F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
Coup Anon Kink
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
by Dr. Susan Block.
When QAnon tries to do a coup, it’s a Coup Anon, and whether you love it or loathe it, if you’re in any way following these rather tedious yet occasionally “wild” Insurrection hearings, you’re in the grip of Coup Anon Kink.
Then, you’ll want to hop aboard the Love Train as Capt’n Max and I explore the political, comical, Christofascist and calamitous kinks of Coup Anon America, the physical focal point of which was the “Rape of the Capitol,” though the Coup Anon Crusade is far broader and, unfortunately, ongoing.
The implications are pretty depressing—at least for anyone who is not a Christofascist or billionaire—but you’ll be happy (or maybe sad!) to know that I personally am no longer depressed. That’s partly because I’ve gotten some deep rest, thanks to the miracle of Melatonin—which doctors never recommend because they don’t make money on it—and Max’s famous foot massage.
Of course, depression can always return, like Covid or another pothole in one of America’s many unrepaired roads. That’s one of many reasons I don’t keep guns in the house or office. If you’re really depressed, it’s so quick and easy to kill yourself or someone else. Maybe someone you love or hate, or both. Or maybe someone you don’t even know for “no reason.” Except you have your reason; you’re depressed.
As the guns get easier to obtain, thanks to our Supreme Injustices, the murders, mass murders, suicides, suicide/homicides and accidental homicides mount, and that’s not “mounting” in the fun way. That means you’re dead or they’re dead or everyone’s dead, and all because you had a gun, and you were depressed, when what you really needed was a little deep rest.
Of course, it’s not just depression. Almost any negative emotion—anger, fear, jealousy, loneliness, despair, humiliation, indignation—will do. In Utah, a four-year-old shot at police with his daddy’s gun as they were arresting said dad for disorderly conduct so that he “could be free to do what he wanted.”
Coup Anon Clown Hearings
Good thing most of those depressed, angry, jealous Coup Anon mobsters weren’t carrying guns on Jan 6, 2021, or the Rape of the Capitol would have been a bloodbath. The cosplay-clownish but seriously depraved “rape” of Congress—American’s representative “body” of government— was bad enough, but the human death toll could have been much worse.
As Capitol Police Officer Michael Fanone put it, “Josh Hawley ran like a little bitch.” Though that’s an unintended insult to female dogs, sissies and women who take no shit, it’s an apt description of the cowardly fist-pumper from Missouri.
The hearings saw this Mob Boss Trumpty-Dumpty, sitting in the White House dining room, watching his Coup Anon unfold like a giant wrestling match or Christofascist porn on Fox TV, wishing it would be worse, much worse. All the evidence points to the Clown Commander-in-Chief hoping his loyal hordes would (literally) crush his enemies in Congress—perhaps actually hanging Mike Pence, slaughtering Nancy Pelosi and/or raping AOC. Only then would he tRump stride in, as his people cleared a path through the corpses, to calm the bloodthirsty mob with a sweep of his tiny hands and be crowned President for Life.
Only when he realized his “wild” Coup Anon was not going to succeed, that all the Senators, Representatives and their aids had managed to escape capture, as the Capitol Police started to wrest control of the building, did he tell his hordes to go home. That “Go Home Speech” outtakes reel is hilarious for his malapropisms, but most telling for his pathetic yet poisonous refusal to concede that he lost that election. He was just angry about it, throwing a tantrum, like that four-year-old kid pulling his dad’s gun on the cops.
The Trumpus appears to have also poisoned the Secret Service, turning a couple of his favorites, Tony Ornato and Bobby Engel, into personal bodyguards and possibly Coup Anon accomplices.
And then there’s Coup Anon lieutenant Josh Hawley, the erotophobic Senator from Missouri who recently boasted to a cheering crowd of MAGAts, “I’m not gonna cower, I’m not gonna run.”
Zat so? Sweet irony has footage going viral of Chickenhawk Hawley running away from the Capitol-crashing Coup Anon’ers—just after he’d fist-pumped them into a frenzy—with great, scurrying speed. As Capitol Police Officer Michael Fanone put it, “Josh Hawley ran like a little bitch.”
Though that’s an unintended insult to female dogs, sissies and women who take no shit, it’s an apt description of the cowardly fist-pumper from Missouri.
How are these Coup Anon clown criminals not in prison—much less holding public office and threatening to run in 2024? Will anyone important—especially the Big Orange Cheesebrain—be held accountable for this criminal, calamitous and merrily ongoing Christofascist Coup Anon?
Post-Trump Sex Disorder & Public Access on HBO
Looks like I’ll be discussing some of these issues with the brilliant and passionate Chauncey Devega with whom I spoke about Post-Trump Sex Disorder back in 2019, and now he wants to chat about Forced Breeding and other issues of our erotophobic, politically crazy times.
It also appears that I’ll be in an HBO documentary about the wondrous world of public access TV—which aired The Dr. Susan Block Show for over 15 years and which directly led to appearances on Real Sex and our #1 Nielsen-rated Radio Sex TV specials on HBO.
Most people either don’t know about public access or think it was goofy. It’s true, much of it was pretty goofy—though no goofier than Facebook and half of Youtube—and it was a bastion of Free Speech which Facebook and Youtube are not.
We talk about fighting and winning our censorship battles, aka “Adelphiagate,” with the Rigas Family of Adelphia TV, only to ultimately lose all public access to the ravages of capitalism. Now all media access has been privatized, and arbitrary censorship reigns supreme.
Youtube even censored our show right after Coup Anon, “After the Insurrection.” Listen above
Thanks to this type of censorship, as well as banning books and our rights, the Christofascist Coup Anon “Crusade” continues.
Consuming Kartrashians
This time, the Kartrashian newsmakers are Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott, and no I haven’t forgotten the horrors of Travis Scott’s Astroworld, but this is a different crime against humanity, presented on Instagram as romance. I believe in romance and doing things together in the “his and her” sense. And though I’m all for pronoun diversity—Max is a “his” and I’m a “her,” and we have his and her microphones, his and her bar stools, his and her underwear (I sometimes like the boy panties)—but Kylie and Travis have his and her private jets, spewing his and her plumes of jet fuel all over the neighborhood.
“You wanna take mine or yours?” Kylie’s IG is coyly titled. I’m all for joining the Mile High Club, but you do that in one plane, not two.
And you can’t do it in one of those ridiculous, ecocidal three-minute flights these Klimate Kriminal Kartrashians take regularly.
We also mention that cannibalism is in the news again, mostly in fictional portrayals, such as “Fresh,” a movie about literal human trafficking that winds up with the human on somebody’s dinner plate, and Timothy Chalamet’s in another cannibal movie which ostensibly has nothing to do with the fact that his “Call Me By Your Name” co-star Armie Hammer of the Hammer family, was practically hounded out of Hollywood, accused (among other things) of expressing disturbing cannibalistic fantasies to people other than a sex therapist. Currently, Armie is selling time-shares and/or working as a concierge at a resort in the Cayman Islands. Not sure I’d want to ask him what’s good to eat around there…
And once again, we ask the powers that be to FREE ASSANGE! And we ask YOU to “Be Bonobo,” and follow The Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure, ecosexuality, female empowerment, male well-being, great consensual sex and sharing everything.
