DomCon Bound 2020
Length 1:35:04 Date: Aug. 22, 2020
by Dr. Susan Block.
From a hot WAP that makes the prudes cry “stop!” to voting Blue to send the Trumpus down the loo to an intimate exploration of erotic domination (including therapeutic kink that really makes you think), with the alpha FemDom inner circle of DomCon—the fabulous Mistress Cyan, Lady Remedy Ann and Madame Margherite—as we are bound for DomCon LA 2020 Virtual, the first Virtual DomCon in 17 years of incomparable kink conventions… It’s my 20th Bedside Chat of 2020, in the inside-out world of this upside-down, crazed Coronapocalypse.
Inspired by FDR’s Fireside Chats, my Bedside Chats are here to comfort, inform, eroticize, kink-ify and inspire you to seize the day, the Bonobo Way.
I’m masked up in my new BOSS bling-bling face covering because, well, I’m the boss.
As you may have noticed, I took a couple weeks off because I had a little cough and then it got worse, and I thought I had Covid—oh no, the dreaded plague! So I took the test (yay Kaiser!), got the Q-tip swab up the nose—not pleasant, but not as “invasive” as Sissy Mike Pence squeals about it—and it was negative, thank Goddess. That means it’s just a cough—probably exacerbated by the billowing smoke from the raging California fires—though a cough is scary these days.
Everything is scary in the Coronapocalyptic firenado. Well, not everything…
Wet Ass Pussies, Dry Marriage & Trumpus Toilet Brush
Some things are just pure sexy fun. Though pure sexy fun is scary for some people. While I was fussing over my cough, former stripper, proud Bernie supporter and multiple Grammy winning Cardi B, released the wondrous WAP, featuring Megan Thee Stallion (plus a Kardashian, but hey, nothing’s perfect) and several slinky snakes in Cardi’s musical, masturbatory Garden of Eden.
WAP, standing for Wet Ass Pussy, is a WAPPER of a song all about one of our favorite subjects: female sexual pleasure.
Scared-of-sex Ben Shapiro calls it a “Wet Ass P-Word.”
Maybe he’s just acting scared for ratings. After all, why doesn’t he say “Wet A-Word P-Word,” if he’s so concerned about articulating so-called vulgarities?
Whatever his motivations, Ben and, as he so sweetly calls her, his “Dr. Wife,” opines that if a P-word is so wet it wants a “bucket and a mop,” it needs “medical care” as it might have “bacterial vaginosis, yeast infection or trichomonosis.”
To each their own, but oh, what a dry sex life those two must have. Dr. Shapiro is, by the way, a general practitioner, not a gynecologist and quite far from a sexologist.
If anybody needs anything, Ben Shapiro and his Dr. Wife need a few lessons in female pleasure in general and female ejaculation, a.k.a., squirting, in particular.
Squirt—as demonstrated on my shows and Squirt Salons by the great Geyser of Desire, Deauxma, as well as Annie Body, Annie Cruz, Rainey Lane, Shayna Knight, Shay Lynn, Vicky Vixen, Angie Noir, Leila Swan, Eden Alexander, Lucy Blaze, Alexandra Silk, Tina Romantica, Veronica Avluv and yes, Me Too!—is not pee, as the Trumpus well knows, because yes, the Pee Tapes are real!
We told you so, and even showed you so in 2017-18 when we held a series of sparkling Russian Hooker Pee Parties with Dominatrixes Against Donald Trump and, of course, Donald tRump.
Michael Cohen confirms the allegations in the forward of his upcoming book Disloyal, as he mentions he accompanied the Golden-Haired Bankruptcy King to see, smell, feel and/or taste “golden showers in a sex club in Vegas”
We all know that “what happens in Vegas”… could happen easily in Moscow too.
Nothing wrong with a consensual golden shower, but the Trumpus is using America as his personal toilet, and it’s mostly nonconsensual.
