Nonconsensual Torture Play vs The Bonobo Way
And now the latest POW porn release from the CIA Sexual Torture and Degradation Department: Anal Food Rape. Already, it’s quite the blockbuster, the shocking but not unexpected sequel to previous POW porn releases, lurid stories and photo sets showing scenes of detainee abuse, produced and directed by the Bush-Cheney crime family, still number one in the military torture fetish porn genre. Scripted by the same Top-Gun team of military psychologists, Drs. Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell, a.k.a., Grayson Swigert and Hammond Dunbar, a.k.a., “the American Mengales,” who also brought us water-boarding, hoods, naked pyramids, snuff films, forced masturbation and facial panty-wearing, this latest XXXtreme POW porn release is particularly disturbing, disgusting and painful… and that’s just the PR.
Onto the sick details. CIA records (courtesy of the Senate Intelligence committee) reveal that interrogators “anally-infused” a hunger-striking prisoner named Majid Khan with a “lunch tray” of pureed “hummus, pasta with sauce, nuts, and raisins.” Sounds delicious when paired with a nice Chardonnay… but up the butthole? Ouch, yuck and, as Jon Stewart so vividly illustrated with that expectorating Monty Python clip, BARF!
This “enhanced interrogation technique” (EIT) was at first presented as an “enema,” but later redefined as “rectal rehydration.” Since when are mashed garbanzo beans and nuts hydrating? Next they’ll be calling it a “colonic” and charging $200 a treatment. That’s just a joke, but the reality is much worse. American taxpayers footed an $81 million bill for this diabolical mess, mostly paid to those psycho psychologists with the anal feeding fetish.
Whatever you call it, squirting your sauce up a detainee’s defenseless buttocks is clearly against the rules of the CIA Directorate of Operations Handbook, the Geneva Conventions and basic decency. Moreover, “enhanced,” injected, lubed or bareback—it simply doesn’t work. Not that “working” should excuse any kind of rape, but the report also lets us know that no terror plot was ever thwarted thanks to these Weapons of Ass Destruction or any abusive interrogation tactics. This makes sense. Tortured individuals are notorious for saying ANYTHING to get the pain to stop.
Three Reasons to Commit Anal Food Rape
So… if it’s so horrible and ineffective, why do such a thing? I can think of three possible reasons (none good):
1) Cold Calculating $adism. Say you’re already a bit of a sadist. Why else would you get into this line of work? Perhaps you were sexually abused at boarding school, or maybe you’re just a psychopath with a psychology degree. You feel symbolically castrated by the falling of the Twin Towers accompanied by a desire for payback—and that $81 million paycheck. Your exciting new job as an EIT specialist has got you pumped even though you’re temporarily stuck living in the same lousy housing as the prisoners, making you feel the need to assert your dominance deeply and forcefully. Next thing you know there you are, forcibly separating the hapless enemy’s backdoor defenses and administering “anal feedings” costing thousands of American dollars each, like a demented, wildly overpaid, über-bad nurse-dietician. When it comes to sexually controlling problem patients, Ken Kesey’s fictional Nurse Ratched has nothing on the reality-based Anal-Destroyer Doctors Jessen and Mitchell. They put the `rapist’ into “therapist.”
2) CIA Protocols. You’re just following orders. Just doing your job. Your superior officer or the psycho psychologists or the voices in your head tell you to anally force-feed prisoners, so you anally force-feed prisoners. You do it because it’s just the way things “get done” around here, at least since Abu Ghraib. So you silence the inner voice of compassion screaming “This is so wrong (and criminal)!” and you do it, you commit anal food rape, hoping it won’t be done to you… unless you’re (very secretly) hoping it will be done to you.
3) Convenience. The prisoner won’t eat, and it’s lunchtime (yours). You figure, let’s just stick a carrot up his ass and call it a meal. Puree it and you can even call it medicine, especially since it’s doctor’s orders. It’s quick, clinical and seemingly effective. After all, the silent, hunger-striking bastard’s getting “fed” and howling all kinds of “information” within seconds of his rectal-infusion, isn’t he? Which means you can get off duty in time to stuff your face in the interrogator cafeteria.
