Naughty Footsie Solstice with Elvis + Birthday Madam RavenRae, the Bonobo Way!
Length 1:35:58 Date: December 17, 2016
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Bonoboville rejoices in Winter Solstice 2016 with a medley of Elvis ♩ tunes ♫ passionately performed by our favorite Elvis Presley tribute artist, Smokey Binion, Jr. , coupled with a fabulous foot-worshipping birthday party for Madam Raven Rae.
Dommes and subs, elves and Elvis lovers, husbands and wives gather together in the sparkling warmth of the Womb Room with Santa caps, stockings, a sweet Baby Jesus butt plug and a big phallic tree to welcome the climactic Solstician turning point.
SeXmas Miracles
Yes indeed, Xmas wasn’t the first celebration of a December miracle. Winter Solstice or “Sun Birthday” was—and is—when the sun, after hanging at its lowest point in the Northern Sky, is “born again,” as the days begin to get longer.
Sex is vital to any Winter Solstice celebration worth its egg nog. To honor the icy season, our polytheistic forbearers would feast and fornicate for days and extra-long nights with Bacchanalian orgies of such proportions they would make Bonnie Rotten pee in her g-string.
Mesopotamia’s Winter Carnivals were a kind of “SeXmas” that predated Christianity by some 2000 years, featuring mummers-style parades with floats carrying scenes of sex among the gods enacted by horny humans. Several millennia before Christ is said to have been born on Christmas Day, the Greek Winter Festival honored another populist “Son of God” with a human mother, who worked miracles, brought forth wine, and was resurrected after a violent and untimely death. His name was Dionysus, or Bacchus to the Romans. Another ancestor to Xmas from ancient Rome was the Saturnalia, presided over by Old Father Time, a kind of kinky Santa Claus with a long white beard. He even chortled “Io, io, io!’ which is pretty close to “Ho, ho, ho!” Saturnalia also featured the first Xmas Carols which were truly X-rated, as the carolers (dare I say hoes) would sing them in the nude.
To our prehistoric foremothers and fathers, Winter Solstice sex was more than just a personal pleasure or even a cool way to keep warm. It was an ecstatic communal coming together, an orgiastic celebration of the erotic fecundity of life in the dead of winter, bringing red-hot “joy to the world” in a season of cold, dark, winter blues.
Smokey Does Elvis
Into our convivial Womb Room steps featured guest, Smokey Binion, Jr., visiting Bonoboville for the fourth time, and channeling the Spirit of Elvis. All the way from Stinnett, Texas, Smokey begins by serenading us with a heartfelt a cappella rendition of that Elvis classic, “Blue Christmas.”
Then we crank up the music, and Smokey launches into a hip-swiveling, pelvic-thrusting, toe-tapping, finger-snapping, shirt button-popping performance of an assortment of the King’s greatest hits.
And the congregation goes wild! Dancing in our seats and on our feet, we sing with the King’s most familiar songs, some shouting “We love you Smokey!” while other cheers, all of us warm up the chilly Womb Room with a little old-time rock ‘n’ roll and a whole lot of soul. Capt’n Max, who impersonated Elvis back in the days when the King was still alive sings along as he operates one of the cameras. Meanwhile, Smokey tosses his signature scarves to his adoring fans, and even gives out some hugs.
Bday Madam RavenRae
But a Solstice Sun Birthday isn’t the only birthday we’re celebrating on this wintry holidazed show. We also welcome back the gorgeous, effervescent and charmingly imperious domina, DomCon 2016 MC and avid hockey player, Madam Raven Rae. Decked out in a holly-green, slinky, slit-up-the-thigh party dress, she’s wearing nothing but her birthday suit underneath, except for a pair of white panties that she announces will be on sale after the show. The daughter of a pastor, she was abruptly cut from her father’s will by family greed and judgmental sex-negativity, now Pastor RavenRae rises and reigns as the high priestess of foot worship in the Church of Bonoboville.