Even his big sister, Maryanne Trump Barry, says he’s a “lying” turd with “no principles.”
Full disclosure: “Turd” is my word. However, Maryanne did exclaim, “Holy shit!” over her baby brother’s “change of stories, the lack of preparation” and “what they’re doing to the kids at the border.”
Following her secretly taped revelations, this is the essence of the official White House reply: Since when do turds need principles?
It’s time to hit flush, Brothers and Sisters, Lovers and Sinners.
For toilets throughout America stopped up with tRumpty Dumpty’s shit, I just so happen to have the perfect plunger! It’s actually a toilet brush, made in China, like those “Make America Great Again” hats, which is why it says “Make America Creat Again.”
Yes, the “C” should be a “G,” but that’s part of its English-as-a-14th-language charm. Plus it displays the perfect image of tRump: an open-mouthed pile of steaming, blonde-toupeed poop with flies buzzing around it, the swarming, excrement-loving insects being Mitch “The Grim Reaper” McConnell, Gym Jordan and Lady G.
Speaking of shit, this just in: Melanie has ruined the iconic White House Rose Garden. As the song sings: Enough is enough!
Lesser Evils
As you know, I’m a Bernie Broad, like Cardi B, and so many more. Bernard Sanders was my first choice, Liz Warren the Cougar second, Julian Castro third and Marianne Woo-Woo Williamson fourth. Joe Biden was pretty much my last choice of the Democratic candidates. And yes, I feel that it really sucks that he’s the “Chosen One,” but as choices go, with the choice between voting for a fire hydrant and Trumplethinskin, I choose the fire hydrant.
Which “lesser evil” will you vote for? Or will you vote for some “greater good” that doesn’t stand a chance?
Not that Joe’s a fire hydrant. I kind of wish he was, so he could put out this Trumpty Dumpty dumpster fire that is inflaming America. Inflammation is the root of a lot of evil in the human body, as well as the body politic.
So, I’m choosing to vote for the lesser evil, Joe Biden, and his sexy Veep, Kamala Harris. No, Kamala wasn’t my first, second or third choice either, I’m sad to say. This is mainly because as California attorney general, she went after sex workers, busted Backpage for publishing sex worker ads that “could be… sex trafficking,” and incarcerated countless Black and brown people for their children’s truancy(!) and for minor drug charges, even though she laughed about smoking pot in college while listening to “Snoop” and “Tupac for sure” (though the timeline doesn’t add up).
Whatever the chronic chronology, as of February 2019, a kinder, gentler Kamala said she now supports legalization of marijuana and decriminalization of sex work.
In terms of “sex trafficking,” at this point, QAnon, praised by the Trumpus appears to have captured the market for crazy trafficking conspiracies, and El Cheetolini is the true Trafficker-in-Chief.
As for pot, it’s already at least semi-legal in most states, and truancy is a badge of honor in the Coronapocalypse, so I’m hopeful.
Kamala is also a Wall Street Darling and a Silicon Valley Sweetheart, when now’s the time to tax the rich–or “eat the rich,” as so many protesters declare. Take your pick, Richy Rich! If you’re a billionaire, you should be taxed at a reasonable rate or be lunch for the people you starve. I have a bit of hope that Kamala can make these changes; I have no hope—not a bit—for her sanctimonious closeted sissyboy counterpart, Karen Pence’s husband/son.
Famously of mixed race, Kamala is India-Indian on her Mom’s side (she always lovingly speaks of her mother who raised her after her parents’ bitter divorce at the age of five) and Black Jamaican on the side of her Dad—who, though Kamala rarely speaks of him, sounds like a pretty interesting guy. Now retired, he was the first Black Stanford professor of economics to receive tenure, sometimes called a “Marxist” scholar for his critiques of classical economic theory. Cool parental combo!
Problem is, I’m not much for identity politics. I’m for policy politics. What you do for or against your fellow Americans is more important than who you are—your race, your gender, your parents’ nationality or religion.