There are worse fates than rectal infusion (like getting bombed to smithereens). Indeed, I know distinguished dominatrixes that will perform their own version of anal feeding with a strap-on and some condensed milk upon the eager asses of high-paying clients who feel such “torture” takes them to the heights of bottoming ecstasy. The key difference, of course, is consensuality. The hummus and pasta concoction is also pretty different; got to admit I’ve never heard of that before. At least, they didn’t mix in cayenne pepper and thorazine (as far as we know).
Seriously though, this latest release seems to take humanity to a new low on the sexual depravity scale. When American military personnel shoot their stuff up a guy’s caboose like that, is it any wonder that he and all his relatives then want to shoot up our trains, blow up our planes and chop off our heads?
Torture Play vs The Bonobo Way
How can we break this deadly cycle? Some say we can’t, that torture and murder are in human DNA, like our close genetic cousins, the common chimpanzees. For years, scientists, philosophers, filmmakers and military psychologists have used the “killer ape” paradigm to explain the worst in human behavior. But is all this bombing, beheading, police brutality and rectal infusion truly and inevitably humanity’s destiny?
Maybe, maybe not. The rare and very recently discovered bonobos, who are at least as close to us genetically as common chimps, reveals another side of the great ape story. Bonobos have never been seen killing each other in the wild or captivity, as observed by Drs. Takayoshi Kanō, Frans de Waal, Richard Wrangham and others. Though they can be violent, bonobos are much less so than common chimps and humans. They also have a lot of sex, and their culture, which I call “The Bonobo Way,” empowers females much more than any other great ape species. Though bonobos do like to combine food and sex, rape is rare. Bonobos use the give and take of sexual pleasure, affection and empathetic communication to diffuse violent tension, greatly reducing the rate of sexual assault and completely avoiding the murders and wars that plague common chimp and human cultures.
Bonobos present us with a new, much more hopeful, great ape paradigm that models reciprocity over brutality. Can the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure and empathetic communication also work for humans, even in the depths of a prison? No, I’m not saying interrogators should have sex with the prisoners. Actually, according to the Senate Intelligence report, they’re already doing that, albeit nonconsensually—which isn’t at all the Bonobo Way.
But sex is just one way that bonobos share. Studies at Lola ya Bonobo sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo conducted by Dr. Brian Hare and Vanessa Woods have shown that bonobos are remarkably good at all kinds of sharing and communication, including getting information, establishing trust and gently persuading each other to open up and reciprocate. The Bonobo Way wins through Weapons of Mass Seduction.
But how does that work among human enemies, each one branding the other a “terrorist”? There’s a hopeful hint in the Senate report which shows that while the forced anal feedings and other torture tactics never helped prevent a terrorist attack nor gleaned any useful information at all, other more bonoboësque, “rapport-based” interrogation techniques actually did work. Apparently, giving a prisoner special privileges and decent treatment in exchange for cooperating, gets better results than waterboarding his head and shooting pita spread up his butt.
© December 11, 2014. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is an internationally renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels.
This article is reposted here in Counterpunch “America’s Best Political Newsletter”
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12 · 18 · 14 @ 6:59 pm
Dr Susan, I appreciate your articles in CP. Thanks for bringing these realities into focus.
I struggle with the same…and sometimes end up writing songs. Thought you might appreciate this one, I’ve sung at SOA Watch and in Hebron.
12 · 14 · 14 @ 8:41 pm
Dear Dr. Block; Read your column (forgot where), and enjoyed the humor and yet thoughtfulness. Several notions since reading about the torture events. I have thought that perhaps that the persons doing the torture (regardless of whether anal feeding, h2o boarding, etc) may have been CIA contractors, and not actual employees of the CIA. I am suggesting that since I have always felt that the ‘skin head mercenaries working for Blackwater (or equivalent) were psychotic and sexually disturbed. These men, and perhaps women truly love to kill. They are the real “stallones”. In fact, what I am most distressed about is that we have not had the testimony of the CIA staff. I would have liked the persons involved to have been interviewed, and testify on national television to tell their side of the story. I would love to hear how the chef decided on the anal recipe. How was the tube inserted and food stuff released. Did they have to change the recipe. Charming touch, the humus – very Moslem like. I would love to hear them recite chapter and verse of all that they did do – not what they didn’t do. I would not even ask them to describe ‘torture’. Just the facts, just the facts. What did the staff say to the prisoners about raping their mothers, or relatives. Who thought of the rape threats? What other “interrogation tactics” were employed that are in the larger report. Let us hear it all!! What were the actual sentences. Tell it to the camera – under oath. Of course I would like to know what information they obtained, but fuck it, who cares!!
