F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
YouTube MUZZLES Free Speech!
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
+Sexy Lefty Dating Tips
I’m heartbroken. Fifteen years of peace, love and bonobos were just erased by Alphabet bots with all the humanity of the letters A.I.—which might stand for “Artificial Intelligence,” but in reality, is Artificial Ignorance.
That is, my YouTube channel—with hundreds of videos and radio shows about loving relationships, peaceful coexistence, sex education, history, art, music, politics, in-depth interviews, panel discussions, talks, lectures, trips to the zoo, peace, love and bonobos online for a decade and a half—has suddenly, permanently and inexplicably been “terminated.”
To say I’ve been “censored” doesn’t quite convey the carnage that has occurred. In its infinite Artificial Ignorance, YouTube not only bot-bombed me and Capt’n Max, but also every human, dog and bonobo we’ve ever filmed in and outside of Bonoboville, not to mention Free Speech itself.

Just like that, our video memories of 15 years have been destroyed, and our voices have been silenced, ball-gagged, muzzled like a dog and locked in the doghouse, banished from the YouTube video commons, the public square of modern human discourse.
Our shows have helped thousands of viewers and listeners with sexual issues and relationship problems, aided countless amorous couples and lonely singles, and enlightened many more about the current events, political and social issues we all face today. By every conceivable metric, our show has been a net force for good.
But no more. That is, not on YouTube.
Just like that, our video memories of 15 years have been destroyed, and our voices have been silenced, ball-gagged, muzzled like a dog and locked in the doghouse, banished from the YouTube video commons, the public square of modern human discourse.
We’re in shock but not surprised. One of my heroes, Mae West, brought up by a Callin’er, was constantly being censored by Hollywood, and YouTube is worse than Hollywood, having recently bot-bombed Abby Martin, Chris Hedges as well as other Russia Today shows right after Putin bombed Ukraine, and countless others. Still, it hurts a little more personally when YOU are the victim of a YouTube dumb bomb.
So, we spend most of this show decrying our awful, unfair and utterly unreasonable loss at Google’s evil hands. Yes, “evil.” Google’s now-discarded “Don’t Be Evil” motto was obviously just a dab of lipstick on a greedy old pig.
Weirdly, the one-word reason the YouTube bots have given us for our summary execution has nothing to do with “erotic content,” as was given for the deletion of a few videos in the past, but rather now we are accused of “harassment.” The notice doesn’t say whom or what we have allegedly “harassed,” let alone allow us to face our accuser in any kind of court. In the lawless land of What-YouTube-Says-Goes, its bots accused us of “harassment,” dumb-bot droned our channel to smithereens, offered us the false-hope-raising opportunity to “appeal,” and then immediately rejected that appeal a few minutes after receiving it, condemning our beloved, 15-year-old YouTube channel to “permanent” death.
Fortunately, YouTube is not our life, so WE are not dead, and we vow to keep fighting for Free Speech and all of our sexy, lefty, pro-bonobo causes, wherever and whenever we can, with a song in our hearts, laughter on our lips and a little excitement in our undies.
But seriously… harassment? As we ride along on the Love Train, we compare our mild critiques of politicians and other public figures with “Justice,” a documentary premiering at Sundance about Brett Kavanaugh’s harassment of women at Yale, including testimonies from his Yale roommate and one of TWO women he harassed by sticking his drunk dick in both of their faces on two separate occasions. This is one of many reasons he won the “Worst Yale Grad” SUZY award for 2022, and looks like he might win it again in 2023, and yes, THAT’S what we call harassment. Our YouTube video channel “harasses” no one. Indeed, that accusation itself against peace-lovers like us is libelous.
So, we wonder… was our channel’s termination just a bot’s bright idea based on humorless keywords and erroneous intonations? Or were we flagged by Christofascist crusaders who believe our sex-positivity somehow “harasses” their religiosity? Or maybe Judeofascists who want to suppress our support for Palestine, winners of the Bonobo Courage Award? How about MAGAts who resent us for making fun of Trumpty Dumpty, “Loser of the Century”? Nobody knows. The YouTube takedown tea leaves are very murky—and that’s deliberate, for legal reasons.
