F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
We’re on VICE TV!
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
& Other Adventures
by Dr. Susan Block.
Our Vice TV piece has finally dropped, with a huge splash in the YouTube ocean, creating ripples of love—and toxic tidepools of hate—around the world.
Love us or hate us, we’ve garnered over 90,000 views with 1.4K thumbs-up in just three days!
Many thanks to the Vice TV team, especially our charming associate producer, Zach Schucklin, for a job well done under uncommon duress. Vice went bankrupt just as the editors were winding up our piece, but the entire collapsing Vice empire was saved in the nick of time by that ubiquitous, multifaceted billionaire, George Soros.
The result is that “Dial ‘O’ for Orgasm: Dr. Suzy’s Controversial Phone Sex Therapy” is a fantastic and unique documentary in many ways. There are also numerous things I don’t like about it, but I’m not complaining.
Well, maybe a little…
Yes, the Viceteam and I have had some intense discussions–verging on arguments—and I talk about some of them on this show. Many of my conflicts with Vice revolve around the title which kept changing—and still might change again! They wanted to call my work “Naughty,” but they’re not my Dommes, so I wasn’t having it. I liked “Liberating Phone Sex Therapy,” but that was too sex-positive for them, so we settled on “Controversial.”
It certainly lives up to that name in the YouTube version’s comments section, where over 550 comments (and counting) range from delightful and passionate praise to vicious and violent threats against me and all of Bonoboville, calling for our arrest, eternal damnation and summary execution by “firing squad.”
It’s a little scary, but I know we’re not doing anything wrong, illegal or unethical, and Bonoboville is pretty well-protected from roaming firing squads and/or erotophobic crusaders. Besides, I want to see what I’m up against on the battlefront of the current War on Sex. I’m not one of those celebrity types who won’t look at my comments for fear it will damage my delicate mental health. At least not at this stage. The nice comments give me a sapiosexual dopamine hit that, in a sense, vaccinates me against the vitriol. Reading the nastiest comment is like being dropped into vat of boiling poison as a leering priest prays over me. Yikes! But this poison is only in their pens (there are far worse toxins in our food and atmosphere), and it’s fun to respond to all the rage, outrage, disgust, condemnation, denigration, slut-shaming, elder abuse, misogyny, thought-policing and horror with as much humor and love as I can muster.
I can’t comment as “Dr. Susan Block,” because my main YouTube channel of 15 years was terminated. So, I use a couple of secondary channels (Bonoboville and Sex Calls) to have some fun, support the good commenters and take on the baddies, battling the crusaders, busting the thought police, correcting misconceptions and fake news, slapping back attempted offenses, spanking the wannabe offenders, and spreading The Bonobo Way of peace through pleasure as much as possible, under the circumstances.
We’re also getting a lot of calls at the Institute, and it’s pretty momentous for us, so on this FDR ride, Capt’n Max, Unscene Abe, a host of Callin callers and commenters and I spend most of the time talking about the video—how awesome it is, as well as where it’s not so awesome—and of course, the tsunami of good, bad and utterly crazy comments.
We take four great calls, all from folks who are enthusiastic about the Vice TV piece (we’ll get to the haters on future shows, I’m sure) 1) Chris G., 2) Kasey T-Girl, 3) Rhiannon Aarons and 4) Brady Crow.
Rhiannon and Kasey are in the Vice TV piece, as they attended my Bonoboville Reunion—and oh, what a show that was (watch above)! We have fun comparing our uncensored version with the Vice edition which features boobs without nipples.
Yes indeed, thanks to censorship, we are all Barbie now!
Ironically, the boobs and genitalia are visually muted with a white film, as if the editors engaged in bukkake bowdlerization, spraying creamy ejaculate all over our so-called “naughty” bits.
Also on this Love Train ride:
- I turned last Saturday’s farewell to Sinéad O’ Connor into an article for Counterpunch. Though not as rancorous and brutal as the Vice TV comments, some of the Sinéad responses have been a bit slut-shaming. The Left can be almost as bad about this as the Right these days.
- Beaten down by the stress of being hounded for publishing—by the Right and Left—Backpage co-owner Jim Larkin died by suicide on the day of this live broadcast, just before his trial. Veronica Monet who tipped me off about the tragedy, posted, “How did the Christian fanatic abolitionists who believe all sex work is sex trafficking, gain so much power in America? They have convinced even liberals of their hateful dogma.”
- It’s the 78th anniversary of the American bombing of Hiroshima. The notorious A-Bomb was created by a group of physicists supervised by the man of the cinematic moment, J. Robert Oppenheimer, who had second thoughts—too late—and it was dropped by U.S. President Harry S. Truman, a Democrat and a hat maker, who had no second thoughts, as he perpetrated the worst war crime the world has ever known. Tragic how these war criminals are honored by so many, while sex educators and sex workers who never hurt anyone are treated with disdain.
- Well, sometimes we’re honored, and I’ve been nominated for “Most Popular Sex Educator” in the Urban X awards. I’m sure I won’t win, but it’s great to be nominated!
- Manatee group sex is in season! If you see them humping on the beach, don’t be alarmed and don’t call the police. Let them hump and enjoy.
