F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich): Pain & Pleasure Healing
Length 01:33:12 Date: February 13, 2021
by Dr. Susan Block.
Was it a COVID-19 vaccine side effect? Or did he throw his back out—and where the hell could he have thrown the damn thing? We don’t know, but for the past few days, we’ve been trying to heal and just deal with Capt’n Max’s weird, excruciating flames of body pain via an array of “pain-killers”—from easy yet debilitating opioids to the controversial but healthier healing power of sexual pleasure. Feeling the pain? Just say YES to some kind of (COVID-safe and consensual) sex! And yes, thank Goddess, Max is feeling much better now.
Praise be to the power and glory of pleasure healing. Amen and AWOMEN. It does a body good.
Take the Pain Train to Track Pleasure on the F.D.R. Speakeasy streamliner, where Max, Mariah, Unscene Abe and I dine on an array of other tasty topics, as well as Gideon’s delicious homemade hamantaschen, aka “Pussy Cookies,” an appetizer for our spell-binding after-show throwback, Purim Rising 2013 (in solidarity with Eve Ensler’s One Billion Rising). Twas a dazzling, pornstar-studded, orgiastic masquerade (with a different kind of mask) that suddenly spiraled into violence unseen before or after in Bonoboville (except when we were illegally raided by the LAPD). Fortunately—before anyone could be killed or hurt badly—we defused the situation in a Bonobo Way.
Why oh why can’t America follow the Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure, we wonder as we condemn the unconscionable (but unsurprising) recent Biden Bombings in Syria. We also laugh (though more in fear than fun) at CPAC (now CPAQ) and the QAnon-powered Cult of the Golden tRump Love Doll, who resembles a gilded Bob’s Big Boy in knee-length flag diapers (the better to show off his golden calves), being worshipped like an idol by a crazy convocation of the most hypocritical Bible-thumpers ever. I acknowledge my “ableist” infraction against the “crazy community” in calling the CPAQanon’ers “crazy,” but I can’t think of a better adjective (well, besides sleazy) for these Gross Oligarchy Pimps (GOP).
Speaking of Gross GOPs, we also hammer the final nails into the heavily pissed-upon coffin of bigotry-boosting, slut-shaming “Mean Old Uncle Rush,” now on Counterpunch and being *showered* with intriguing commentary (pro and con), including a tweet from one of my own idols, amazing actress and activist Ellen Barkin.
Unfortunately, polyamorous opportunities are limited in the Coronapocalypse, but all is possible in the Erotic Theater of the Mind.
And did I mention sex? When one of our listeners asks for our thoughts on polyamory, we praise this growing movement of natural bonoboësque love—as long as all parties can agree on how to party. Unfortunately, polyamorous opportunities are limited in the Coronapocalypse, but all is possible in the Erotic Theater of the Mind.
What’s the critical difference between so-called “cancel culture” and censorship, and what’s it got to do with “The People,” aka “the Mob” versus Big Tech, CEOs, celebrities and politicians, aka “Da Rich”? Listen…
Speaking of pain, we send get-well wishes to bonobo advocate and “Most Bonobo Celebrity” SUZY award winner, Ashley Judd, whose terrible fall and rescue in the heart of the Congolese jungle is quite a tale of pain, healing and gratitude.
As our Pain Train pulls into the Pleasure Station, I share one last true story of false love, real lust, pain, pleasure, comedy and idyllic teepee life with “Johnny Peyote Seed” while attending the notorious Naropa Institute (on summer break from Yale) until our tragic, violent demise. The moral of the story is: if your boyfriend pulls you down the stairs by your hair— no matter how hot and *romantic* he is and even if you were cheating on him with your Tantric yoga instructor—get OUT!
Listen to the show above or below…
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Vaccination Nation
Why, you may wonder, is there all this pain in the Villa Piacere, aka the Pleasure House (our old name for Bonoboville)? With over 500,000 Americans now dead from Coronavirus and new variants spreading, Capt’n Max and I got our COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer) this past Monday. Unfortunately, while I just had a little arm pain (that I’m not even sure isn’t from doing push-ups while Chico tries to play catch with my hair), Max’s body reacted with severe pain—or maybe he just twisted his spine when we switched from missionary to doggy-style… we’re still not sure. Though he’s much better now, it was a harrowing few days. Not as bad as catching Covid though.