We only know that if our 15 years of labor and love can be deleted in an instant by an Internet company so powerful and monopolistic, it should be a public utility (but isn’t), so can yours—unless you’re a billionaire, major celebrity, or maybe a friend of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki.
Wouldn’t you know that she and I would have the same first name, while her last name is as tough to pronounce as Max’s (Lobkowicz)? We spend a good deal of this show trying to say “Wojcicki” as we beseech the YouTube CEO to take a good look at our channel and into her heart and “do the right thing.”
I even promise, “I’ll learn to pronounce your name if you reinstate my channel.
It’s a good deal, but I’m not holding my breath. We could start a petition, but sadly, much like Martin Niemöller’s WWII poem “First They Came…,” most people don’t give a damn about censorship, until it happens to them. So, we appreciate it when “Wally” calls in on Callin to remind people that censorship of channels like ours is one of the cardinal signs of fascism, and at this point, equivalent to loss of freedom of the press.
It’s a terrible loss—to the world and to us personally—but at least we’ve got our lives and our love, as well as most of our shows and videos on DrSusanBlock.com, DrSusanBlock.Tv, BonoboWay.com, Bonoboville.com and FDRradio.com, plus there’s a *secret* channel that features my very vintage Sex Calls from the 1990s that’s still on YouTube.
Speaking of losing your life for the sake of free speech, we say RIP to Tortuguita, a peaceful protestor speaking out against Atlanta’s Cop City’s environmental and cultural destruction when he was shot dead by police in cold blood. See what I mean when I say I’d rather cops be having consenting adult orgies than shooting innocent protesters like Torta?
We also take a call from the lovely Samantha, aka PoshProletariatSpice, who asks for dating advice tailored to her situation. She’s a sexy, lefty, somewhat “nerdy,” recently divorced 41-year-old beauty, a bit shy but very engaging. We give her a few tips (listen above or below to find out what they are) and a free copy of Advertising for Love, and she even gets some bites in the Callin chat.
Here’s a sexy lefty dating tip: Join our Callin chat LIVE on Saturday nights.
Between Samantha’s dating needs and our YouTube censorship woes, we forget to wish ourselves and you a Happy Eros Day and Happy Chinese New Year!
Kung Hei Fat Choi! It’s the Year of the Rabbit. Time to hop on the Motorbunny and do our best to break through the tightening muzzle of censorship in 2023.
Show Length 01:31:39 HD
© January 21, 2023 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 626-461-5950.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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03 · 3 · 23 @ 7:17 pm
What a complete travesty
03 · 1 · 23 @ 11:42 pm
I wonder if it will ever stop? #Freedomofspeech is nonexistent . Just today a European platform that I have been a member for years has been advised by their legal team to remove anyone’s profile from the #unitedstatesofamerica due to #SESTA #FOSTA laws.
Taking away social media accounts, #sexpositive platforms, #youtubechannels our #careers our #freedomtoembrace
Dr. Susan Block Institute Dr. Susan Block Show #yourock #brilliant #tenacity #nevergivein
So sad as this world has many more important significant matters to focus on let #consenting adults make our own decisions.
01 · 26 · 23 @ 8:31 pm
Yup. Its teams of trolls. What a loss. But you still have an awesome platform.
01 · 26 · 23 @ 8:28 pm
I saw on your show yesterday that You Tube has banned you!! I’m so sorry.. They really suck. Hang in there, Queen, we need you!
01 · 24 · 23 @ 10:55 pm
No way! That is how you know you are doing something good for the people, and no one can take that away! You’re right about us not standing up against censorship until it hits us directly… sad. Here’s to new ways of evolving in these wild bot times and more of Dr. Suzy and Max always! Love your show, your intelligence, your passion, and your FUN! :D
01 · 24 · 23 @ 9:07 pm
YouTube banned the great Dr. Suzy!
01 · 25 · 23 @ 12:45 am
And the great Abby Martin.
