The Mirror interviews Dr. Susan Block about Stormy spanking Trump
May 9, 2024 – International sexologist and spanking expert Dr. Susan Block gives an “exclusive” interview to The MIRROR’s Yelena Mandenberg on “the spank heard round the world” – Stormy Daniels spanking Donald Trump with a rolled-up Forbes featuring his picture on the cover – just as the world’s most politically influential porn star wraps up her “bombshell testimony” at Trump’s hush money trial.
Here are a few of Dr. Block’s observations about Stormy, Trump, spanking, kink, fetishes and humiliation quoted in The Mirror story:
- “When somebody spanks somebody else, they’re turning the tables. [Stormy Daniels] is a younger person, she’s smaller in height, less powerful in status, so she’s turning the tables on Trump… and it’s very satisfying for us as an audience, and for him, it might be a turn-on because he’s so used to people kissing his a– and now here’s someone spanking his a–.”
- Block referred to the incident as a ‘sex game’ – one that they’re continuing to play. “They’re still playing this sex game. They’re just playing it in court and the realm of public opinion. He wanted to keep it private, but he didn’t succeed in that. The game is right in front of us, and it’s very titillating.”
- “Humans are always titillated by hearing about sex stories from the powerful, from Clinton to Gary Hart, whether we find it appalling or [feel] ‘go for it.’ Usually it’s been consensual, though not always, but, usually, it is something we can laugh about without guilt and enjoy ourselves.”
- “Because it seems he was a little tyrant since he was a kid – his mother was ill and his father was gone – so my guess is he wasn’t spanked or even punished very much so there might be a part of him that liked it, that found it exciting that the tables are turned.”
- “She spanked the obnoxiousness out of him for at least 10 minutes, then she went to the bathroom, and he went right back to his old way; that’s probably when the spell was broken.”
- “A lot of times people in positions of power do get turned on by having the tables turned sexually, want to keep it private… Often we get excited and, even if we don’t like it, or feel it’s bad, or humiliating, we may be turned on by it. Because [this incident] was private, he wouldn’t feel humiliated [in a hotel bedroom], but in the courtroom, I’m sure he did feel humiliated to hear all of this.”
- “For him, it was foreplay. For her, it was a joke.”
- “I’m kinda impressed by the idea that this person from the sexuality field, the ‘porn star,’ can bring down the past president,”
To read or listen to the entire Mirror article, go to
Partial interview in The Irish Star
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05 · 11 · 24 @ 5:19 pm
Props to Dr. Suzy for once again nailing the facts on
Stormy Daniels’ testimony in Trumpster’s “hush money” trial, and in particular her mental toughness in the face of the usual slut-shaming.
05 · 11 · 24 @ 2:10 am
Great interview and insight Dr. Suzy!
05 · 10 · 24 @ 10:49 pm
For those who aren’t familiar with the psychology of sex and what that looks like for different people, Dr. Block paints an accurate picture of how power dynamics and sexual entitlement plays a major role in the Stormy Daniels vs Trump case. I like the way she breaks down Trump’s bratty disposition and how his own power made him turned on by having a woman assert dominance over him sexually. The idea of a powerful person being submissive in bed is way more common than people tend to believe. I think she is right on the money with her comments, I couldn’t agree more.
05 · 10 · 24 @ 10:35 pm
It’s great to see the Mirror citing Dr. Suzy numerous times in this article on Stormy Daniels spanking Trump. But it’s not surprising since Dr. Suzy has been covering Stormy Daniels’ story for years – and spanking for even longer! When this trial is over, Stormy might want to come on The Dr. Susan Block Show and shed some first hand thoughts of Trump as a viable – or just spankable – presidential candidate, LoL! Seriously, what a great conversation that would be!
05 · 10 · 24 @ 2:55 am
Dr. Suzy calls it like it is. It is Trump’s Kink to become subservient to someone else in charge. I think Dr. Susan Block is right by saying “For him, it was foreplay. For her, it was a joke.” In my experience that is about half of the upper Classmen of Companies, Corporations, and even Countries. My favorite quote was the last one about a porn star taking down a president. I’m also impressed, with both these women.
05 · 9 · 24 @ 10:26 pm
I appreciate Dr Suzy’s valuable analysis and insights. The whole situation is embarrassing and concerning…I do believe there are underlying reasons behind things and in this case, there are a lot. The human psyche is fascinating! Sadly, they’re demonizing sex again but it is not surprising.
05 · 9 · 24 @ 8:57 pm
I love how “The Mirror” used so many quotes by Dr. Suzy as a “mirror” to show the world much needed insight about Trump and plenty of people like him.
It’s great that we have these discussions about sex and sexuality out in the open and spread awareness. And of course, it is a bit of a window onto the soul of Trump giving us a bit more understanding about him.