Orgasmic Halloween 2015 Kink Month Climax in BOOnoBOOville!
Length 1:53:27 Date: October 31, 2015
As nights grow long from the witch’s hex, let us enter the realm of scary sex… whereupon our congregation of bonobo brothers & sisters is transformed into a convocation of sexy witches and hot bitches, tranced-out tramps and curvaceous vamps, all of us gathered together in the Womb Room for the magical, orgasmical, singing, dancing, delightfully debauched, vibrating, broom-flying, Sybian-riding screaming climaxXx of Kink Month 2015 and another high-flying, frighteningly hot Halloweeeeeen in BOOnoBOOville.
BOO! This impactful exclamation ranges in meaning from the creepy moan of a ghost to an affectionate name for a lover. “Boo” is also the first syllable of “boo-ty,” which brings us to our surprise featured guests for Halloween 2015 in BOOnoBOOville, the queens of big boo-ty, or to be even more specific (and politically incorrect) “whooty” (“white girls with booty”): Marcy Diamond and Virgo Peridot.
Marcy has come a long way since her maiden voyage on DrSuzy.Tv when she joined us via Skype from Miami, having dumped the disapproving boyfriend and other sources of kink-negativity along her path to BBW (big beautiful woman) porn-stardom. As her first appearance was Masturbation Month ClimaxXxx 2013, its fitting that she joins us now for Kink Month ClimaxXx 2015. Indeed, Marcy provides the opening climax of the night—her first orgasm in two weeks!—on a magnificent, stripped naked, BOO-ty-bouncing Sybian ride, which is also her maiden voyage on this magical machine.
Another first: her friend and fellow BBW Virgo Peridot touches a snake—scary! But it’s not Virgo’s virgin time on the Sybian which she straddles reverse cowgirl-style, all the better to view her big beautiful boo-tay, as we book–spank her with The Bonobo Way, jiggling her Rubenesque ass-ets in uncanny rhythm to the music (Jessica Shores’ “Do The Miley Cyrus”) and the cheers of the crazily-costumed Speakeasy crowd as she comes. We haven’t had such a whacky Jill-Off Halloween since The Night of the Masturbating Dead.
I should credit much of this delicious debauchery to the spirit(s) of Bonoboville Communion with both Ron de Jeremy rum (for the porn stars) and Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur (for the rest of us). Some go bobbing for apples; we go bobbing for salty nipples. There are many ways to celebrate the rites of “Satan’s Birthday,” as some Bible Belters like to call All Hallows Eve. Makes sense that Satan is a Scorpio…
Lest you think our Halloween is all devilish decadence, jiggling naked woman-flesh and ghoulish twerking, we also partake in more wholesome entertainments, opening the show with a choral reading of our traditional ”Scary Sex” Halloween Poem. DrSuzy.Tv show producer Biz Bonobo also performs a rousing rendition of her signature song, “Are You Still Dying?” and Bonobo Rose (now a phone therapist with the Institute!), costumed as a “star,” sings “Earned It” a cappella from 50 Shades. Bonoboville’s got talent!
Speaking of which, Dayton Rains—Institute webcam, sext and phone therapist—shows her unique talent for masquerade, concealing her pretty face in an ugly mask, a noose around her neck (don’t try this at home), fishnets, fake blood, nipple tape and not much else, and is, as usual, overflowing with erotic tricks and treats. Agile as an acrobat, she slinks and somersaults from bed to rug to chair to Sybian, going down on several yonis, including mine(!), and squirting silvery sparkles from her own multi-talented twat. Pretty soon, we are all covered in fairy dust and pheromones.
The debauchery and comradery continue into the after-party until even the ghosts are getting it on. From across a crowded Speakeasy, I spot Capt’n Max as Superman, my Superman, and on the wings of communal ecstasy we fly away to our own private Kink Month climaxXx.
Next Saturday: Don’t miss Capt’n Max’s birthday with very special guests Silky and Luc, plus (can you believe it’s been a year since the hottest book launch ever?) the one-year anniversary of The Bonobo Way!
Halloween 2015: Bonobo Rose, Dayton Rains. Row 2: Biz Bonobo with Agwa, Marcy Diamond with The Bonobo Way, Dr. Susan Block with Ron de Jeremy Rum, Virgo Peridot, Ono Bonobo. Row 3: Ikkor the Wolf, Mike. Photo: L’Erotique
© November 1, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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11 · 9 · 15 @ 3:05 pm
I will die for u
11 · 6 · 15 @ 5:49 pm
Hi there,
WOW! What a show! I really was listening to it and I have to say, WHAT A HALLOWEEN SHOW for sure! And I cannot wait to celebrate tomorrow night. I deeply wish to not only express my deepest gratitude for your shows, but let me also say that I am forever indebted to you Dr. Susan Block, Chelsea, Capt. Max and all at the show for your tireless support (tears swelling up in his eyes) my heart hurts every single time that I hear about someone’s life being taken due to bullycide, especially those with special needs. I get angry whenever I hear of something like this. One of these days, I wish to strongly be a guest on your show to discuss this matter especially and how your bonobo mission can solve the bullying and bullycide crisis in our country and our planet sincerely.