That said, I like Kamala’s face. With that sexy smirk and bedroomy, giggly voice (when she’s not interrogating you like a vocal AR-15), she could do a Maya Rudolph impersonation as well as the Saturday Night Live comedienne does who plays her as “America’s cool aunt, a fun aunt… I call that a ‘funt’.” That’s why so many of us feel comfortable calling her “Kamala” more often than “Harris.” Nobody calls tRump “Donald” unless they’re making fun of him.
Kamala was born in Kaiser Hospital (yay Kaiser!), in the great American city of Oakland, so STFU with your lame, racist, anti-immigrant, Birther Conspiracy Theories. Kamala can be President, last time anybody checked the Constitution, which nobody on the tRump Team ever does apparently.
Then there’s her marriage to the Jewish guy, Doug Emhoff; as a fellow Jew, I don’t hold that against her. I’m no self-hating Jew, but I’m no Zionist either, and Kamala’s uber-Zionism (back to policy) rivals Trump; I wish she’d be a “mensch” and lend some support to the Palestinians, but maybe she’s married to it.
I could go on; there’s a lot I don’t like about Kamala and even more I don’t like about Joe, but I’m holding my nose and voting for Biden/Harris because the other side—the monstrous Trumposity—STINKS so bad, I can’t breathe. All four of these politicos are criminals, they’re all thieves, and they’re all warmongers and hypocrites. That’s very clear. This is the “choice” we get.
So, which “lesser evil” will you vote for? Or will you vote for some “greater good” that doesn’t stand a chance in this critical election on the edge of electoral dysfunction?
Or will you just not vote? It’s a tough choice, no doubt. Being bonobo, I see all sides. Even the Trumpers. Some of my favorite sex therapy clients are Trump supporters. I guess they tend to have more sex problems.
Some of my favorite Counterpunch colleagues are voting Green or some other obscure candidate (though nobody I know is voting for Kanye) or just not voting.
I get it, I really do. But as for me, I’m voting Blue—all the way down the ticket, because kicking McConnell’s ass is as important as flushing out tRump.
It’s long past time to get out of this toxic Trumpy clown car.
Of course, I don’t want to step into hot water or a Cold War with Russia or China, which all the candidates are threatening. I also don’t want the rich to get richer and the poor poorer. So, once we get the Blues in there, we progressives have to keep the pressure on. It won’t be easy. It won’t even be Bernie. Sigh.
We can complain about our choices, and believe me, I do a lot of complaining (sometimes driving my beloved husband a little crazy). But ultimately, one way or t’other, we’ve got to make do. So I say, vote Blue, my sweet Boo-Boo.
Just to give the Evangelicals some perspective, it’s been revealed that disgraced former Liberty University President and supreme hypocrite Jerry Falwell, Jr.’s cuckold fetish is the Evangelical-galvanizing impetus for his support of the Trumpus.
Meanwhile, on the day of this live broadcast, swarming the streets of Portland, tRump-loving Proud Boys, QAnon and other violent fascist groups attacked Black Lives Matter and AntiFa. The BLM and AntiFa folks brought silly string and water pistols. The Proud Boys brought guns, shields, bats and pepper spray.
Interestingly, the name AntiFa stems from the Antifaschistische Aktion, the anti-Nazi activists of Weimar Germany.
So, the Proud Boys attacked, and where were the Portland Police who beat and gassed peaceful BLM protestors for weeks? Nowhere to be found. The Proud Boys and the Portland Police are “friends.” They only showed up when BLM and AntiFa fought back a little and made those fascism-fetishizing cowards run away. Plus they probably got tipped off that the cops were coming.
Nevertheless, it’s truly scary to watch the scenes, like some kind of clownish Civil War rehearsal.
Maybe the Naked Athena will save us!
