Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. kollibri
    03 · 3 · 23 @ 7:17 pm

    What a complete travesty


  2. Coralyn Jewel
    03 · 1 · 23 @ 11:42 pm

    I wonder if it will ever stop? #Freedomofspeech is nonexistent . Just today a European platform that I have been a member for years has been advised by their legal team to remove anyone’s profile from the #unitedstatesofamerica due to #SESTA #FOSTA laws.
    Taking away social media accounts, #sexpositive platforms, #youtubechannels our #careers our #freedomtoembrace
    Dr. Susan Block Institute Dr. Susan Block Show #yourock #brilliant #tenacity #nevergivein ❤️
    So sad as this world has many more important significant matters to focus on let #consenting adults make our own decisions.


  3. GasMaskGirl
    01 · 26 · 23 @ 8:31 pm

    Yup. Its teams of trolls. What a loss. But you still have an awesome platform.


  4. Bob Gryszka
    01 · 26 · 23 @ 8:28 pm

    I saw on your show yesterday that You Tube has banned you!! I’m so sorry.. They really suck. Hang in there, Queen, we need you!


  5. Persia Rae
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 10:55 pm

    No way! That is how you know you are doing something good for the people, and no one can take that away! You’re right about us not standing up against censorship until it hits us directly… sad. Here’s to new ways of evolving in these wild bot times and more of Dr. Suzy and Max always! Love your show, your intelligence, your passion, and your FUN! :D


  6. Abby Martin
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 9:07 pm

    YouTube banned the great Dr. Suzy!


  7. David Root
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 7:50 pm

    Dr. Block, you have my sympathy 100,000,000%!!! sensuality is so vilified here in this United States of AmeriKKKa yet it tolerates violence and lowbrow entertainment.

    Time for The Block Party to nominate Dr. Susan M. Block for President of the United States of America!!!! Now who should be her running mate??!!!


  8. Harry
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 5:58 pm

    We are in a war but most of us don’t know it. The evil powers of “they” are attacking our freedoms at every turn and I’m glad that Max and Dr. Suzy are fighting against them. Censorship is just part of that fight and being censored in a nation of supposed free speech is wrong on so many levels. Thankfully, Dr. Suzy is on more than one platform, but regardless, Youtube is wrong in silencing such a great voice. Funny, how you can show people being killed on Youtube but heaven forbid if someone delivers a sex positive message of understanding, love, and hope. Shame on you Youtube.


  9. MarsFX
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 4:23 pm

    Algorithmic cleansing by AI bots is our new reality. First Abby Martin’s show, and now Dr Suzy’s show has been terminated by a weighted algorithm that seems to have been recently unleashed on YouTube. Voices that hold political players accountable are being “muzzled” in the name of “safe-space” protection, while the mainstream media continually glorifies heart-numbing violence in our news, movies, and games. Dr Suzy’s and Abby’s shows are part of what is known as “The Fourth Estate,” that extra part of the checks and balances system this country was founded on.
    Freedom of the Press is being infringed upon here, and is tantamount to being identified as being Un-American Activity.
    I’m glad Dr. Suzy is on other channels like her own site at DrSusanBlock.tv as well as Facebook, Instagram, and Callin.com


  10. Nan Whitaker
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 1:37 pm

    Oh no Dr. Susan! That is just so frustrating! I have a feeling this is a serious mistake made by their stupid AI bots, i hope that you get it back once you get an actual human being to hear you out. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had this or that removed due to some absurdity their ai claims, last time it was “copyright infringement” via sound, i posted a video of my dogs playing and a meadow lark singing! I told them they’ve made an error and within a few days my video sound was back to normal.
    I think you may have to email them. I’ll ask a few ppl who have channels on there and go look at their website tomorrow to see if I can find anything. I really don’t like businesses that have no way to connect with an actual human being. I had a hell of a time canceling a beauty box subscription who does that. Had to call the bank and have them just stop any requests for payments. Never again.
    I hope you guys find a way!
    Happy Lunar New Year, tis the year of the cat! Or bunny for some…


  11. The Motorbunny
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 1:33 pm

    Seriously, YouTube? That’s sucks big time.


  12. Ruby Aruba
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 12:22 pm

    Awesome show! And very much needed to enlighten us all regarding the censorship of your channel by YouTube, and
    their not censoring select celebrities and billionaire corporations. I enjoyed all of your subjects … from current events to sex education. I believe your show has helped thousands of viewers and listeners. . It’s a terrible loss—to the world.


  13. Gideon Grayson
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 1:58 am

    Great show!


  14. Richard Anthony
    01 · 24 · 23 @ 1:16 am

    Makes me sad to find this out…But not surprised in the current climate…


  15. Bae
    01 · 23 · 23 @ 11:03 pm

    Wowza! I am angry at YouTube for dropping the censorship anvil on you. I can only quote our founding father, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
    ― George Washington. What an unexpected turn of events on your show. To be censored for “harassment?” I never got that from your shows at all. I’ve enjoyed the historical references, opinions, education, sex talk, interviews, and discussions on your show throughout the years.


  16. Rich Biggly
    01 · 23 · 23 @ 9:25 pm

    It is sad that censorship is so prevalent. Remember when YouTube, Facebook, etc. were just silly little sites where you could post silly stuff and not worry about anything? Now, most Social Media is only a shadow of what it used to be. Its use of AI is making the masses dumber.


  17. Adriana
    01 · 23 · 23 @ 8:41 pm

    Incredible show! I can’t (or can) believe that YouTube gave you the axe! It’s enraging that the site used to be a haven for fresh and radical voices, but now advertisers have taken over, and it’s being used as a tool by the elite to sway the masses in a negative way. Of course, YouTube does not censor major celebrities and billionaire corporations.


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