Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Cari
    06 · 8 · 19 @ 12:54 pm

    Great read. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Chelsea Raw
    06 · 5 · 19 @ 11:59 am



  3. Destiny
    05 · 2 · 19 @ 11:02 pm

    I feel so enlightened bumping into this amazing article. This is great for our mental health and understanding,


  4. H Sapien
    05 · 2 · 19 @ 11:41 am

    I loved your line “the dirty rotten orange isn’t the only bad apple in the bunch…” so much!!!! I feel like future historians will be mining your article to understand the sociological nuances associated with just how and why Trump is soooo F-ing insanely bad…. It’s so great to have something like your article articulate all of the turmoil we collectively feel inside of ourselves… He is so bad I want to scream, but now I don’t have to. I can just link others to your article and let it do the screaming for me :)


  5. Dr. Serena Anderlini
    05 · 2 · 19 @ 11:01 am

    So proud you wrote this article. It so good to know someone is still sane and good at cultivating a dry sense of humor in the Trumpocalypse that the USA is in. We ll get thru, folks. We ll get thru. Trust we will!


  6. Biance
    04 · 27 · 19 @ 1:06 am

    I’m constantly amazed at how triggered and emotional people get with someone’s opinion. I’m convinced these are people that have yet to be affected by his policies and his consistent flow of hate. Such a great point about the rise of depression and medication, whether its self medicating with alcohol and substances or prescription depressants. Peoples daily activity, sex life, and family life are affected. These policies, these speeches, and daily antics don’t only affect our social life but also our domestic and personal lives. I for one haven’t really thought about the details that are causing this “Post-Trump Sex Disorder”. It’s not about just trump and his taunting speech, but more about how his actions have affected people and continue to affect people. For instance, how are the migrant families doing? How are the thousands of children that were forced to sleep under foil blankets doing? how is their psyche? how are their parents coping? These policies don’t only affect the current state but will have an impact that will last for generations. Hurt people do hurt people and that’s how the plantation were able to last so long. It was instilled in the slave’s psyche leaving us with issues like colorism. How is this mindset of separation that trump is cultivating going to impact our people in the long run?


  7. Shannon Sweet
    04 · 26 · 19 @ 7:54 pm

    If you’re an opinionated public figure and don’t get Death Threats, you’re doing something wrong <3


  8. Professor Oni
    04 · 26 · 19 @ 4:00 pm

    I love your brain lady!


  9. Del Rey
    04 · 26 · 19 @ 2:30 pm

    Is your sex life in the dump? It could be Trump.
    Dr. Suzy has the scoop on Post-Trump Sex Disorder(s).


  10. Blossom Green
    04 · 26 · 19 @ 11:38 am

    What a great & brilliant article! I’m always so grateful for you, Sexuality Super Hero, Dr.Suzy. You truly do bring such light to the world, by educating an offering positive solutions to all the darkness that has been brought by the Trumpocalypse.


  11. Romi
    04 · 26 · 19 @ 3:46 am

    The Trans thing is especially ridiculous, even if you don’t like them we JUST went through this crap with gay marriage; do they honestly think this is going to be any different??


  12. Harry
    04 · 26 · 19 @ 3:43 am

    Great article that shines a light on the darkness that is the Trump presidency. I love the bit about “Trump humps the flag”. In fact, I’m surprised no one’s thought of a phrase for that, “The Trump Hump” — to violate something dear while being creepy yet thinking you are awesome…


  13. Frank M.
    04 · 25 · 19 @ 11:47 pm

    You know I’m a diehard Trump guy and proud of it but my wife has become totally cold to me because she says she didn’t know I was such gullible ass, so no more sex for weeks on end and constant needling me for being an ass. It’s people like you that plant these ideas in women’s heads. What the fuck, she doesn’t even cook for me anymore. Make America Great Again like it used to be, women in their place.


    • Jack Nice
      04 · 30 · 19 @ 7:44 pm

      Well you gotta decide who is more important to you some guy you’ve only seen on TV or the women who lives with you. Making Trump happy isn’t going to give you a happy life, forget about “make america great again” that’s unrelated to your life, as a husband if you want to be a happy man who gets great sex and great meals put all your energy into making your wife happy, if she doesn’t like Trump don’t fight it support her choices and see how much better she treats you!


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