Tamera in Bonoboville on Supermoon Eve
Length 1:32:31 Date: September 26, 2015
It’s Supermoon Eve in Bonoboville, just before the total lunar eclipse, when we welcome a different kind of luminosity into the Womb Room, a human beacon of light illuminating peace through pleasure on Earth.
Two visionary leaders of the “healing biotope,” TAMERA, an extraordinary human community, grace my broadcast bed, sharing their narratives and their wisdom—bright and globular as this first Fall full moon—and even partaking in a lusty round of Bonoboville Communion. Now that’s communal ecstasy with a twist of ecosexuality and a powerful moonshine chaser.
Forged in the fire of anti-war fervor and the sexual revolution, the “village” of Tamera was conceived in Germany in 1978 and founded in southern Portugal in 1995 on principles of peace, trust, ecology and “free love.” Today 170 people live, love and work in Tamera, connected with its growing international network and base stations in Israel-Palestine, Colombia, Brazil, Kenya and other countries, each an interconnected part of Terra Nova, the global platform for their mission of peace.
Sabine Lichtenfels, “global peace ambassador” and one of the original founders of Tamera, is our first guest. Back in ‘78, when Sabine was a young divorced mother with a vision of community, she met, joined forces and fell in love with eminent psychoanalyst, art historian, prolific author and one of the leading figures in the 1968 German student movement, Dr. Dieter Duhm (along with their common friend, Charly Rainer Ehrenpreis). That love gave birth to Tamera and Terra Nova, a village and a movement.
Talking about Ecosexuality with Tamera & Terra Nova leaders Sabine Lichtenfels & Benjamin von Mendelssohn. Photo: RingoShotYou
Accompanying Sabine is “next-generation” Tamera and Terra Nova leader, Benjamin von Mendelssohn. Trained as a healer and dancer, Benjamin is a member of the remarkable Mendelssohn family, descendants of the famed 18th century “Enlightenment” German Jewish philosopher, Moses Mendelssohn, and his grandson, the composer Felix Mendelssohn, as well as Joseph and Abraham Mendelssohn who, during the late 18th-20th centuries, ran one of the preeminent banking houses in Europe. Continuing the family legacy in his own revolutionary way, Benjamin is director of the Grace Foundation for Humanizing Money, among other positions within the Tamera community.
Sabine and Benjamin visit Bonoboville while on a “Walking Water” pilgrimage that started in the Owens Valley (one source of LA’s water) and took them by foot (!) all the way to LA, as they studied the landscape and met with indigenous people concerning their project, “Restoring Water and Healing Love as Keys for a New Culture.” According to Tamera, “What water is to nature, love is to humanity.” It’s true. When it comes to real estate, it’s location, location, location. In life, love, and good sex, its lubrication, lubrication, lubrication.
It’s such a pleasure to have these two angels of free love with German accents join us in our little Bonoboville in West LA while on their mission of love and liquidity around the world. Even my Snake Eve comes out of her shed to welcome them slithering right between Sabine’s legs! No problem there; Tamera is not just a healing biotope for humans, but for building and nurturing love and empathy between us and our non-human animal cousins. Amen and Awomen to that.
This visit is thanks to the international bonoboësque matchmaking skills of Dr. SerenaGaia Anderlini D’Onofrio, co-editor of Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love, the sumptuous new collection of essays to which I was honored to write the foreword. Both Tamera co-founders have essays in Ecosexuality, Sabine’s on “Lilith’s Words: I Love Being a Woman” and Dieter’s, “Sexpeace and Greenpeace: Peace between the Sexes and Peace with Nature.” SerenaGaia is traveling right now, but we’re happy to have Ecosexuality co-editor Lindsay Hagamen call in from her own “Bonoboville,” the ecosexual community of Windward in the woods of Oregon. When Lindsay arrived there seven years ago, one of the first books the other residents recommended she read was The Sacred Matrix: From the Matrix of Violence to the Matrix of Life by Dr. Dieter Duhm.
Duhm’s approach to sustainability “from the inside out” resonates strongly with Lindsay, as it does with so many of the new ecosexuals. For us, Tamera is like a petri dish that shows that the principles of the Bonobo Way can work quite well within a fairly large human population of agreeable individuals, if the conditions are right. The experiment isn’t over, but that’s no reason not to take the good news to the next global level. Paradigm change is in the air.