- Trumpty Dumpty’s been indicted… again! Three’s the charm, and this third indictment is for his “wild” 6 Rape of the Capitol. Despite—or because of—his mounting legal woes, the polls show him to be 39 points ahead of his closest Republican competitor, “throat-slitting” Florida Governor Ron DeFascist.
- RIP PeeWee Herman, aka Paul Rubens. What a great artist who was also slut-shamed just for masturbating in an adult theater in 1992. In his honor, I masturbated on KFOX and had the first live orgasm on the radio. Farewell our beloved PeeWee!
- It’s hot! Global Warming has turned to Global Broiling. Keep hydrated. Stay sane. Air-conditioning may be good for you, but it’s bad for the planet, so make love—or masturbate—in a nice tub of ice. Wear your headphones and listen to this cool and eargasmic FDR, and then watch us on Vice TV and join the commenters’ kickboxing community brawl.
© August 5, 2023 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 626-461-5950.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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08 · 9 · 23 @ 8:21 pm
Yes! Thank you George Soros for bailing out Vice from bankruptcy so it could show this amazing video featuring Dr. Suzy’s Phone Sex Therapy & Erotic Theater Therapy! Great celebratory ride on the Love Train.
08 · 9 · 23 @ 8:20 pm
Love to hear you open the show with “Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners, All you Children of Sex & we are ALL Children of Sex.” Yes indeed. Amen and Awomen, Dr. Block.
08 · 9 · 23 @ 8:19 pm
I have watched Your Vice doc 10 times. I love the Bonoboville Reunion, but it’s very cool to see You in Your office. My opinion: the trolls in the comments want to adore You like I do, but they can’t because of religion or whatever, so they try to shame You… and they can’t.
08 · 9 · 23 @ 8:17 pm
Wonderful Celebration of Your Vice TV Success! Now over 103K views! I’m doing my part to counter the trolls & I believe I’ve embarrassed a few enough to delete their erotophobic Christofascist vitriol. Brava to you again, and again.
08 · 9 · 23 @ 8:09 pm
Cool on-air Wrap Party for the Vice piece! What a sensational sapiosexual video! Good for Vice & George Soros. And yes, the comments are crazy. I’ve been on there responding to some of their weird anti-sex insanity having a blast!
08 · 8 · 23 @ 8:16 pm
Another outstanding mini-doc by Vice. Beyond pioneering this field “Dr. Suzy” is the only person besides Kurt Vonnegut to publicly acknowledge the profound species of Bonobo monkey and how we could genuinely learn from their approach. Bonobos are non violent, and sexually liberated. Vonnegut mentioned that they basically greet each other through sex and abhor violence
. Block expands on his observations to view this approach to life as not merely a series of behavioral patterns but rather a paradigm or philosophy that humans can adopt. Instead of continuing to mimic the combative, violent, scarcity-driven precepts that most species live by, Block shows us that personally and even culturally we can model ourselves after the Bonobo who seem “zen” amongst other species who seem less driven by pleasure, joy, and a sustainably peaceful community
08 · 8 · 23 @ 4:43 pm
That VICE TV documentary is popular and “controversial.” Dr. Suzy sure does exhibit how she helps people. I understand that the guy they interviewed is actually her real client. I know there are a several billion people in a similar position, it’s good to know there’s a place to go for help, or just to talk. I just got a glimpse of the Bonobo Way world that we should all feel better about. Thanks to VICE TV for showing this to us!
08 · 8 · 23 @ 4:42 pm
Dr. Suzy’s documentary at VICE TV sure has fired up some controversy. Those comments on YouTube containing hatred for what Dr. Suzy does surely reveal some sort of pathological problem with the commenters’ own sexuality. I’m glad she points out during the show that many religious leaders actually do in secret what their public vitriol against sex reveals. That’s why religious people hide behind Jesus’ skirt — to hide their own sexual issues. We all know that, right?
08 · 8 · 23 @ 11:34 am
Sometimes I feel like we are engaged in a war for the sexual freedom and liberty of the country. Too many people are sexually repressed, oppressed, and suppressed and feel they must live in shame because of their sexual desires and needs. So it is great that Dr. Suzy has now hit the airwaves and internet on Vice. She is a much-needed voice in this battle for sexual freedom and liberty.
08 · 8 · 23 @ 2:22 am
Great show!
08 · 7 · 23 @ 11:33 pm
Congratulations on the Vice TV documentary and getting so many views and comments. Nice to hear some of the participants call in. I enjoyed seeing the raw uncensored version of the Bonoboville Reunion. It’s truly remarkable how accessible and effective phone sex therapy has become through this medium. The insightful discussions certainly highlighted the immense value of phone sex therapy in promoting mental well-being. Kudos to the team for shedding light on such a transformative way to seek help and healing!
08 · 7 · 23 @ 9:00 pm
I love the VICE episode of you, Dr. Suzy. Your way of the Bonobo Way seems so carefree and liberating. If more people embraced that philosophy we’d all get along better, I think. Because of people’s tight grip on others’ approval, most of them can’t freely express who they truly are. That repression should be shamed, not good clean sluts! I personally don’t mind slutty people. It makes for a great day! lol