Save Us from Civil War, O Great Goddess of Uncloaked Wisdom: Naked Athena of the Battle of Portland! Photo: Harry Sapien
Or maybe we have to save ourselves, the Bonobo Way, with sex-positive solidarity and kink-positive love.
DomCon Here We Come!
Speaking of Kink… we’re bound for DomCom, the 17th Annual DomCon LA which will be DomCon LA 2020 Virtual August 28-30.
I will be Mistress of Ceremonies, along with fellow MCs Simone Justice and Wiley Wolfe.
Not that I’ll have much to do in this virtual convention—though I’m told I will also be Mistress of Ceremonies in 2021.
So, thanks to the strange ways of the Coronapocalypse, I’m doubly honored.
It’s also cool to MC the first Virtual DomCon.
I’m sure there will be virtual elements to future DomCons, and this will be the first, so don’t miss it. Register now!
Besides my Mistress of Ceremonies duties, I will deliver my fifth rendition of “FemDoms of the Wild: The Bonobo Way of BDSM” on Sunday, August 30th, 1:00-2:00 PM PST.
Watch “Domcon LA the Bonobo Way 2019,” on Youtube or Facebook, to get in the mood!
The Incomparable Mistress Cyan & the Founding of DomCon
My first guest is Mistress Cyan St. James, founder, executive producer and Head Mistress of DomCon, “The World’s Premier Professional and Lifestyle Domination Convention”
I never really considered the importance of those words until I read about Mistress Cyan’s “ephipany” way back in 2001. She was casually logging into a BDSM discussion group, only to find she couldn’t get in anymore. When she asked a moderator what was wrong, she was told that because she’d just gone pro, she was now blocked from participating.
In that moment, she realized that the world needed a place—online and in real life—where Lifestyle kinksters could mix with pro-Dommes and Doms, as well as pro-submissives and “switches” (kinksters who “switch” between dominant and submissive, depending on the situation). These pros are usually also in the Lifestyle; it’s just that they’re making money with their BDSM talents, efforts, expertise and personal appeal.
The cynics said it couldn’t be done, that Lifestylers wouldn’t want to mix with professionals and vice versa, and that the pros would be at each other’s throats, competing viciously for scant business.
Whipping away the naysayers aside like she snaketail-whips her submissives’ butts, it took Mistress Cyan just a few short years to bring her concept into the world, and the very first DomCon LA, held in April of 2004, was an immediate success. I remember that she was a first-time guest on my show in June of that year, giving me my first adult birthday spanking, as well as a birthday flogging, in what turned into a Pyrophiliac Birthday Spanking Gangbang. That night she also told us about DomCon, but I can’t say I “got it,” thinking it was just another fetish party, of which there were many fostered by the old Threshhold, Eulenspiegel, BondCom and other BDSM societies.
But DomCon would prove to be bigger than that, much bigger. DomCon LA begat DomCon Atlanta which begat DomCon New Orleans which begat “The Lair” at AVN and more, bringing together lifestyle kinksters and BDSM professionals from near and far away, with a lot of good-natured overlap.
Thanks to the prodding of Goddess Soma Snakeoil and Fat Mike of NoFX, I started coming to DomCon in 2015, and I never stopped. It’s a kinky bonoboësque love affair.
At that point, I reconnected with Mistress Cyan and since then, she has been on DrSuzy.Tv several times, winning multiple Suzy Awards for “Best Dr. Suzy Spanking,” “Best Snaketail Whip Mistress” and her tireless service to the Kink Community.
She even announced her engagement to the lovely Goddess Genesis on Lupercalia 2017.
We play a clip from that show in which Mistress Cyan gives a Master Course—or Mistress Course—in flogging three hot ladies’ upturned asses at once, pretty much flogging the panties off Bambi Leigh as the Womb Room cheers with delight.
For various reasons, my Bedside Chats aren’t as physically active as my pre-Coronapocalypse shows, but that gives me a chance to have more in-depth sapiosexual conversations with my guests.
