma War, Ammosexual Incels, Block Magic, Secret Love Affairs and Senior Sex
02 · 27 · 23 @ 8:20 pm
I think sperm donation is fine. It helps society procreate without doing actually procreating! I do think Brady brought up some interesting points during the show, and I loved your responses. And your SOTSU is more relevant than ever! The powers that be are trying to censor forward thinking and sexuality! That’s not right! Keep speaking the TRUTH! I also have a fantasy.
02 · 27 · 23 @ 8:12 pm
I really enjoyed this episode. It was informative and entertaining. I really loved your I Have a Fantasy Speech! It was riveting! I also believe that sexual well-being will improve life both on a personal level and on a societal level. Drop the stigma!