F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Halloween Eve in BOOnoBOOville 2021
What or Whooooo is Haunting You?
Length 01:23:18 Date: October 30, 2021, 2021
by Dr. Susan Block.
Climaxing Kink Month 2021, I fly into another happy, horny, haunted Halloween Eve in BOOnoBOOville on my Magic Dildonic Vibrating Broom (though I self-censor the dildonic part with a Day of the Dead cooking mitt, lest one of our platforms’ ghoulish bots censor us), releasing my inner “kinky witch” spirit for Uncle Satan’s Birthday.
No big, bacchanalian, Samhain Spooktaculars this year while the creepy Covid goblins are still haunting us. Masked up and shut in with the bats, black widows and wise old owls, we’re even more haunted by “Halloween Fantasies & Spooky Realities” than we were last week. And we’re wondering: What or Whooooo is Haunting You?
Haunted by the Ghosts of Censorship
Personally, we’re haunted by censorship (this week Reddit wins the censorship boobie prize)—to the point of covering dildos with cooking mitts.
Big Tech censorship is like a ghost; you can’t see it… but you can certainly feel the Ghosts of Censorship creep up on you or shut you down with no explanation—which we compare to our historic censorship battles with Adelphia cable TV and its religious Republican Rigas Family owners.
Fighting the corporate censor bot armies of the internet is like fighting ghosts without Ghostbusters
The Wall Street Journal called me “prescient” (looking into my crystal ball…) when I predicted the Fall of the House of Rigas and advised our viewers to sell Adelphia stock just before it plummeted.
Capt’n Max and I fought hard (and won big eventually!), but crucially, our censorious adversary was human in those days of digital innocence. Fighting the corporate censor bot armies of the internet is like fighting ghosts without Ghostbusters. The invisible enemy is haunting your every word, and when its ghostly ax comes down, it’s usually for nothing.
Max recalls being haunted—and hunted—by police who didn’t *just* censor his words; they locked him up. That reminds us of fellow publisher, Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, imprisoned for nothing but publishing the ghoulish truth about American empire. Now he’s being haunted, hunted and tortured by hired ghouls of the U.S. corporate military empire that he so effectively exposed.
We’re also haunted by the Arcadia Zoning Politburo, climate change in the Anthropocene, our increasingly lethal ammosexual culture and the obscene enriching of the already rich. It’s worse than haunting; it’s horrendous, and that’s why this Love Train is called F.D.R (Fuck Da Rich)!
Haunted House of Kink
As the ghoulish economic inequities mount, even the corporate media has to occasionally recognize the horrors creeping out of our trick-or-treat bags. Squid Game is all the rage (hopefully for the right, people-empowering reasons), it’s vivid images of a brightly hued but murderous “rat race” haunting our dreams and nightmares.
The other day, I realized Squid Game’s theme reminds me of one of the most haunting films I’ve ever seen, Sydney Pollack’s 1969 masterpiece, They Shoot Horses Don’t They? Starring a luminous Jane Fonda, it’s made in an entirely different style but also focused on spectator games as venues for deadly capitalist exploitation and social control. If you need a good scare that’s more econo-psycho-socialistic than horror, give it a view.
Most of us are haunted by our first sexual experiences—good, bad or lack thereof.
Of course, you can be “haunted” by beautiful memories, beloved ancestral ghosts and delightful erotic fantasies, as well as dystopian nightmares.
Max is haunted by “the hookers who brought me up,” whom he always remembers fondly.
Most of us are haunted by our first sexual experiences—good, bad or lack thereof. Then there’s “the one that got away.” Many are haunted by former lovers; indeed, being aroused by thoughts of your ex cheating on you is a prime example of the cuckold fetish.
Some are haunted by taboo incestuous feelings. “Steve” calls in from London, haunted by images of his “mother’s vagina.” If “mommy fantasies” haunt your thoughts, you’ll love this call, and even if they don’t, you’ll probably find it fascinating. Freud certainly did—enough to name a whole complex after it (Happy Halloween, Oedipus and Electra!). Though we might—and mostly should—repress such feelings, they flit and flirt through the haunted houses of our libido.
If there’s one thing that haunts almost all humans, it’s probably the inevitable but oddly ineffable prospect of our own death. I’m not afraid to admit I’m afraid of dying. However, when Mel asks me why, I recall my Near-Death Experience (soon to be a best-seller and major motion picture) when death wasn’t scary at all.