11 · 5 · 15 @ 10:53 am
I watch the video. Wow you are attractive beautiful stunning sexy HOT
11 · 4 · 15 @ 11:49 am
Dr Block you are sexy and you make me HOT When I see girls under your feet
11 · 3 · 15 @ 11:51 pm
11 · 2 · 15 @ 11:19 pm
I’m once again in awe of Dr Suzy. Among many reasons her stance on destigmatizing witches is quite real. (She is the real deal. I’ve seen her library.) And thank you for standing against #slutshaming and speaking up for Miley Cyrus to a sponsor of the show.
I’m so thankful to know and have become close to producer Biz aka Eluzabeth Adton as well as the majorly creative and crazy in a good way Dayton Rsins!!!
Happy Halloween to all and now All Hallow’s All Soul’s Day. XOXO
Live and Bonobo Light,
X ~Chels
11 · 2 · 15 @ 11:22 pm
Geez my iPhone coordination seems to be all thumbs. Please be patient while I await a new laptop charger.
11 · 2 · 15 @ 5:11 pm
BOOnoBOOville was writhing with beauties, booties, and cuties this Halloween!
With tricks and treats, we ‘seasoned our meats’
We garnished with glitter and made people titter
The room was ignited when Whooties invited
Gave a us a big perk with their jiggly twerk ;)
This show was a spellbinding delight! Our lively crowd enhanced the vibe of the evening, participating and playing til the wee witching hour. There was so much excitement ~ it was a veritable Vaudevillian variety show!
It’s a pleasure to see the amount of talent we have here within the walls of Bonoboville, and I appreciate Dr Suzy & Max for allowing us to showcase it. When we combine that with our ever-growing cast of visiting characters, I am confident to say that we are building a whole new community of confident, talented & sexy Bonobos!
So, dear friends…old & new:
Please come back soon and tune in each week! The Holiday Season will be full of debaucherous fun <3
11 · 2 · 15 @ 7:59 pm
I loved seeing how I grew professionally in confidence and I hope poise too by being part of stage crew on camera a little each week for over a year. Dr Suzy is an encourager and a creative role model for the community.
Your song, Elizabeth, was solid and impressive. Keep singing for us please!
11 · 2 · 15 @ 9:19 am
I’ve never seen so much BOOty in BOOnobooville! So awesome to see these women do their thing, looking sexy and delicious in their extra curvy forms. Truly makes me happy to see powerful, beautiful women whose bodies exist outside of the narrow boundaries of socially sanctioned ideas about what defines a “hot” female body…cuz these women are smokin’…and they know it…and WE know it too! Watching those butts bounce…was entrancing! And beyond the booty, these women were lovely human beings. Awesome sense of humor from both and real stars- it was really enjoyable to watch both Marcy and Virgo get off on their Sybian romp…not to mention the Bonoboville communion with the magnificent (and this week really really scary) Dayton Rains- steamy!!! I see why they are so successful! Great guests to have the show- I could really feel the love.
And I loved that the element of theater was especially present that night, with the read-along Halloween poem and our musical showcase. Biz put on a fantastic, full body performance (rousing indeed!) culminated by a pussy-powered glitter show- yay! Thanks Dayton- I was soaked! And I had a blast singing my bit as well and being part of the on-stage Speakeasy magic :)
Great Halloween, perfect climax for a super fun & eye-opening kink month- I’ll never be the same! Thanks Dr. Suzy!
Love, Rose
11 · 2 · 15 @ 8:13 pm
I know what you mean Rose. It *is* life-changing to partake of Bonoboville communion and be part of this world-famous weekly greatest sexuality show on earth with Queen of the Airwaves.
As for your ‘but’ you call it, was fabulous!!! You’ve got this depth and gritty realness meeting sexy and mysterious head-on. I’m so glad you sang that. I loved it and now I know I love you too.
Love your writing too, BTW, you sound like a bonobo sapiosexual!
11 · 2 · 15 @ 8:25 pm
11 · 1 · 15 @ 11:22 pm
Booty-ful evening in bonoboville, and a wild after-party indeed. Another howling good time in the speakeasy. Hat-tip to Ron Jeremy, for providing his hard, spicy spirited Ron De Jeremy Rum, that definitely went down smooth. Cheers!
Also, I just wanted to say that this has been an mind expanding kink month and that there are only 9 more shows left in 2015– WOW the year of the Bonobo has really flown by!
Look alive bonobos, see y’all at Capt’n Max’s Birthday celebration. :D
11 · 1 · 15 @ 9:46 pm
What a fabulous Halloween and climax to Kink Month! What a way to spend the holiday with poetry, porn stars and performers!
The lovely booties from the BBW, who were truly spectacular, had the womb room in a trance of following the asses of Marcy Diamond and Virgo Peridot. Both women took a ride on the Sybian and everyone stirred with excitement from their juicy orgasms.
Kink Month has had it all going on! What better day than Halloween to celebrate the sexy, scary, kinky and mysterious.