12 · 15 · 14 @ 3:50 pm
Nice, thanks.
12 · 14 · 14 @ 6:06 pm
A good article on that form of abuse. George Orwell put it simply and directly: “The purpose of torture is torture” – in other words, it is for the entertainment of the torturer and his enablers. People who find it entertaining will always be able to use their imagination to invent stupidly new ways to cause pain.
A country that encourages such people is in great danger.
There are some, sadly few, reasons to hope. There was one reserve officer who was sent to Abu Ghraib and was ordered to have his men “soften up” the prisoners. He, a senior police officer in his primary employment, refused – “My men are 18 years old. If I tell them to soften up a prisoner they are going to get imaginative”.
A man like that can have a significant influence. We should hope there are more like him.=
12 · 13 · 14 @ 6:51 pm
I’ve been in our prisons and jails and it’s not much different there than in our Gitmo prisons. Head slapping, sleep deprivation, beatings, cages, physic units, eating food off the floor, beating mentally afflicted people, isolation for years at the time, medical neglect and the list goes on and on. We’re talking about places like Twin Towers in downtown Los Angeles and other facilities around the country that hold millions of Americans in inhuman conditions. I’ve never heard of “anal food rape,” but maybe that was going on behind the warden’s door. America has become a brutal country after the downing of the Twin Towers and joins the league of rogue countries that use torture to keep its people in line.
12 · 13 · 14 @ 3:06 pm
Thanks for taking those American Mengales to task. I hope they read your piece. It’s almost as good as giving them a taste of their own EIT
12 · 13 · 14 @ 2:44 pm
Yeah, and it gets scarier when you look up the methods that they use for things like sleep deprivation.
12 · 13 · 14 @ 2:39 pm
12 · 13 · 14 @ 2:42 pm
Interesting article by a CIA insider. Of course, bombing and killing thousands is worse than torturing a few, but that doesn’t excuse torture of any kind, let alone this fetishistic anal food rape. Neither does 9/11. I also agree that those Democrats who supported the wars and interrogation programs several years ago are being hypocritical now when they denounce all that–though better late than never!
12 · 13 · 14 @ 2:38 pm
12 · 13 · 14 @ 2:34 pm
12 · 13 · 14 @ 1:59 pm
The Nazis used to kill 10 folks for every German soldier killed by the Resistance. America’s ratio for every American killed on 9/11 is hundreds of thousands of men women and children killed and yes let’s not count the torture of thousands at the hands of individual troops, allies and the CIA.
12 · 13 · 14 @ 1:51 pm
Dear Blockhead,
Oh stuff and nonsense. Torture is the American Way. It is practiced in the schools where kids who are unable to conform are being tortured, to most jobs where people are being confined as wage slaves and hemmed in by a bourgeois straight jacket (the name straight says it all) and finally in the scores of sadistic prisons. The slogan “I Can’t Breathe” is applicable to all sensitive souls suffering in this barbarian and totalitarian society. Read Fanon, Marcuse and Adorno and you will understand.
Breathless in Gaza
12 · 13 · 14 @ 2:00 pm
Sure, every school since the dawn of human civilization has tried to “discipline” kids into conforming. So do most parents. Torture might be the American Way, and yes, I’ve suffered through the torture of reading Marcuse. “Life is suffering,” said the Buddha, but that doesn’t mean we should suffer fools like Jessen and Mitchell who got paid $81 million to shoot pasta up helpless prisoner’s butts.
12 · 13 · 14 @ 12:14 pm
Terrific piece in Counterpunch. How can we be appalled at the so-called terrorists when our military methodically practices this kind of sexual abuse and torture?