One big shift in the way we humans think of ourselves is that we’re now turning from the old “killer ape” paradigm of institutionalized murder and male dominance to the new “Bonobo Way” of peace through pleasure and female empowerment. At the start of 2015, Dr. SerenaGaia joined me in declaring this the Year of the Bonobo, and throughout these months, we and many others are gathering in solidarity with the ecosexuality movement and the bonobos. Love is in the air. Even the Pope appears to be going bonobos, encouraging America’s leaders to share and respect our environment, not to mention the simple, sometimes inconvenient fact that he too is an American, a native of that area south of our so-called border: South America.
Speaking of spirituality, Sabine’s vivid dreams of Lilith, Eros and other archetypes give her courage and guidance. The name “Tamera” itself, said to mean “Original Source,” came to her in a dream. She calls it an “acupuncture point of peace” for healing the civilized world of its greed and destruction, military murder and corporate mayhem. And she doesn’t just talk about it; she walks the talk, traveling to some of the worst, war-ravaged, poverty-stricken, drought-ridden places. Her mission and passion are one and the same, to share her love with the world.
Thus it should come as no surprise to those of you who have been following our Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Outreach Project (initiated so auspiciously on the August Supermoon), that Sabine is the new recipient of this very special award, made possible by a Bonobo Way reader, philanthropist, environmentalist and investor in female empowerment who shall remain anonymous, at least for now. It’s truly a pleasure to give the telltale envelope to this Mother Teresa of Free Love, to see the surprised pleasure light up her eyes like the Supermoon as she opens it, and I’m sure we will be giving and sharing more and more.
Our discussion expands to include Wiznu Labs director Michael Wisnieux (who just did a show with the awesome artwork of Abby Martin) inquiring into the complex financing of a healing biotope, Joseph the Bitcoin King and alpaca farmer who asks about Tamera’s use of morphogenetic fields, and Institute therapist Chelsea Demoiselle, also in the Oregon woods (what’s with all these bonobo sapiens in Oregon?) who just calls in to share the good vibes with all.
Topics of discussion range from eros as the “core of divine power” to healing violent crisis areas, from turning jealousy to compersion to water retention landscaping, and then things get a little heated when we enter the realm of trust, one of the keys to Tamera’s biotope. Of course, trust is essential for any long-term relationship between humans, especially where sex is involved. But arousal and excitement thrive on novelty and mystery. As a sex therapist in private practice, I see all too often how “trust kills lust” in many marriages and other relationships that slide from the thrill of those first lust-filled years down the sinkhole of monogamous monotony or branch off into cheating and deception. I’m inspired by Tamera’s heady mix of trust and lust, closeness and openness, within a potent bonoboësque cocktail of community, truly a “greenhouse of peace.” The way Tamera residents challenge human civilization’s “prison of privacy” with the healing power of communal ecstasy is also impressively bonoboësque.
Birthday Girl moons the Supermoon & gets a Bonobo Way book-spanking… + a shot of Agwa Coca Leaf Liqueur! Photo: RingoShotYou
Of course, we have our own ways of doing that here in our own little biotope, one of which we call Bonoboville Communion. Interestingly, the root of “communion” is the same as “community,” “communicate,” “common” and “commune”—not to mention communism!—from the old Middle French comuner which means “to share.” First up to show how we share Bonoboville Communion to our visiting global peace ambassadors are the lovely and generous Dayton Rains—now a webcam and phone therapist with the Institute! —and the talented artist Helane (celebrating her birthday tonight!) who did the fabulous bonobo drawing for Bonobo Way, and is now creating a series of bonobo cartoons that will soon become something spectacular. Both are recipients of the Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Outreach Project, and they are certainly erotically empowered on this pre-Supermoon night as they doff their tops to “free the nipple,” lick the salt and down the herbal Agwa de Bolivia Coca Leaf Liqueur, each as beautiful as Aphrodite in her own way.
