Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Lynn Frields
    08 · 15 · 23 @ 3:56 pm

    Awesome podcast! I’m glad Dr Suzy & Max brought up the the Twilight Zone episode. Programs like that helped educate pre-modern America to think more rationally about the consequences of our thoughts and actions. Even those commenters who came down on the Dr Suzy’s Vice TV documentary demonstrate their malignant thoughts through vitriolic rants of hatred. But it’s ok, because they go to church on Sunday and hide behind Jesus’ skirt. But we see that duality in many religious zealots, because they are haters in hiding. But I noticed a lot more progressive comments about the Vice TV documentary. Keep up the great work!


  2. Gideon Grayson
    08 · 15 · 23 @ 2:01 am

    Great show!


  3. Bae
    08 · 14 · 23 @ 11:39 pm

    Your Vice TV documentary, taboo thoughts, and your “Most Popular Sex Educator” nomination all make for a must-listen show that touches on fear, fantasies, innocence, excitement, and the unbalanced reactions to phone therapy. This show made me realize that this Vice/Virtue story is playing out every day around the country. People show so little support for the ones giving and getting sex therapy, yet it is so important to mental health.


  4. Persia Rae
    08 · 14 · 23 @ 8:13 pm

    Dr. Suzy has some fun and wild characters as part of Bonoboville. This oasis (per se) sounds like it really embraces individuality. What a paradise place away from the judgemental world. She seems like a cool-ass lady. I did join the online version. I live too far from LA to be a Live member but this website is just as good. Thanks to Dr. Suzy and her Bonoboville I was able to connect with some incredible primates.


  5. Martie
    08 · 14 · 23 @ 8:02 pm

    Engrossing show delving deep into fascinating subjects, like bonobo vs. human behavior. Can’t wait to go deeper! Fascinating to hear how actors and artists like Daniele and BeLive immerse themselves into Dr. Suzy’s sex-positive therapeutic lifestyle, pointing to a new kind of “Free Love”


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