We talk about Mistress Cyan’s goal: to foster a better understanding of BDSM in the Adult Alternative Lifestyle.
She also firmly agrees with me that, electoral complexities notwithstanding, we need to put aside progressive differences and VOTE BLUE in 2020. She’s doing her part to get out the LGBTQ kinkster vote, a not-insubstantial constituency.
Besides his other flagrant crimes, this unpresidented Presidunce has been a disaster for the LGBTQ community, doing his best (or worst?) to roll back progress made in the Obama years.
Mostly, we talk about her plans for DomCon LA 2020 Virtual, which have gone through many changes over the past few months, from a simple postponement of the regular DomCon gathering to August to, acknowledging the continuous spread of Covid-19 (thanks, in many ways, to tRump’s ineptitude, carelessness and horrendous leadership), making it an entirely online experience.
For over a decade and a half, every year, “Professional and Lifestyle” kinksters have gotten together at DomCon. In its 17th year, we’ll still get together, but aside from your own play partner(s) who happen to be sheltering in place with you, all of it will be virtual.
But get together we shall! As I often say, “social distancing” is a misnomer. We should be physical-distancing, but events like DomCon LA 2020 Virtual are a very special opportunity to socialize with fellow kinksters all over the world.
Animal Play FunDom Madame Margherite
Even though I’ve known Madame Margherite for just less than half a decade, I feel like I’ve known her forever. She is such a genuine, loving human, in addition to being a powerful FemDom, and getting more powerful every day.
I first met the marvelous Madame on my deliciously messy Splosh ‘n’ Art show which turned into our first Speakeasy Journal: Splosh ‘n’ Art edition. She brought her pet monkey who, in keeping with the theme, threw poop that was really chocolate pudding.
Right away, I could see that, though she can be devastatingly stern when she wants to be, Madame Margherite is a “fun” FemDom.
A FunDom!
She’s also a four-time SUZY award winner for “Best Animal Play Monarch.” In fact, she inspired me to create the category, and she wins it every time.
We show a lovely little clip of Madame Margherite and a couple of her “pets” at our 25th Wedding Anniversary, as she delivers a wonderful poem about a gay bonobo who comes to Bonoboville for love and acceptance. It’s so clever and very touching. She even sports a big hat as she plays the character of “Dr. Suzy,” guiding her human “pets” as they release their inner animals.
The Bible and other traditions of human supremacy teach us that we are “above” the animals, but the fact is that we are animals.
I’ve long felt that we humans benefit greatly—as individuals and as a society—by getting in touch with our animal nature.
The Bible and other traditions of human supremacy teach us that we are “above” the animals, but the fact is that we are animals. We just happened to have developed technologies that increase the growth of our species, although that same technology—often called “progress”—could well spell the death of us, as well as many other species, on an obviously irritated Mother Earth.
I often talk about the importance of releasing your inner bonobo, but there are also benefits to releasing your inner tiger, elephant, pussy, horny dog, cock of the walk, pig or porcupine.
Madame Margherite directs her Pet Leopard & Bonobo, wearing a chic hat as she roleplays “Dr. Suzy” for our 25th Wedding Anniveersary Bacchanal. Photo: JV
Though she’s only been with DomCon since 2016 (the year we met!), she’s been to all the conventions in LA and New Orleans, and she is rising rapidly in the ranks, thanks to her immense talents, beauty, sincerity and formidable drive to succeed, and is now DomCon Marketing Director.
She has also taken charge of the traditional DomCon Pet Show Awards, founded by Mistress Ellen. I was a judge at DomCon 2018, and it was more fun that a barrel of bonobos… not to mention dogs, pussies and tRump as a fatuous ferret (costume made by MM herself; costume design being another of her many talents), handled by Rhiannon Aarons as Stormy Daniels.
Speaking of handlers, this year’s event will not be called the “Pet Awards,” as pets require handlers or “owners,” and in the Coronapocalypse, not all the human animals have them. Instead, it will be the “Animal Play Awards,” which actually opens it up to a wider variety of wilder creatures that wouldn’t (in real life) have “handlers,” like lions, bats and bonobos!