Our guests become intrigued as I lick the lusty salt of Communion from the succulent nips of DrSuzy.Tv show producer Biz Bonobo, a.k.a. Elizabeth Aston, decked in ecosexual Agwa leaves. Whereupon Sabine graciously and teasingly pulls up her skirt and offers her bared knee. I immediately kneel before her, looking up into her soulful eyes as I lick the sacramental salt from her thigh just above her knee. Now getting the idea, Sabine takes her Communion from Dayton’s delectable neck, and Benjamin gallantly licks up sloppy seconds, whereupon the Womb Room erupts in applause, gasps of glee and sighs of empathetic pleasure. Communal ecstasies all around.
Tamera in Bonoboville: Biz, Helane, Benjamin von Mendelssohn, Dr. Susan Block with Ecosexuality & The Bonobo Way, Sabine Lichtenfels with Dieter Duhm’s Terra Nova, Global Revolution & the Healing of Love, Dayton Rains, Michael Wisnieux. Row 2: Joseph. Photo: L’Erotique
As the live broadcast ends, the after-party begins, and we go out to bathe in the beams of the Supermoon. Birthday Girl Helane moons the moon, and Biz and I put her over our knees for a birthday book-spanking with The Bonobo Way and Dr. Dieter Duhm’s new (hardback!) book Terra Nova, Global Revolution & the Healing of Love. As Capt’n Max and I retire to mix almost 30 years of trust with a little stranger-stimulated lust, the villagers of Bonoboville howl at the Harvest Moon, and Sabine and Benjamin continue their pilgrimage into Ojai and beyond. May all the Gods and Goddesses bless them on their mission of peace through pleasure and community.
© September 27, 2015. Susan Block, Ph.D., a.k.a. “Dr. Suzy,” is a world renowned LA sex therapist, author of The Bonobo Way: The Evolution of Peace through Pleasure and horny housewife, occasionally seen on HBO and other channels. For speaking engagements, call 310-568-0066.
Explore DrSusanBlock.com
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10 · 8 · 15 @ 1:44 am
I’m a huge fan!!!!
10 · 1 · 15 @ 1:05 am
So free and open. It’s sexual and interesting. Yet informative. I loved the snake, by the way. It was cool. I liked how you composed yourself. Very much an alpha female, like me.
09 · 30 · 15 @ 3:05 pm
Just want to say I am so excited about your work here–as a writer, a sociologist, an animal lover, and a feminist.
09 · 30 · 15 @ 3:03 pm
This was an incredibly powerful experience, celebrating a rare and mystical Supermoon with our beautiful friends gracing us with their presence from a healing community across the globe. It was our absolute pleasure to welcome Sabine and Benjamin, to hear about their evolved approach on life, love, and war, and how they intertwine.
A full moon is a time to cultivate, to manifest, to start anew. Learning about Terra Nova and Tamera at such a time is a rare cosmic gift. Their presence was our present, and it will usher us into a new era, if we open our eyes, transform our thoughts, and create new intentions.
Sharing the stage with these phenomenal guests was highlighted by our own bonobos, familiar and new. Welcome Dayton! Happy Birthday, Helane! And EVE <3 : it's great to have you back.
Dr SerenaGaia, thank you for bringing us all together. You touch so many lives from wherever you are. We look forward to building ecosexual communities everywhere.
Spread the LOVE – It's FREE!!!
09 · 30 · 15 @ 11:18 am
Excellent work
09 · 30 · 15 @ 10:51 am
Wow, this really makes me extremely ecstatic!
09 · 30 · 15 @ 1:52 am
09 · 30 · 15 @ 1:24 am
Thank you, Cap’n Max — For decades of diligence, and for giving me the opportunity to grok the Speakeasy Mission. This past Saturday was quite a turning-point in my lil’ life… I hope that we can henceforth support the journeys of those brave & worthy souls to whom we are connected.
09 · 29 · 15 @ 12:56 pm
Fantastic show. The Bonobo Way is awesome!
09 · 29 · 15 @ 12:49 pm
The Block show is a wonderful program and it is a staple in the sex positive community.
09 · 29 · 15 @ 2:18 am
I couldn’t get enough of these friends of the Earth, their star is rising indeed. Plus book-spankings and moon-gazings
09 · 29 · 15 @ 1:56 am
You are an amazing woman!
09 · 28 · 15 @ 11:34 pm
I feel sometimes like I live in a desert. A world in which so many seem to not care, to not strive in heroic ways to love and better this place … to speak out loud of the water and the walk and now here are these two representatives of a new earth! I want to invite them to my Bonoboville.com group “new world flag …” if they would !!!
