F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
HEARTS & Floggers +The Bonobo Experience
F.D.R. (F*ck Da Rich):
Making Love through the Madness
by Dr. Susan Block.
The goal is the journey, and we’re on a Journey of the Heart through an increasingly heartless world.
All Aboard the Love Train! It’s still Valentine time, and Capt’n Max and I have been riding through Tunnels of Love—a little intercourse, orgasmic outercourse and just taking care of each other these days. We’ve also had a few perilous moments. Romance is a wonderful thing; it’s the BEST thing, but it can be hazardous to human beings in the Capitalocene in the grip of the Valentine Megamachine, pressuring you to prove your love and your love-worthiness via your place in the rat race.
That’s why my heart is more into Lupercalia and World Bonobo Day, the Bonobo Way. On our last FDR, we excavated the Lupercalian origins of Valentine’s Day, the collectively kinky Februa–flogging pagan festival of Pan, the horned and horny God of the Wild who also lends his name to the bonobos whose Latin classification is pan paniscus. There’s a lot of pansensual overlap to the High Holidays of Love.
Here in Bonoboville, we’ve long celebrated the Lupercal, usually with a flogging bacchanal. Better to have your buns beaten consensually on Lupercalia than your heart broken badly on Valentine’s Day…. It’s also better than spending Valentine’s evening sitting across from your dream date at a Valentine-themed restaurant, each of you gazing intently at your phone screens.
No, that’s not Max and me, but I took a photo of a lovely young couple doing just that on a V-Day at Clifton’s. Love in the Cellular Age is more plugged in than turned on.
Though we’re fed up with V-Day commercialism, we do enjoy two sweet and creamy, heart-shaped boxes of chocolates—the classic Valentine treat (and sometime sex substitute) from our sweet “fan, follower and friendly acquaintance,” Dragon Steele.
We chew-chew on the choo-choo, giving out Valentine Sex Tips from the Heart to commenters like candy and wondering… What do incels do on Valentine’s Day? Play video games? Eat candy? Dox women? One incel named Nicholas Cruz shot and killed 17 of his classmates—including a girl who had spurned his advances—in a horrific Valentine’s Day Massacre.
Incels combine a sense of entitlement with a lack of intimacy, absorbing ammosexual “groyper” notions from extreme Rightwing leaders who pretend to care about them, yet mostly just grift them. But what does the Left have to say to the incels besides, “Grow up, stop blaming women for your problems and get off your parents’ couch”? Maybe we should offer something positive, sexy, anti-fascist and fun to this disaffected army of mostly young men—something that also happens to be female-empowering—something like The Bonobo Way.
There are no incels in Bonoboville. No murders either. Bonobo males are laid back because they’re getting laid.
Speaking of bonobos, a friendly sexological bodyworker named Jason Bartholomew Hall calls in from Nottingham, England to tell us about the Bonobo Experience, a real-life gathering of bonobo sapiens coming soon to Spain’s seductively named Valley of Sensations. Sounds sensational and we can’t wait to hear more!
As if one British caller isn’t enough, English Adam calls in with a very British humiliation fetish. Speaking of which, kudos to Dark Brandon for turning the tables on Republican hecklers at the State of the Union. I don’t like Joe’s neoliberal war machine, but I like Social Security, and it’s fun to see these screaming MAGAts put in their place by an octogenarian. Good job for an old man, or even a young man. Handling weaponized hate and harassment is never easy.
Regarding harassment, if you’ve been listening lately, you know that’s what Youtube bots accused me of, and I’m still dumbfounded. The newest irony is that I’ve been corresponding with a couple of Googlers who hopefully are human, but who knows? Both have professed sympathy with my plight, and one has confessed that she is “afraid” to tell me the real reason my channel was terminated.
Help! I’m trapped in the Twilight Zone of AI (Artificial Ignorance)!
I’ve been researching “harassment,” and it’s, unfortunately, very real. However, it’s about harming private individuals, not critiquing public figures as we do. It’s about pestering, doxing and bullying people, exposing and mocking their sexual secrets, sometimes literally stalking, beating or killing them, blackmailing them and coercing them into nonconsensual acts, sometimes driving victims to such madness that they feel the only way out is suicide. It’s horrifying, and of course, my YouTube channel has never done anything of the sort. In fact, nothing could be further from the Bonobo Way.
Sure, we are critical of public figures but our critiques, commentary, and reporting are done in the 1st amendment spirit that is the bedrock of all good journalism. We do not “harass” anyone; we educate, explore, empower, preach positivity and try to make the world a better place.