It will also enable the human animals who participate in Madame Margherite’s Animal Play Awards show, scheduled for this coming Saturday 1:00-2:00 PM PST, to “advertise for love,” which just so happens to be the name of my first book, and/or a handler. Don’t miss it!
Besides helping people to release their inner animals, Madame Margherite is also on a spiritual quest, learning, teaching and giving talks on kink and religion, from religious scriptures, traditions and counterpoints to those traditions. Her upbringing didn’t include any particular faith, but she adopted Judaism as her religion and now says she is leaning more towards Islam, though she brings a healthy skepticism to religious dogma, especially as it pertains to second class citizenship for women.
Madame Margherite talks about the DomCon 2020 Animal Play Awards where human dogs, pussies & wild kangaroos will be able to “Advertise for Love” or a Handler and more!
We talk a bit about the subject, but it’s obvious that an in-depth conversation with Madame Margherite on kink and religion will make a great Bedside Chat of its own, and we intend to do just that very soon… a few weeks after DomCon LA 2020 Virtual!
Pony/Piggy/Pro-Domme Lady Remedy Ann
I met sexy, bubbly, vivacious Lady Remedy Ann as a protégé of Mistress Cyan, but in this Bedside Chat, I learn that she was pro-Domming before that, though she’s learned a tremendous amount from working with DomCon’s founder and alpha Domme.
One lasting impression I’ll always have of Lady Remedy Ann is from DomCon 2016 when I was delivering The Bonobo Way of FemDom Power for the first time, and having a little trouble getting everyone on my crew past the formidable front desk.
Suddenly, along came Mistress Cyan to save the day, like a FemDom Knight on a Gallant Steed, the steed being Lady Remedy Ann all dressed up as a proud pony for the Pony Show.
I ask her how it feels to release her “inner pony” and she exclaims that getting into her “Braveheart” pony role makes her feel powerful and strong as a horse.
When I ask her about bonobos, she giggles that if she ever comes back to life after death, she hopes to do it as a male bonobo. That makes sense, since with the sex-loving, food-sharing bonobos females in charge, the males have a great, relatively stress-free life, especially compared to their stressed-out, patriarchal, common chimp counterparts who turn into grumpy old apes by the time they’re teenagers.
Though lately, the Lady been getting in touch with her feelings for another animal—her inner pig!
Lady Remedy Ann Piggy is something I’d love to see, and we’ll have that opportunity at Madame Margherite’s Animal Play Awards on DomCon LA 2020 Virtual.
She is also Ms. CSW Leather 2020!
For some perspective, we show a clip of Lady Remedy Ann from 50 Shades of Sex Ed in 2015, a few months before my first DomCon, engaging in delightfully topless Bonoboville Communion, licking the salt off my ass with a surprise bite for good measure, and giving another guest a sound flogging.
The Lady joyously confesses to being a proud nudist, baring her lovely breasts, as we turn the Facebook camera’s away so as not to burn Marky Z’s ever-so-sensitive eyes with her bare boobilicious beauty.
Lady Remedy Ann is certainly another great FunDom!
Get to know her better on this Bedside Chat as well as on DomCon LA 2020 Virtual. Register now!
Therapeutic Domination
With all three of these great DomCon/Sanctuary LAX Dommes on my screen, I open our Bedside Chat to the therapeutic benefits of kink.
We all chat about how many Dommes and Doms act as sex therapists to their clients, helping them to release pent-up emotions and frustrations, relive sometimes traumatic childhood memories with a trustworthy guide, combine trust with lust, roleplay fantasies and make profound sexual transformations.
In many ways, I feel that some pro-Dommes, like the ones on this show, make better therapists than so-called real therapists (like some of my rigid AASECT colleagues), helping to heal their submissives bodies, minds, hearts and souls—with pleasure and a little bit (or maybe a lot) of pain.
