Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Jim Koy
    10 · 15 · 13 @ 7:13 pm

    Miley Cyrus is super sexy. I’m glad someone is showing her support; I hope she appears on Dr. Block’s show one day and, perhaps, does a porn-video, too. All she did was innocently shake her hot ass at a sleazy music-event and suddenly she’s “worse” than all the male rap-stars, actors, sportsmen and entertainers that murder, rape, beat, rob, threaten and verbally-abuse people without consequence (e.g., Charlie Sheen and Mel Gibson). The ol’ “Boy’s Club” apparently can’t handle another young-woman becoming a mega-millionaire with the help of her pussy-power (that always threatens them). You go GRRL…


  2. Lily Kirkwood
    10 · 14 · 13 @ 5:35 pm

    Good ol foam fingered fun, that show was! It was difficult dealing with the pressure of being slut-shamed in the Midwest, but I was proud to be able to stand with my slutty sisters and perform for our adoring fans! Thank you to Veronica Monet as well, for being our guest.


  3. Veronica Monet
    10 · 14 · 13 @ 2:58 am

    Thanks Dr. Suzy! What a fun a show and a nice write up. Thanks too for pointing readers in the direction of Sally Coxe’s Bonobo Conservation Initiative. Rock on Shame Free!


  4. jade song
    10 · 14 · 13 @ 12:00 am

    SLUTs to the rescue! or SLUTs Stop Shaming! How about those for a call sign?? That was a fantastic show with Veronica Monet! And I’ve gotta say, everything’s sexier with Dr. Suzy, even a foam finger…


  5. Slutress
    10 · 14 · 13 @ 12:00 am

    You have done it again dear Dr. Suzy. Informative, uplifting, funny and very direct. Best I’ve read on this highly charged subject.


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