My feeling is that YouTube’s “harassment” accusation is a label—a box the bots can check—to serve as a cover for the real reason they terminated me. Maybe it was because of sex education, leftist politics or being flagged by MAGAts. Who knows? They’re “afraid” to tell me.
For more about the harmful stupidity of bots and the heart-shaped beauty of butts, listen to FDR…
And if you didn’t catch me on the premiere of “Sex Before the Internet,” reminiscing about HBO’s “Real Sex,” you can still watch it on Vice TV. I open episode 5 with my “Brothers & Sisters, Lovers & Sinners” pleasure preacher show from Real Sex 25, so don’t miss the beginning! Later, it shows Max and me on FDR juxtaposed with us in Real Sex 11, broadcasting live from bed to over 100 radio stations around the country 25 years ago .
Yes indeed, these two senior valentines are still working it, still making love through the madness on our Journeys of the Heart.
© Feb. 13, 2023 Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 626-461-5950.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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02 · 18 · 23 @ 10:48 am
Thank you so so much for enabling me to talk about The bonobo experience. It means so much to our collective, I feel like we’ve connected now and can raise awareness of these beautiful bonobos’, sending you so much love .
02 · 16 · 23 @ 12:58 pm
I love how PAN rules Lupercalia as well as Pan Paniscus, the Beautiful Bonobos of World Bonobo Day. So many connections. Such an engaging show on Matters of the Heart and the fact that the heart really matters.
02 · 16 · 23 @ 12:56 pm
Happy Days of Hearts to The Sexy Lefty Queen of Hearts. I wish You’d whip my heart-shaped butt for Lupercalia, but hearing to Your show gives me ideas for how to romance someone, even if that someone is me. Tho blindfolding & feeding myself mystery treats might be too funny..
02 · 16 · 23 @ 12:54 pm
Much Lupercalian & #BonoboLove to the Love Doctor Lady Pan of Pan Paniscus, the Irreverend Dr. Susan Block, Queen of Hearts & the Erotic Theater of the Mind. Love the Bonobo Experience. And congrats on the Vice “Real Sex” interview, though it left me wanting more of you.
02 · 16 · 23 @ 12:53 pm
Happy Holidays of the Heart to the Queen of Hearts! What a fantastic show on all the Heart Holidays! But it sucks that YouTube is still censoring you – I hate AI. But I love the Bonobo Experience in the Valley of Sensations – Wow! And GREAT Sex Tips & Sexy Stories!
02 · 15 · 23 @ 9:58 pm
What an informative and enlightening show, Dr. Suzy. I never thought about the shape and color of a heart representing a nicely spanked butt, but it sure makes more sense than representing an organ it looks nothing like. Here’s to feeding the hungry and “making love through the madness” – love that idea!
02 · 14 · 23 @ 5:18 pm
And a happy heart shaped tit and heart shaped ass Lupercalia to you and Max and all the Bonobos too. I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of the traditional V-day dinner. To be avoided like the plague – which fits perfectly with the St. Valentine theme.
02 · 14 · 23 @ 9:30 am
I think Dr Suzy is the only person who is sincerely trying to help the incels. The Bonobo Way is definitely a philosophy that would not only make the world a better place, but it would definitely go a tremendously long way to solving the incel problem or rather, getting them what they need to have happier and more fulfilling lives.
02 · 14 · 23 @ 2:00 am
Great show!
02 · 13 · 23 @ 11:51 pm
I congratulate you on being a thought leader with your latest show about Valentine’s Day, World Bonobo Day, and Lupercalia as well as the Vice documentary you are in.
The caller from England was quite spellbinding with his tales of how he celebrates the Bonobo Way by hosting gatherings.
I hope you accept his invitation and visit. Then we can get a first-hand report of the experience.
02 · 13 · 23 @ 8:44 pm
Congrats once again on the Vice doc! It’s crazy to me that YouTube terminated you for harassment when you don’t harass at all and there are so many other people on YouTube really doing it! The Powers that be need to see what a positive impact you have made over the years. I also loved hearing about Jason’s Bonobo Project. The Bonobo Way is spreading far and wide!
02 · 13 · 23 @ 8:24 pm
A happy Lupercalia and World Bonobo Day to you! I am glad I don’t know any incels personally, so I am always surrounded by love and joy around this time of year. However, I thought it was interesting how you discussed the incels and the massive plague of harassment that has been going on. Hope you enjoy some more good food and good sex this holiday season!