We begin with a kiss under the mistletoe, which is just a little bit naughty and very nice. Then Madam Raven Rae “gets lei’ed,” sharing an extra-sexy Bonoboville Communion with our own Gypsy Bonobo (all decked out herself in Xmas red, a black corset and a green “garter” that doubles as Bonoboville dog Betsey’s winter collar), followed by Waterboarding the Bonobo Way with Agwa di Bolivia Herbal Cocoa Leaf Liqueur.
Then Smokey lays down on the floor to receive his Bonoboville Communion from Madam’s smartly arched bare foot, toe pointed virtually down his throat, as she proceeds to “treat (him) mean and cruel, but loves” him… oh yeah…
Madam doubles her pleasure and our fun when she commands Smokey and her hooded and black-latex-clad regular slave winnie to lick her lovely feet and suck her sparkle-pedicured toes. Thus adored, she receives her cake to the tune of Happy Birthday in English and Spanish, chats with her friend Isabella (who confesses that to never having seen Madam in such a provocative position before) about their upcoming “Clouds” art show and her other friend, actually friendly “ex,” Michael Bronxxx. She also opens some of her presents, including a JuxLeather “Lupercalian” finger-flogger, some Chinese aphrodiacs, a Marilyn bubble bath and, of course, The Bonobo Way, from Bonoboville.
Jacquie Blu Gets Two TEA Noms
We’re very happy to announce on this show that our own Jacquie Blu has received two TEA (Transgender Erotica Awards) nominations for Ms. Unique and Best Internet Personality. Go Jacquie! #GoBonobos! Whether the voting is random or rigged, there’s no one more deserving to win.
We also think Jacquie deserves an award for “Most Submissive” or “Most Unbreakable Bottom.” In just a few months, we have seen Ms. Blu’s bottom get quite blue, having been hand-spanked OTK (over-the-knee) and book-spanked with The Bonobo Way, paddled, flogged, whipped, whacked hard, punctured with with Nerf darts and penetrated with a rather large, thick dong attached to a fucking machine, all the while Jacquie’s expressive face beams with a beatific sub-space glow. Sounds like she’s in a good position to receive a DrSuzy.Tv award. Speaking of which, the SUZYs are coming… Will you be a winner?
Roller Daniele, Tutu Be*LiVE and The Doctors
Rounding out the Bonoboville Winter Solstice chorus of angels are dazzling Daniele Watts, all dressed up like a sexy Afro-inspired clown on roller skates, and sweet Chef Be*LIVE, first as Santa yogi, then reappears as a bubble-blowing, tutu-rawking Tinkerbelle, aka, the XXXmas Fairy.
Among a multitude of other topics, we talk about our recent appearance on THE DOCTORS last week where we discussed Erotic Hypnosis. If you’d like to enter the Erotic Theater of the Mind, through hypnosis, call the Institute at 213-291-9497. If you’d prefer to put yourself under, learn how in Step 2 of the 12 Steps to Liberating Your Inner Bonobo. Or just watch me, Daniele, the Chef, Dr. Travis Stork, Dr. Nita Landry & Dr. Drew Ordon, now playing on YouTube. Though The Doctors’ editors sliced out our juiciest parts, at least they endorse the healthful value of orgasms and erotic hypnosis. Breaking News: Dr. Nita Landry will be a guest on our show in 2017! Maybe she’ll let me hypnotize her… Her brains and beauty have already got me under her spell.
New Year’s Eve in Bonoboville
Speaking of 2017, it’s almost here! So how will you ring in a Happy New Year? Why not do something different, special, sexy and fun? Spend New Year’s Eve in Bonoboville with a bacchanalian galaxy of stars and kinksters! RSVP now and enter 2017 swinging.
Thanks to this week’s volunteers: Camera Operators – Matthew Villescas, Sean Riley; Photographers – Angelo Nephtali, Daniel Irvin, L’Erotique; Bartender – Melissa Ello; and our in-house bonobos Abe Perez, Del Rey, Gypsy Bonobo, Harry Sapien, Jacquie Blu, MarsFX, Paniscus Brecht and Zane Bono.
© December 18, 2016. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
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12 · 22 · 16 @ 12:57 am
That looks like fun!
12 · 21 · 16 @ 7:11 pm
thank you so much for all the love I had a blast!!!!