There’s lots more, and you can hear it all above or read the transcript below. And if this crazy Coup Anon happens to be your kink, whether you love or loathe it, you’ll win whatever game you play with our Insurrectionist Playing Cards, a must for card collectors of any and all political persuasions.
Enjoy… but no cheating! And please don’t do another Coup.

“Coup Anon Kink” Transcript
And 5, 4, 3, 2 and
1, 2, 3 and from Los Angeles, CA from our house to your house, this is FDR radio and my name is Max.
And I’m on a crusade. Who said I am crusading against the people who are crusading against me? Yes, I’m crusading against a Christian crusaders. Who want to tell me what I can read? Forced me to have babies. Rob the National Treasury and take away your rights one after the other. The attack on sex is all around you and I know you’ve all very busy playing games on your little computers but eventually, just like the 50s and the 40s, those things will disappear.
You won’t be able to watch them because the Christians don’t want you to watch that they don’t want you to know the truth. Well, what is that? Must be a special effect. Or maybe God is listening. Calm down God everything is OK. In, in the meantime tonight I’m very excited because it’s exciting night and I’m going to go get some edibles, but I’m going to turn you over to my girl, Dr. Suzy. Good evening.
Good evening Capt’n Max, and welcome everyone to FDR. We’re on the Love Train going through the Tunnel of Love into the Great Unknown.
And yes, last week we spoke about fascism in America, including Christofascism and its attempt to Christianize us here in America, as well as in Russia. Putin is a Christofascist in his own Greek Orthodox way. You could say it’s quite prevalent around the world, but we have our own kind here in America, and we have a Christofascist Crusade, a movement that movement that moves through the streets with the Proud boys and the Oath Keepers and murderers right up to the top with the Supreme Injustices. And then there’s the middle, the politicians taking the money from the kings of capitalism who try to keep us divided, us workers.
This Christofascist Crusade is now under some examination in our hallowed halls of Congress as they are looking over what I’m lately calling Coup Anon. If you’re interested in it, whether you like it or not (of course I don’t like it, but I’m obviously interested), whether you’re pro or con, this con, which is called Coup Anon here on FDR, it’s a kink. So we’re talking Coup Anon Kink. And since these hearings are so tedious, you really HAVE to have some kind of Coup Anon Kink to sit and watch them, and yet they are illuminating.
And I must say, I’m no longer depressed. Remember last week? I was depressed.
Uh huh.
That got a lot of mileage somehow. A lot of people were referring to it, and thank you for your concerns, by the way.
People love when you’re depressed.
Yeah they do. It’s tempting to be depressed all the time because people love it so much. They love to get into it and try to tell you not to be depressed… for no good reason, really, though it’s true, you shouldn’t be depressed, as they say, it’s just hard to tell a depressed person why. But in any case it does garner quite a bit of attention, which is why I’m not surprised a lot of people talk about depression. I must be honest though, and say I am no longer depressed. It’s probably because I’ve gotten some deep rest. Yes indeed, brothers and sisters, thanks to the miracle of Melatonin, which doctors never recommend because they don’t make any money on Melatonin. It’s so funny when I ask my doctors about Melatonin, they always look at me like I’m talking about some exotic plant from the Amazon jungle. It’s in every pharmacy. It’s everywhere, and yet because it’s not like a major drug company thing, they don’t know anything about it. But yeah, it calms you down and lets you sleep. I suppose you could get addicted to it, but they say it doesn’t have harmful effects.
I take it.
Right. So, it’s not that the melatonin cures your depression, not at all, but one of my theories is that when you’re depressed, you need deep rest.
There are all kinds of depression, and sometimes you do sleep a lot. But if you’re like me, you can’t sleep much, and that makes you crazier. Melatonin to the rescue! Though depression can always come back, kind of like COVID, or like a pothole in these untended roads that capitalism just doesn’t want to fix.
And that’s one reason I don’t keep guns in the house. I mean, there are many reasons. Actually I don’t like guns for a million reasons, but yeah, if you’re really depressed, it is just so quick and easy to just kill yourself when you got a gun. Or maybe kill somebody you love. Or hate. Or maybe both. You know that mixed feeling. Or maybe no feeling, numbness, because you’re killing somebody you don’t even know, ’cause you’re mad at the world? We all get mad at the world. We all do. It doesn’t require being crazy to be mad at the world. It barely even requires being depressed. Anyway, now if you’re mad at the world, hey, you just get yourself a gun and it’s easier than ever to do that, thanks to our Supreme Injustices.
So the murders and mass murders and the suicides and suicide/homicides and the accidental homicides are mounting. And that’s not mounting in the fun way.
Mmm… Mount me baby, mount me! No, not in that way.
Listen, if you’re depressed, you can get through it, there are different ways. But if you got a gun, well, there’s no way, you’re just dead or somebody else is dead, or everybody is dead and all because you had a gun and you were depressed, when you just needed deep rest.
And that’s not just sleep, although that’s part of it, but a rest from the madness we’re all being stressed out by, and we could all use a deep rest away from the madness, but it’s hard to get those deep rests so we don’t get depressed.
And it doesn’t need to be depression. Almost any negative emotion will do, and you can do it at almost any age. Actually, in Utah a four year old shot at police with his dad’s gun as they were arresting his dad for disorderly conduct. And he told the police honestly – because he’s honest – he’s too young to know how to lie yet – so he told them that he wanted his dad to be “free to do what he wanted.” And I’m sure he’s heard his dad talk about freedom. And his dad’s gun was really easy to get right there in the car for the four year old.
Yep, Yep.
So it was a good thing they were not carrying guns during the Rape of the Capitol on January 6th, 2021, which is what some people are paying attention to these days, ’cause the hearings are going on, if you’re tuned in to FDR Live.
Because if they had had guns, it would have been a bloodbath. Already people died, but it’s a little harder to kill people with flagpoles than with guns.
First of all, most of those guys don’t even know. How to hold the gun frankly.
Well, I guess the gun holders weren’t there. The flagpole smashers were there, and they were certainly trying. You watch him. It’s fascinating and horrific to see how hard they’re trying with these “We support the police” flags to smash the heads of the Capitol Police. And of course we’ve seen that a million times, but it’s still kind of interesting to see it in the halls of Congress again.
When it happened, I called it the Rape of the Capitol, because that’s what it was. It wasn’t exactly a bloodbath. It was a rape of our democracy. And now I call it Coup Anon because it was an attempted coup with QAnon, a weird loser clown coup, but it was an attempted coup of a sort by a weird loser clown leader and his weird loser clown followers who do a lot of damage unfortunately. These clowns are scary for a reason.
Coup Anon is, of course, a play on QAnon, which was quite involved in the Insurrection and the Rape of the Capitol.
