F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
Pussy Cookie March Madness
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
Women's Month, Sex Workers Day, Purim Baccanals, Hamantaschen Vulvas, Jews for Palestine & Israelis Protest, Belly Dancing, Redwings, Sex Magic, Cop Orgies, Erin Brockovich, YouTube Censors & The Bonobo Way
by Dr. Susan Block.
The Love Train roars into March Madness, but where is it taking us? Into the madness of perma war, corporate poisons, the mounting mayhem at home, and maddeningly unjust censorship (looking at you YouTube) or the merry, trippy, holiday-horny, revolutionary, madcap March Hare madness that takes us through the Tunnel of Love, from the dark, murderous, money-crazed, cop-and-bot-controlled, sex buzz-killing Capitalocene into the light of the peaceful, sexy, lefty, female-empowered, male-nurtured, pussy-cookie-eating goodness of the Bonobocene?
Then again, maybe all this March Madness is just another hoop fest. Not big sports fans, Capt’n Max and I are mad about Women’s Month, Sex Worker’s Day and Purim (the Jewish Halloween of masks, wine and hamantaschen, aka Pussy Cookies)—all of which are related as Purim is the only Jewish holiday centered around a woman who also happens to be a high-end (royal), high-risk (execution looms) sex worker.
Speaking of “Da Jews,” we commend the current protests in Israel—the biggest demonstrations ever of Israelis against their own increasingly fascist government. Scary but necessary, these protests are mostly against Binyamin Netanyahu’s yahoo government and brazen judicial coup, but it’s good to see a few brave Jews for Palestine in the crowds and many more marching in solidarity with Huwara (the Palestinian town recently attacked by paramilitary Zionist settlers), carrying signs saying “Palestinian Lives Matter.”
Our Callin callers are less interested in Israel’s Mad March to Justice than in Pussy Cookies, and who can blame them? Callin regular Brady calls in for an explanation and, after a bit of teasing (Esther’s signature style), I give my Purimschpiel, that is, I tell my quickie version of the Story of Purim, the Feast of Queen Esther, the teenage beauty contest winner who stops a genocide with nothing but her Weapons of Mass Seduction.
Warning: This is not your Bubbe’s Purim. In my midrash (Biblical interpretation), the lovely young Esther (Hebrew name: Hadassah) is brought before the Persian King Ahasuerus (probably based on the historic King Xerxes) by her “Pimpin’ Cousin Mordecai” (my name for him), a “righteous man,” as the Bible says, who virtually pimps out his cousin to a lecherous, alcoholic and volatile King—though “payment” isn’t made until the payoff at the story’s climax. As the tall tale unfolds, through alternately teasing and pleasing the king (and his long phallic scepter), Esther wins his fickle favor as he grants her bold request to spare her people (Da Jews!) from annihilation. In a time when power was almost always gained through brute force and cold gold—a time much like our own—this was, and still is, a human miracle. Yes, Esther Shtups for peace, which is, of course, very bonoboesque. And you can get more complete, dramatic, erotic-exotic, masked and wild Purimschpiels at our Purim Bacchanal, Purim Masquerade, Queen Esther Commedia Erotica, Porny Purim, Porny Purim with DAD and Purim Rising.
Most Jewish holidays have a special, symbolic food and on Purim, we eat hamantaschen, triangular pastries that I learned in Sunday school were shaped like the hat of Haman, the king’s advisor and the chief villain of the story—kind of an ancient Persian Hitler or Nick Fuentes—who draws up the Jewish genocide plan. Even though I’m a hat fetishist, I always thought that was a rather pat and silly, not to mention unappetizing explanation. Then, a few years ago, at one of my earlier Purim orgies, in between bites of hamantasch (singular for hamantaschen) and licks of a female guest’s lovely labia, I had an epiphany that hamantaschen have nothing to do with hats, but are really shaped like an open vulva, complete with a jelly or cherry-filled vagina hole in the middle.
So, since hardly anyone besides traditional Jews and Germans can pronounce “hamantaschen,” I started calling them “pussy cookies.” I believe that these iconic Purim pastries honor “the power of the pussy” and the triumph of Queen Esther. In a violent patriarchal world that more often exhibits contempt for that which is feminine and “soft,” they symbolize love and respect for strong female power, and in these crazy times marked by mass murder and perma-war, the “pussy cookie” message of peace through pleasure is more vital than ever.
Brady agrees, and probes even deeper into pussy power—including Redwings “magic” and Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “Blood Sugar Sex Magik”—painkiller orgasms (my kind of natural “sex magic”), and once again, the prickly topic of circumcision rears its sensitive head.
As we extol Queen Esther’s striptease and belly dancing abilities,
Shardoll calls in to ask if belly dancing—for which he seems to have a fetish—should be considered sex work or fun for the whole family? Answer: Kind of like Drag, it depends on many factors, from style to venue, outfit to audience.
Kdot chimes in on the Purim story with his more traditional, somewhat patriarchal view, which is good for balance, but it’s Women’s Month, so my sex-positive, female-empowering pussy cookies get more airtime.