01 · 24 · 23 @ 7:50 pm
Dr. Block, you have my sympathy 100,000,000%!!! sensuality is so vilified here in this United States of AmeriKKKa yet it tolerates violence and lowbrow entertainment.
Time for The Block Party to nominate Dr. Susan M. Block for President of the United States of America!!!! Now who should be her running mate??!!!
01 · 24 · 23 @ 5:58 pm
We are in a war but most of us don’t know it. The evil powers of “they” are attacking our freedoms at every turn and I’m glad that Max and Dr. Suzy are fighting against them. Censorship is just part of that fight and being censored in a nation of supposed free speech is wrong on so many levels. Thankfully, Dr. Suzy is on more than one platform, but regardless, Youtube is wrong in silencing such a great voice. Funny, how you can show people being killed on Youtube but heaven forbid if someone delivers a sex positive message of understanding, love, and hope. Shame on you Youtube.
01 · 24 · 23 @ 4:23 pm
Algorithmic cleansing by AI bots is our new reality. First Abby Martin’s show, and now Dr Suzy’s show has been terminated by a weighted algorithm that seems to have been recently unleashed on YouTube. Voices that hold political players accountable are being “muzzled” in the name of “safe-space” protection, while the mainstream media continually glorifies heart-numbing violence in our news, movies, and games. Dr Suzy’s and Abby’s shows are part of what is known as “The Fourth Estate,” that extra part of the checks and balances system this country was founded on.
Freedom of the Press is being infringed upon here, and is tantamount to being identified as being Un-American Activity.
I’m glad Dr. Suzy is on other channels like her own site at DrSusanBlock.tv as well as Facebook, Instagram, and Callin.com
01 · 24 · 23 @ 1:37 pm
Oh no Dr. Susan! That is just so frustrating! I have a feeling this is a serious mistake made by their stupid AI bots, i hope that you get it back once you get an actual human being to hear you out. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve had this or that removed due to some absurdity their ai claims, last time it was “copyright infringement” via sound, i posted a video of my dogs playing and a meadow lark singing! I told them they’ve made an error and within a few days my video sound was back to normal.
I think you may have to email them. I’ll ask a few ppl who have channels on there and go look at their website tomorrow to see if I can find anything. I really don’t like businesses that have no way to connect with an actual human being. I had a hell of a time canceling a beauty box subscription who does that. Had to call the bank and have them just stop any requests for payments. Never again.
I hope you guys find a way!
Happy Lunar New Year, tis the year of the cat! Or bunny for some…
01 · 24 · 23 @ 1:33 pm
Seriously, YouTube? That’s sucks big time.
01 · 24 · 23 @ 12:22 pm
Awesome show! And very much needed to enlighten us all regarding the censorship of your channel by YouTube, and
their not censoring select celebrities and billionaire corporations. I enjoyed all of your subjects … from current events to sex education. I believe your show has helped thousands of viewers and listeners. . It’s a terrible loss—to the world.
01 · 24 · 23 @ 1:58 am
Great show!
01 · 24 · 23 @ 1:16 am
Makes me sad to find this out…But not surprised in the current climate…
01 · 23 · 23 @ 11:03 pm
Wowza! I am angry at YouTube for dropping the censorship anvil on you. I can only quote our founding father, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.”
― George Washington. What an unexpected turn of events on your show. To be censored for “harassment?” I never got that from your shows at all. I’ve enjoyed the historical references, opinions, education, sex talk, interviews, and discussions on your show throughout the years.
01 · 23 · 23 @ 9:25 pm
It is sad that censorship is so prevalent. Remember when YouTube, Facebook, etc. were just silly little sites where you could post silly stuff and not worry about anything? Now, most Social Media is only a shadow of what it used to be. Its use of AI is making the masses dumber.
01 · 23 · 23 @ 8:41 pm
Incredible show! I can’t (or can) believe that YouTube gave you the axe! It’s enraging that the site used to be a haven for fresh and radical voices, but now advertisers have taken over, and it’s being used as a tool by the elite to sway the masses in a negative way. Of course, YouTube does not censor major celebrities and billionaire corporations.