As I read your blog I had silent tears of joy. I couldn’t be happier to be in a Bonoboville which is branching out to connect with miraculous communities such as Tamera … Seeing Sabine and Benjamin on the show really was different from any other guests I’ve seen on the show.
I’m now very keen to visit Windward also, after reading the description and having more contact on social media with Lindsay Hagamen.
I felt the entire demeanor of the show shifted … their unique combo of innocence, power and sensuality was quite striking… loved how Snake Eve loved Sabine!
Although I was watching live on the web, I’ve been in person to enough shows to have a feel for the studio and temperature of emotions…. I felt a lot of sacredness and openness.
Reading your blog, Dr Suzy, I really didn’t expect to begin crying those tears of Love for Bonoboville and deep gratitude for all I could begin to discover about Terra Nova such as their Field Building and other quantum healing practices. Their walking from a water source to LA and stopping along the way to be with indigenous inhabitants? That is so beautiful and unique in the world today!!! I’m so happy to have found out about them and excited to read their books…
To hear you vow that you and Max will visit Portugal to their community one day was very inspiring. Me too!
Anyway, in a whole different way this kind of matches how I felt about Layla Sin the Penthouse Pet of the Year and her exquisite beauty and eloquence as she read from Cleis Press’s Penthouse Variations on Oral… for completely different reasons but all the same intensity!
Happiest of birthdays to Helane! Dayton Rains super sexy as always!
The photography this week is extra special … very very nice out on the terraces but in studio as well… love the creativity!!!
Lastly, just to reiterate about Sabine Lichtenfels & Benjamin von Mendelssohn, some For Real Folks with Street Cred of the longtime community, now in Portugal… Prosex and love in community with Field Building being a fascinating and completely cutting edge quantum practice from what I’m learning of it … Definitely have already ordered “Terra Nova, Global Revolution & the Healing of Love” and will specially look up their essays in “Ecosexuality: When Nature Inspires the Arts of Love”… Hugs to Dr SerenaGaia Anderlini for as you say, the match-making!
Love and Bonobo Light,
09 · 28 · 15 @ 6:32 am
Thanks again for the beautiful way you guided us and supported us in the show! Send you greetings also fro Ben, with love Sabine
09 · 27 · 15 @ 8:23 pm
This was an uplifting show, with an abundance of information that left me feeling rather hopeful. I was fortunate enough to be able to attend Sabine and Benjamin’s lecture and presentation on water, earlier this week and the work they are doing at Tamera is indeed revolutionary. From their solutions to water management, to the cultivation of an entire village, this is the real deal. And is a true, “Ecolutionary” movement– hat tip to Los Angeles gardener Ron Finley. Both Sabine and Benjamin, brought a wonderful energy to the womb room, and it was great to hear from Lindsey Hagaman again.
Also a great big happy birthday to Helane, an amazing artist, and the latest addition to the Bonobo Way Female Empowerment Program. Oh joy! Oh joy! Oh what a joy it was to have her in the Womb Room again. especially for a bday celebration. A special toast to this amazing artist and empowered woman.
Speaking of female empowerment, a special thanks to our producer Biz, and a tip of the hat to the institute’s newest webcam therapist, Dayton Rains. Chelsea, it was great to hear from you I can understand why you’re such a frequently called therapist, you have an amazing voice, and even though you weren’t in Bonoboville for the show, you were still part of the village.
So much going on here in Bonoboville, and with this changing of seasons, we continue to push forward, sharing the message of peace through pleasure, and The Bonobo Way.
One last thought, it is great to see how this village of artisans, exhibitionists, Lovers and sinners congregates; Ikkor the Wolf, Michael Wiznu, welcome back to bonoboville! See ya soon.
09 · 27 · 15 @ 9:43 am
Dr. Suzy, Chelsea, and the gang at Dr. Susan Block Institute,
WHAT A AMAZING show last night that I just listen to, It was so awesome and so hot too! I am so so grateful for your full dynamic support against Bullying and Bullycide, we need to stand up for love and compassion and more importantly sex, love and passion and more :) !!! I want to thank you so so much for all your support. I will join your movement and more.