There I was, in the throes of septic shock that took me millimeters from the grave, but I experienced death as a wonderful, welcoming, even enticing spirit harmoniously integrating little individual old me with all of nature in the darkly enchanting embrace of our Mother the Earth, deep inside the ultimate “mother’s vagina.”
Then again, maybe it was the drugs they were giving me. If anything can make you unafraid of death, it’s morphine.
Listen above or below to find out why I didn’t die…
We also commune with the Dead, including the late great Zalman King (director of Red Shoe Diaries, 9 ½ Weeks and a fan of The Dr. Susan Block Show on public access) and other friendly ghosts. The ancient Celtic witches and wizards conjured Samhain or All Hallow’s Eve as a sacred mix of Eros and Thanatos, when the barriers between the living and the dead are broken, and everyone engages in the tricks and treats of sprites and spirits, faeries and witches.
Just as Halloween Eve turns into the sacred day itself, I take on my witchy form and take you on a short spin through the sexy spirit world with a reprise of my Scary Sex Ode to Halloween. As joyrides go, it’s a lot cheaper than the Billionaire Space Dick trip—less toxic and more fun too!
Even more fun: Immersing yourself in the deliciously stimulating Witch’s Brew of Halloween 2015’s Kink Month Climax in BOOnoBOOville featuring an autumn sky of stars, a few of whom climax Kink Month with naked, heaven-and-earth-shaking climaxes on the Sybian—another great vehicle to take you over the moon without leaving the room.
The good vibrations should haunt you deliciously at least through Spanksgiving.
Seasons Beatings, Comrades!
© October 30, 2021 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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11 · 5 · 21 @ 1:54 am
Love you Cuz!
11 · 5 · 21 @ 1:14 am
Absolutely beautiful!!
11 · 5 · 21 @ 1:12 am
Beautiful Dr. Susan
11 · 5 · 21 @ 1:03 am
Happy belated Halloween! Fun show and fun poem to wrap it all up at the end! Scary sex is the best sex!
11 · 5 · 21 @ 12:54 am
Was great to hear your interaction with the caller. Those are my favorite shows! Im glad you got to help him understand himself better. And enjoyed seeing you reading the famous Halloween poem as well! Happy Halloween! Boo!
11 · 4 · 21 @ 9:58 pm
Dr. Suzy your awesome
11 · 4 · 21 @ 9:57 pm
Wow, let’s be friends aghh
11 · 4 · 21 @ 9:55 pm
Another amazing show. Funny, smart, sexy. Thank you for standing with Julian Assange since 2009. His continued incarceration is like putting Jesus on the Cross.
11 · 4 · 21 @ 9:52 pm
You really helped that caller Steve who was haunted by his “mommy” memories and fantasies. Fine detective work drilling down to discover the fantasies began when his father left him and his mom never to return. Freud was onto something with that Oedipus Complex, and so are You.
11 · 4 · 21 @ 9:50 pm
Wonderfully haunting Halloween Eve Climax to a great Kink Month on FDR. Nice to see you on video again. An eye candy treat to go with your kinky tricks. Loved your radio Ode to Scary Sex last week, but this video, with you all done up in your Sexy Witch regalia, is magical.
11 · 4 · 21 @ 7:01 pm
Love you mamaaaa
11 · 4 · 21 @ 7:00 pm
You look beautiful! Happy Halloween
11 · 4 · 21 @ 6:57 pm
O’hHOOOWWWwwwLLLlllll!!! very cool and uniquely sexxxy ~ ‘Dr.B.’ your EYES look gorgeously seductively Cool!!
11 · 4 · 21 @ 9:43 am
Defenders of liberty and freedom are often haunted by the Ghost of Censorship, but Max and Dr. Suzy will not be defeated. Keep fighting the good fight!
Be like Sexy Zombies, nearly impossible to kill and relentless in your pursuit of brains… Okay, maybe not that, but definitely be sexy and relentless which you definitely are :-)
11 · 4 · 21 @ 1:57 am
Halloween rules!
11 · 3 · 21 @ 11:59 pm
Véry séxy Dr. Susan. Love your stockings and your style.
11 · 3 · 21 @ 1:19 pm
Yet another Spooktacular Show with everyone’s favorite “Witch of Kink” and Capt’n Max, ghostbusting through the scary realms of censorship, to the inner sanctum of your erotic fantasies. Who you ganna call?
11 · 3 · 21 @ 6:41 am
What a great spooky show about haunting censorship, first sexual experiences and mommy fantasies.
I enjoyed the trips down memory lane with the hookers and near-death experiences. I’ve never seen a dildo witch broom before this show.
Your poem was wonderful. If you’ve got it, haunt it.