No, I think those were all Antifa.
Haha, well that was part of the game, the great fabrication, the lie, the story. We love storytelling, don’t we, Capt’n Max.
We certainly do.
But it’s dangerous.
You know, you mentioned this little boy who took a shot at the cops and more and more cops. By the way, are getting killed in the line of duty and nobody can figure out why these police are being attacked. I know the answer. Because for years police have been killing citizens.
They still are.
And they still are, and now is in the loosey Goosey World Karma. People are mad.
Even a four year old.
Yeah, people are mad.
Not that that gives you any right to shoot anybody. But we do understand the anger at police even from a four year old who’s saying why are you doing that to my dad, who knows, maybe his dad wasn’t doing much.
Or from my office.
I think it was just what they call disorderly conduct, which is kind of amorphous, like “nuisance.” So the kid might have had something there. Though Dad should not have had a gun in the car.
No, yeah.
Really people, I can’t get on any of your sides.!
What the fuck are you doing with a gun in your car. To that, what do you fear for your life? Because of the cops? You feel that somebody is going to car Jack you what the **** are you doing with a gun in your car?
Well, a lot of people have guns in their cars.
I understand that a lot of people get shot and a lot of mothers I remember some kid who shot his mother in the back while she’s taking him to, to the firing range and he shoots her. Because he’s got a gun in the backseat. These are those that are not too bright. Right? There’s some kind of dullness of the of the brain here.
Yes, there are brain problems, and we are all experiencing brain problems. And yet, the presence of the gun enables the person with the brain problem to take out a bunch of his fellow citizens. And it’s usually a “he,” so that’s why I say that pronoun. But in any case, I am so glad that I guess because they did have some metal detectors going into the ellipse, even though Trump was saying “take out the mags” or something, for the most part they didn’t have guns. So they had weapons that were kinda strange, like flagpoles and a whole gallows was there. And yet their numbers were so large and their passion so intense, they almost accomplished a sort of temporary coup. You hear that in these tapes and recordings I’ve been listening, along with Mary Trump, Donald’s niece, who watches every bit of it. She certainly has a Coup Anon Kink.
I don’t watch every bit of it, but I watched a little of Mary with these various dignitaries and though we’re just not really seeing anything new, we’re hearing how it all went down and it just shows how tRump really needs to be arrested like the mob boss that he is.
If I had done that, I’d be in prison right now. No, not, no, no trial, no nothing.
And you wonder, why not?
First, you go to trial. First they go to prison because it charged.
There, well, that’s what happened to the followers. Right? A lot of them just got picked up and dropped into the tank, and if they couldn’t afford the bail they had to stay there, but not any of tRump’s inner circle.
That’s right.
And by the way, you see that even though they’re trying to counsel him on stopping the thing, and he really didn’t want to stop it, no, not at all.
This is outrageous.
But still, they all conspired
You know he was going this is great. This is great.
He loved it. Oh my goddess, he loved it. He was waiting for his loyal insurrectionists to take the capitol, to rape the capitol to just pin it down like it was a wrestling match. Of course, Trump is really into wrestling. That’s his whole deal, his entertainment field and that’s his fan base, people that like wrestling.
Yeah yeah, yeah.
Yeah, he was hoping that there would be a takedown here through the element of surprise, and through the sheer passion and the deep fantasies.
I was listening to Malcolm Nance who’s a brilliant guy, though too much of a warmonger for me, a Hawk, not a chicken hawk. He seems to have a good idea of what a lot of these guys are thinking, that we’re going to hang Mike Pence and we’re going to kill Nancy Pelosi and we’re going to rape AOC. You know they were fantasizing about it, even if they didn’t have a plan to do it.
Trump never has much of a plan, but he was fantasizing, hoping that they would just get in there and partly through the QAnon look which disarms people because it is so clownish, I mean when we saw the QAnon Shaman, we thought, oh this is a joke. This is not violent ’cause the Shaman was just making a lot of noise and the two guys on either side of them were just like cosplay clowns. They were in front, and then there were the guys that were breaking windows and breaking heads and those guys Oath keepers trying to take the Capitol. And for Trump this was porn. This was just sheer deliciousness that he was consuming, like he consumes his burgers while he was sitting there in the White House dining room… probably consuming burgers.
He was watching and hoping that they would kill half of his rivals and then crown him President for Life.
Putin is going to be the vice president.
Yes, it’s the Russian American Federation of Billionaires and Assholes.
So listen, my friend. Next door to you, probably 20 feet away there could be some christofascists. And what they want to do is take away certain rights. From your things that we have fought for certainly in my life for many, many years and that’s freedom to pursue our happiness to do the things in life. That power, a country, a nation or culture which includes art includes real freedoms. Freedom from hunger is how this very helpful freedom from homelessness is really helpful.
Freedom from disease is really helpful. These are things that that person next door 20 feet away doesn’t want you to have. OK, and then it’s not a joke. This happened in Nazi Germany. It happened in fascist Italy. Religion has no place in our political lives. Stay in your lane because you know the little snowflakes on the left are waking up slowly but surely.
Let’s hope so.
Yes they would.
What do they call us? Woke? Let’s act that way. Seriously, I would like to be woke. I feel like we’re all asleep. I would like us to wake up to what’s going on, which is that our planet is burning and flooding . Actually, it’s boiling. Water dripping everywhere from Greenland where the ice is melting and flooding. Of course, it’s a desert here where FDR is located and Back East, you guys get all kinds of weather, I guess depending.
So we got to do something about this environment or not. Though I guess ultimately we can’t, because we have no power, because we have a duopoly in this country where there are multiple reasons on both sides to keep the gas pumping. And everybody is more concerned about the price of gasoline than they are about killing off all of human life and many other forms of life on this beautiful planet in this beautiful Galaxy we have been blessed to see pictures of from the Webb telescope.
I love those pictures that we’re showing in between some of our fabulous other pictures here, as we talk on the Love Train you can see.
By the way, all the photos are for sale that are ours.
Yes, the photos that are ours, not the Galaxy photos.
Not the Galaxy photos.
OK but like this one of me and Mistress Tara spanking our Trump surrogate. You can buy that photo if you like, and you can buy all these fabulous photos that we’re showing from our Bonoboville Reunion. And actually we have to censor them because we are showing them on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, all these platforms where you’re not allowed to show tits or ass…
Because they are private, corporate, platforms.
Yeah, and that’s a shame.
Let me add something in there which is kind of interesting for me because I have fought a case like that. And that is…Whoops, what was I going to say?
I don’t know, but we are going to be doing an interview very shortly about this subject of censorship.
Oh, oh, wait yes. OK. That’s all very nice, except that all of these broadcasts that these private companies and platforms have operate off the telephone lines.
So we should take control, we the people, we the government.
I would rather the government was doing the censoring than these private companies, honestly, because at least you have recourse with the government, you can take them to court if they censor you unfairly, and you can assert your rights, which is what we did when we were on public access. So I am going to be doing an interview shortly, and Captain Max and possibly a few other people here will be involved reminescing about our time on public access, which was a wonderful time.