Yes, pain can be very therapeutic, especially when delivered with consent, care and understanding. No pain, no gain, after all!
Capt’n Max then eloquently and very sincerely expresses his personal appreciation and Bonoboville’s gratitude for the warm, creative and inspiring community we’ve found at DomCon over these past few years.
Max started working with pro-Dommes back in the 1970s, creating the first phone sex lines with the legendary giantess, Queen Adrina.
Don’t be alarmed. Despite the evening’s Golden Shower theme, Max is not drinking pee (though he has!); it’s just beer (Corona, of course)! Photo: Harry Sapien
DomCon LA 2020 Virtual is “bound” to be very therapeutic for many of the participants. DomCon veterans like us will take tremendous joy in seeing our old friends, fans and mentors, even if we can’t touch, hug or spank them.
DomCon LA 2020 Virtual
DomCon is the Comic-Con of Kink, the Met Gala of Latex. Mistress Cyan has created a wonderful, enduring, bonoboësque gathering of kinksters. I love the DomCon philosophy of fellowship through fetish, the events and especially the amazing participants.
I’m also happy that DomCon LA 2020 will be all online, as those of us who wish to protect our health and that of our fellow humans are physical distancing in the Coronapocalypse.
Kink is no fun if kinksters get sick!
Of course, it won’t be “the same” as gathering in person, but a virtual DomCon is better than no DomCon, and every dark cloud has a silver lining, especially if your lining is made of shiny silver latex!
Also, while only a few could afford the time and money to attend a real-life DomCon, DomCon LA 2020 Virtual is extremely affordable and accessible to kinksters and the kink-curious all over the world.
No travel, no hotel expenses; you can join us from your own dungeon or your couch—or go to DomCon from bed! That’s where I’ll be.
Many of our favorite events, such as the Red Carpet, Mistress Photo and play parties will be reconfigured for the virtual world. We’ll also have a traditional Mistress Tea—though it’ll be in groups like tables, and you’ll need to bring your own tea.
Indeed, many more people around the world than usual can participate in DomCon 2020. That includes the kink-curious who might be afraid to “come out” to a regular DomCon where they would be seen by others.
These folks are welcome to stay incognito while observing the rest of us on DomCon 2020 Virtual. They’ll have many opportunities to “come out” in various ways, but they can also stay completely anonymous.
There are so many benefits to Virtual DomCon that there are bound to be virtual elements to all future DomCons even when we can hold them in person.
So don’t miss this first-of-its-kind event. Be a part of kink history and join us in your finest latex, leather, lingerie or your PJs.
Or lurk anonymously behind your screen with a voyeuristic view of the delightfully exhibitionistic Kinkerati at play.
Before we can say, “What’s your safeword?” the show’s over.
Our masked up and physically-distancing Bonoboville crew is quite small in the Coronapocalypse.
But we enjoy a pasta feast with a few adult beverages and herbs.
As fires, disease and injustice rage around us, we count our blessings, get psyched for a Blue wave and look forward to this coming weekend’s DomCon!
Then my Captain and I fall into each other’s hot summer arms, in kink-ified lust, in intimate trust and in love.
August 22, 2020 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 213-291-9497.
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08 · 27 · 20 @ 3:03 pm
Great show for sho!
Cardi B’s rad! She played the AVN awards last year…
I don’t see a tough choice. Trump vs notTrump
So true about kink therapy. BDSM can be incredibly cathartic & the Dom/me is the facilitator.
That’s interesting about DomCon lack of competition. Never really thought about that, but pro-BDSM is almost shockingly non-cutthroat…And yeah, how are pros not lifestyle?! I know the attitude, but it always amazes me. Many pros are basically lifestylers with jobs that other lifestylers envy…
Love your booboo way talk. One of the highlights of the year!
Such a fun night! Big love to all y’all!