12 · 13 · 14 @ 11:56 am
I just finished reading your article about the recent senate report on CIA torture and I find myself compelled to email you regarding its wildly inappropriate tone. I can’t fathom why you thought it would be a good idea to write amounts to a 1000 word rape joke about individuals who were violently abused and tortured for months or years. Let’s not forget some people died and many others will suffer lifelong emotional trauma from their experiences. It is well documented many of the the people who were taken to these sites were simply random innocent people who were kidnapped, presented as ‘important targets’ and sold to the CIA. These revelations are too important to trivialize.
12 · 13 · 14 @ 12:09 pm
Sorry you were offended by the frank language and humor of my article, Will but I deeply disagree with your assertion that it is a “rape joke” at the expense of the victims. Quite the opposite! Perhaps you didn’t read the whole article which pretty clearly ridicules the government-employed rapists committing these crimes, not the victims. There’s a big difference! People who commit such vile crimes should be exposed, named, criticized and yes, ridiculed. Ridicule, satire and parody are great tools to expose the wicked. And we should never lose our sense of humor in this crazy world of ours, especially when we can have a good laugh at the expense of evil government operatives.
12 · 13 · 14 @ 1:02 pm
Humor is the enlightenment of the darkness in the world. Make them laugh hard enough so they cry.
12 · 13 · 14 @ 1:37 pm
My mother used to say “Humor is better than Hummus”
12 · 12 · 14 @ 10:30 pm
I just saw a piece in a mainstream paper finally calling it “rape.” Dr Suzy was ahead of the game again, just like she was with Bill Cosby’s Sleeping Beauty fetish/somnophilia!
12 · 12 · 14 @ 10:47 pm
Thanks Michael. Just remember that FoxNews not giving me credit isn’t as bad as having hummus and nuts shot up my butt. Thanks also for sending the absolutely on-point Ted Rall cartoon above.
12 · 12 · 14 @ 4:52 pm
I have a piece I want to right about this. well really I don’t even think I can write a whole piece it pisses me off so much. Along the lines of when MD”s participated in executions and recently the MD who was performing non-consensual birth control surgeries on women in prison. In short, not a lick of medical necessity (and in fact, no offense, total bullshit…) and those MD’s should be dishonorably discharged, followed by having their medical license revoked.
12 · 12 · 14 @ 4:13 pm
Loved your piece in CP today! We live in scary times with some really sick f*cks running the country! Great article!
12 · 12 · 14 @ 1:57 pm
The first I heard of this was playing a clip from the Daily Show, in which Shepard Smith (God bless him) detailed the anal insertion of food for these prisoners in graphic detail. For one of the few times in that show’s history, there was no laughter or any audience reaction.
These are things the we expected from the Nazis or Communist Russia in the height of the Cold War. This goes beyond that. To be worse than Hitler you would have to go some, and the Cheney crew who CONTROLLED George W. Bush went there and further.
And before we complain about this being done “in our name,” consider that there are many people who are supporting this who vote. They will tell you that we have no right to complain since the people WE torture cut off people’s heads. On video. Using HD technology. I stop right there…I like living.
The bottom line is that the principles that The Bonobo Way teaches need to be spread. This is the reason. Because the gentle creatures Dr. Suzy champions would never do these things. And if we can do this, and we DID come from primates, we DEvolved, not the other way around.
12 · 12 · 14 @ 12:06 am
This is just the tip of the iceberg, far more horrific things were done, but those will never see the light of day, unless one of the survivors writes about it. When we starting bringing in Nazi scientists to fight the Soviets after WWII we opened a Pandora’s box that keeps getting wider and wider in scope.
12 · 11 · 14 @ 9:53 pm
Painfully hilarious analysis of a military run amuck. Thank you for always providing the sanest perspectives on America’s sickest situations, Dr. Block. So funny!
12 · 11 · 14 @ 9:38 pm
Can the CIA get any crazier…? Guess not & this proves it. Just Plain N-A-S-T-Y!
12 · 11 · 14 @ 8:46 pm
Of course one should make sure to include some garlic and the pasta should be authentic semolino duro. I don’t know that for this poop hole feeding I would include cayenne pepper, but then again the prisoners might spill the beans faster.
And these to aguys, these guys, Drs. Bruce Jessen and James Mitchell, a.k.a., Grayson Swigert and Hammond Dunbar should be tried like the Nazis were. 80 million dollars? Mi fa piangere.