For Women’s Month, we honor Erin Brockovich, the sexy environmentalist now organizing East Palestine residents to challenge Norfolk Southern railway for poisoning their town, whom Ohio police now claim has potential for “special interest terrorism”—more unwarranted criminalizing, censoring and termination of Free Speech. Having been called “the Erin Brockovitch of the Bonobos” in Salon (thanks Deirdre Guthrie), have special fondness for her, and we’re on the Love Train here, so we’re sensitive to train trouble. We also shoutout another interesting woman running for President: Marianne Williamson.
Disturbing news: Apparently the “cop orgies” we applauded a few weeks ago were not not consensual, says former officer Maegan Hill, the young female cop at the center of the scandal. It’s terrible, but when we talked about the story, all the news outlets implied it was all consensual. Interestingly, that was the last YouTube show we posted before we got terminated, “Cop Orgies & Toxic Royalty.” Did YouTube bots consider our discussion of this news story to be “harassment,” even though we were just commenting on news stories about Maegan Hill, a public figure? Unless it was the Royal Family that complained that we harassed them by calling them “toxic royalty.” It could be so many things—or nothing at all! Talk about maddening. The Mad March Hare has nothing on YouTube censor bots (though “March Madness” was stolen from Lewis Carroll by college basketball).
In the last few minutes, Marco, aka Socialist Pizza, calls in to talk about bonobos, our common ancestors living in trees, polyamory and lube.
If you missed my State of the Sexual Union 2023 live (and unless you live in New England, you probably did), catch it now. And thanks for the nice review, Xbiz!
And did I mention that the way to many a woman’s heart is through her feet?
For Women’s Month, treat a woman who’d appreciate it to a foot massage… even if that woman is YOU!
© March 4, 2023 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 626-461-5950.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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03 · 9 · 23 @ 12:31 am
In you I see Queen Esther
03 · 9 · 23 @ 12:28 am
Chips Ahoy and the Keebler elves have nothing on Dr. Suzy’s “special cookies”
03 · 9 · 23 @ 12:23 am
Happy National Woman’s day to an amazing wonderful woman!!!
03 · 9 · 23 @ 12:20 am
Love how you find soo much fascinating sex in the BIBLE! I had no idea… Well, Happy Women’s Day AND Women’s Month as you are a woman I much admire for your courage, sex-positivity and sexiness – like Esther! Happy Purim too – gotta check out that Bible story…
03 · 9 · 23 @ 12:18 am
Yum would love an International Womens’ Day with a pussy and cookie eating contest on your show
03 · 9 · 23 @ 12:17 am
Such a magical show – from Esther’s spell on the Purim King to Blood Sugar Sex Magik (great album!) Happy Purim and International Women’s Day – Esther really ties it all together – along with Sex Workers Day! Thanks for giving us “the whole megillah” as they say – love it!
03 · 8 · 23 @ 8:13 pm
I love Pussy Cookies! Of all kinds. But Yours are the BEST. Stupendous Story of Esther – Happy Purim! – as only You can tell it, and great funny calls this show, especially the Belly Dancing call. Also Blood Sugar Sex Magik is eargasmic. Also Happy Women’s Day to a Great Woman!
03 · 8 · 23 @ 8:06 pm
Happy Purim to a real-life Queen Esther – with all Her Pussy Cooky Power and Weapons of Mass Seduction.
Fantastic show, especially your Purim Midrash & how you realized that the “Haman’s Hat” explanation is just cover for what Hamantaschen really are: Pussy Cookies! Yum.
03 · 7 · 23 @ 1:46 pm
Love the show! Thank you Dr. Suzy for educating me on hamantaschen, aka Pussy Cookies, and belly dancing. Didn’t know half of those facts.
03 · 7 · 23 @ 1:41 pm
We really should have a State of the Sexual Union Address given that so many problems are rooted in sex or lack thereof. Another astute observation by Dr. Suzy
03 · 7 · 23 @ 2:03 am
Great show!
03 · 6 · 23 @ 11:25 pm
Everyone give yourself a gift today. Listen to this show about Women’s Month, Sex Workers Day, Purim Hamantaschen Vulvas, Belly Dancing, and two things I never knew about: Pussy Cookies and Redwings. Well, I know about the last one, this is just a new name to me for it. After you read this sit somewhere and listen to this show. It is glorious. When it ended I sat for a few minutes grateful for the experience
03 · 6 · 23 @ 9:47 pm
I’ve earned my Red Wings, and I am also looking forward to some fresh Pussy… cookies now. I need to hit up a good spot here in LA! What a fabulous show full of treats! I always learn so much. However, I am bummed to learn that the Tennessee sex cop scandal was not consensual. And war still rages on, but we must enjoy the little pleasures in life.
03 · 6 · 23 @ 9:39 pm
I really enjoyed this episode. It was a great lesson on Pussy cookies (I can’t spell the other word) and Queen Esther! This shows that sex work is essential and can lead to world peace if we let it! This was a lovely trail mix of a show where I loved hearing about Red Wings, bonobos, and also Purim!