While “Da Rich” have gotten considerably richer in the Coronapocalypse, most people in America and around the world have been suffering more than *usual*—from the physical agony of COVID itself (or vaccine side effects) to the mental miseries of fear and grief—as we struggle to kill the pain without killing ourselves.
There are many paths to healing—from diet to pharmaceuticals, surgery, cannabis, even “faith healing,” and the list goes on—and none are certain to reach their destination of health and well-being. Sexual pleasure—whether through orgasm, stress-relieving massage, kisses-like-vitamins, nurturing hugs or an erotic fantasy brain vacation—is the bonoboësque path to combat pain. Though controversial in these erotophobic times and rarely prescribed (except by your Love Doctor!), it just might be one of the healthiest and most effective ways to reduce unwanted pain.
We have done many shows about the combination of consensual pain and pleasure often involved in spanking, as well as other forms of impact play and BDSM. This show focuses more on unwelcome pain (from injury, sickness or a bad reaction to a vaccine) and how to treat it with sexual pleasure healing.
Listen above or below.
And yes, Chef Gideon’s Pussy Cookies, aka hamantaschen, are so scrumptious (even “Funniest Fundamentalist Refugee” and Pussy Cookie gourmet Luzer Twersky agrees), they’re also guaranteed to heal your pain—at least for the few seconds they’re in your mouth. But they also represent something timeless, the Story of Esther, beginning with the feast of a king and the disobedience of a queen and ending with the obedience of a king and the feast of a queen. What an amazing sex-positive, feminist statement in patriarchal times. Listen to us, between bites and moans of gustatory pleasure, then watch the wild bacchanalian extravaganza we’re talking about: Purim Rising.
You won’t see the post-show mayhem; our cameras weren’t running for that. Rest assured that we purged Bonoboville of the people who started and participated in the violence. This wasn’t easy. Some of those that participated in the physical fighting were otherwise cool people, but physical fighting isn’t cool—or even acceptable—in Bonoboville. The heroes of the night wound up being one of my sex therapy client couples, who were at the show for fun, but stepped in to pacify the brawlers (might have helped that hubby was a 6`6” martial artist), and Abe, taking a punch for peace(!), on his first show night in Bonoboville.
No to Censorship, Yes to Cancel Culture
Meanwhile, we are still being censored by Youtube and Facebook, so we talk about censorship and how much worse it is than the much decried “cancel culture.”
It’s ironic how celebrities complain all the time about “cancel culture,” but rarely about censorship (unless they themselves or their friends are censored). At least, if you’re “canceled,” you still have a voice and a choice. When your voice is censored by one of the Big Tech social media platforms for no discernible reason with no appeal, you are silenced in the Commons, the digital public square. Though you may be able to find other platforms, when big ones like Youtube, FB, IG or Twitter censor you, there goes your voice and your choice.
If you want to be paid well and adored by millions for your talent, and your talent only, sorry, but that’s not how it works in 2021.
Censorship comes from the top-down, but Cancel Culture is bottom-up. Like its older ancestor, boycotting, cancel culture is *We the People* saying “We don’t like this.” Obviously, I don’t always agree with what’s being canceled, and when it’s something or someone I like or, even worse, a friend of mine, I’m pretty upset about it. But I respect, as well as fear, the “mob,” the prehistoric primal horde, roaring with collective grievance, whether it’s MAGAts attacking Liz Cheney or the Woke Left boycotting J.K. Rowling. We may or may not agree with their (constantly shifting) positions. If we’re not censored, we can express that disagreement. But the mob deserves to be heard. Better that the various mobs express themselves through social media “cancel culture” than by shooting people or beating them with flagpoles.
It’s funny how so many big influencers, media stars, actors, musicians, politicians and other celebrities hate that some poor, aggrieved nobody’s clever little hashtag might have the power to tarnish their glittering image in the world.
