Dr. Susan Block

In the Chatroom


  1. Mr. B
    05 · 28 · 20 @ 11:20 pm

    Being a Bull who has transitioned from mostly hotwifing to cuckolding lifestyle, i completely agree with what you told that cuckold, Dr. Susan. The husbands become aroused by this denial and humiliation as well as seeing their wives become the true Queen of their relationship. Personally, i get enjoyment from expressing my natural sensual dominance in a respectful manner. Seeing her husband leaking from his tiny chastity cage is also quite hilarious too LOL. ♠♠♠


  2. Carly
    05 · 21 · 20 @ 4:43 pm

    Thank you for having us again, it was really a great time!


  3. Deward Emerson
    05 · 21 · 20 @ 4:41 pm

    Great Bedside Chat dialogue between you and your erudite guests, Dr. Suzy. Who doesn’t enjoy a sexy game, a little tease? Love Sharang’s kinky harness, Carly’s theatrical witchcraft and the Yale-Harvard-Dartmouth connection is very intriguing. Also, you give that nervous young cuckold some sage advice. Your “sperm wars” explanation for why so many men desire women who have sex with other men should be required reading for all cuckolds, hot wives and bulls. And people shouldn’t be ashamed of sexual activities among consenting adults. Not a lot of action on his one, but I don’t miss it because the “chat” is so engaging.


  4. Bob Gryszka
    05 · 21 · 20 @ 4:39 pm

    You look gorgeous. Love the stockings. Great show.


  5. Sharang Biswas
    05 · 21 · 20 @ 4:36 pm

    That was such a cool conversation! Thanks!


  6. Mucahit
    05 · 21 · 20 @ 4:34 pm

    Nice very nice super show


  7. Maximillian Lobkowicz
    05 · 21 · 20 @ 3:41 pm

    Interesting show in the age of the Coronavirus.


  8. Gideon Grayson
    05 · 21 · 20 @ 2:31 am

    Great show!


  9. Aimee
    05 · 20 · 20 @ 10:16 am

    Never a dull moment on this show, even when you have two academics discussing theatre and arts. It was truly a sapiosexual happy hour!


  10. SunShine McWane
    05 · 19 · 20 @ 9:01 pm

    Awesome show! Welcome, Carly and Sharang! You guys were great! Thank you so much for telling us all about Intramersive Theatre! I feel so well cultured now!

    Man the Hirschfeld Institute really sounds like an interesting place to go and the Nazis burned down the Erotic Library? That’s so terrible! So much we could have learned. As I always say one day when I get my DeLorean…

    In Real Life people who practice Cuckolding rarely include Humiliation!?!? I had no idea!


  11. Bae
    05 · 19 · 20 @ 3:38 pm

    Another excellent interview. Your great show proves itself to be the gift that keeps on giving. Immersive theater proves itself to be as valid, entertaining, and in these troubled times helpful as it ever was. Your guests let know just how erotic it can be.

    Having participated in the “Pass the Sugar, Please” erotic experience I can tell you it is entertaining and the clip barely gives a taste of how much fun it is. Bravo Carly and Sharang

    Great to find out about your participation in immersive theater. That must contribute to your engaging interview style.

    Thanks for sharing the history of Erotic Theater Therapy from Greeks to Germans.


  12. Harry
    05 · 19 · 20 @ 8:30 am

    This show proves that “the mind” is truly the sexiest sex organ… Who would have thought you could do sexy role play via food word play. …”Why yes dear, I LOVE nothing more than to lick your blueberry scone, savorying the sweet taste yet not eating the blueberry until you say so:-)


  13. Aaron Cohen
    05 · 18 · 20 @ 11:57 pm

    Fantastic show!


  14. Mark Smith
    05 · 18 · 20 @ 11:57 pm

    You are stunning!


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