Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. DJ
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 8:07 pm

    I think your love for Sinéad O’Connor is even stronger because you “hated” her for that anti-slut Open Letter to Miley, Dr. Block. I guess Sinéad was human, after all, even though she was so angelic. They should put a pic of her on a candle as the Avenging Angel of Pope-Ripping.


  2. Deward Emerson
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 7:49 pm

    Great to hear how Dr. Suzy and Max fell in love with each other around the same time they fell in love with Sinead’s Nothing Compares 2 U and then used it in making the amazing Desert Susan tapes. An antiwar romance


  3. Swid Seor
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 7:45 pm

    A loving tribute to Sinead from Dr. Suzy. Based on the Netflix doc where she states that most of the songs she wrote were about her mother, and the fact she threw in “Mama” on NC2U (All the flowers…), I’m guessing Sinead was singing it to her Mum. Adds another layer.


  4. Bad Pixie
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 7:41 pm

    I would love to attend one of Your Prayer Breakfasts, Dr. Suzy, on my knees before You as You sip Your mimosa and feed me bits of bagel like Your puppy. Awesome ride on the B’ville X-press.


  5. Raelina West
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 7:39 pm

    Couples therapy in action – love it! And taking notes…Also great to hear your eloquent defense of Nancy Mace.


  6. Rich Biggly
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 7:37 pm

    Yes, I feel x-ploited by Elon’s x-treme fetish for the letter X. This show really speaks to me and for me.


  7. Truck Stop Burrito
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 7:35 pm

    Honestly, I’m in awe of how You expose the inner workings Your marriage to the rest of us so we can see how to make love to make up – like bonobos. Make up sex is the BEST – the essence of peace through pleasure. The Bonobo Way. Speaking of which, go Kanzi! And RIP Sinead.


  8. Dalton Jack
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 7:32 pm

    X-cellent show, Dr. Suzy & yes, Elon changing Twitter to “X” is X-tremely X-ploitative, but it’s still better than META with Zuck the Cuck. Love your take on the Nancy Mace Prayer Breakfast. Let the woman have a #sexlife! And splendid Matt Walsh Diaper dunking! RIP Sinead


  9. Amy Amethyst
    08 · 9 · 23 @ 7:31 pm

    What a wild ride! Your Bonoboville X-Press has already lasted longer than Elon’s giant glowing X on the San Francisco headquarters roof. Great Matt Walsh “Sweet Baby Gang” takedown, and he is so deserving. Please shackle him up to the X in a diaper, Dommy Mommy Dr. Suzy!


  10. Harry
    08 · 2 · 23 @ 3:46 pm

    I had no idea Sinéad O’Connor had the guts to call out the pope and Catholic Church on national TV before all the priest abuses were public knowledge. Talk about courage. Wow.

    This is why I love this show, learn so many new and cool things!


  11. Lynn Frields
    08 · 1 · 23 @ 3:55 pm

    Thanks Dr. Suzy for posting that Kanzi video on your journal with him playing mine-craft. What I can’t get over is that Bonobos have 98% of the same DNA we have. That is very apparent in the video and staggering to see what only 2% difference can amount to. I wonder if bonobos could ever evolve into a very intelligent domesticated pet? Thanks to caller Brady for alerting us to this inspiring video.


  12. Gideon Grayson
    08 · 1 · 23 @ 2:28 am

    Great show!


  13. Persia Rae
    07 · 31 · 23 @ 10:49 pm

    Thank you for your defense of Nancy Mace, a woman X-pressing a bit about her sex life with humor and love at a Republican Prayer Breakfast. Love it!
    Great call with Brady about Bonobo Kanzi playing Minecraft – so cool!


  14. Bae
    07 · 31 · 23 @ 9:08 pm

    X-citing show about Bonobo Kanzi, Barbie, Matt Walsh, Library Jails, Nancy Mace, and Sinéad O’Connor. Instead of a train it was more like a roller coaster; I held on tight and was rewarded for listening to this dynamic show. Different topics and discussions resonate differently with each individual. However, it’s commendable that you still try to find something nice to say about it and the callers. Every show is an opportunity for learning and growth for me, and the effort you put into creating it deserves appreciation.


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