18 years we were on there.
Yes, yes.
We brought up a lot of Angelino’s
We sure did.
For 18 years.
Yeah, especially when we were on channel 3, right with the mainstream media, there we were saying all kinds of great things and showing hot bodies.
I mean we didn’t show penis-in-vagina sex but we could show licking and kissing and sucking and we could show topless.
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And even frontal nudity.
And masturbation.
We could show a lot and it was amazing except when we couldn’t, which was thanks to John Rigas of Adelphia. But we fought his censorship quite successfully. And we exposed him, and then of course he was exposed by others for not just hiding our masturbation but hiding his own masturbation of his figures.
The Rigas Family.
Meaning cooking the books. Masturbating their figures. I’m just masturbating my own figure. Anyway we let these billionaires do this all the time, but the Rigases got caught and actually that was a rare case of being held accountable and forced to take responsibility. So we won that case, and yet then we lost public access when it was sold to Time Warner, who just kind of gave it up. They told us oh, don’t worry, you’ve got the Internet now, you got YouTube. You don’t need Public Access anymore. But no, YouTube is not the same. We even knew it back then. And now we know it more than ever. YouTube just doesn’t censor tits and ass, though they do that much more than public access. YouTube also sensors politics. Public Access never censored politics. Remember, Bill Rosendahl, rest in peace?
Is he dead now?
I think so, but in any case he was involved in public access. We had our arguments ’cause he thought I was too sexy, but I’m a Sexy Lefty, and he was a little bit of a Lefty himself, and they prided themselves on never censoring their political shows, and now guess what? Political shows are being censored on Youtube, such as Abby Martin’s shows from RT. I know why, and no I ain’t on the Russian side. But I don’t think those shows should be censored. Or Chris Hedges’ amazing shows. I agree with Noam Chomsky on that. Our Insurrection show, the show about the Rape of the Capitol, which we called “After the Insurrection,” and all we talked about was this riot, this white people riot, which was an appropriate other name for it in a way, because the BLM was happening, and they were trying to say oh, this is our white version. Nah, it was an attempted Coup Anon Coup, and the Rape of the Capitol. In any case, YouTube censored our show about that which was all audio, no erotica, no images even,and not even sexy talk, and they censored it. And they do that every once in a while. You never know you live in constant fear of being censored, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners. So, out of fear, you self-censor, and that is what they want.
So, if you’re watching live, you see the banner from “Rape of the Capitol,” where the MAGAt and Trumper heads are rolling. That’s my fantasy, that their heads would be rolling, Rudy Giuliani, Josh Hawley, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz and all the Trumps and Lindsey Graham were all responsible for this. And no, I don’t want their heads to literally be rolling. I just want them to take responsibility.
And yeah, they commit so much worse violence, all of these guys and their wars. This was symbolic, which resonates with the American public and around the world, and that’s one reason why these criminals need to be held accountable. One thing that was interesting that’s come out of these hearings was how ridiculous Trump’s rehearsals for his little speech were. Those tapes are for posterity. Everyone can see what a fool he is, how he really couldn’t pronounce “yesterday.” I mean, I know I can’t pronounce words either. I don’t fault him for that, but I thought it weird and disturbing that he didn’t want to say he lost the election. I think that part was damning, if anything is damning here, which I’m not sure, I hope something is, but these Democrats are so scared of holding him accountable. I hope I’m wrong about that. I want to be wrong. I want these Democraps to hold the Repugnicans – who are really more fascist more christofascists than the Dems – but the Dems have to hold them accountable or else there will be hell to pay.
So here’s somebody who’s got something to say about the topic. Wolfgang Felix White on Youtube says, “Christian Fascism will be the final nail in America’s coffin.”
Interesting. I know it was the first nail, the first white European nail, because the first white Europeans that really settled not just exploited temporarily like the explorers but settled were the Pilgrims and the Puritans. And of course, the Pilgrims were a certain kind of Puritan which were the original evangelicals, who were kicked out by the British and the Dutch, because they were just too Christofascist for the Europeans.
They were Christofascist.
Yes, they were the original Christofascists in America, the Pilgrims, the ones we all worship at Thanksgiving, who really didn’t have that kind of a Thanksgiving. Actually, that’s why I celebrate Spanksgiving because they were much more into spanking their own people, as well as flogging and whipping in stocks, but they were into killing American natives. And they were nothing to be proud of and very misogynist, and so I agree Wolfgang Felix White, I think. Actually though I’m not sure if the Christofascists will be the final nail in America’s coffin, but I am sure, from my history lessons, that they were the first nail in America’s coffin, in that they started the settlements. The guys down in Virginia, they did some settlements that weren’t so religious, like in Roanoke, but that got wiped out pretty fast. Really what had staying power, inspiring the Zionists and the Nazis, were the Puritans.
That’s right, Adolf Hitler took a lot of inspiration from them. I’m not calling the Pilgrims Nazis. I’m just saying Adolf Hitler took inspiration from White American Christofascists that wiped out the Natives. That’s what he wanted to do with Europe’s Jewish population, and other populations. So he thought it was brilliant and that’s what this country was founded, meaning the United States of America. Actually the country or the land is much older, and I love its native name, Turtle Island.
Dr. Suzy, yes, I just want to clarify something.
Go right ahead.
We’re not just after. Catholics or Christians or all religions? All religions have a history of violence. All religions have a history of separating humans from one another to enforce their rules.
Right, certainly Judaism and Islam, and Hinduism and to some degree Buddhism is a little bit better, the idea of it, but a lot of the ideas in religion are nonviolent, but then the actual people, the humans that are practicing the religion become violent. I imagined Buddhism to be more nonviolent because I grew up during the American War in Vietnam, and by the way, I call it the “American War in Vietnam,” not the Vietnam War. People that call it the Vietnam War imply that Vietnam was at fault for the war, and it was an inexcusable American invasion, so it was an American War, and that’s what they call it in Vietnam, “the American War.” So, since they’re Buddhist, I felt like, oh, Buddhists are more peaceful than people of other religions, but I’ve seen them also in other places where they’re violent. I’m not going to name
names, though there’s been some changes going on in Sri Lanka. Their leaders were brutal. Although I like the way the people kind of pushed out the president without a lot of violence. They just did it in sheer numbers.
That’s what we got to do with Brett Kavanaugh. We need huge numbers get this guy out of there, or just hug him to death, although that gets a little sketchy when there’s COVID.
Anyway, all you people, I love you who are writing things like good evening and fire, fire, fire?
And better yet, why don’t you call us at
That was stereo.
Oh all right kids yeah. So first person to call is going to get a free copy of Dr. Suzy’s book The Bonobo Way, which I am going to personally send out and sign.
Well, I’m not going to sign it. She’ll sign it. 213-291-9497 and don’t wait till the very last three minutes of the show to call to tell us a great story, but
I will hate you a little bit if you do that.
Yeah, look just a little.