Cancel culture management training should be de rigeur for being a celebrity nowadays. If you want to be paid well and adored by millions for your talent, and your talent only, sorry, but that’s not how it works in 2021. Whether you’re talented or not, you have to jump through the hoops and slither through the tunnels of cancel culture. Whether you’re an athlete, an entertainer or a politician, these are your fans, your voters, your supporters, your detractors, your adversaries, your constituency, and they have a voice too. Without them, your *fame* is meaningless.
If you can’t handle it, maybe you need to get therapy before you read your social media comments. Maybe back in Hollywood’s Golden Era, fans didn’t do much more than meekly request an autographed photo. Now they want to tell you what they think of you, critique every photo you take and every statement you make. They want to *influence* you, maybe just take you down a peg or, if they’re really mad, hashtag #CancelYou.
After all, Fuck Da Rich! Almost all celebrities who bitch and moan about “cancel culture” are pretty wealthy.
Sorry (not sorry) to you complainers, but there’s just not much privacy nowadays for anybody, and certainly not for the famous nor their families. You get other perks—like being rich, pampered, adored and having decent health insurance. But if you share secrets, someone’s bound to rat on you, even from your inner circle, a couple recent examples being Armie Hammer’s IG dinner date and Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi’s Cancun text messages. So, make sure you’re ready for it.
Since “The Rich” resist getting taxed with such ferocity, “cancel culture” is one way those with nothing more than a Twitter account to their name can “Fuck Da Rich” for sport. Go team!
Do you really want privacy? Do you need to talk with total confidence that you won’t be ratted on? Call the Therapists Without Borders at the Dr. Susan Block Institute. We promise we won’t rat on you.
Bottom line (the ass is a recurring topic on this ride): Cancel me all you want. Just don’t censor me.
And listen to this show above or below. Indulge in a little eargasmic pleasure that, hopefully, will help to heal your pain… with no debilitating side effects!
February 27, 2021 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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03 · 5 · 21 @ 10:08 pm
Beautiful description of how pleasure heals pain and why sexual pleasure healing is much healthier than the opioids and other painkillers that most of us turn to.
Your apt description of CPAC’s Golden Idol/Trump Love Doll, complete with Flag Diapers revealing his Golden Calves, worshiped by all those Bible-thumping hypocrites, would be hilarious – if it weren’t so scary!
And nice tribute to great actress Ashley Judd who has done so much to help save the bonobos. Get well soon Ashley!
03 · 5 · 21 @ 10:03 pm
Yes to Cancel Culture sent up by the People, No to Censorship set down on by the Rich!
Love hearing your wild memories of Johnny Peyote Seed at Naropa. So sexy! But good on you for getting out. There’s no excuse for abuse and pulling you by the hair downstairs is abuse – even if he caught you cheating on him with your Tantric yoga instructor. Doesn’t matter!
03 · 5 · 21 @ 3:17 am
That Purim Rising video Dr Suzy talks about is funny and sexxxy! She’s got a link above. Archeological records indicate that Queen Ester actually existed and demonstrates the potential for cooperation between the Hebrews and Persians. Dr Suzy’s version of the story is over the top! But mostly it’s topless and even bottomless! …I really enjoyed it. LoL!
03 · 2 · 21 @ 7:33 pm
This was a fun show, mixed with a little pain (Sorry Max), but at least the pain was for a good cause. Not like unnecessary CENSORSHIP of posts from 7 years ago! Seriously Facebook, do something else with your life. At least we had those delicious pussy cookies to ease some of the pain, yummy!
03 · 2 · 21 @ 6:06 pm
I love your program Dr. Suzy
03 · 2 · 21 @ 2:05 am
Happy Purim!!!
03 · 1 · 21 @ 11:22 pm
What a great show! I loved hearing about the wonders of Purim from your perspective, and Gideon’s pussy cookies look (and tasted) delicious! Plus it’s always great to hear some Bonoboville story time! Hopefully we’ll get to experience (peaceful) in-person gatherings sometime soon!
I’m happy you and Capt’n Max are now vaccinated even though Max had to experience a lot of pain! But here’s to another itty bitty baby step towards an existence that’s less dominated by Covid.
03 · 1 · 21 @ 8:14 pm
Lots to think about in this super show. My three favorite subjects; censorship, polyamory, and Purim.