12 · 21 · 16 @ 1:16 pm
Dr. Suzy, thank you for everything. I had a great time. You are a great friend.
I really appreciate the support from everyone. It is nice to know that everyone was supporting me. That really means alot.
God Bless All Of You At Bonoboville.
12 · 21 · 16 @ 1:13 pm
Awesomeness! Can’t wait to go again! :)
12 · 21 · 16 @ 3:32 am
I don’t think there’s a better way to greet the Winter Solstice. Once again, Elvis (Smokey) rocks the house when he enters the building. It was great to see the return of the magnificent Madam Raven Rae, along with Her slave Winnie. Between Winnie and Smokey, She had Her hands full… er, I mean feet! Danielle on wheels and Be*Live as a Solstice faery was priceless. Gypsy was the cutest and sexiest little Santa’s helper I’ve ever seen. This has been an exciting year for me and it’s ending is proving to be no different. Happy Christmas everybody, and a very Merry New Year!
12 · 20 · 16 @ 5:14 pm
12 · 20 · 16 @ 3:59 pm
Thank you once again Dr. Suzy for an awesome celebration of Madam RavenRae ‘s Birthday. Honored to be on the show.
12 · 20 · 16 @ 1:04 pm
Go Elvis Go!! Regards from Vegas!
12 · 20 · 16 @ 1:02 pm
Show… us the way !
12 · 20 · 16 @ 1:01 pm
Got to kiss your feet.
12 · 20 · 16 @ 1:00 pm
Nice show!
12 · 20 · 16 @ 11:23 am
Smokey sure did enjoy himself. There’s a man that knows how to live his passion. Hat’s off to you Smokey!
12 · 19 · 16 @ 9:36 pm
Wish I was there!.
12 · 19 · 16 @ 7:21 pm
Where else are you going to find Smokey “The King”, a LIVE tutu-wearing Fairy, a Roller Derby queen, a fiery red-headed Dom and her toe-sucking slave, a double-nominated “Superstar”, a naughty sexy elf, and the lovely and always sexy Dr. Susan Block?
On the World’s Sexiest Show on Earth, of course! The Dr. Susan Block Show. This one rocked my socks off!
12 · 19 · 16 @ 5:54 pm
Oh to have the beautiful Dr slide down my chimmeny!!!
12 · 19 · 16 @ 3:40 pm
There are moments in life meant to be lived vicariously. In this case, we have none other than Smokey aka Elvis, coming on to the big stage and giving his all to the lovely ladies and fabulous gents of Bonoboville. I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for Elvis impersonators, and that spot only got bigger as I watched Smokey have the time of his life. The show also sported the polyamorous Daniele Watts and Chef Be-Live and they always make for a fun pairing. Chef-Be brought a special magic to the show as he transformed into the Solstice Fairy complete with a hilarious see through tutu while Daniele was in roller skates. Mistress Raven Rae didn’t disappoint as she sauntered onstage in a sexy skirt with slaveboy accessory. Gypsy was the hottest little Santa’s helper ever and last but not least Jacquie Blue rounded out the cast and added extra holiday cheer to the show with her not one but TWO TEA nominations.
The show was a sing-along and clap-along good time as we watched a reincarnated Elvis give his all for a sexy cast and gracious bonoboville audience. Another good time… Another great show… Can’t wait for next week!
12 · 19 · 16 @ 3:39 pm
Such a marvelous and fun show!!!!!! Solstice is always one of my top Holidays and this one was “OFF THE CHAIN”!!!!!
12 · 19 · 16 @ 2:15 pm
This is the Winter Solstice special that could only happen in Bonoboville. Dr. Suzy looks quite resplendent, her guests fashionable, and her show HOT! This is a wonderful place to openly talk about peace, pleasure and revolution; I am delighted to be a part of this radical community that you and Capt’n’ Max have co-created. All around, the fun and wisdom shared during the show and behind the scenes, as well as the all around inclusivity of Bonoboville itself are divinely pleasurable. Happy Solstice one and all.
#GoBonobos for Feet.
Del Rey