We’ve got a lot to talk about, with our “his and her” voices, and how we harmonize there made me think of how we are very “his and her” and that reminded me of the latest Kartrashian News. This time it’s Kylie and Travis’ his and her planes. I know I have not forgotten the horrors of Travis Scott’s Astroworld, which I will discuss again at another time, but now I want to talk about another crime against humanity, that’s presented on Instagram as romance in tasteful black and white.
I do enjoy tasteful black and white photos, as you see occasionally on our photographs, and I do believe in romance and doing things together, and I’m all for everyone having different pronouns whatever they like, but I am a “her” and Max is a “him” or “his.” And we do have his and her microphone headsets.
Ah, we do, yes.
We have his and her bar chairs, and we have his in her bath towels and his in her offices and his in her underwear. Mine is a little smaller, although I do like the boys style sometimes. So I noticed that another loving couple have his and her private jets, spewing his and her plumes of jet fuel all over our tortured atmosphere.
And the neighborhood.
And yes, that would be you Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott.
They don’t. They all live up in somewhere up in somewhere in the hills of here, Calabasas. So you guys are taking your jet planes to Calabasas dropping fuel Just to fly to Van Nuys or Burbank airport. Yeah, I know your neighbors, yeah. Good thing you’re not my neighbor.
They’re flying a short distance, which uses a lot of fuel, spews a lot of pollution because it’s taking off and landing.
Yes, right, right? So it’s all about power, yeah? And so and and also these they call themselves environmentalists or some shit like that.
Kylie Jenner is no environmentalist. She also lied and said she was a billionaire when she wasn’t, and now she is because everybody who was almost a billionaire is a lot richer now, since the Coronapocalypse. But beforehand she lied, and now she’s putting out a little IG posts that says, “You want to take mine or yours?” while she and her man are kissing in front of their twin jets.
Now I’m all for joining the Mile High Club, as you know which we talked about a couple weeks ago, but honey, you do that in one plane, not two.
Unless you he has a long hose, then you can refuel in flight.
Yeah, it’s a real long hose if it needs two planes. Seriously though, they should not be allowed to do that. There should be some laws against private jets spewing so much. I don’t think we should have this kind of freedom. I’m a liberal, not a neoliberal, and we have to clean up these skies. These two people that go off in separate jets with a kiss, such crap. I love kissing, but going off in separate jets, no. Stop with the Kardashian crap. They do all kinds of awful things. You know, I didn’t appreciate Kim ruining Marilyn’s dress, but this is ruining the planet Earth brothers and sisters.
Harry on Facebook says “Holy shit, a four year old shot at police? Of course, that’s got to be Texas or some red state?” Well, it’s a red state, yeah, but not Texas. It’s Utah which has a whole different type of Christofascism, but still the gun toting type.
Anyway, brothers and sisters lovers and sinners back to Coup Anon. Yes Trump making that little rehearsal before his speech about the “heinous attack,” telling his “special” people to go home finally, was quite something. At least, Steve Bannon has been convicted. Woo Hoo. Although they’re going to appeal.
And then there’s Josh Hawley. The senator from Missouri spoke at some convention before thousands of people applauding as he said “I’m not going to cower. I’m not going to run” from something to do with liberals.
But there he is right on tape, Brothers and Sisters, cowering and running like a chicken, fastest of all of the senators, running scared away from the Capitol. And this was right after he gave them the fist up in the air when he was safely behind a protective barrier, cheering on the Coup Anon’ers from afar, but then when they crashed through the capital, he was running. As Capitol Police officer Michael Fornoni says, “Josh Hawley ran like a little bitch.”
And let me just say a couple things about that. I’m not usually pro police, but I sympathize with that portrayal, since Hawley did his best to stir up the rioters, the wannabe Coup Anon’ers that attacked Officer Fornoni. And then Hawley goes and runs. Why wasn’t he leading his constituency into the Capitol where his colleagues were also running? Yeah, everyone was running scared. They couldn’t believe the monster they had unleashed, perhaps, or they could, and they just didn’t want to be in the line of fire.
As representative Adam Kinzinger says – and here’s another guy that I don’t agree with very much. He’s a Republican – “Trump did not fail to act during the 187 minutes between leaving the Ellipse and telling the mob to go home. He chose not to act.” Exactly. So he belongs behind bars, if anybody does. And you know, I’m against most imprisonment, especially the imprisoning of nonviolent offenders, but this is violent.
But I do have one problem with Officer Michael’s characterization of Josh as a little “bitch,” because that’s a female dog, and we love dogs, so we like bitches. So Josh Hawley is just a coward, like a lot of them are. They’re “chickenhawks” is what they are. They stir up the people to violence, and then they they take the money from the billionaires who support their campaigns. And Capt’n Max is back.
I just got a little chocolate.
Yummy! We also heard this week from Chauncey Devega of Salon who interviewed me about Post-Trump Sex Disorder a couple years ago, and now he wants to interview me about forced breeding and Christofascism for Salon and his show. Now more than ever, we can see that Post-Trump Sex Disorder is a real thing. And it’s not just a personal disorder. It’s infected the Supreme Court. In fact, the Supreme Injustices are the effects of Post-Trump Sex Disorder. Trump’s presidency, which hopefully won’t be repeated, has created a sex disorder that has spread from the Supreme Court throughout the country, from the top down and the bottom up. Trump’s an avatar, as Malcolm Nance says, for these people, and that’s why it doesn’t matter if he’s an idiot. It doesn’t matter if the rehearsal tapes show what a dweeb Trumpis, because his followers are dweebs too, so they like that about it. And, like the wrestling, they really like him, encouraging violence above speech, because they can’t talk either. They would rather be violent.
And that’s why they went to Washington on January 6. And that’s why I call what they do “The Rape of the Capitol.”
And when they use guns and weapons, they are ammosexual about it. Of course, that refers to ammo, but it also refers to your fists and flagpoles. It’s about being turned on by killing and hurting people.
So, Robert Barringer on Facebook says “the first Thanksgiving was followed by deadly conflicts between colonizers and the native people.” That’s very true. And those colonizers were Pilgrims. They were the first American Christofascists. They were out to kill the native people, if they even had much of a Thanksgiving, maybe a little meal and a peace treaty that they broke within weeks.
We have to right the wrongs of the Pilgrims, or left the wrongs. I’m a Lefty.
“Imagine if all couples had his in her jets,” says Harry. Adriana says “Kylie is no environmentalist. She’s filled with plastic.” Yes she is, like the ocean, along with her sisters. I think it’s starting to show in her face. I don’t usually talk about people’s faces, and she is kind of beautiful, of course, in that characterless way, but the plastic surgery is starting to show. She needs a refresh.
Ivanka’s face is starting to fall too.
Yep, you gotta keep getting these treatments going or else, and I think she’s under some stress what with her Dad falling
Thank you.
And Kylie must be stressed with the baby daddy of her two babies being somewhat responsible for the murders of all those people, and I say they were murdered because that place he gave his concert, Astroturf Travis World, whatever it was, it was very dangerous. It was irresponsibly structured. People died, and they’re responsible.