08 · 27 · 20 @ 2:56 pm
Love your mask, Suzy!
08 · 27 · 20 @ 2:54 pm
I just want to say that your shows always bring joy to my life, despite all this crises we are facing right now! I am very supportive of you and what you do.
08 · 27 · 20 @ 1:41 pm
I really enjoyed the discussion about therapy and kink. I am starting my MA in clinical psychology soon, and I noticed that all the depths of sexuality are largely neglected in the curriculum, which is standard for most schools. You have to educate yourself separately. It would be beneficial if more people were open. Kink is still a largely taboo subject, even among people who study the human mind and behavior for a living.
08 · 27 · 20 @ 1:01 am
Great show, I enjoyed learning about the Dom Con history and the three strong women in charge of it. I look forward to the DomConLA event and I hope that the bonobos will win the Animal Play Awards.
08 · 26 · 20 @ 11:55 pm
Great show!!!! Thank you! Very entertaining.
08 · 26 · 20 @ 6:28 pm
Another outstanding Bedside Chat, Dr. Suzy, with this dynamic trio of Alpha Ladies of DomCon right before the event. Looking forward to seeing you as Mistress of Ceremonies. Great stuff about the therapeutic values of kink. So prescient about the Trump Pee Tape. Love your review of WAP and Ben Shapiro’s silly sanctimony, and that bit of history on AntiFa stemming from the Antifaschistische Aktion, the anti-Nazi activists of Weimar Germany. Funny Trump Toilet Brush. And yes, of course, I’m voting Blue, and not JUST because of you
08 · 26 · 20 @ 6:23 pm
Dr. Block, you are a beautiful woman
08 · 26 · 20 @ 5:41 pm
I have a copy of Advertising for Love. Great book! Love conquers all. I will try to be at DomCon this weekend.
08 · 26 · 20 @ 4:58 pm
Great show. I agree 100% inflammation is dangerous in all forms.
08 · 26 · 20 @ 4:17 pm
Look at those Fabulous Legs !! Beautiful, Dr. Suzy.
08 · 26 · 20 @ 3:45 pm
Thank you Dr Suzy for having Me as a guest again, I enjoy being on the show! It’s always a pleasure and an honor. I am always happy to come on whenever you’ll have Me. Take care and Happy DomCon!
08 · 26 · 20 @ 8:20 am
Sounds like a fun event to attend and be yet safe at home.
Dr Suzy will rebroadcast DomCon 2019 on her Live page as well!
See you all there…
08 · 25 · 20 @ 11:40 pm
Yes that seems like the delima “Which ‘lesser evil’ will you vote for? Or will you vote for some ‘greater good’ that doesnt stand a chance” That about sums it up perfectly… Thats exactly what I thought about Bernie.
08 · 25 · 20 @ 10:40 pm
An excellent episode. A really good show!!!! I felt the love and connection! Thank you so much to everyone. Much love to all.
08 · 25 · 20 @ 6:53 pm
What a dynamic show this past week.
Nice to meet the divine directors of DomCom and what to look forward to virtually.
Looking forward to the fellowship through fetish and Dr.Suzy’s “FemDoms of the Wild: The Bonobo Way of BDSM”
08 · 25 · 20 @ 8:04 am
At first I was bummed out about the idea of a Virtual DomCon, but actually, it will make it accessible for ANYONE around the world. Could be a blessing in disguise and grow DomCon into something even bigger. IN the future (assuming there is a future after the Coronapacolypse) when things return to normal, it would be nice to still have a Virtual DomCon Presence to dommes from around the world can still join in on the fun :-)
08 · 25 · 20 @ 7:28 am
This was a great discussion. I loved hearing from your three guests and the benefits of kink, especially from a therapeutic perspective. Mistress Cyan said a lot of great things too. I learned a lot!
08 · 25 · 20 @ 2:10 am
Great show Dr. Suzy. Have a wonderful DomCon!