David D on YouTube says, “Every time I see Trump, he makes me want to throw a brick through my TV.”
Don’t do that.
You watch a TV? You’re watching YouTube on TV? Wow. Well, then he asks, “Why do you think so many people like him?” Well David D., I’ve been trying to explain that for years. I think it’s the wrestling mentality. The people that like Trump like professional wrestling. They like the simple colorful characters who use violence to win. They like the guy that can go between Hero and Heel, and that’s what Trump does. They’re in awe of his ability to do that, to be the Heel that is also the Hero, and to just throw his weight around. He is an avatar who speaks at the level of an idiot, so the other idiots can understand. And he encourages violence, and they’re entertained by that.
And they’re also horny, and they think he gets laid a lot, and they envy him. They know he’s had some sex with hot women. And he still maybe does, maybe not. But he has and they identify with that. They like his sexual adventures and honestly, aside from the nonconsensual stuff, I don’t think that’s the worst thing about him at all. In fact, that’s OK. He should have lots of sex with these women, though he should practice safe sex, which he doesn’t, and he should be honest with his wife, which he isn’t.
Birth control will soon be taken away.
Many rights are being taken away.
The Miranda rights has been taken away. What other rights?
Yeah, the Miranda rights are a big, big, big, deal for anybody that’s stopped by the police, which is more and more people. You need to have your right to remain silent, and you sometimes don’t remember that because you’re traumatized by being stopped by the police.
But now you don’t have Miranda rights.
You have fewer and fewer rights every day. Hey as a lefty see this is a Christian crusade against what you’re reading, who you’re fucking, what you’re thinking? It’s a Christian crusade. Either you’re a Christian or you’re non believer. And then sort of some St will come down across your neck.
I wonder if everybody in QAnon is also Christian. I think they are pretty much, although QAnon kind of takes in some non-religious people that call themselves spiritual, but I think QAnon a gateway into Christofascism and, of course, Coup Anon.
Oh yeah, yeah no.
It’s funny, QAnon is not as big a deal now because they have blended in with the churches. Now the regular churches get the idea from the original QAnon that you don’t have to worry about the truth. Not at all. All you have to do is feed people’s fears and fantasies. That’s it, and that’s what Trump does, and that, David D, is what makes some people like him…
Including some of his Secret Service members. Yes indeed, now there’s a Secret Service scandal. It appears that there was some involvement and that Trump contaminated the Secret Service. Why are we surprised they can’t find their text messages from January 5 or 6, 2021? Suddenly, after they’ve been subpoenaed for them, they’re gone. So some of the Secret Service appear to have been in on this, especially the two that were the favorites of Trump, Tony Ornado and Bobby Engel. The Secret Service is not supposed to serve the president. They are not his personal bodyguards. They are supposed to serve Congress actually, and the government to keep danger away from the president, but not to be his personal bodyguard or certainly not his personal assistant. But you know how Trump operates, and he turned a few of them into his personal assistants.
Daniel B says, “Rights are being taken away soon with Central bank digital currencies. Our spending will also be monitored and censored. Imagine when you can only spend the money on certain things, predetermined.” He’s on YouTube. So yes, our rights are being taken away. Whoever said that they’re not is incorrect.
It’s up for debate that they’re taking away.
No, they are being taken away. I guess it is being debated as to whether you want to keep them, and I would like to keep my rights. So that’s what we’re talking about here. Rights. And the first thing is the right to life, and I don’t mean the fetus. I mean, the human being who’s already alive. The fetus is not alive on its own. It’s only in the mother and so does not have a right to life in my opinion, but we human beings who are already alive, we have a right to keep living and not get shot. We also have a right to know the truth about our wars which are killing us and other people.
Wars are started by lies. We know that. And peace is glimpsed with the truth. You can’t say it’s started these days, but it’s at least glimpsed with the truth, and Julian Assange told the truth about, in this case, Bush’s war, he told the truth about a few other things. He pissed off the Democrats for telling the truth about some of Hillary’s emails, but he mainly told the truth about Bush’s wars.
And so he is now being prosecuted and persecuted and extradited to the United States and it’s got to stop.
Now, Mexico has offered him asylum, right?
Yes, and they say that if we do not let Julian Assange go free, then we might as well just give back the Statue of Liberty to France that gave it to us.
Pack, pack it up.
Because we don’t deserve a Statue of Liberty anymore.
But I think I just want to make a little comment. I hope nobody, everybody get mad at me. So I was sitting at the table before the show and I was listening to what the intelligence agencies might call chatter? And I notice that everybody knows everything about these movie stars, what time they fuck, when they shit, and what planes they fly and like..
Yeah, exactly. That’s why I talked about the Kartrashians, because people pay attention to these movie stars. And they’re not even movie stars. They’re just celebrities for getting plastic surgery.
Yeah, and they don’t know if yeah right? And we don’t know who the vice president is or the 1st President and we’re sitting there playing video games.
Dentists no.
Right and the fucking Chinese are building monster weapons because they have learned from us. That without those weapons, that we could get Kicked around.
Well I am not going to support the Chinese building monster weapons. I do support their building monster hospitals, and they do that so much more efficiently than we do, and that’s an amazing thing that they do.
Well, they’re going to. That they do that too. But they are building these weapons.
Yes, a lot of countries have gotten into building and using monster weapons from the United States, which basically built, used and set off the most monster weapons humanity has ever known.
No right.
Dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And we did not have to do that, and the Russians know it. They know that because they had already won the war. The Japanese were about to surrender. They were just looking for some terms. The US just did dropped these horrible atom bombs because they didn’t want the Russians to have too much power. They wanted to say, hey, look at us, we dropped the bomb.
And we were the first to do it. But then quickly, the Russians got the bomb, and France got the bomb, and there’s even a song about that.
And Israel got the bomb
North Korea got the bomb… maybe?
Iran wants to get a bomb. We gotta stop this bombing. We gotta go bonobos, we gotta go the Bonobo Way or we’re gonna go away, and it’s going to be bad, brothers and sisters, although I have hope for the future.
Sex always wins, procreationally and recreationally. If we can just leave a few cells, they’ll figure out that it’s more fun to reproduce together than asexually. That’s what they figured out in the very beginning of life on Earth, and they’ll figure it out again. And I don’t think our Climate Catastrophes will take us as far down as the cells. I think maybe it’ll be the cockroaches. And then, maybe there’ll be a few humans. You never know. I do think that we’re in the deluge. People are dying by the thousands.
Hundreds of thousands.
In these terrible nature occurrences, droughts, fires, floods, and one of those occurrences is the poverty that people in the global South are living in, and the pollution thanks to the Kartrashians and other capitalists, you know, we talked about the Elon and Erroll Musky last week. It seems like we always have a disgusting billionaire of the week here on F.D.R.
And then there are the corporations that you don’t even have a celebrity face to go with, so nobody pays attention. People pay a little bit of attention to the Kartrashians because they’re people, so you can say oh yeah, aren’t they awful as people, but they’re part of a system.
It’s like we’re staring at their faces trying to figure out if they’re perfect or perfectly awful or if they’re melting.
Her face is melting too.
We’re exposed to it so much Kartrashian trash, it’s sick, and I feel as though it’s a form of nononsensual assault, not exactly sexual assault, but you know how when you get dick pic in your DMS and you don’t want to see it, but there it is, staring back at you? That’s how I feel when Kartrashian news pops up on any platforms I’m on. It’s just as bad as a dick pic in my DMs, because you don’t want to look, but its hard to look away.
Speaking of things that are hard to look away from, I can’t help but notice that cannibalism is back in the news again. And there are all these different fictional portrayals of cannibalism, including “Fresh,” a movie about literal human trafficking that winds up with the human on somebody’s dinner plate. Yuck, but of course there is human trafficking for organs, so why not cannibalism? Hey, Eat the Rich, right? And it’s weird I and in a way not weird that Timothy Chalomet is in a cannibal movie when his “Call Me by Your Name” co-star Armie Hammer of the Hammer Family was accused of cannibalism and basically kicked out of Hollywood… I have a feeling he’ll be back if he lays low for a while, because he’s too famous and good looking to let go. Although now supposedly he’s selling timeshares In the Cayman Islands, or some say he’s acting as a concierge, but I don’t think I’d want to go up and ask him, “What’s good to eat, Army?”
She says the Kardashian name?
I call them the KarTRASHions, but they have another name that I don’t want to use because it’s their name, and why should I give them too much airplay? Don’t they get enough?
So she says these are these are just beautiful distractions to keep people looking at them while the rights are being taken away.
I disagree that they’re beautiful.
Me too.
But I do agree that they are distractions. I might like some of their clothes, but actually no, not so much. I actually don’t like their clothes.
It’s awful stuff.
They have terrible sweatshirts, and Kim wears these body suits that cover her hands and feet. Looks uncomfortable. Anyway, enough of that.
Harry says “Yeah, I feel like we should give back the Statue of Liberty and probably take out a few verses from the national anthem because freedom and liberty in the country is becoming a joke.”
Well, I agree with you, Harry, but the national anthem actually has some terrible verses which are not about freedom and liberty, they’re about bombing and slavery. You pay attention to those lyrics by Francis Scott Key about how our people are so courageous, “the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,” and also about how the other side is so terrible, partly because they have escaped slaves fighting on their side. Yes, that is in our national anthem, the Star Spangled Banner. So we should never stand for that song.
And then there’s the part about freedom and liberty, and yeah we’re losing that. And “the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air,” wow, soon that became an atomic bomb. And there could be another one. Now Putin got the bomb, and what moral standing do we have to criticize? Bush gave it away when he stumbled over trying to criticize Putin for his invasion by confessing that his own invasion into Iraq had been terrible, brutal. So yes, of course, Putin does his own invasion is, and he’s copying us, with less sophisticated PR. Y
We gotta go the Bonobo Way, Brothers and Sisters, we gotta find a way to get him to go bonobos, and all those Russians and all those Americans, before there could be other bombs dropped by us, by the enemy, by a friend, by mistake.
And of course, there’s the climate change that we are wreaking upon the Earth. There’s the COVID that is never going to go away, as they told us this the other day. And now there’s monkeypox, which you get from touch, I guess, so sad. It’s like there’s a conspiracy against sex, Brothers and Sisters, and it’s not just coming from people. It’s coming from microbes that don’t like us humans anymore.
But there’s also people attacking sexuality, a lot of people who seem to have a death wish. I think this is the Christofascists way, the Coup Anon Kink, if you will. It’s hang your own leaders and screw yourself and not in a good way. Go out in a hail of bullets. It’s messed up. We gotta try our best to stop it, to spread the Bonobo Way, go bonobos, watch the bonobos who practice peace through pleasure female empowerment, male well-being, sharing socialism and a lot of good consensual sex amongst all the bonobos. And we’re so close, we could do it. We really could But hey, I’m not betting on it. I’m rooting for it. I’m pushing it. But I’m not betting on it.
And so I’ve been thinking about what happens after the deluge. I’ve been looking into the history of what happened after the Roman Empire fell, the collapse which coincidentally happened with the first Christofascists, the first Christians actually, and as they took over Rome, the whole place fell apart, because they don’t know how to run anything. They ran it into the ground. So, he so-called Barbarians looted Rome.
And what did?
And then we fell into, according to our history books, the Dark Ages. I always learned that this was a very bad time, these Dark Ages. I learned that the Roman Empire was glorious, and these Dark Ages were just dark, and in the Middle Ages we started to wake up and then the Renaissance was also glorious, and of course the Enlightenment and the fabulous American Revolution, all these things were taught to us in our non-critical race theory education I grew up with, and that included my Yale education, where I studied American history. One reason I decided not to major in American History was because it depressed me how masculinist it was. I mean, you weren’t taught critical race theory, but you start to figure it out, if you really think about it, how these guys came in and just slaughtered all the natives. But I digress… from the Dark Ages, which I had always learned were terrible. They were dark. People couldn’t read. They couldn’t communicate. There weren’t any kings. There weren’t too many Queens either. There weren’t very many wars going on. And there were a lot of peasants who lived off the land and had to pay taxes to the Lords who had to come around and collect them. And yeah, that was pretty messed up. But what happened later was no better and you could say a lot worse. As the Middle Ages dawned and then the Renaissance, they started taking over the peasants’ land and kicking off the serfs and making them work for a measly wage that didn’t buy them much of anything. And the Kings took over from the Lords and Ladies and made everybody go to war against nations that didn’t exist during the Dark Ages.
The Dark Ages were dark, but they may have been cool. It was a time of collapse and there was a lot of sex going on. You can tell if you read Chaucer, written in the Middle Ages about the Dark Ages, there was lots of hot sex and not that much policing of the sex. You know, these types of sex might be against the Church. Everything was against the Church, but the Church really didn’t have that much power in the Dark Ages. They had the most power, but there wasn’t much power to be had really, and mostly people who left to their own devices.
And you didn’t have to have a passport, that’s for sure.
That’s right.
You certainly didn’t particular countries even, so there was a lot more of what we might call freedom. And maybe there wasn’t so much against women. Look at Chaucer’s Canterbury tales, which I also studied in English class at Yale, those Tales give an important spot to women. Women often would own the Taverns. Women were not as badly treated as they were when like King Henry VIII took over, and all these kings began to assert their power. And even if there was a queen like Elizabeth who was maybe a little better because there were no wars under Elizabeth you notice. She was the Virgin Queen, although she actually waged a big war which was against the natives of North America, but no wars against European countries.
But the wars mounted. Mostly the kings started the wars, and they themselves wouldn’t fight, but they would get the poor people who now didn’t own any land to fight.
And yeah, they had the Enlightenment, and I kind of like the Enlightenment philosophy better than the Christofascists, f course yes, better, Spinoza, Voltaire better. But in terms of the French Revolution, a lot of heads rolled, and capitalism grew out of it. So I’m still a pro-Enlightenment person, and I’m a liberal and I’m a Democrat. But I’m thinking about the future, the coming Dark Ages, when I won’t be alive and when none of us will be, but when there could be some kind of movement, perhaps of socialism, perhaps even the Bonobo Way, because somebody picked up the Bonobo Way book in an old burial site.
Well, you know, as a went by quickly I just want to remind you of your neighbors and.
And I want to warn you about these Republicans. They’re basically traders to the Constitution. Yeah, they’re awful treason they’re treasonous. They’re after you. They won’t take away your rights rights that we fought very hard for. Now you have radicalized me. Not that I wasn’t a radical before. But now I’m going to be 79 soon.
That’s a big subject to bring up at the end of the show.
Yeah, yeah, I just want to give myself a little credit for being the only one standing from my friends.
Well, at least you haven’t gotten COVID like Biden and Trump.
I haven’t gotten COVID, we’ve been very careful around here. Uh, aside from now, I love you. We love you. We care about you too. The City Council. I invited you for dinner last Friday. None of you showed up. I didn’t think you were going to, but we’re going to see each other soon and talk about your threats. Talk about what you’ve tried to do. And talk about how much you’re going to pay for it. In the meantime, I love you, doctor Susie. I love you guys out there. I love me I, I, had a man touching my penis by the way the other day which was rather.
That’s also a pretty big subject to bring up at the end of the show.
It’s Karma talking.
Let’s just quickly explain you weren’t molested, it was just a doctor.
No, no, no.
And it wasn’t one of those kind of doctors. He was actually a urologist.
He was a urologist, that’s.
But you have spoken about him touching your penis about 20 times, including when I was touching other things. So I think you’re a little bit turned on by it. In fact, you might have some sort of a kink about doctors touching your penis.
Speaking of kink this show is “Coup Anon Kink,” and if you really have a Coup Anon kink, have we got a collection of cards for you!
Right on.
In fact, this collection is good for you, whether you approve of the Coup Anon or you don’t. And of course we don’t, but even if you liked it, you will probably like these cards because it shows you all the major players and it’s very interesting so go get your set at DrBlocksPleasureShop.com.
And you’ll find them in there and it’s always a good investment You know, for collectors and their fun cards, and they remind us of our enemies.
That’s how they serve our card-playing desires. But if they’re your friends, hey, have yourself a blast and play cards, but let’s just say this: let’s not have him as president.
That’s correct. Hey, hey, have fun, Yep.
If you want to get all nostalgic while you’re playing cards, be my guest. But please keep it on the card table, not in the Oval Office, or the Oval Orifice which could be mine or anybody else’s. And actually the Supreme Injustices have gone into our Oval Orifices and locked them down for Forced Breeding, and it’s getting worse, Brothers and Sisters.
What a really good show
Whatever your kink, even if it’s Coup Anon Kink, call us and talk to us about it. We’re the kink experts if you get off on watching those guys showing their hairy stomachs as they’re climbing up the wall, well, give us a call and we’ll talk about it or whatever you get off on. Hopefully you get off on something a little more pleasant. But it doesn’t really matter, we’ll talk about it, because we believe in channeling your fantasies into sex and fantasy and telephone therapy, not into shooting people, not into war, so Make Kink Not War
Make like bonobos, not baboons. Make Love Not War. Make love to someone you love tonight. Even if that someone is you.
I love you, even you Coup Anon’ers. Just don’t do another coup!
Show Length 01:24:28 Date: July 23, 2022
© July 23, 2022 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
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07 · 27 · 22 @ 10:12 pm
Brava and Bravo for another wonderful, funny and very sad show. It is sad what this Christofascism or Christian Nationalism is doing to this country. But you make it funny and present truly wonderful ideas if only our leaders would listen. We need to Go Bonobos!
07 · 27 · 22 @ 10:03 pm
This “Coup Anon Kink” really makes you think… WTF is going on with these clowns taking control of America? Or have they always been in control, but now the masks are off? And yeah, Kylie Jenner’s plastic surgery can’t mask her Climate Criminality. Another awesome FDR podcast!
07 · 27 · 22 @ 10:01 pm
Love Your term for Trump’s Clown Insurrection “Coup Anon” & loathe that it is – as You say – “an ongoing Christofascist Crusade” and even though the Capitol is now under high security, the Coup Anon Crusade continues. Oh well, at least we have Fist-Up Hawley McRunPants for comic relief. And thx for calling out Kylie Jenner Kartrashian for spewing trash all over our air. Great show!
07 · 27 · 22 @ 10:56 am
The Republicans have gone all out to destroy the country: from inciting a failed Coup to destroying women’s rights to ignoring mass shootings to recommending bullet proof blankets and backpacks to protect kids instead of sensible gun control measures… what aren’t they willing to do.
Thanks Max and Dr. Suzy for keeping the masses informed and making sure the GOP’s dirty deeds see the light of day
07 · 26 · 22 @ 7:19 pm
I enjoyed another wonderful show with your uncompromising discussion of Coup Anon, Josh Hawley, Trumpty-Dumpty, and Klimate Kriminal Kartrashians. Your show represents a meaningful and effective presence on the Internet.
07 · 26 · 22 @ 10:41 am
Dr. Suzy, I always look forward to FDR because it is my main primer on everything that is happening with politics! I wouldn’t trust anywhere else. It’s great to stay informed on what’s REALLY going on! While I do find the Coup Anon trials depressing, I find them hilarious as well due to the overt hypocrisy of people like Josh Hawley & Friends.
07 · 26 · 22 @ 2:00 am
Great show!
07 · 26 · 22 @ 1:10 am
Wow, this show gave me insight into the political world and helped me to realize how extreme this political world can be. Great insights that help uncover what’s beneath the surface level of a book cover. Lots to think about.
07 · 25 · 22 @ 6:35 pm
I thoroughly enjoy reading your show journals following listening to your weekly Saturday night shows. Dr. Suzy, you’re one of my favorite writers and podcasters of all time. Always entertaining, always current, and most up-to-date, I can count on obtaining the best information out there. The Coup seems to have infiltrated all areas that most matter, or should matter, to humans, and instead the Kartrashians seem to have stolen everyone’s attention, sadly.
07 · 25 · 22 @ 6:26 pm
Dr. Suzy, you are brilliant with the political woes of humanity and bringing us all up to speed on the truth of things. I did not know about coup de anything. I always walk away from your shows more educated than before the show, no matter what. The “Kartrashians” is the funniest way to say their name I have seen yet. So true. They are such a side-track thrown out into the limelight to garner as much people’s attention as possible. Look over here at the Kartrashians while we take your rights away over here where you are not looking but should be. Every week I look forward to your shows, your journals, blog posts, etc and this is all I need to be brought up to speed. And thank you for reminding us about The Bonobo Way, to have kinky, consensual sex while making kink and not war!